- Using Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.TestFramework
- Install the latest
from the PSGallery into PowerShell- Run PowerShell as administrator and execute the following command
Install-Module -Name Az.Resources -Scope AllUsers -AllowClobber -Force
- Run PowerShell as administrator and execute the following command
- Import the
module that helps to configure the settings- Run the command
Import-Module ./tools/Modules/TestFx-Tasks.psd1
- Run the command
Azure PowerShell repo now has its own test framework located under tools\TestFx
, which supports recording all the HTTP requests from behind Azure PowerShell cmdlets and then playing them back.
The target framework of test is .Net Core 3.1, please ensure .Net runtime Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1 is installed. You can list all installed version via dotnet --info
In order to Record/Playback a test, test framework needs to setup a connection string that consists of various key/value pairs that provide necessary information.
You can choose either option to configure the settings:
- Run the
cmdlet (Recommended) - Manually set the environment variables
This cmdlet will allow you to create a credentials file (located in C:/Users/<currentuser>/.Azure/testcredentials.json
) that will be used to set the connection string when scenario tests are run. This credentials file will be used in all future sessions unless it is deleted.
Using a service principal is the preferred option for recording tests because it works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core. In order to create a new service principal, run the following command with an unused service principal display name:
Set-TestFxEnvironment -ServicePrincipalDisplayName <DisplayName> -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -TenantId <TenantId> -RecorderMode "Record"
This command will first create a new service principal. And then set the Contributor
role assignment for this service principal based upon the subscription provided. After that, it will place the service principal application id and automatically generated secret into the credentials file.
If the display name of the service principal already exists, it will prompt if you would like to create a new one with the same name. If the answer is "Y", the new generated application id and the secret will be saved.
Alternatively, if you prefer creating a service principal by yourself from Azure portal, follow the Azure AD guide to create a Application Service Principal.
If you would like to use an existing service principal, run the following command with an existing service principal application id and secret:
Set-TestFxEnvironment -ServicePrincipalId <ServicePrincipalApplicationId> -ServicePrincipalSecret <ServicePrincipalSecret> -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> -TenantId <TenantId> -RecorderMode "Record"
For existing service principal, this command will respect your own settings and won't assign the Contributor
role automatically.
- This determines how to connect to Azure. It includes both your authentication and the Azure environment information.
- This specifies whether the test framework will
test sessions orPlayback
previously recorded test sessions.
After the service principal is created, you will need to give it access to Azure resources. This can be done with the following PowerShell command. The argument for this command is the application id (See Service Principal Application ID)
New-AzRoleAssignment -ApplicationId <ApplicationId> -Scope "/subscriptions/<SubscriptionId>" -RoleDefinitionName Contributor
To use this option, set the following environment variable before starting Visual Studio. The following values are substituted into the below environment variable:
The default test mode is Playback
, so setting up the AZURE_TEST_MODE
is not required. You can optionally set environment variables:
Opting for config file is the recommended way to build connection string because any changes you make will take effect immediately without having to restart Visual Studio. However, updating the environment variables is different. It requires rebooting Visual Studio before it can read the updated values. So following is the steps how Test Framework detects the settings.
- If JSON config file exists
- It will be used to build the connection string. Anything set in the environment variables will be ignored
- If JSON config file does not exist
- Test framework will first retrieve the environment variable
and use its value to build the connection string except for the test mode (Record/Playback). - Then test framework will try to get the value of the environment variable
- If
is set, its value will be used as the test mode - Otherwise, the property named
will be used - If the property
is also not set,Playback
will be applied as the default value
- If
- Test framework will first retrieve the environment variable
If you are not sure the settings on your machine, please run command Get-TestFxEnvironment
. It will consolidate above steps and display the ultimate result.
- Run the tests and make sure that you got a generated
file that matches the test name under theSessionRecords
folder in the test project. - If you want to switch from Record to Playback or from Playback to Record, consider below steps.
- If you opt for JSON config file, update the value of the property
in the JSON. - If you opt for environment variables
- If you have
set, update the value of this variable - Otherwise, update the value of the property
defined in the variableTEST_CSM_ORGID_AUTHENTICATION
- If you have
- If you opt for JSON config file, update the value of the property
Add new key/value pair
TestEnvironment.ConnectionString.KeyValuePairs.Add("Foo", "FooValue");
Update Existing key/value pair
TestEnvironment.ConnectionString.KeyValuePairs["keyName"]="new value"
Accessing/Updating TestEndpoints
TestEnvironment.Endpoints.GraphUri = new Uri("https://newGraphUri.windows.net");
Changing the above properties at run-time has the potential to hard code few things in your tests. Best practice would be to use these properties to change values at run-time from immediate window at run-time and avoid hard-coding certain values.
Ensure that the HttpRecorderMode
environment variable is consistent with the value in AZURE_TEST_MODE
environment variable.
AADAuthUri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com"
GalleryUri = "https://gallery.azure.com/"
GraphUri = "https://graph.windows.net/"
IbizaPortalUri = "https://portal.azure.com/"
RdfePortalUri = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=254433"
ResourceManagementUri = "https://management.azure.com/"
ServiceManagementUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.windows.net/"
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://azuredatalakestore.net"
DataLakeAnalyticsJobAndCatalogServiceUri = "https://azuredatalakeanalytics.net"
AADAuthUri = "https://login.windows-ppe.net";
GalleryUri = "https://df.gallery.azure-test.net/";
GraphUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/";
IbizaPortalUri = "http://df.onecloud.azure-test.net";
RdfePortalUri = "https://windows.azure-test.net";
ResourceManagementUri = "https://api-dogfood.resources.windows-int.net/";
ServiceManagementUri = "https://management-preview.core.windows-int.net";
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net";
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/";
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://caboaccountdogfood.net";
DataLakeAnalyticsJobAndCatalogServiceUri = "https://konaaccountdogfood.net";
AADAuthUri = "https://login.windows-ppe.net"
GalleryUri = "https://next.gallery.azure-test.net/"
GraphUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
IbizaPortalUri = "http://next.onecloud.azure-test.net"
RdfePortalUri = "https://auxnext.windows.azure-test.net"
ResourceManagementUri = "https://api-next.resources.windows-int.net/"
ServiceManagementUri = "https://managementnext.rdfetest.dnsdemo4.com"
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://caboaccountdogfood.net"
DataLakeAnalyticsJobAndCatalogServiceUri = "https://konaaccountdogfood.net"
AADAuthUri = "https://login.windows-ppe.net"
GalleryUri = "https://df.gallery.azure-test.net/"
GraphUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
IbizaPortalUri = "http://df.onecloud.azure-test.net"
RdfePortalUri = "https://windows.azure-test.net"
ResourceManagementUri = "https://api-dogfood.resources.windows-int.net/"
ServiceManagementUri = "https://management-preview.core.windows-int.net"
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://caboaccountdogfood.net"
DataLakeAnalyticsJoAbndCatalogServiceUri = "https://konaaccountdogfood.net"
When specified, test framework expect all Uri's to be provided by the user as part of the connection string.
What is also supported is as below (connections string example)
Which translates to, all Uri from pre-defined Prod environment will be used, but AADAuthUri and ResourceManagementUri will be overridden by the one provided in the connection string