npm i @transmute/cli@latest --save
npm i -g @transmute/cli@latest
transmute --help
When developing cli commands, it can be useful to run them from npm
/ package.json
, without the need to install the cli globally.
Don't forget to npm run build
in order to see changes.
This requires a simple modification to the commands:
Simply change:
transmute \
key generate \
--type "ed25519" \
--mnemonic "correct horse battery staple" \
--hdpath "m/44’/0’/0’/0" \
--output "./data/keys/a.json"
npm run transmute -- \
key generate \
--type "ed25519" \
--mnemonic "correct horse battery staple" \
--hdpath "m/44’/0’/0’/0" \
--output "./data/keys/a.json"
Note the npm run
prefix and the --
suffix for the transmute
command, causes package.json to handle the command, with the arugments as the cli would expect them if it were globally installed.