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134 lines (98 loc) · 5.5 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (98 loc) · 5.5 KB

Contributing to IBF

👍 Thank you for taking the time to contribute! Read our code of conduct before contributing.

Got a Question or Problem?

Post a question in the IBF Teams channel. Provide sufficient details and context so that others can understand and help.

Found a Bug?

Create a bug in the IBF backlog. Provide steps to reproduce, error messages and screenshots to help understand the problem.

Change Lifecycle

Any change goes through the following steps,

  1. Create backlog item
  2. Refine item requirements
  3. Commit to sprint
  4. Create pull request with changes
  5. Review changes
  6. Merge pull request
  7. Test for product stability
  8. Publish to stage environments
  9. Publish to production environments

We use Git Flow for code change management.

Code Style

We use Prettier for TypeScript and JavaScript code.

We use Black for Python code.

Code style is enforced by pre-commit and pre-push git hooks and our GitHub Action workflow.

Commit Format

We use the Conventional Commit format with the following rules:

  • should start with a prefix to indicate the type of change
  • should have a message to briefly describe the change
  • should end with task id(s) to link to the sprint backlog
// syntax
<prefix>: <commit_message> <devops_item_id>​​​​​​​
    |            |                |
    |            |                └──⫸ Azure DevOps item number. Format: AB#1234
    |            |
    |            └──⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
    └──⫸ build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|test

// examples
feat: added info-popups COVID-risk AB#1234
fix: changed login-function AB#2345

Prefix values feat and fix are reserved for new features and bug fixes.

Commits with feat or fix prefix will automatically

  1. create a new version
  2. update
  3. release the new version to the test environment

Create Pull Request

Create a branch from the master branch. The name of the branch should be concise and descriptive of the intended changes.

// syntax
    |            |
    |            └──⫸ 2-4 keywords joined by underscore (_). Not capitalized.
    └──⫸ build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|test

// examples

The branch should be deleted after the pull request is merged.

Code Review

We follow Google's Engineering Practices documentation. Provide proof of review in the form of screenshots or output messages.

Datamodel migrations

When making changes to the datamodel of the API-service (creating/editing any *.entity.ts files), you need to create a migration script to take these changes into affect.

The process is

  1. Make the changes in the *.entity.ts file
  2. Generate a migration-script with "docker-compose exec ibf-api-service npm run migration:generate "
  3. Restart the ibf-api-service >> this will always run any new migration-scripts, so in this case the just generated migration-script
  4. If more change required, then follow the above process as often as needed.
  5. See also TypeORM migration documentation

NOTE: if you're making many datamodel changes at once, or are doing a lot of trial and error, you have another option.

  1. In services/API-service/ormconfig.js set synchronize to true and restart ibf-api-service.
  2. This will make sure that any changes you make to *.entity.ts files are automatically updated in your database tables, which allows for quicker development/testing.
  3. When you're done with all your changes, you will need to revert all changes temporarily to be able to create a migration script. There are multiple ways to do this, for example by stashing all your changes, or working with a new branch. Either way:
    • stashing all your changes (git stash)
    • let ibf-api-service restart, so that datamodel changes are reverted as well again
    • set synchronize back to false and restart ibf-api-service
    • get your stashed changes again (git stash pop)
    • generate migration-script (see above)
    • restart ibf-api-service (like above, to run the new migration-script)

! ! ! DO NOT ! ! !

  1. DO NOT manually change the version number in package.json
  2. DO NOT manually edit the
  3. DO NOT edit any existing migration-scripts in migration-folder (./services/API-service/migration/)