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Releases: romkatv/powerlevel10k


13 May 09:06
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Changes since the last release

  • gitstatus
    • Don't show instant prompt if gitstatus is likely to download gitstatusd.
    • Verify sha256 of downloaded gitstatusd binaries.
    • Add a mirror on for faster download from China.
    • Display progress when downloading gitstatusd. Interrupt instant prompt if necessary.
    • Do not apply timeout from gitstatus_start -t to the downloading of gitstatusd.
    • Revert gitstatus_start timeout back to 5 seconds.

Message for @shibumi:


11 May 17:56
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Changes since the last release

  • gitstatus
    • Work around bugs in curl on Cygwin.

Message for @shibumi:


11 May 13:30
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Changes since the last release

  • gitstatus
    • Increase the default gitstatus_start timeout from 5 to 30 seconds.


10 May 14:56
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Changes since the last release

  • Big changes that might break stuff

    • Powerlevel10k Git repository no longer stores gitstatusd binaries. Instead, appropriate binaries are downloaded automatically when necessary.
  • New and changed parameters

    • POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE can now be set to v2. This will append _NOT_WRITABLE to the current directory class if the directory is not writable. It allows you to define colors and icons for directories based on their patterns and whether you can write to them.
    • P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION is now available within pyenv content expansion. E.g., if you use pyenv to create a virtual environment called kawabanga, you might want to display it as kawabanga 2.7.3. Now you can.
    • Values of POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_GENERIC_NAMES are now treated as patterns.
  • Robustness

    • Powerlevel10k is now less likely to get its state corrupted if you vigorously spam Ctrl-C.
    • Instant prompt will no longer issue its warning when you send cursor shape escape sequences to stdout. Nevertheless, it's still recommended that you send terminal escape sequences to $TTY rather than stdout.
    • Powerlevel10k now works around bugs (marketed as features) in Kitty that cause Kitty to hang when you close Zsh.
  • Bug fixes

    • Powerlevel10k no longer prevents you from unmounting the directory in which you've started Zsh.
    • Instant prompt will no longer occasionally have flashbacks where it shows you prompt styled with some ancient config.
    • When truncate_to_unique shortens a directory segment, it no longer can produce just dots even if said dots constitute unique prefix.

Build time dependencies

This section of release notes is retired because releases of Powerlevel10k from now on are self-contained. See FAQ:


29 Apr 08:00
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Changes since the last release

  • New and changed parameters

    • POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_TRUNCATE_BEFORE_MARKER can now be set to last (equivalent to true from older versions) or first (new feature).
  • Bug fixes

    • gitstatus once again works on 32-bit ARM Linux (armv6l and armv7l).

Build time dependencies

Unchanged since the last release.

v1.6.1: wizard bug fixes: screen redraws, spurious errors, frame selection

28 Apr 07:58
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Changes since the last release

  • Bug fixes
    • Configuration wizard no longer redraws screen every second
    • Configuration wizard no longer prints spurious errors before the charset screen
    • Configuration wizard once again honors prompt frame selection

Build time dependencies

Unchanged since the last release.


27 Apr 09:30
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Changes since the last release

  • Wizard

    • Configuration wizard now reacts to terminal size changes in real time and can function at much smaller terminal dimensions.
    • Configs with prompt_char now have vi_mode disabled by default.
    • Generated configs now unset DEFAULT_USER.
    • Classic and Rainbow configs now set POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_GAP_BACKGROUND. This makes it easier to define 3-line prompt.
  • New parameters

    • If POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE is set, configuration wizard will write configs to the specified location instead of the default ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.p10k.zsh.
  • gitstatus

    • Support older macOS versions (at least El Capitan; even older versions might work).
    • Support Linux on armv6, i386 and i686.
    • Support cygwin and msys2 on i686.
    • macOS builds now use iconv from Homebrew.
    • gitstatusd binaries are now being built with
  • Misc

    • The default icon for proxy segment is now instead of . The old icon is missing in many fonts.
  • Bug fixes

    • gitstatus once again works on 64-bit Linux without glibc.
    • Instant prompt no longer gets gradually slower over time when XDG_HOME_CACHE is on a slow filesystem.
    • Instant prompt no longer prints spurious erros when XDG_HOME_CACHE is on NTFS.
    • The old-style (and discouraged) custom prompts now work on zsh 5.3.1.
    • Configuration wizard once again presents "extra icons" and "fluent prompt" options when using 12-hour time format.

Build time dependencies


22 Mar 16:26
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Changes since the last release

  • New and changed parameters:

    • Two additional parameters are available in gcloud: P9K_GCLOUD_CONFIGURATION and P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME.
    • gcloud segment can now be in two states: PARTIAL and COMPLETE. See documentation.
  • Wizard:

    • The screen asking whether to display current time now offers a choice between two formats: 24-hour and 12-hour.
    • os_icon is no longer bold.
    • Slanted and flat separators are now using glyphs from Box Drawing Unicode block. They should look much better in fonts with correctly sized Box Drawing glyphs.
    • gcloud now displays project name instead of project id whenever possible.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Powerlevel10k no longer resolves symbolic links when invoking commands that might act differently depending on argv[0].
    • java_version now works properly when using AdoptOpenJDK.
  • Misc:

    • Arch Linux users can now install Powerlevel10k with pacman. See instructions.
    • There is a new version of MesloLGS NF (the recommended font) with better alignment of powerline glyphs and 44% larger icons (by area). iTerm2 users can upgrade by typing p10k configure. Users of other terminals can follow manual installation instructions.

Build time dependencies

Unchanged since the last release.


16 Mar 07:33
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Changes since the last release

  • New prompt segments:

    • package: shows npm name and version from package.json (disabled by default).
  • New and changed parameters:

    • P9K_OS_ICON: set by Powerlevel10k on initialization; can be used in user-defined prompt segments and *_EXPANSION parameters.
    • POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING: when set to moderate, some icons will have an extra space after them. This is meant to avoid icon overlap when using non-monospace fonts. When set to none, spaces are not added.
  • Performance improvement:

    • detect_virt prompt segment is now 50% faster.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Many terminal escape sequences are now terminated with BEL instead of ST. ST is the standard terminator according to ECMA-48 §8.3.89 but Konsole doesn't understand it. Thankfully, all terminals appear to understand BEL as extension.
    • Superfluous spaces have been removed from vcs segment when using a monospace font and not using my_git_formatter.
  • Wizard:

    • Generated configs now set POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING in favor of *_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION. The value of this parameters depends on the answers to the first few questions that concern terminal font capabilities.
    • Generated configs no longer attempt to work around misconfigured locale. The workarounds in Powerlevel10k proper are sufficient.
  • gitstatus:

    • Fix a regression on Linux systems where uname doesn't understand -o.
    • Fix a regression on Cygwin and MinGW when running on older versions of Windows.
    • Fix a bug that can result in occasional gitstatus initialization failure on WSL when using Powerlevel10k with Instant Prompt.

Build time dependencies


06 Mar 16:35
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Changes since the last release

  • New prompt segments:
    • haskell_stack: haskell version from stack.
  • New and changed parameters:
    • POWERLEVEL9K_MODE can now be set to ascii for ASCII prompt.
    • The default value of POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_GENERIC_NAMES now contains env.
    • New parameter: POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY. Display java_version only in java project (sub)directories.
    • POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW_ON_COMMAND now contains istioctl and kogito in all config templates. Thanks, @errantepiphany!
    • All *env segments now respect POWERLEVEL9K_*ENV_SHOW_SYSTEM. If set to false, the segment will be hidden if its content is "system". The default value is true.
    • nodenv now understand POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_SOURCES, just like all other *env segments.
    • POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_OMIT_FIRST_CHARACTER now has useful semantics (incompatible with powerleve9k, where it was useless). If set to true, it'll remove the leading slash from the current directory if it's absolute. It no longer does anything if the directory is not absolute or if the leading character has been removed or changed by the shortener. This is meant for users who override POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PATH_SEPARATOR.
  • Robustness improvements:
    • Powerlevel10k now works when there are no utf-8 locales on the machine.
  • Configuration wizard:
    • Lean, Classic and Rainbow styles now have an option to restrict prompt character set to ASCII.
    • Styles that require 256 colors are not offered when terminal cannot display 256 colors.
    • Rainbow and Classic styles now have an option to use flat heads. This option is offered in ASCII mode and when powerline glyphs are unavailable.
    • Configuration wizard now restores screen upon exit.
    • New segments in config templates: haskell_stack (enabled by default) and java_version (disabled by default).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Visual mode indicator now correctly switches back to command mode indicator after pressing d and similar when using Zsh >= 5.3. Visual mode indicator no longer gets displayed in Zsh prior to 5.3. Please upgrade Zsh if this matters to you.
    • *ENV_DIR parameters are now handled the same way as in the underlying *env projects.
  • Misc:
    • There is no longer an empty line at the top of the screen after hitting Ctrl-L or typing clear or reset, even with POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=true and POWERLEVEL9K_TRANSIENT_PROMPT=always.
    • It's now possible to install powerlevel10k with Homebrew.
    • Subseparators are now displayed with the foreground color of the previous/next segment in left/right prompt. Used to be the other way around. Thanks, @ahaasler!
  • gitstatus:
    • make now produces usrbin/gitstatusd instead of ./gitstatusd.
    • build.zsh now puts the binary in usrbin subdirectory. If you place it in the same subdirectory of your gitstatus installation without changing the file name, gitstatus will pick it up automatically.

Build time dependencies