###Custom Messages
use rock\validate\Validate as v;
$v = v::length(10, 20, true)
->setMessages(['length' => 'custom error']);
$v->validate('O’Reilly'); // output: false
'length' => 'custom error',
###Custom Placeholders
use rock\validate\Validate as v;
$v = v::length(10, 20, true)
->setPlaceholders(['name' => 'username']);
$v->validate('O’Reilly'); // output: false
'length' => 'username must have a length between 10 and 20',
'regex' => 'username contains invalid characters',
###Custom Templates
use rock\validate\Validate as v;
$v = v::length(10, 20, true)
->setTemplates(['length' => Length::LOWER]);
$v->validate('O’Reilly'); // output: false
'length' => 'value must have a length greater than 10',
Typically, no need to change the template, because this is comes automatically, depending on the arguments specified. As an example see Length.