REP: 155 Title: Conventions, Topics, Interfaces for Perception in Human-Robot Interaction Author: Séverin Lemaignan <[email protected]> Status: Draft Type: Informational Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 11-Jan-2022
This REP provides a set of conventions and common interfaces for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) scenarios, with a focus on the perception of humans and social signals. It aims at enabling interoperability and reusability of core functionality between the many HRI-related software tools, from skeleton tracking, to face recognition, to natural language processing.
Besides, these interfaces are designed to be relevant for a broad range of HRI situations, from crowd simulation, to kineastetic teaching, to social interaction.
Specifically, this REP covers:
- human modeling, as a combination of a permanent identity (person) and transient parts that are intermittently detected (eg face, skeleton, voice);
- topic naming conventions under the
topic namespace; - human kinematic modeling (based on dynamically generated URDF models), as well as 3D TF frame conventions (naming, orientation);
- representation of group interactions (groups, mutual gaze)
ROS is widely used in the context of human-robot interactions (HRI). However, to date, no single effort (e.g. [1] [2]) has been successful at coming up with broadly accepted interfaces and pipelines for that domain, as found in other parts of the ROS ecosystem (for manipulation or 2D navigation for instance). As a result, many different implementations of common tasks (skeleton tracking, face recognition, speech processing, etc) cohabit, and while they achieve similar goals, they are not generally compatible, hampering the code reusability, experiment replicability, and general sharing of knowledge.
In order to address this issue, this REP aims at structuring the whole "ROS for HRI" space by creating an adequate set of ROS messages and services to describe the software interactions relevant to the HRI domain, as well as a set of conventions (eg topics structure, tf frames) to expose human-related information.
The REP aims at modeling these interfaces based on existing, state-of-the-art algorithms relevant to HRI perception, while considering the broad range of application scenario in HRI.
It is hoped that such an effort will allow easier collaboration between projects and allow a reduction in duplicate efforts to implement the same functionality.
This REP specifies multiple aspects of human-robot interaction, with a primary focus on human perception/social signal recognition.
It is split into 4 sections:
- human representation, as a combination of a permanent identity (person) and transient parts that are intermittently detected (e.g. face, skeleton, voice);
- topic naming conventions under the
topic namespace; - kinematic model of the human and 3D tf frame conventions (naming, orientation, compatible with REP-120 [3] where possible)
- representation of group interactions (groups, mutual gaze)
By following the naming conventions and leveraging the interfaces defined in this REP, both tools and libraries can be designed to be reusable between different frameworks and experiments.
Importantly, the REP does not mandate specific tools or algorithms to perform human perception/social signal recognition per se. It only specify naming conventions and interfaces between these nodes.
The use of capitalized words such as MUST, SHOULD, MAY must be understood as specified in the IETF RFC2119 'Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels' [6].
To accommodate existing tools and techniques used to detect and recognise humans, the representation of a person is built on a combination of 4 unique identifiers (UUIDs): a person identifier, a face identifier, a body identifier and a voice identifier. Future revisions of this REP might add additional identifiers.
These four identifiers are not mutually exclusive, and depending on the requirements of the application, the available sensing capabilities, and the position/behaviour of the humans, only some might be available for a given person, at a given time.
The person identifier MUST be a unique ID (typically, a UUID) permanently associated with a unique person. This person ID is normally assigned by a node able to perform person identification (face recognition node, voice recognition node, sound source localisation + name, identification based on physical features like height/age/gender, person identification based on pre-defined features like the colour of the clothes, etc.) This ID is meant to be persistent so that the robot can recognize people across encounters/sessions. Nodes providing person IDs MAY serialise these IDs to a permanent storage, for them to persist across robot reboots.
When meaningful (see section Person frame), a TF frame MUST be
associated to the person ID and named person_<personID>
Due to the importance of the head in human-robot interaction, the
frame is expected to be placed as close as possible to the
head of the human.
If neither the face nor the skeleton are tracked, the person_<personID>
frame might be located to the last known position of the human, or removed
altogether if no meaningful estimate of the human location is available.
See section Person frame for details regarding the person_<personID>
At any given time, the list of currently-seen persons is published under the
topic as hri_msgs/IdsList
messages, and the list
of all known persons (ie, persons that have been seen and recognized at least
once in the past) under /humans/persons/known
In certain cases, two person IDs must be merged (for instance, the robot detects that a voice and a face that were thought to belong to different people are indeed the same person).
In such a case, one of the person IDs is marked as an alias of the other
person, by publishing the ID of the other person on a special subtopic named
See section Topics structure for details.
The reverse operation (splitting a person into two) can be realised by simply publishing a second person ID.
While person IDs are generally expected to be permanent, one exception exists for persons that the robot has detected but not yet identified.
For instance, the robot hears a voice, and therefore knows that a person is around, but no voice identification nodes is available -- or the voice identification has not yet recognised the voice. In such a case, an anonymous person MAY be created, ie a person who has not yet been assigned a permanent ID.
Anonymous persons are treated like regular persons.
They however publish a latched true
boolean on their /anonymous
subtopic, and their ID is not guaranteed to be permanent (it can in fact
change/be removed at any point).
The face identifier MUST be a unique ID that identifies a detected face. This ID is typically generated by the face detector/head pose estimator upon face detection.
Importantly, this ID is not persistent: once a face is lost (for instance, the person goes out of frame), its ID is not valid nor meaningful anymore. To cater for a broad range of applications (where re-identification might not be always necessary), there is no expectation that the face detector will attempt to recognise the face and re-assign the same face ID if the person reappears.
A face detector/face tracker MAY reuse the same face ID if it is confident that the face is indeed the same.
There is a one-to-one relationship between this face ID and the estimated 6D
pose of the head. If the node publishes a head pose estimation, the ROS TF frame
MUST be named face_<faceID>
(see section Face and Gaze Frames for the
face frame conventions).
At any given time, the list of tracked faces SHOULD be published under the
topic as hri_msgs/IdsList
Similarly to the face identifier, the body identifier MUST be a unique ID, associated to a person’s skeleton. It is normally created by a skeleton tracker upon detection of a skeleton.
Like the face ID, the body ID is not persistent, and is valid only as long as the specific skeleton is tracked by the skeleton tracker which initially detected it.
The corresponding TF frame is body_<bodyID>
, and TF frames associated with
each of the body parts of the person, MUST suffixed with the same ID (see
section Body frames).
At any given time, the list of tracked bodies SHOULD be published under the
topic as hri_msgs/IdsList
Likewise, a speech separation node MUST assign a unique, non-persistent, ID
for each detected voice.
Tracked voices SHOULD be published under the /humans/voices/tracked
topic as
Associations between IDs (for instance to denote that a given voice belongs to
a given person, or a given face to a given body) are expressed by publishing
messages on the /humans/candidate_matches
The hri_msgs/IdsMatch
message MAY include a confidence level.
A typical implementation will have several specialised nodes publishing
candidate matches on /humans/candidate_matches
(e.g. a face recognition node
providing matches between faces and persons; a voice recognition node providing
matches between voices and persons) and one 'person manager' node collecting
the candidates, and publishing the most likely associations between a person ID
and its face/body/voice IDs under the /humans/persons/
Identifiers can be arbitrary, as long as they are unique. We recommend to follow standard syntaxic rules so that they are also valid indentifiers in mainstream programming languages (eg, start with a letter).
Note that using people’s names as identifier is possible, but not generally recommended as collisions are likely.
(default: 128): width in pixels of the cropped faces published under/humans/faces/XYZ/cropped
(default: 128): height in pixels of the cropped faces published under/humans/faces/XYZ/cropped
: URDF models of detected humans. See Section Kinematic Model of the Human for details./humans/match_threshold
, default: 0.5): the minimum level of likelihood to consider a face/body/voice to belong to a given person./humans/reference_frame
, default: map): persons' TF frames must be published with respect to reference_frame. Typically, faces/bodies/voices frames are published wrt to their respective sensors frame. reference_frame is usually a 'static' frame (eg map), so that if the person moves out of view of the robot (and therefore, its position can not be updated anymore), it remains where it was last seen, independently of any possible robot motion.
A system implementing this REP MUST follow the following conventions for all HRI-related topics:
- all topics are grouped under the global namespace
- five sub-namespaces are available:
- the first four (
) expose one sub-namespace per face, body, voice, person detected, named after the corresponding ID (for instance,/humans/faces/bd34a/
). In addition, they expose a topic/tracked
(of typehri_msgs/IdsList
) where the list of currently tracked faces/bodies/voices/persons is published; - matches between faces/bodies/voices/persons are published on the
topic, as explained in Section Identifier matching; - the
topic exposes group- level signals, including gazing patterns and social groups.
the hri_msgs
messages are defined in the hri_msgs repository.
The slightly unconvential structure of topics (with one namespace per face, body, person, etc.) enables modular pipelines.
For instance, a face detector might publish cropped images of detected faces
under /humans/faces/face_1/cropped
, /humans/faces/face_2/cropped
Then, depending on the application, an additional facial expression
recognizer might be needed as well.
For each detected face, that node would subscribe to the corresponding
/cropped topic and publish its results under
, /humans/faces/face_2/expression
etc., augmenting the available information about each face in a modular way.
Such modularity would not be easily possible if we had chosen to publish
instead a generic Face
message, as a single node would have had first to
fuse all possible information about faces.
See the Illustrative Example below for a complete example.
libhri can be used to hide away the complexity of tracking new persons/faces/bodies/voices. It automatically handles subscribing/unsubcribing to the right topics when new persons/faces/bodies/voices are detected.
The list of currently detected faces (list of face IDs) is published
under /humans/faces/tracked
(as a hri_msgs/IdsList
For each detected face, a namespace /humans/faces/<faceID>/
created (eg /humans/faces/bf3d/
The following subtopics MAY then be available, depending on available detectors:
Name | Message type | Required | Description |
/roi |
hri_msgs/NormalizedRegionOfInterest2D |
x | Region of the face in the source image |
/cropped |
sensor_msgs/Image |
x | Cropped face image, if
necessary scaled,
centered and 0-padded
to match the
ROS parameters |
/aligned |
sensor_msgs/Image |
Aligned (eg, the two
eyes are horizontally
aligned) version of the
cropped face, with same
resolution as
/cropped |
/frontalized |
sensor_msgs/Image |
Frontalized version of
the cropped face, with
same resolution as
/cropped |
/landmarks |
hri_msgs/FacialLandmarks |
2D facial landmarks extracted from the face | |
/facs |
hri_msgs/FacialActionUnits |
The presence and intensity of facial action units found in the face | |
/expression |
hri_msgs/Expression |
The expression recognised from the face | |
/softbiometrics |
hri_msgs/SoftBiometrics |
Detected age and gender of the person |
The list of currently detected bodies (list of body IDs) is published
under /humans/bodies/tracked
(as a hri_msgs/IdsList
For each detected body, a namespace /humans/bodies/<bodyID>/
The following subtopics MAY then be available, depending on available
Name | Message type | Required | Description |
/roi |
hri_msgs/NormalizedRegionOfInterest2D |
x | Region of the whole body body in the source image |
/cropped |
sensor_msgs/Image |
x | Cropped body image |
/skeleton2d |
hri_msgs/Skeleton2D |
The 2D points of the the detected skeleton | |
/joint_states |
sensor_msgs/JointState |
The joint state of the human body, following the Kinematic Model of the Human | |
/posture |
hri_msgs/BodyPosture |
Recognised body posture (eg standing, sitting) | |
/gesture |
hri_msgs/Gesture |
Recognised symbolic gesture (eg waving) |
3D body poses SHOULD be exposed via TF frames. This is discussed in Section Kinematic Model and Coordinate Frames.
The list of currently detected voices (list of voice IDs) is published
under /humans/voices/tracked
(as a hri_msgs/IdsList
For each detected voice, a namespace /humans/voices/<voiceID>/
The following subtopics MAY then be available, depending on available detectors:
Name | Message type | Required | Description |
/audio |
audio_common_msgs/AudioData |
x | Separated audio stream for this voice |
/features |
hri_msgs/AudioFeatures |
INTERSPEECH’09 Emotion challenge [4] low-level audio features | |
/is_speaking |
std_msgs/Bool |
Whether or not speech is recognised from this voice | |
/speech |
hri_msgs/LiveSpeech |
The live stream of speech recognized via an ASR engine |
The list of currently tracked persons (list of person IDs) is published
under /humans/persons/tracked
(as a hri_msgs/IdsList
The list of known persons (either actively tracked, or known but not tracked
anymore) is published under /humans/persons/known
(as a hri_msgs/IdsList
For each detected person, a namespace /humans/persons/<personID>/
The following subtopics MAY then be available, depending on available detectors, and whether or not the person has yet been matched to a face/body/voice:
Name | Message type | Required | Description |
/anonymous |
(latched) |
x | If true, the person is anonymous, ie has not yet been identified, and has not been issued a permanent ID |
/face_id |
(latched) |
Face matched to that person (if any) | |
/body_id |
(latched) |
Body matched to that person (if any) | |
/voice_id |
(latched) |
Voice matched to that person (if any) | |
/alias |
(latched) |
If this person has been merged with another, this topic contains the person ID of the new person | |
/engagement_status |
hri_msgs/EngagementLevel |
Engagement status of the person with the robot | |
/location_confidence |
std_msgs/Float32 |
Location confidence; 1 means person currently seen, 0 means person location unknown. See Person Frame | |
/name |
std_msgs/String |
Name, if known | |
/native_language |
std_msgs/String |
IETF language codes like EN_gb, if known |
Finally, the namespace /humans/interactions
exposes topics where group-level
interactions are published when detected.
Name | Message type | Description |
/groups |
hri_msgs/Group |
Estimated social groups |
/gazing |
hri_msgs/Gaze |
Estimated gazing behaviours |
See section Group-level Interactions for details.
You run a node your_face_detector_node
This node detects two faces, and
publishes the corresponding regions of interest and cropped faces.
The node
effectively advertises and publishes onto the following topics:
> rostopic list /humans/faces/23bd5/roi # hri_msgs/NormalizedRegionOfInterest2D /humans/faces/23bd5/cropped # sensor_msgs/Image /humans/faces/b092e/roi # hri_msgs/NormalizedRegionOfInterest2D /humans/faces/b092e/cropped # sensor_msgs/Image
The IDs (in this example, 23bd5
and b092e
) are arbitrary, as
long as they are unique.
However, for practical reasons, it is recommended to keep them reasonably
You start an additional node to recognise expressions:
The node subscribes to the
topics and publishes expressions for each
faces under the same namespace:
> rostopic list /humans/faces/23bd5/roi /humans/faces/23bd5/cropped /humans/faces/23bd5/expression # hri_msgs/Expression /humans/faces/b092e/roi /humans/faces/b092e/cropped /humans/faces/b092e/expression # hri_msgs/Expression
You then launch your_body_tracker_node
It detects one body:
> rostopic list /humans/faces/23bd5/... /humans/faces/b092e/... /humans/bodies/67dd1/roi # hri_msgs/NormalizedRegionOfInterest2D /humans/bodies/67dd1/cropped # sensor_msgs/Image
In addition, you start a 2D/3D pose estimator your_skeleton_estimator_node
The 2D skeleton can be published under the same body namespace, and the 3D
skeleton is published as a joint state.
The joint state can then be converted
into TF frames using eg a URDF model of the human, alongside a
> rostopic list /humans/faces/23bd5/... /humans/faces/b092e/... /humans/bodies/67dd1/roi /humans/bodies/67dd1/cropped /humans/bodies/67dd1/skeleton2d # hri_msgs/Skeleton2D /humans/bodies/67dd1/joint_states # sensor_msgs/JointState > xacro ws/human_description/urdf/human-tpl.xacro id:=67dd1 height:=1.7 > body-67dd1.urdf > rosparam set human_description_67dd1 -t body-67dd1.urdf > rosrun robot_state_publisher robot_state_publisher joint_states:=/humans/bodies/67dd1/joint_states robot_description:=human_description_67dd1
In this example, we manually generate the URDF model of the human,
load it to the ROS parameter server, and start a robot_state_publisher
In practice, this should be done programmatically everytime a new body is
So far, faces and bodies are detected, but they are not yet 'unified' as a person.
First, we need a stable way to associate a face to a person.
This would typically require a node for facial recognition. Such a node would
subscribe to each of the detected faces' /cropped
subtopics, and publish
candidate matches on the /humans/candidate_matches
topic, using a
For instance:
> rostopic echo /humans/candidate_matches face_id: "23bd5" body_id: '' voice_id: '' person_id: "76c0c" confidence: 0.73 ---
In that example, the person ID 76c0c
is created and assigned by the face
recognition node itself.
Finally, you would need a your_person_manager_node
to publish the
subtopics based on the candidate matches:
> rostopic list /humans/faces/23bd5/... /humans/faces/b092e/... /humans/bodies/67dd1/... /humans/persons/76c0c/face_id
In this simple example, only the /face_id
subtopic would be advertised (with a
latched message pointing to the face ID 23bd5
In practice, additional
information could be gathered by the your_person_manager_node
to expose eg
soft biometrics, engagement, etc.
Similarly, the association between the person
and its body would have to be performed by a dedicated node.
Overall, six independent nodes are combined to implement this pipeline:
This possible pipeline is only for illustration purposes: depending on each specific pipeline implementations, some of these nodes might be merged or on the contrary, further divided into smaller nodes. For instance, one might choose to integrate together the face recogniser node and the person manager.
Note as well that in order to build a complete perception pipeline for HRI, additional nodes would be needed, for instance for voice processing.
Where meaningful, the coordinate frames used for humans follow the conventions set out in REP-120 [3].
These conventions also follow the REP-103 [5].
The main 15 links defined on the human body are presented in the above diagram. Frames orientations and naming are based on REP-103 and REP-120. Right: render of the reference URDF model of the human body in rviz.
The following diagram presents all the link (boxes) and joints (arrows) in the recommended human kinematic model.
In practice, each of these links and joints must be suffixed with the
corresponding <bodyID>
, as several skeletons might be present at the same
A parametric URDF model of humans is available in the human_description
It SHOULD be used to instantiate at run-time new human URDF model,
adjusted for the e.g. height of the detected persons.
The person's joint state
(published under /humans/bodies/<bodyID>/joint_states
) can then be used with
eg a robot_state_publisher node <> to
publish the body's TF frames.
When generated, the URDF models of the humans should be loaded on the ROS
parameter server under /human_description_<bodyID>
the human_description ROS package contains a launch
script visualize.launch
that can be used to quickly experiment with the
kinematic model of humans.
- Head pose estimation nodes MUST publish the head 6D pose as
a TF frame named
stands for the unique face identifier. - the parent of this frame is the sensor frame used to estimate the face pose.
- The origin of the frame must be the sellion (defined as the deepest midline point of the angle formed between the nose and forehead. It can generally be approximated to the mid point of line connecting the two eyes).
- The
axis is expected to point forward (ie, out of the face), thez
axis is expected to point toward the scalp (ie, up when the person is standing vertically). - Any other facial landmark published as a TF frame must be parented to
the head TF frame.
It should be suffixed with the same
In addition, the person's gaze direction MUST be published as a
frame, collocated with the face_<faceID>
frame, and with
its z
axis aligned with the estimated gaze vector, x
right, and y
down ('optical frame' convention).
If gaze is not estimated beyond general head orientation, the
's z
axis will be colinear with the face_<faceID>
Finally, nodes performing attention estimation MAY publish a frame
representing the estimated focus of attention of the person.
- The body frame is named
stands for the unique skeleton identifier. - The origin of the frame is located at the mid point of the line connecting the hips.
- the parent of this frame is the sensor frame used to estimate the body pose.
- The
axis is expected to point forward (ie, out of the body), thez
axis is expected to point toward the head (ie, up when the person is standing vertically). - The other skeleton points published as TF frames must be parented to
the root
frame, and all be suffixed with the same_<bodyID>
. Section Kinematic Model of the Human lists the recommended names of body links and body joints. - if the skeleton tracker provide an estimate of the head pose, it
might publish a frame named
. It is the joint responsibility of the face tracker and skeleton tracker to ensure thatface_<faceID>
are consistent with each other.
- Sound source localisation algorithms can broadcast estimated TF frames for
detected voices.
These frames should be named
. - The orientation of the frame is meaningless, and should be ignored.
The person_<personID>
frame has a slightly more complex semantic and
must be interpreted in conjunction with the person's location_confidence
value (see Persons topics).
We can distinguish three cases:
- The human is currently being tracked (ie
is set, and at least one offaceID
is set). In this case,location_confidence
MUST be set to 1 and:
- when a face ID is also defined, the
frame must be collocated with theface_<faceID>
frame.- when a body ID is defined (ie the skeleton is being tracked), the
frame must be collocated with the skeleton frame the closest to the head.- if both the face and body IDs are defined, the
frame must be collocated with theface_<faceID>
- The human is not seen, but has been previously seen. In this case,
MUST be set to a value< 1
and aperson_<personID>
TF frame MUST be published as long aslocation_confidence > 0
. Simple implementations might choose to setlocation_confidence = 0.5
as soon as the person is not actively seen anymore, continuously broadcast the last known location. More advanced implementations might slowly decreaselocation_confidence
over time to represent the fact that the human might have walked away, for instance. - The human is known, but has never been seen before.
In this case,
MUST be set to0
, and no TF frame should be broadcast.
When detected, group-level interactions are published on the
, using the hri_msgs/Group.msg
Each group is defined by a unique group ID, and a list of person IDs. (groups can only be defined between persons).
Social gazing (eg, gazing between people) is represented as
messages, published on the
Each Gaze.msg
messages contain a sender and a receiver that MUST be
known persons.
Note that the relationship is not symmetrical: "A gazes at B" does not imply "B
gazes at A".
As such, mutual gaze will lead to two messages being published.
If one or the other of the sender and receiver IDs are not set, the robot is assumed to respectively originate or be the target of the gaze.
Nodes publishing gazing information are expected to continuously publish gaze messages, until the person is not gazing at the target anymore.
[1] | people package, last commit in 2015
( |
[2] | cob_people_perception package, mainly developed between 2012 and
2014 ( |
[3] | (1, 2) REP 120, Coordinate Frames for Humanoid Robots ( |
[4] | The INTERSPEECH 2009 emotion challenge, Schuller, Steidl and Batliner, Tenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009 |
[5] | REP 103, Standard Units of Measure and Coordinate Conventions ( |
[6] | RFC2119, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels ( |
Antonio Andriella, Lorenzo Ferrini, Youssef Mohamed, Andres Ramirez-Duque
(alphabetic order)
This work has been primarily funded by PAL Robotics, with the Bristol Robotics Lab/University of the West of England funding the initial research.
In addition, the work leading to this REP has received funding from the European Union through the H2020 SPRING project (grant agreement 871245), and the ACCIÓ Tecniospring TALBOT project.
Copyright (c) 2021 by PAL Robotics. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at