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Azure API Management PlantUML

This repository provides PlantUML sprites, macros and stereotypes specifically designed for creating diagrams with Azure API Management components.

The Azure-PlantUML library includes symbols for a wide range of Azure services but does not cover the specific resources within Azure API Management. This project bridges that gap by providing the necessary visual elements.

With Azure API Management PlantUML, you can create visually distinct and recognizable diagrams for your API Management solutions.


Getting Started

To use the Azure API Management symbols in your PlantUML diagrams, include the ApiManagement.puml file at the top of your .puml file.

If you prefer to use the latest version directly from this repository, include the following line in your PlantUML diagram:


Alternatively, you can download the ApiManagement.puml file locally and include it in your diagram using the following syntax:

!include path/to/ApiManagement.puml

Once you've included the ApiManagement.puml file, you can use the available macros to add API Management resources to your diagram. Here's an example of a PlantUML diagram that includes an API, two products and a backend:

@startuml Hello World


$ApimProduct(starterProduct, "Starter")
$ApimProduct(unlimitedProduct, "Unlimited")
$ApimAPI(echoApi, "Echo API")
$ApimBackend(echoBackend, "Echo Backend")

starterProduct --> echoApi
unlimitedProduct --> echoApi
echoApi --> echoBackend


The diagram above will render as follows:

Hello World



The following symbols are available in the current version of Azure API Management PlantUML:

Resource Symbol Macro Example Usage
API API ApimAPI $ApimAPI(alias, "label")
Backend Backend ApimBackend $ApimBackend(alias, "label")
Product Product ApimProduct $ApimProduct(alias, "label")
Subscription Subscription ApimSubscription $ApimSubscription(alias, "label")
User User ApimUser $ApimUser(alias, "label")

All macros take an $alias and $label parameter. The $alias serves as a unique identifier for the resource and can be used to establish relationships between resources. The $label is the text displayed alongside the icon.

API Operations

You can add operations to an API using the ApimOperations macro. This macro renders the operations as a table inside a note attached to the API.

The macro takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
$api The alias of the API.
$operations A JSON array of operations. Each operation should specify the Method, Description and UrlTemplate.
$alignment The position of the note in relation to the API (default is bottom).

Here's an example of how to add operations to an API:

@startuml Operations


left to right direction

$ApimAPI(echoApi, "Echo API")

!$operations = [
    { "Method": "GET",    "Description": "Retrieve a resource",         "UrlTemplate": "/resources" },
    { "Method": "POST",   "Description": "Create a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources" },
    { "Method": "PUT",    "Description": "Update a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" },
    { "Method": "PATCH",  "Description": "Partially Update a resource", "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" },
    { "Method": "DELETE", "Description": "Delete a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" }
$ApimOperations(echoApi, $operations, "right")


The diagram above will render as follows:



You can add a legend to your diagram to explain the different symbols using the ApimSymbolLegend macro. This helps to clarify the meaning of each symbol used in your API Management diagram.

The macro takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
$includeUser Include the User symbol in the legend (default is true).
$includeSubscription Include the Subscription symbol in the legend (default is true).
$includeProduct Include the Product symbol in the legend (default is true).
$includeAPI Include the API symbol in the legend (default is true).
$includeBackend Include the Backend symbol in the legend (default is true).
$alignment The position of the legend (default is bottom).

Here's an example of how to add a legend to your diagram with all symbols:

@startuml Legend




The diagram above will render as follows:


If you want to exclude certain symbols from the legend, you can do so by setting the corresponding parameter to false. Here's an example of how to exclude the User and Subscription symbols, and place the legend at the top of the diagram:

$ApimSymbolLegend($includeUser=%false(), $includeSubscription=%false(), $alignment="top")

Sample Diagram

Here's an example of a PlantUML diagram that includes all the available components:

@startuml All Components - Top Down


' Users
$ApimUser(johnDoe, "John Doe")
$ApimUser(aliceSmith, "Alice Smith")

' Subscriptions
$ApimSubscription(johnDoe_StarterSubscription, "John Doe on Starter")
$ApimSubscription(aliceSmith_StarterSubscription, "Alice Smith on Starter")
$ApimSubscription(aliceSmith_UnlimitedSubscription, "Alice Smith on Unlimited")

' Products
$ApimProduct(starterProduct, "Starter")
$ApimProduct(unlimitedProduct, "Unlimited")

' APIs
$ApimAPI(echoApi, "Echo API")

' Backends
$ApimBackend(echoBackend, "Echo Backend")

' Operations
!$operations = [
    { "Method": "GET",    "Description": "Retrieve a resource",         "UrlTemplate": "/resources" },
    { "Method": "POST",   "Description": "Create a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources" },
    { "Method": "PUT",    "Description": "Update a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" },
    { "Method": "PATCH",  "Description": "Partially Update a resource", "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" },
    { "Method": "DELETE", "Description": "Delete a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" }
$ApimOperations(echoApi, $operations)

' Relationships
johnDoe --> johnDoe_StarterSubscription
johnDoe_StarterSubscription --> starterProduct

aliceSmith --> aliceSmith_StarterSubscription
aliceSmith_StarterSubscription --> starterProduct

aliceSmith --> aliceSmith_UnlimitedSubscription
aliceSmith_UnlimitedSubscription --> unlimitedProduct

starterProduct --> echoApi
unlimitedProduct --> echoApi
echoApi --> echoBackend

' Legend


The diagram above will render as follows:

All Components - Top Down


Left to Right Direction

By default, PlantUML diagrams are rendered from top to bottom. In some cases, it might be more convenient to render the diagram from left to right. You can achieve this by adding the following line at the top of your PlantUML file:

left to right direction

When rendering the diagram from left to right, you might also want to adjust the alignment of the operations. You can do this by setting the $alignment parameter of the ApimOperations macro. For example, to align the operations to the right of the API:

$ApimOperations(echoApi, $operations, "right")

Here's an example of a PlantUML diagram that renders from left to right:

@startuml All Components - Left to Right


left to right direction

' Users
$ApimUser(johnDoe, "John Doe")
$ApimUser(aliceSmith, "Alice Smith")

' Subscriptions
$ApimSubscription(johnDoe_StarterSubscription, "John Doe on Starter")
$ApimSubscription(aliceSmith_StarterSubscription, "Alice Smith on Starter")
$ApimSubscription(aliceSmith_UnlimitedSubscription, "Alice Smith on Unlimited")

' Products
$ApimProduct(starterProduct, "Starter")
$ApimProduct(unlimitedProduct, "Unlimited")

' APIs
$ApimAPI(echoApi, "Echo API")

' Backends
$ApimBackend(echoBackend, "Echo Backend")

' Operations
!$operations = [
    { "Method": "GET",    "Description": "Retrieve a resource",         "UrlTemplate": "/resources" },
    { "Method": "POST",   "Description": "Create a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources" },
    { "Method": "PUT",    "Description": "Update a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" },
    { "Method": "PATCH",  "Description": "Partially Update a resource", "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" },
    { "Method": "DELETE", "Description": "Delete a resource",           "UrlTemplate": "/resources/{id}" }
$ApimOperations(echoApi, $operations, "right")

' Relationships
johnDoe --> johnDoe_StarterSubscription
johnDoe_StarterSubscription --> starterProduct

aliceSmith --> aliceSmith_StarterSubscription
aliceSmith_StarterSubscription --> starterProduct

aliceSmith --> aliceSmith_UnlimitedSubscription
aliceSmith_UnlimitedSubscription --> unlimitedProduct

starterProduct --> echoApi
unlimitedProduct --> echoApi
echoApi --> echoBackend

' Legend


The diagram above will render as follows:

All Components - Left to Right

Raw Sprites

If you prefer to use raw SVG sprites in your PlantUML diagrams, you can include them directly. This allows for more flexibility in customizing the appearance of your components. Here's the same example from the getting started section that includes an API, two products and a backend:

@startuml Hello World with Sprites


rectangle "<$ApimProductSprite>\nStarter" <<ApimProduct>> as starterProduct
rectangle "<$ApimProductSprite>\nUnlimited" <<ApimProduct>> as unlimitedProduct
rectangle "<$ApimAPISprite>\nEcho API" <<ApimAPI>> as echoApi
rectangle "<$ApimBackendSprite{scale=3}>\nEcho Backend" <<ApimBackend>> as echoBackend

starterProduct --> echoApi
unlimitedProduct --> echoApi
echoApi --> echoBackend
