This is a Javascript library for modeling origami.
This library assists in encoding, modifying, and rendering origami models. Origami models are encoded in FOLD format, which is a mesh based data structure. Rabbit Ear contains methods for modifying FOLD graphs, a math library, an SVG and WebGL rendering library, and various methods for making origami-related calculations.
Rabbit Ear source code is distributed as an ES6 module as well (as individual files), as well as a single UMD/CommonJS bundle file. These URLs link to the bundled files:
for node.js require() and <script>
for ES 2015 import/export and <script type="module">
The package on npm contains both UMD and ES6-module formats.
npm install rabbit-ear
The docs contain technical references for coding with this library.
FOLD validator/viewer validate and visualize a FOLD file, the mesh file format used by this library.