The installation steps below have only been tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.
Following the installation steps below will allow you to run Rosetta Home locally as well as build the system for a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
The much easier path is to just download the pre-built firmware and burn it with mix firmware.burn
this still requires you to install Nerves boostrap from the instructions below, but should work on all OS types.
Once burned and installed on a Raspberry Pi, you can follow the setup instructions for getting the system on WiFi.
- Install build-essential
- Install libmnl-dev
- Install Erlang v20.1
- Install erlang-esl
- Install erlang-dev
- Install erlang-xmerl
- Install erlang-os-mon
- Install erlang-src
- Install erlang-eunit
- Install erlang-parsetools
- Install Elixir v1.5
- Install Nerves
- Install fwup
- Install ssh-askpass
- Install squashfs-tool
- Install rebar and hex
- Install bootstrap v0.6
$ mix archive.install
- You will have to go into
and renamenerves_bootstrap
there is a bug when you install bootstrap and it's not the latest build.
- Install Node >= 6.1
- Install Elm 0.17.1
$ cp default.env .env
change cipher keys to random 10 digits remember to remove the spaces
Update MQTT Host
$ source .env
$ cd apps/interface/priv
$ elm-make src/Main.elm --output=app.js
$ MIX_ENV=dev mix do deps.get, deps.compile
$ MIX_ENV=dev mix compile
$ MIX_ENV=dev iex -S mix
$ cd apps/fw
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix do deps.get, deps.compile
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix firmware
Insert microSD card and burn it with $ MIX_ENV=prod mix firmware.burn