Starting Trycycler partitioning (2020-07-06 14:22:06) Trycycler partition is a tool for partitioning reads by cluster. I.e. each read will be assigned to one cluster and saved in a file for that cluster. Input reads: reads.fastq.gz 43,662 reads (210,403,674 bp) N50 = 7,768 bp Input clusters: trycycler/cluster_001/2_all_seqs.fasta: 10 contigs, mean length = 1,044,365 bp trycycler/cluster_002/2_all_seqs.fasta: 10 contigs, mean length = 7,509 bp Checking required software: minimap2: v2.17-r954-dirty Aligning reads to each contig (2020-07-06 14:22:09) The reads are independently aligned to each of the contigs and Trycycler will remember the single best alignment for each read. A_contig_1 (1,044,291 bp): 39,801 alignments B_contig_1 (1,044,295 bp): 39,800 alignments C_contig_1 (1,044,313 bp): 39,801 alignments D_contig_1 (1,044,336 bp): 39,800 alignments E_contig_1 (1,044,318 bp): 39,803 alignments F_utg000001c (1,044,419 bp): 39,800 alignments G_utg000001c (1,044,418 bp): 39,802 alignments H_utg000001c (1,044,435 bp): 39,800 alignments I_utg000001c (1,044,409 bp): 39,800 alignments J_utg000001c (1,044,416 bp): 39,800 alignments A_contig_2 (7,504 bp): 3,043 alignments B_contig_2 (7,509 bp): 3,044 alignments C_contig_2 (7,512 bp): 3,044 alignments D_contig_2 (7,508 bp): 3,044 alignments E_contig_2 (7,508 bp): 3,044 alignments F_utg000002c (7,523 bp): 3,045 alignments G_utg000002c (7,509 bp): 3,043 alignments H_utg000002c (7,509 bp): 3,041 alignments I_utg000002c (7,506 bp): 3,042 alignments J_utg000002c (7,511 bp): 3,045 alignments Saving reads to cluster directories (2020-07-06 14:23:36) Reads are now saved in a file in the cluster directory to which they aligned best. trycycler/cluster_001/4_reads.fastq: 31,959 reads (73.20%) 192,572,569 bases (91.53%) trycycler/cluster_002/4_reads.fastq: 2,229 reads (5.11%) 10,440,509 bases (4.96%)