Starting Trycycler reconcile (2020-07-08 15:17:10) Trycycler reconcile is a tool for reconciling multiple alternative contigs with each other. Input reads: reads.fastq.gz size = 216,254,308 bytes Input contigs: trycycler/cluster_002/1_contigs/A_contig_10.fasta (7,455 bp) trycycler/cluster_002/1_contigs/B_contig_8.fasta (7,455 bp) trycycler/cluster_002/1_contigs/C_contig_4.fasta (7,535 bp) trycycler/cluster_002/1_contigs/D_contig_2.fasta (14,941 bp) trycycler/cluster_002/1_contigs/E_contig_18.fasta (7,450 bp) Checking required software: minimap2: v2.17-r954-dirty Initial check of contigs (2020-07-08 15:17:10) Before proceeding, Trycycler ensures that the input contigs appear sufficiently close to each other to make a consensus. If not, the program will quit and the user must fix the input contigs (make them more similar to each other) or exclude some before trying again. Relative sequence lengths: A_contig_10: 1.000 1.000 0.989 0.499 1.001 B_contig_8: 1.000 1.000 0.989 0.499 1.001 C_contig_4: 1.011 1.011 1.000 0.504 1.011 D_contig_2: 2.004 2.004 1.983 1.000 2.006 E_contig_18: 0.999 0.999 0.989 0.499 1.000 Error: there is too much length difference between contigs. You must either exclude or repair the offending contig sequences and then try running trycycler reconcile again. If one of the sequences is too long, it could be due to excessive circularisation overlap, and trimming that overlap may allow trycycler reconcile to continue.