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404 lines (349 loc) · 16.1 KB

Explore MAUP zoning effects in bikeshare villages


This document explores uncertainty in bikeability scores due to MAUP issues, specifically zoning effects when aggregating origin-destination docking stations to villages.

Please cite:

Beecham, R., Yang, Y., Tait, C. and Lovelace, R. (2023) “Connected bikeability in London: which localities are better connected by bike and does this matter?”, Environment & Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/23998083231165122.


Required libraries

Required packages can be installed individually with install.packages(<package_name>). Core packages are imported into the session with library(<package_name>). Occasional use of packages is made with the <package-name>::<function-name>() syntax so as to avoid polluting the workspace.

pkgs <- c("tidyverse","sf", "here", "gganimate")
# If not already installed.
# install.packages(pkgs)
# Core packages

# ggplot theme for paper

Load data : OD index (by docking station pair) and villages

Load in the bikeshare villages dataset, docking-station-level OD datasets (trips, bikeability), and docking stations data.

# Read in villages.
villages <- st_read(here("data", "grid_real_sf.geojson"))

# Read in bikeshare trip data : docking-station>docking-station
bs_data <- fst::read_fst(here("data", "trips_2018.fst"))

# Load stations data.
bike_stations <-  st_read(here("data", "bike_stations.geojson")) |> st_transform(crs=27700)
# Join on villages.
bike_stations  <- bike_stations |> st_join(villages %>% filter(type=="real") %>%  select(village=name), .predicate=st_intersects())
# Stations coords
bike_stations_coords <- bike_stations |> st_centroid() |> st_coordinates() |> as_tibble() |> rename_all(tolower)
bike_stations <- bind_cols(bike_stations, bike_stations_coords)
stations_raw <- st_read(here("data", "bike_stations.geojson")) |> st_transform(crs=27700)

# Read in OD bikeability scores.
bikeability <- read_csv(here("data", "connected_bikeability_index_od_level.csv")) |>
    bike_stations |> st_drop_geometry() |> select(ucl_id,village), by=c("start_station_id"="ucl_id")
    ) |> rename(o_village=village) |>
    bike_stations |> st_drop_geometry() |> select(ucl_id,village), by=c("end_station_id"="ucl_id")
    ) |> rename(d_village=village) |>
# Add straight line distances.
  left_join(bike_stations |> st_drop_geometry() |> select(ucl_id, o_x=x, o_y=y),
              by=c("start_station_id"="ucl_id")) |>
  left_join(bike_stations |> st_drop_geometry() |> select(ucl_id, d_x=x, d_y=y),
              by=c("end_station_id"="ucl_id")) |>
  mutate(dist_straight= sqrt( ((o_x-d_x)^2) + ((o_y-d_y)^2) ) ) |>
  filter(o_village != d_village, dist_straight>500)

Identify edge stations and their neighbours

The zoning effects occur where docking stations at the edge of a bikeshare village boundary might easily be assigned to that of a neighbouring village.

So first we identify those docking stations that tend towards boundary cases. This is achieved by rescaling the bikeshare village polygons, as below.

# Create rescaled polygons to identify stations towards the edge of villages.
villages_real <- villages |> filter(type=="real") |> mutate(row_id=row_number())
villages_centroids <- st_centroid(villages_real)
villages_scaled <- (
  villages_real|> pull(geometry) -
    villages_centroids |> filter(type=="real") |> pull(geometry)) * 0.7 +
  villages_centroids |> filter(type=="real") |> pull(geometry)
st_crs(villages_scaled) <- 27700
villages_scaled <- villages_scaled |> as_tibble() |> st_as_sf(crs=27700) |>
  mutate(row_id=row_number(), name=villages_real |> pull(name))

# Identify those stations on edges
stations_outside <- bike_stations |> anti_join(
  stations_raw |> st_filter(villages_scaled) |> st_drop_geometry() |> select(operator_name)
# Plot to visually inspect that are indeed towards edge of village.
plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=villages_real, alpha=.2, size=.3) +
  geom_sf(data=villages_scaled, size=0) +
  geom_sf(data=stations_outside, alpha=.3, size=.9) +
  labs(title="Edge stations")+

ggsave(filename=here("figs", "edge-stations.png"), plot=plot,width=8, height=5, dpi=300)
ggsave(filename=here("figs","edge-stations.svg"), plot=plot,width=8, height=5)

For each of these edge stations we then need to identify neighbouring villages that may be candidates to which they could have been reassigned. We want to consider the distance from each edge station to the nearest boundary of neighbouring villages, not the centroid. To narrow the search-space, for each edge docking station, we also find the neighbours of the village it is contained by using adjacency relations.

Below we test this with a single station: Broadcasting House, within Soho village.

bh <- stations_outside |> filter(operator_name == "Broadcasting House, Marylebone") |>
  st_join(villages_real |> select(name))
# Find IDs for its neighbouring villages.
bh_nbs <- villages_real |> filter(name== bh |> pull(name)) |>
   st_intersects(villages_real) |> unlist()
# Filter these villages for examination.
temp_bh_nbs <- villages_real |>
            mutate(row_id=row_number()) |> filter(row_id %in% bh_nbs)
# Plot to verify.
plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=temp_bh_nbs  , alpha=.2) +
  geom_text(data=temp_bh_nbs, aes(x=east, y=north,label=name), alpha=.5, family="Avenir Book") +
  geom_sf(data=bh, size=3) +
  labs(title="Broadcasting House and its neighbouring villages") +
  theme(axis.text=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank())
ggsave(filename=here("figs", "bh-villages.png"), plot=plot,width=6, height=5, dpi=300)
ggsave(filename=here("figs","bh-villages.svg"), plot=plot,width=6, height=5)

Next we want to calculate the distance between this docking station and the closest part of the boundary of its neighbours. To make sure that this distance crosses over into neighbouing villages, we caluclate this using the villages_scaled data. We also decide on a reasonable distance threshold, 500 metres, beyond which it would not make sense to reallocate due to boundary effects.

# Make some tighter boundaries.
villages_scaled <- (
  villages_real|> pull(geometry) -
    villages_centroids |> filter(type=="real") |> pull(geometry)) * 0.7 +
  villages_centroids |> filter(type=="real") |> pull(geometry)
st_crs(villages_scaled) <- 27700
villages_scaled <- villages_scaled |> as_tibble() |> st_as_sf(crs=27700) |>
  mutate(row_id=row_number(), name=villages_real |> pull(name))

temp_bh_nbs_scaled <- villages_scaled |> mutate(row_id=row_number()) |> filter(row_id %in% bh_nbs)
# Calculate those distances to neighbours.
nearest <- st_nearest_points(bh, temp_bh_nbs_scaled)
dists <- nearest |> st_as_sf() |> st_coordinates() |> as_tibble() |>
    mutate(is_dest=row_number() %% 2 == 0) |>
    filter(is_dest) |>
    st_as_sf(coords=c("X","Y"), crs=27700) |> select(geometry) |>
    st_join(temp_bh_nbs |> select(nearest_name=name)) |>
    mutate(dist=as.numeric(st_length(nearest))) |>
# Plot those villages that are candidates for being reallocated.
plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=temp_bh_nbs  , alpha=.2) +
  geom_sf(data=temp_bh_nbs_scaled  , alpha=.2, size=0) +
  geom_text(data=temp_bh_nbs, aes(x=east, y=north,label=name), alpha=.5, family="Avenir Book") +
  geom_sf(data=temp_bh_nbs |> filter(name %in% dists$nearest_name) , fill="transparent", size=1) +
  geom_sf(data=nearest, size=.3) +
  geom_sf(data=bh, size=2) +
  labs(title="Broadcasting House and distance to neighbour boundaries") +
  theme(axis.text=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(),
ggsave(filename=here("figs", "bh-neighbours.png"), plot=plot,width=7, height=5, dpi=300)
ggsave(filename=here("figs","bh-neighbours.svg"), plot=plot,width=7, height=5)

Reallocate stochastically

We then want some stochastic process whereby points are reallocated to villages including that within which they are contained with a probability that varies by these distances. # Here we use a 1/d penalty, but it may be instructive to vary this with an exponent to increase / decrease the penalty – e.g. d^2 to increase, d^.5 to decrease.

dat <- dists |> mutate(w=(1/dist), prop=round((w/sum(w)*100))) |>  select(nearest_name, prop) |> st_drop_geometry()
# Generate resamples.
resamples<-sample(dat$nearest_name, size=100, prob=dat$prop, replace=TRUE)
bh_animate <- bh |> mutate(villages=list(resamples)) |> unnest(villages) |> st_drop_geometry() |>
    villages_real |> select(name), by=c("villages"="name")) |>
  mutate(boot_id=row_number()) |> st_as_sf()

# Plot resamples.
anim <- bh_animate |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=temp_bh_nbs  , alpha=.2) +
  geom_sf(data=temp_bh_nbs_scaled  , alpha=.2, size=0) +
  geom_text(data=temp_bh_nbs, aes(x=east, y=north,label=name), alpha=.5, family="Avenir Book") +
  geom_sf(data=nearest, size=.3) +
  geom_sf(fill="transparent", size=1) +
  labs(title = "Resample: {closest_state}") +
  gganimate::transition_states(boot_id) +
  theme(axis.text=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank())

gganimate::animate(nframes=210, fps=20, anim, start_pause=0, end_pause=10, width=800, height=600, res=150, renderer=gganimate::gifski_renderer(here("figs", "anim_bh.gif")))

Apply to full dataset

So first we build up a dataset where for each edge station (outside_station) geometries for their village neighbours are stored, both the original and rescaled geometries.

temp_outside_stations <- stations_outside |> st_join(villages_real |> select(name))
village_neighbours <-
  villages_real |> filter(name %in% temp_outside_stations$name |> unique()) |>
  select(name) |>  mutate(nbs=st_intersects(geometry, villages_real) |>  unname()) |> st_drop_geometry() |>
  nest(data=nbs) |>
    ids=map(data,~.x |> unname() |> unlist()),
    geom_orig=map(ids, ~ villages_real |> filter(row_id %in% .x) |> select(nearest_name=name, geometry)),
    geom_scaled=map(ids, ~ villages_scaled |> filter(row_id %in% .x) |> select(nearest_name=name, geometry))
  ) |> select(-data)

The next task is to build a dataset containing the distances between each edge station and its nearest village boundaries. The same approach is used as with the Broadcasting House example, but we use (map()) to scale this up to every edge docking station.

get_neighbour <- function(pts, nbs_scaled, nbs) {
  nearest <- st_nearest_points(pts, nbs_scaled)
  dists <- nearest |>
    st_as_sf() |>
    st_coordinates() |>
    as_tibble() |>
    mutate(is_dest=row_number() %% 2 == 0) |>
    filter(is_dest) |>
    st_as_sf(coords=c("X","Y"), crs=27700) |> select(geometry) |>
    st_join(nbs |> select(name=nearest_name)) |>

temp_outside_station_neighbours <- temp_outside_stations |>
  nest(data=-operator_name) |>
        nbs_scaled=village_neighbours |> filter(name==.x$name) |> select(name, geom_scaled) |>
               unnest(cols=geom_scaled) |> st_as_sf(),
        nbs=village_neighbours |> filter(name==.x$name) |> select(name, geom_orig) |>
        unnest(cols=geom_orig) |> st_as_sf()

Again there is a Monte Carlo-type approach to resampling villages of edge stations in a probabilistic way. We create 100 simulated village positions for each edge docking station.

temp_resampled_dat <- temp_outside_station_neighbours |>
            ~.x |> filter(dist<500) |> mutate(w=(1/sqrt(dist)), prop=round((w/sum(w)*100))) |>
              select(name, prop) |> st_drop_geometry()),
            relocate=sample(.x$name, size=100, prob=.x$prop, replace=TRUE)
    village=map(data, ~first(.x$name))
  ) |>
  select(operator_name, village, resamples) |> unnest(c(resamples)) |> unnest(c(village)) |>
  group_by(operator_name) |> mutate(boot_id=row_number()) |> ungroup()

stations_inside <- stations_raw |>
  st_join(villages_real |> select(name)) |> st_drop_geometry() |>
  filter(!operator_name %in% (temp_resampled_dat$operator_name |> unique())) |> select(-ucl_id, village=name) |> unique() |>
  nest(data=village) |>
    relocate=map(data, ~rep(.x$village,times=100))
  ) |>
  select(-data) |> unnest(relocate) |>
  group_by(operator_name) |>
  mutate(village=relocate, boot_id=row_number()) |>

resampled_dat <- bind_rows(temp_resampled_dat, stations_inside) |>
  inner_join(stations_raw |> st_drop_geometry() |> group_by(operator_name) |> summarise(id=first(ucl_id)) |> ungroup())

For each docking-station OD pair, we generate 100 simulated datasets with the edge docking stations reassigned to neighbouring villages probabilistically.

get_resampled_dat <- function(boot_id, dat, resampled) {
  dat <- dat |>
    inner_join(resampled |> filter(boot_id==!!boot_id) |> select(id, o_village=relocate), by=c("start_station_id"="id")) |>
  left_join(resampled |> filter(boot_id==!!boot_id) |> select(id, d_village=relocate), by=c("end_station_id"="id")) |>
    filter(o_village!=d_village) |>
    group_by(o_village, d_village) |>
    summarise(index=mean(index)) |> ungroup() |> mutate(boot_id=!!boot_id)

simulated_data <- bind_rows(
        dat=bikeability |>
              .cols=c(start_station_id, end_station_id),
            ) |>
          select(start_station_id, end_station_id, index=cb_index),
        resampled=resampled_dat |> mutate(id=as.character(id)) |>   select(relocate,id, boot_id))

write_csv(simulated_data, here("data", "simulated_data.csv"))

Animate over the simulated data to generate a hypothetical outcome plot (Hullman et al. 2015) of candidate maps, in so doing we experience uncertainty due to zoning effects.

ods_full <- tibble(
  o_village=rep(rep(villages |> filter(type=="real") |> pull(name), times=66), times=100),
  d_village=rep(rep(villages |> filter(type=="real") |> pull(name), times=1, each=66), times=100),
  boot_id=rep(1:100, times=66, each=66)

temp_anim_data <- simulated_data |>
  mutate(label=d_village) |>
  right_join(ods_full |> left_join(villages_real, by=c("o_village"="name"))) |> st_as_sf() |> filter(d_village=="Westminster")

anim_index_map  <- temp_anim_data |>
 geom_sf(data= . %>% group_by(boot_id) %>% summarise(), colour="#616161", fill="transparent", size=0.65)+
  geom_sf(aes(fill=index), colour="#616161", size=0.3)+
  geom_sf(data=. %>%  filter(o_village==d_village),
            colour="#616161", fill="transparent", size=0.65) +
  geom_text(data= .  %>%  filter(o_village==d_village),
            aes(x=east, y=north, label=str_sub(d_village,1,1)),
            colour="#252525", alpha=0.9, size=4, show.legend=FALSE,
            hjust="centre", vjust="middle", family="Avenir Book")+
  coord_sf(crs=st_crs(villages_real), datum=NA)+
    palette="Blues", direction=1,
    guide = "colourbar", na.value="#f7f7f7"
  gganimate::transition_states(boot_id) +
  labs(title = "Resample: {closest_state}") +
  theme_paper() +
    panel.background = element_rect(fill="#ffffff", colour="#ffffff"),
gganimate::animate(nframes=210, fps=20, anim_index_map, start_pause=0,end_pause=10, width=1100, height=700, res=150, renderer=gganimate::gifski_renderer(here("figs", "anim_zoning.gif")))