Let's do the same, doing the same trick as with backend: create
FROM node:14-alpine
RUN npm install -g @vue/cli
ENV NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192"
ADD package.json package-lock.json* /source/
WORKDIR /source
RUN npm install
ADD . /source
WORKDIR /source
RUN npm install && cp .env.k8s .env
CMD npm run serve -- --port=80 --publicPath=. --disableHostCheck=true
Some questions:
- Try to build and run the container image. does it work ?
- Do you see the tricks here that we used to make the dockerfile efficient ?
- What is the startup time of a docker container ?
Click here to see the solution to start a docker container!
This is how!
docker build -t myfrontend . -f docker/Dockerfile.dev
docker run -p 8888:80 -it --rm myfrontend
Now some more questions!
- Can you run both frontend and backend containers at the same time ?
- If it works the frontend should be able to get the current time from the API.
- Do you know how the frontend "found" the backend ? Where in the source code ?
Now in the next chapter we will move to kubernetes. Let's make sure there are no more docker containers running that occupy ports or we will get in trouble port forwarding later.
# this command should give nothing
docker ps
If you still see docker containers in the above output, then kill them. There is an easy way to kill all docker containers:
docker container kill $(docker ps -q)