- Fixed compiling with gcc 13
- Adding a few functions for working with rotations in angle axis format
- Fixed computing mean and stddev in imgcmd tool
- Added implementation of semaphore class with native windows functions
- Fixed building with FLTK under Windows
- Fixed compiling with SSE2 support under Windows
- Added build job for Jammy on armhf
- Added desktop files and icons for sv and plyv under Linux to make graphically opening images and 3D data with this tools more easiy
- Showing error about missing parameters for sv and plyv in a Window under Linux
- Make merging duplicate vertices during loading STL files faster and optional
- Added camera pose in comment line of STL files
- Added support to read and write STL files and to change scaling of point clouds with plycmd
- Added function to compute mutual information
- Added Gabor filter to imgcmd for testing
- Fixed computing mean difference in cmp() function
- Added computing standard deviation in imgcmd parameter -print
- Removed build jobs for bionic and added jobs for jammy
- Fixed loading and viewing ply files with polygons with more than three vertices
- Added some convenience methods to Mesh class to set normals and triangles
- Added function to extract contours
- Added build script for Windows
- Added support for libtiff
- Fixed cmake files for packages that use cvkit as dependencies
- Refactoring of project building under Linux
- Fixed some compiler errors and warnings under Windows
- Fixed disabling fullscreen in plyv when compiled with FLTK
- Added possibility to compile plyv with FLTK instead of GLUT
- Restructuring gvr for reducing dependency on glut
- Minor code simplification
- Added build jobs for Jammy
- Added tool for converting property files to octave
- Permit colors of ply files to be called r, g and b
- Added storing meta data to hdr class
- Added setting background color, size and fov of virtual camera and applying keys to plyv
- In GL window, removed toggling texture when clicking in lower, right corner
- In GL window, toggling texture when clicking in lower, right corner additionally to 't' key
- Added method to set background color for GL windows
- Added some helper methods to Polygon class
- Added cmake options to not use a dependency, even if it is available
- Added some convenience methods to gutil::Properties class
- Added hdr image fusion
- Added some options for image manipulation to imgcmd
- Add armhf focal build for CI and removed unnecessary jobs
- Added functions to draw an ellipse
- Fixed compilation issues with GLUT on linux
- Fixed not checking last row and column when adapting to intensity in sv
- Fixed loading images with colon in file name
- Fixed compiling with GLEW on Mac
- Fixed some Windows compile issues
- Fixed rounding error when downscaling floating point images
- Removed building for trusty and xenial on the CI
- Fixed rounding of color to intensity conversion
- Fixed some compile warnings and minor bugs
- Return 0 pointer in Distortion::create() if properties do not contain distortion
- Fixed treatment of pixel center option in camera definition
- Added some functions for dealing with quaternions
- Added optional disparity image parameters disp.scale, disp.offset and disp.inv
- Clean way to exit plyv using glutLeaveMainLoop instead of exit
- Added printing of mean intensity value in imgcmd
- Fix for Apples pthread implementation that does not know barriers
- Added parameter -recirpocal to imgcmd
- Fixing compiler warnings of gcc 9.3.0
- Loading corresponding param.txt and hdr file as image properties in ImageIO::loadProperties() method
- Building in gitlab without GDAL for arm bionic
- Fixed rounding when downscaling while loading images in PNG format
- Fixed building on gitlab
- Minimum requirement of GDAL is >= 2.0.0
- Loading downscaled images via GDAL using averaging instead of nearest neighbor as for the other formats too
- Making inverse distance weighted interpolation thread safe
- Added building for focal in gitlab file
- Added clip function in imgcmd
- Minimum requirement is now C++11
- Added class for creating thread barriers
- Added method for saving properties to ostream.
- Changed some methods of IDW class to const
- Added class for inverse distance weighted interpolation in a regular grid
- Fixed downscaling of float images with invalid values
- Added method to specify maximum value for visualizing a histogram
- new method for loading properties from std::istream
- use snprintf instead of printf for writing ply ASCII files
- Changed exception in Image template to standard runtime exception
- Fixed some compiler warnings
- Install header noise.h too
- New function for adding Gaussian noise to an image (available in imgcmd)
- Fixed potential problem with font height under Windows
- For text in Windows, use fixed font with black background as under Linux
- Low rating for file name containing 'right' for searching texture images in plyv and plycmd tool
- Added functions for converting pose to 4x4 transformation matrix and inverting transformation matrices
- Added method for specifying precision when adding values to a Property object
- Implement move constructor and move assignment operator for Image
- Fixes for compiling with Visual Studio
- Minor cmake changes
- Extended plane estimation class
- In plyv, fixed loading texture of Middlebury datasets
- Link bgui and gvr explicitely against libpng for resolving the png_get_copyright call when building on Mac
- Some minor fixes for building on Windows
- Fixed selecting negative values with 'b' or 'w' in sv tool
- Added possibility in imgcmd to paste images into different color channel
- Improved message queues
- Compile static libraries as relocatable
- Ignore outliers when computing extend of reconstructed scene for plyv
- Added rational and thin prism lens distortion models
- Added methods to remove properties related to camera distortion parameters
- In plyv, fixed size of camera if only one parameter file is loaded as camera
- plyv can now correctly map lower resolution texture to highe resolution depth image
- change README, etc. to markdown files
- Removed some asserts that are not necessary any more
- Added optional parameter for maximum disparity step for reconstruction of disparity images in plyv
- Added possibility to wrap existing image data with gimage::Image object
- Minor fixes for compiling with Visual Studio under Windows
- Added method for getting the replaced element from MsgQueueReplace::push()
- Added possibility to set info line and text from sub-class of GLWorld
- Added wrapper functions for redisplaying GL window and registration of GL timer function
- Minor fixes
- CI changes for building on Ubuntu 18.04
- Fixed loading texture image in plyv explicitly via 'i=' option
- Fixed wrong scaling of texture in some cases when plyv is called from sv via 'p' key
- Added heuristic for finding the correct texture image that corresponds to the disparity image
- Disabled syncFileByName() function under MinGW since fsync is not available
- Ensure that threads are joined in between if create is called more than once
- Fixed message queue
- Fixed missing reference in EstimatedPlane::getNormal() method
- Added missing delete in c++11 implementation of thread wrapper class
- Improved redrawing in bgui::BaseWindow::showBuffer() to avoid flickering of info text when changing image content
- Added function gutil::syncFileByName() for synchronizing files to their storage device
- plyv does not prefer color images over monochrome images for texture any more
- plyv now accepts texture images that are by an integer factor bigger than the corresponding disparity images
- Fixed gmath::recoverEuler() that failed for some rotation matrices
- Fixed some compile problems with MinGW64 and Visual Studio under Windows
- Fixed possible memory leakage in View::setCamera()
- Added drawing of polygons
- Fixed copy operator of PinholeCamera class
- Permit '/' for searching files under Windows
- Changed cmake so that dlls under windows are installed in bin instead of lib
- Fixed bug regarding reading of tiled images
- Changes and instructions for compilation under Visual Studio 2015
- Fixing some compile problems using MSYS2 / MinGW64 under Windows
- Changed ProcTime to measure relative time differences using the monotonic clock
- Fixed some minor issues that came up by cppcheck
- New helper class for computing a plane from sample points
- New helper function for skipping known std::strings in input streams
- Extended gimage::getNewImageName() so that it uses a given suffix
- Removed using declarations to avoid confusion
- Reformating all files
- Added helper class MsgQueue for inter-thread communication
- Added method to initialize all pixels of an image to a given value
- Changed cmake file for adding debian package number before distro codename
- Fixed several bugs when loading tiled images
- Added method for checking if an image contains valid pixels
- Speeded up image cropping function
- Added parameters for selecting the step width in minpack wrapper slmdif()
- Added functions for converting between errors and covariances
- Fixed bug when loading pinhole camera definition by id
- Added bicubic interpolation for accessing values in between pixels
- Improved speed for copying images
- gutil::Thread::getProcessingUnits() now returns number of configured instead of available CPUs
- Changed thread interface for more flexibility
- Fixed wrong index in gmath::getPose() from quaternion
- Added compare operator and getValue() method to gutil::Properties class
- Added possibility to specify intensity range in imageToJET() function
- Added function for fast rotating an image by 180 degrees
- Improved speed of downscaleImage() function
- Added functions for drawing arrows into gimage/paint.h
- Added explicit distortion models to gmath/camera
- Compiles as C++11 by default
- Some changes in cmake files
- Reduced requirement for OpenGL from 3.0 to 2.1 (i.e. GLSL 1.3 to 1.2). This permits successful compilation on Mac.
- The code for watching file changes via inotify has been made optional so that cvkit also compiles on systems that do support it, e.g. Mac.
- rainbow color mapping in sv is adapted to min/max intensity range, but will always be a power of 10.
- sv now has the additional parameter -scale for setting the initial image scale factor.
- imgcmd now has parameter -jet for converting disparity images into colored versions for visualization.
- Captured images in sv are now stored without a possible black border.
- Fixed bug when storing pgm, ppm or pfm under Windows.
- Some minor bugfixes.
- cmake config files will be installed together with libs for further development.
- Removed "using namespace" declarations
- Minor changes and bugfixes
- Bugfix for 0.5 pixel shift error.
- If GDAL is compiled in, then the EXIF_Orientation tag that is given in jpeg images is used for automatic image rotation and flipping.
- 'f' flips the image horizontally.
- 'd' renames the current image by adding ".bak" and removes it from the list.
- 't' shows smoothed images that are computed by trilinear interpolation.
- Some internal changes.
- Internal cleanup.
- sv can now show individual color channels (see help).
- Header files and libs can optionally be installed for further development.
- Bugfix: Starting sv with a single image that does not exist caused showing all other images in that directory. An error is shown now.
- Internal cleanup.
- Minor bug fixes.
- 's' toggles between shading in grey and special colors. Each object gets an individual color, which helps comparing data sets.
- 'b' toggles backface culling on (default) and off.
- toggle between color schemes.
- In the Middlebury naming convention, calib.txt is loaded automatically as camera definition file. If calib.txt is not specified explicitely, then the cameras are hidden by default and shown by pressing 'k'.
- Reduced requirement for OpenGL from 3.3 to 3.0 (i.e. GLSL 3.3 to 1.3).
- Some bugs fixed.
- Reduced requirement for cmake from 2.8.10 to 2.8.9.
- Documentation improved.
- Some bugs fixed.
- Reduced requirement for cmake from 2.8.12 to 2.8.10.
- Added -sub and -div options to imgcmd.
- Added an installer for Windows.
- Optional support for reading and writing png in 8 and 16 bit using libpng.
- Makes sure that normals have length 1 when reading PLY files.
- Some bugs fixed.
- Documentation updated.
- plyview has been renamed to plyv to avoid conflicts with other software
- Support for Middlebury naming convention and calib file format for on the fly 3d visualization of ground truth datasets.
- If *.txt files are given, these files are loaded as parameters of cameras, that are visualized using pyramids.
- Captured images are now saved lossless in PNG format if libpng is compiled in. Otherwise, if GDAL is available, tif is used. As fallback, saving as ppm is used.
- If only one image is given as argument, then additionally to showing this image, all other images of the same directory can be selected by the left and right cursor keys.
- Showing the image name including path (if given) in the window title.
- Increased speed of zooming and panning using OpenMP.
- Captured images are saved as PNG by default, as in plyv (see above).
- First public release.