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Python Script to automatically generate all necessary components for booting an Embedded Linux on Intel (ALTERA) SoC-FPGAs to build the bootloader (u-boot) and bring all components to a bootable image

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This Python allows to build with the Intel Embedded Development Suite (SoC-EDS) the entire bootflow and generates a bootable image (.img) file to boot any Linux Distributions

This Python script was designed to automate the always identical build flow for Intel SoC-FPGAs to reduce the possible sources of error during design. It can use the information provided by the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA project to compile and configure the bootloader (u-boot) to boot up an Embedded Linux and to configure the FPGA Fabric with the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA project. During generation it is for the user enabled to select a compatible OpenEmbedded Yocto Project Linux Distribution or to copy a custom Linux Distribution to an image folder. The image folder contains for every partition of the final SD-Card image a sub-folder. Files copied into these folders will automatically be pre-installed to the depending partition on the bootable SD-Card image. To achieve this internally my LinuxBootImageFileGenerator is used to generate an image file. Beside the executing of the script as a console application it is also enabled to use the included Python class to implement it into a custom build system. I used it to automate the entire generation of my Embedded Linux rsyocto for Intel SoC-FPGAs.

It can run on any modern Linux operating system, such as CentOS or Ubuntu Linux with the pre-installed Intel SoC-EDS.


  • Automatically generate a bootable image file with configuration provided by a Quartus Prime project

  • Cloning and compiling of the u-boot bootloader for Intel SoC-FPGAs

  • Allows menuconfig of u-boot

  • Installs and uses the Linaro cross-platform toolchain

  • HPS Memory- and HPS I/O- configuration based on the Quartus Prime project settings

  • Allows to use a pre-built bootloader execuatable and default u-boot script

  • In case of the u-boot script is configured to load a FPGA configuration the depending FPGA configuration will be generated

  • Detects if a compatible Yocto Project Linux Distribution is available and can copy it to the partition

  • Allows to pre-install any files or operating systems to the SD-Card image

  • Boot image (.img) file generation for distributing Embedded Linux Distributions

  • Up to 4 freely configurable partitions

  • Configurable partition size in Byte,Kilobyte,Megabyte or Gigabyte

  • File structure for each partition will be generated and user files can be added

  • Partition file size check

  • Dynamic mode: Partition size = Size of the files to add to the partition

  • An offset can be added to a dynamic size (e.g. for user space on the running Linux)

  • Linux device tree (dts) -files inside a partition can be automatically compiled and replaced with the un-compiled file

  • An u-boot script with the name "boot.script" inside a partition can be automatically compiled and replaced with the un-compiled file

  • Compressed files (e.g. "tar.gz") containing for instance the Linux rootfs can be unzipped and automatically added to the partition

  • Image Sizes, Block Sizes, Start Sectors for every partition will be automatically generated for the depending configuration

  • The final image file can be compressed to a "zip-archive file to reduce the image size

  • Supported Filesystems

    • ext2
    • ext3
    • ext4
    • Linux
    • vfat
    • fat
    • swap
    • RAW
  • Supported archive file types, that can be unzipped automatically

    • .tar -Archives
    • .tar.gz -Archives
    • .zip -Archives
  • Tested Development Environments

    • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    • CentOS 7.7
    • CentOS 8.0
  • Supported Intel Embedded Development Suite (SoC-EDS) Versions

    • EDS 20.1 (Linux)
  • Supported Intel SoC-FPGAs

    • Intel Cyclone V
    • Intel Arria 10 SX

Getting started as a console application

For generating a bootable image for Intel SoC-FPGAs by executing a single Linux command please follow this step-by-step guide:

  • *Install Intel Quartus Prime (18.1 or later)
    • A step-by-step guide how to install Intel Quartus Prime on Linux is available here (NIOS II Soft-Core support is for this project not required)
  • Install the Intel Embedded Development Suite (SoC-EDS)
    • Download Intel SoC-EDS 20.1 Standard for Linux
    • Install Intel SoC-EDS by executing the following Linux console commands
      chmod +x && ./
  • Install the required packages
    • For Ubuntu Linux
     sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y bison flex libncurses-dev \
     git device-tree-compiler  u-boot-tools gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf libssl-dev
    • For CentOS Linux
     sudo yum -y install git dtc uboot-tools
     git device-tree-compiler  u-boot-tools
  • Navigate into your Intel Quartus Prime FPGA Project folder with the Linux console
    • The project configurations will then be used to build the bootable image
    • Note: The project compilation must be successfully done
  • Clone this repository with the following Linux console command
    git clone

The Quartus Project folder should now look like this:

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  • Navigate into the repository folder
    cd socfpgaPlatformGenerator
  • Start the Python script and follow the instructions
    • Note: The execution with root ("sudo") privileges is not allowed

Major activities of the script in console mode

  1. Generation of a XML configuration file

    The script will generate the XML-file "SocFPGABlueprint.xml" ('socfpgaPlatformGenerator/'). It defines the blueprint of the final image LinuxDistroBlueprint. The partition object characterizes a partition on the final image. A description of every attribute is available inside this file, as well. The default file is already suitable for Intel SoC-FPGAs.

    File Name Origin Description Disk Partition
    "rootfs.tar.gz" Copy from the Yocto Project or by hand compressed Linux root file system (rootfs) 2.: ext3
    "u-boot-with-spl.sfp" generated u-boot bootloader executable 3.: raw
    "uboot_cy5.scr" generated Secondary bootloader script 3.: vfat
    "zImage" Copy from the Yocto Project or by hand compressed Linux Kernel 1.: vfat
    "socfpga.dts" Copy from the Yocto Project or by hand Linux Device Tree 1.: vfat
    "socfpga.rbf" generated FPGA Configuration 1.: vfat

    The following lines show the XML file of a partition configuration for Intel SoC-FPGAs.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
    <!-- Linux Distribution Blueprint XML file -->
    <!-- Used by the Python script "" -->
    <!-- to create a custom Linux boot image file -->
    <!-- Description: -->
    <!-- item "partition" describes a partition on the final image file-->
    <!-- L "id"        => Partition number on the final image (1 is the lowest number) -->
    <!-- L "type"      => Filesystem type of partition  -->
    <!--   L       => ext[2-4], Linux, xfs, vfat, fat, none, raw, swap -->
    <!-- L "size"      => Partition size -->
    <!-- 	L	    => <no>: Byte, <no>K: Kilobyte, <no>M: Megabyte or <no>G: Gigabyte -->
    <!-- 	L	    => "*" dynamic file size => Size of the files2copy + offset  -->
    <!-- L "offset"    => in case a dynamic size is used the offset value is added to file size-->
    <!-- L "devicetree"=> compile the Linux Device (.dts) inside the partition if available (Top folder only)-->
    <!-- 	L 	    => Yes: Y or No: N -->
    <!-- L "unzip"     => Unzip a compressed file if available (Top folder only) -->
    <!-- 	L 	    => Yes: Y or No: N -->
    <!-- L "ubootscript"  => Compile the u-boot script file ("boot.script") -->
    <!-- 	L 	    => Yes, for the ARMv7A (32-bit) architecture ="arm" -->
    <!-- 	L 	    => Yes, for the ARMv8A (64-bit) architecture ="arm64" -->
    <!-- 	L 	    => No ="" -->
    <partition id="1" type="vfat" size="*" offset="1M" devicetree="Y" unzip="N" ubootscript="arm" />
    <partition id="2" type="ext3" size="*" offset="500M" devicetree="N" unzip="Y" ubootscript="" />
    <partition id="3" type="RAW" size="*" offset="20M"  devicetree="N" unzip="N" ubootscript="" />

    To change the available user space on the root file system change the offset value of the ext3 partition.

  2. Generation of a directory for each configured partition

    The script will generate for each selected partition a depending folder. At this point it is activated to drag&drop files and folders to the partition folder. This content will then be included in the final image file. Linux Device Tree- and archive-files, copied to the partition folder, will be automatically processed by the script in case these features were enabled for the partition inside the XML file. Of cause, archive files or un-compiled Linux Device Tree files will not be added to the final image.

    The following illustration the shows generated folder structure with the previous XML configuration file.

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  3. Generation of the u-boot bootloader for Intel SoC-FPGA devices

    The script will ask if the pre-built default bootloader should be used or the entire bootloader should be built. In case the entire bootloader should be generated the script will do the following tasks:

    • Download the Limaro cross-platform toolchain
    • Generate the Board Support Package (BSP) with the Intel SoC-EDS
    • Clone the (u-boot-socfpga) from Github
    • Run the Intel SoC-EDS filter script
    • Allow deeper u-boot configuration with menuconfig
    • Make the u-boot bootloader for the Intel SoC-FPGA device
    • The generated executable will be copied to the RAW partition folder in case the default bootloader should be used
      • A pre-built bootloader with a default configuration will be copied to the RAW partition folder
  4. Use the Yocto Project output files as Linux Distribution to boot

    At this stage the required bootloader based on the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA project is already generated. Now it is possible to insert files of an Embedded Linux to an image folder. The script will check in the first step if compatible Yocto Project Linux Distribution files are available.

    To achieve that the Python script will compare the folders inside the following directory "poky/build/tmp/deploy/images" with the name of the SoC-FPGA device specified inside the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA project.

    In case a compatible folder is available the script will ask if these files should be used as the Embedded Linux Distribution for booting. The Following message will appear:

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  5. Adding the files of an Embedded Linux Distribution by hand to the Image folder

    Instead of using the Yocto Project files it is possible to copy the files manually to the partition folder. The files of these partition folders will then be pre-installed on the SD-Card image. Un-compiled files, like the Linux Device Tree (".dts")- or u-boot script (".script") will automatically compiled by the script and only the compiled versions will then be copied to the final image. Compressed files (e.g. "tar.gz"), such as the compressed root file system (rootfs) (rootfs.tar.gz"), will be un-compressed as well. This feature can be enabled or disabled via the XML configuration file.
    The following illustration shows the folder structure of the partition folder ("socfpgaPlatformGenerator/Image_partitions") depending on the XML partition table configurations.

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    Files copied to a partition folder will then be pre-installed onto the depending partition. The following table shows the required file locations for Intel SoC-FPGAs:

    Partition Number File System Type Required Files Pre-installed by the script Note
    1 vfat Linux compressed Kernel file (zImage) No
    1 vfat Linux Device Tree File (.dts) No Will be compiled by the script
    1 vfat u-boot boot script (.script) Yes Will be compiled by the script
    1 vfat FPGA configuration file (.rbf) Yes Will be created with the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA Project
    2 ext3 Compressed root file system (.tar.gz) No Will be unzipped by the script
    3 RAW Executable of the bootloader (.sfp) Yes Will be generated by the script

    Copy or drag&drop your files/folders to these partition folders to pre-install these content to the final image. Note: Copy at this stage only the Linux files (roofts,zImgae,device tree) to the partition. The other files will be copied by the script in the next step!

    Note: On RAW partitions are only files allowed!

  6. Choose if the output image should be compressed

    The Python script allows to compress the generated bootable image files as a ".zip" archive file. This can strongly reduce the image size. Tools, like "rufus" can process this ".zip" file directly and can bring it onto a SD-Card.

  7. Copy additional files to all partitions or to the root file system (rootfs)

    In the 6. step the script will unzip the rootfs. Now it is enabled to change the partition or to copy files manually to the root file system of the Embedded Linux Distribution. The following manual steps are allowed at this stage:

    • Change the u-boot boot script (boot.script)
    • Change the Linux Device Tree
    • Change files inside the Linux rootfs or copy one to it
    • Change or add files to the other partitions
  8. Generation of the bootable image file with custom configuration

    The script will progress the data inside the partition folders by compiling the Linux Device Tree, the u-boot script and will display the partition sizes for the entire image partition of the bootable image file. In case the u-boot is configured to write the FPGA Configuration the script will generate the depending FPGA configuration file. This is only possible if no unlicensed IP is available inside the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA Project. For instance Quartus Prime projects containing an Intel NIOS II Soft-Core processor can not be generated. Then it is possible to copy another FPGA configuration file to the image partition folder (No.1 vfat).

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    Example of a partition table calculated by the script

    In connection the Python script will use the LinuxBootImageFileGenerator to build the finale bootable image file. The file will be located inside the "socfpgaPlatformGenerator" folder.

Get started as Python library

Beside the use of this Python script as a console application it is enabled to use it inside another Python application. The "socfpgaPlatformGenerator" extends the LinuxBootImageFileGenerator. For more information about this library please visit the GitHub repository of that project.

The socfpgaPlatformGenerator consists of a single Python class:

Class Description
SocfpgaPlatformGenerator The entire boot image generator for Intel SoC-FPGAs

The LinuxBootImageFileGenerator will be automatically cloned from Github.

The following steps describe in the right sequence the required Python methods to generate a bootable image file for Intel SoC-FPGAs:

  1. Generation of the partition table

    To generate a partition table depending on "SocFPGABlueprint.xml" configurations use the following method. Here is checked that all required partition configurations are selected inside the configuration file.

    # @brief Create the partition table for Intel SoC-FPGAs by reading the "SocFPGABlueprint" XML-file
    # @return                      success
    def GeneratePartitionTable(self):
  2. Generation of the entire bootloader based of the Intel Quartus Prime FPGA Project configuration

    Use the following Python method to generate the required bootloader for Intel SoC-FPGAs:

    # @brief Build the bootloader for the chosen Intel SoC-FPGA
    #        and copy the output files to the depending partition folders
    # @param generation_mode       0: The user can choose how the bootloader should be built
    #                              1: Always build or re-build the entire bootloader 
    #                              2: Build the entire bootloader in case it was not done
    #                              3: Use the default pre-built bootloader for the device 
    # @return                      success
    def BuildBootloader(self, generation_mode= 0):
  3. Copy the Yocto Project Linux Distribution files to the partition

    The following method can copy the Linux rootfs, Linux Device Tree and the compressed Kernel image from the Yocto Project to the image partition folder.

    # @brief Copy all essential Linux Distribution files (rootfs,zImage,Device Tree) to  
    #        the depending partition
    # @param copy_mode             0: The user can choose which files should be used 
    #                              1: Use compatible Yocto Project files
    #                              2: Use the existing files inside the partition
    # @note                        Use this method always! It checks if all files are available
    # @return                      success
    def CopyLinuxFiles2Partition(self,copy_mode=0):
  4. Generate a binary FPGA configuration file

    The next Python method allows to generate a FPGA binary configuration file ( RAW Binary file (.rbf) with Passive Parallel x8) in case inside the "u-boot" configuration file was selected to write the FPGA configuration during boot.

    # @brief Create a FPGA configuration file for configure the FPGA during boot or with Linux in case this
    #        feature was selected inside the u-boot script
    # @param copy_file             Only copy and rename a existing rbf file 
    # @param dir2copy              Directory with the rbf file to copy 
    # @param boot_linux            Generate configuration for
    #                              False : Writen during boot (Passive Parallel x8; 
    #                                      File name: <as in uboot script>.rbf)
    #                              True  : Can be written by Linux (Passive Parallel x16;
    #                                      File name: <as in uboot script>_linux.rbf)
    # @param linux_filename        ".rfb" output file name for the configuration with Linux 
    # @param linux_copydir         the location where the output Linux FPGA configuration file should be copied 
    # @return                      success
    def GenerateFPGAconf(self,copy_file=False,dir2copy='',boot_linux =False, linux_filename='', linux_copydir=''):
  5. Unzip the rootfs archive file

    To unzip the "rootfs.tar.gz archive file use the following method. After the execution it is enabled to change each partition and the root file system.

    # @brief Scan every Partition folder and un-package all archive files such as the rootfs
    # @return                      success
    def ScanUnpackagePartitions(self):
  6. Generate the output bootable image file

    The following method can bring the partition table to a bootable image file (img). It is also enabled to zip the output file

    # @brief Generate a bootable Image file for the selected configuration
    # @param ImageFileName         Name of the output ".img" image file
    # @param OutputZipFileName     Name of the output ".zip" compressed image file
    # @param compress_output       Compress the output image file to ".zip"
    # @param print_Table           Print the partition table 
    # @return                      success
    def GenerateImageFile(self,ImageFileName='',OutputZipFileName='', compress_output=False, \
                            print_Table= False):

Example further implementation inside a custom build script

I designed this Python based build system for my Embedded Linux Distribution rsyocto. The following guide shows how to design with it an custom rsyocto flavor.


socfpgaPlatformGenerator and rsyocto are self-developed projects in which no other companies are involved. It is specifically designed to serve students and the Linux/FPGA open-source community with its publication on GitHub and its open-source MIT license. In the future, rsyocto will retain its open-source status and it will be further developed.

Due to the enthusiasm of commercial users, special features for industrial, scientific and automotive applications were developed and ready for the implementation in a highly optimazed closed commercial version. Partnerships as an embedded SoC-FPGA design service to fulfil these specific commercial requirements are offered. It should help, besides students with the rsyocto open-source version, commercial users, as well.

For commercial users, please visit the rsyocto embedded service provider website:

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