diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e909a2e..d68cfdb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@

YARP telemetry

@@ -9,6 +10,22 @@ YARP telemetry
This is the telemetry component for YARP.
+## Table of contents
+- [Installation](#installation)
+ * [Dependencies](#dependencies)
+ * [Linux/macOS](#linux-macos)
+ * [Windows](#windows)
+- [libYARP_telemetry](#libyarp-telemetry)
+ * [Example scalar variable](#example-scalar-variable)
+ * [Example vector variable](#example-vector-variable)
+ * [Example matrix variable](#example-matrix-variable)
+ * [Example configuration file](#example-configuration-file)
+- [TelemetryDeviceDumper](#telemetrydevicedumper)
+ * [Parameters](#parameters)
+ * [Example of xml](#example-of-xml)
+- [Contributing](#contributing)
+- [License](#license)
## Installation
### Dependencies
@@ -46,7 +63,7 @@ cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release
In order to allow CMake finding yarp-telemetry, you have to specify the path where you installed in the `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` or exporting the `YARP_telemetry_DIR` env variable pointing to the same path.
-## Usage
+## libYARP_telemetry
In order to use this library in your own appliction add this lines in your `CMakeLists.txt`
find_package(YARP COMPONENTS telemetry)
@@ -240,6 +257,77 @@ The configuration can be saved **to a json file**
+## TelemetryDeviceDumper
+The `telemetryDeviceDumper` is a [yarp device](http://yarp.it/git-master/note_devices.html) that has to be launched through the [`yarprobotointerface`](http://yarp.it/git-master/yarprobotinterface.html) for dumping quantities from your robot(e.g. encoders, velocities etc.) in base of what specified in the configuration.
+### Parameters
+| Parameter name | Type | Units | Default | Required | Description |
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| `axesNames` | List of strings | - | - | Yes | The axes contained in the axesNames parameter are then mapped to the wrapped controlboard in the attachAll method, using controlBoardRemapper class. |
+| `logJointVelocity` | bool | - | false | No | Enable the log of joint velocities. |
+| `logJointAcceleration` | bool | - | false | No | Enable the log of joint accelerations. |
+| `saveBufferManagerConfiguration` | bool | - | false | No | Enable the save of the configuration of the BufferManager into `path`+ `"bufferConfig"` + `experimentName` + `".json"` |
+| `json_file` | string | - | - | No | Configure the `yarp::telemetry::BufferManager`s reading from a json file like [in Example configuration file](#example-configuration-file). Note that this configuration will overwrite the parameter-by-parameter configuration |
+| `experimentName` | string | - | - | Yes | Prefix of the files that will be saved. The files will be named: `experimentName`+`timestamp`+ `".mat"`. |
+| `path` | string | - | - | No | Path of the folder where the data will be saved. |
+| `n_samples` | size_t | - | - | Yes | The max number of samples contained in the circular buffer/s |
+| `save_periodically` | bool | - | false | No(but it has to be set to true if `auto_save` is set to false) | The flag for enabling the periodic save thread. |
+| `save_period` | double | seconds | - | Yes(if `save_periodically` is set to true) | The period in seconds of the save thread |
+| `data_threshold` | size_t | - | 0 | No | The save thread saves to a file if there are at least `data_threshold` samples |
+| `auto_save` | bool | - | false | No(but it has to be set to true if `save_periodically` is set to false) | the flag for enabling the save in the destructor of the `yarp::telemetry::BufferManager` |
+### Example of xml
+Example of xml file for using it on the `iCub` robot:
+ (torso_pitch,torso_roll,torso_yaw,neck_pitch, neck_roll,neck_yaw,l_shoulder_pitch,l_shoulder_roll,l_shoulder_yaw,l_elbow,l_wrist_prosup,l_wrist_pitch,l_wrist_yaw,r_shoulder_pitch,r_shoulder_roll,r_shoulder_yaw,r_elbow,r_wrist_prosup,r_wrist_pitch,r_wrist_yaw,l_hip_pitch,l_hip_roll,l_hip_yaw,l_knee,l_ankle_pitch,l_ankle_roll,r_hip_pitch,r_hip_roll,r_hip_yaw,r_knee,r_ankle_pitch,r_ankle_roll)
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ test_telemetry
+ /home/icub/test_telemetry/
+ 100000
+ true
+ 120
+ 300
+ true
+ left_leg-eb7-j4_5-mc
+ right_leg-eb9-j4_5-mc
+ left_leg-eb6-j0_3-mc
+ right_leg-eb8-j0_3-mc
+ torso-eb5-j0_2-mc
+ right_arm-eb27-j4_7-mc
+ left_arm-eb24-j4_7-mc
+ right_arm-eb3-j0_3-mc
+ left_arm-eb1-j0_3-mc
+ head-eb20-j0_1-mc
+ head-eb21-j2_5-mc
## Contributing
diff --git a/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.cpp b/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.cpp
index 8916c8e..5d06653 100644
--- a/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.cpp
+++ b/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.cpp
@@ -87,14 +87,74 @@ bool TelemetryDeviceDumper::loadSettingsFromConfig(yarp::os::Searchable& config)
settings.useRadians = prop.find(useRadians.c_str()).asBool();
- std::string experimentName = "experimentName";
- if (prop.check(experimentName.c_str()) && prop.find(experimentName.c_str()).isString()) {
- settings.experimentName = prop.find(experimentName.c_str()).asString();
+ std::string saveBufferManagerConfiguration = "saveBufferManagerConfiguration";
+ if (prop.check(saveBufferManagerConfiguration.c_str())) {
+ settings.saveBufferManagerConfiguration = prop.find(saveBufferManagerConfiguration.c_str()).asBool();
- std::string path = "path";
- if (prop.check(path.c_str()) && prop.find(path.c_str()).isString()) {
- settings.path = prop.find(path.c_str()).asString();
+ // BufferManager options
+ std::string json_file = "json_file";
+ if (prop.check(json_file.c_str()) && prop.find(json_file.c_str()).isString()) {
+ auto json_path = prop.find(json_file.c_str()).asString();
+ bool ok = bufferConfigFromJson(m_bufferConfig, json_path);
+ return ok;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::string experimentName = "experimentName";
+ if (prop.check(experimentName.c_str()) && prop.find(experimentName.c_str()).isString()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.filename = prop.find(experimentName.c_str()).asString();
+ }
+ else {
+ yError() << "TelemetryDeviceDumper: missing" << experimentName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string path = "path";
+ if (prop.check(path.c_str()) && prop.find(path.c_str()).isString()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.path = prop.find(path.c_str()).asString();
+ }
+ std::string n_samples = "n_samples";
+ if (prop.check(n_samples.c_str()) && prop.find(n_samples.c_str()).isInt32()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.n_samples = prop.find(n_samples.c_str()).asInt32();
+ }
+ else {
+ yError() << "TelemetryDeviceDumper: missing" << n_samples;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string save_periodically = "save_periodically";
+ if (prop.check(save_periodically.c_str()) && prop.find(save_periodically.c_str()).isBool()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.save_periodically = prop.find(save_periodically.c_str()).asBool();
+ }
+ if (m_bufferConfig.save_periodically) {
+ std::string save_period = "save_period";
+ if (prop.check(save_period.c_str()) && prop.find(save_period.c_str()).isFloat64()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.save_period = prop.find(save_period.c_str()).asFloat64();
+ }
+ else {
+ yError() << "TelemetryDeviceDumper: missing" << save_period;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string data_threshold = "data_threshold";
+ if (prop.check(data_threshold.c_str()) && prop.find(data_threshold.c_str()).isInt32()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.data_threshold = prop.find(data_threshold.c_str()).asInt32();
+ }
+ }
+ std::string auto_save = "auto_save";
+ if (prop.check(auto_save.c_str()) && prop.find(auto_save.c_str()).isBool()) {
+ m_bufferConfig.auto_save = prop.find(auto_save.c_str()).asBool();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(m_bufferConfig.auto_save || m_bufferConfig.save_periodically)) {
+ yError() << "TelemetryDeviceDumper: both auto_save and save_periodically are set to false, nothing will be saved.";
+ return false;
return true;
@@ -140,6 +200,10 @@ bool TelemetryDeviceDumper::openRemapperControlBoard(os::Searchable& config)
bool ok = getUsedDOFsList(config, jointNames);
if (!ok) return false;
+ // Add the joint names to the BufferManager
+ // Note that this will overwrite what is set from the configuration phase
+ m_bufferConfig.description_list = jointNames;
addVectorOfStringToProperty(propRemapper, "axesNames", jointNames);
ok = remappedControlBoard.open(propRemapper);
@@ -203,8 +267,6 @@ void TelemetryDeviceDumper::resizeBuffers(int size) {
bool TelemetryDeviceDumper::configBufferManager(yarp::os::Searchable& conf) {
- // This is the buffer manager configuration
- yarp::telemetry::BufferConfig bufferConfig;
bool ok{ true };
ok = ok && bufferManager.addChannel({ "encoders", {jointPos.size(), 1} });
if (ok && settings.logJointVelocity) {
@@ -215,19 +277,7 @@ bool TelemetryDeviceDumper::configBufferManager(yarp::os::Searchable& conf) {
ok = ok && bufferManager.addChannel({ "acceleration", {jointAcc.size(), 1} });
- // TODO: some settings from the ini are duplicated respect to the settings specified in the json file
- bufferConfig.filename = settings.experimentName;
- bufferConfig.path = settings.path;
- // TODO for now it is just hardcoded
- bufferConfig.n_samples = 100000;
- bufferConfig.save_period = 120.0;
- bufferConfig.data_threshold = 300;
- bufferConfig.save_periodically = true;
- bufferConfig.description_list = jointNames;
- ok = ok && bufferManager.configure(bufferConfig);
+ ok = ok && bufferManager.configure(m_bufferConfig);
return ok;
@@ -263,8 +313,13 @@ bool TelemetryDeviceDumper::close()
// Flush all the remaining data.
+ bool ok = true;
+ if (settings.saveBufferManagerConfiguration) {
+ auto buffConfToSave = bufferManager.getBufferConfig();
+ ok = bufferConfigToJson(buffConfToSave, buffConfToSave.path + "bufferConfig" + buffConfToSave.filename + ".json");
+ }
- return true;
+ return ok;
diff --git a/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.h b/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.h
index 4703537..761c3dc 100644
--- a/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.h
+++ b/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/TelemetryDeviceDumper.h
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ struct TelemetryDeviceDumperSettings {
bool logJointVelocity{ false };
bool logJointAcceleration{ false };
bool useRadians{ false };
- std::string experimentName{"telemetryDeviceDumper"};
- std::string path{ "" };
+ bool saveBufferManagerConfiguration{ false };
@@ -90,6 +89,7 @@ class TelemetryDeviceDumper : public yarp::dev::DeviceDriver,
std::vector jointPos, jointVel, jointAcc;
std::vector jointNames;
TelemetryDeviceDumperSettings settings;
+ yarp::telemetry::BufferConfig m_bufferConfig;
yarp::telemetry::BufferManager bufferManager;
diff --git a/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/app/telelmetryDeviceDumper.xml b/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/app/telelmetryDeviceDumper.xml
index 6155a01..6f17469 100644
--- a/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/app/telelmetryDeviceDumper.xml
+++ b/src/telemetryDeviceDumper/app/telelmetryDeviceDumper.xml
@@ -6,8 +6,14 @@
(torso_pitch,torso_roll,torso_yaw,neck_pitch, neck_roll,neck_yaw,l_shoulder_pitch,l_shoulder_roll,l_shoulder_yaw,l_elbow,l_wrist_prosup,l_wrist_pitch,l_wrist_yaw,r_shoulder_pitch,r_shoulder_roll,r_shoulder_yaw,r_elbow,r_wrist_prosup,r_wrist_pitch,r_wrist_yaw,l_hip_pitch,l_hip_roll,l_hip_yaw,l_knee,l_ankle_pitch,l_ankle_roll,r_hip_pitch,r_hip_roll,r_hip_yaw,r_knee,r_ankle_pitch,r_ankle_roll)
+ true
+ 100000
+ true
+ 120
+ 300
+ true