diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index 1ae7c11f8e..f4b12d124a 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ tests/examples
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bb8552d8b6..c3bb66933e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ vignettes/*.pdf
# Other files
index b6fd535260..57975c6abb 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ export(cell_borders)
@@ -27,7 +29,6 @@ export(cols_merge_uncert)
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ export(tab_options)
diff --git a/R/as_data_frame.R b/R/as_data_frame.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ceb141bb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/as_data_frame.R
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#' @export
+as.data.frame.gt_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
+ data <- x
+ data_built <-
+ data %>%
+ build_data(context = "html")
+ ret <-
+ data_built %>%
+ dt_body_get() %>%
+ as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ has_rowname <-
+ data_built %>%
+ dt_stub_components() %>%
+ dt_stub_components_has_rowname()
+ if (has_rowname) {
+ rowname_vals <-
+ data_built %>%
+ dt_stub_df_get() %>%
+ dplyr::pull(rowname)
+ rownames(ret) <- rowname_vals
+ }
+ ret
diff --git a/R/as_latex.R b/R/as_latex.R
index 422c31d6f5..a19b9dd1d6 100644
--- a/R/as_latex.R
+++ b/R/as_latex.R
@@ -37,128 +37,53 @@
as_latex <- function(data) {
# Build all table data objects through a common pipeline
- built_data <- data %>% build_data(context = "latex")
+ data <- data %>% build_data(context = "latex")
- # Use LaTeX-specific builders to generate the Latex table code
- with(built_data, {
+ # Composition of LaTeX ----------------------------------------------------
- # Add footnote marks to elements of the table columns
- boxh_df <-
- set_footnote_marks_columns(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- output = "latex"
- )
+ # Create a LaTeX fragment for the start of the table
+ table_start <- create_table_start_l(data = data)
- # Add footnote marks to the `data` rows
- output_df <-
- apply_footnotes_to_output(
- output_df = output_df,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- output = "latex"
- )
+ # Create the heading component
+ heading_component <- create_heading_component(data = data, context = "latex")
- # Add footnote marks to stub group title elements
- groups_rows_df <-
- set_footnote_marks_stub_groups(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- output = "latex"
- )
+ # Create the columns component
+ columns_component <- create_columns_component_l(data = data)
- # Add footnote marks to the `summary` rows
- list_of_summaries <-
- apply_footnotes_to_summary(
- list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved
- )
+ # Create the body component
+ body_component <- create_body_component_l(data = data)
- # Extraction of body content as a vector ----------------------------------
- body_content <- as.vector(t(output_df))
+ # Create the source notes component
+ source_notes_component <- create_source_note_component_l(data = data)
- # Composition of LaTeX ----------------------------------------------------
+ # Create the footnotes component
+ footnotes_component <- create_footnotes_component_l(data = data)
- # Split `body_content` by slices of rows
- row_splits <- split(body_content, ceiling(seq_along(body_content) / n_cols))
+ # Create a LaTeX fragment for the ending tabular statement
+ table_end <- create_table_end_l()
- # Create a LaTeX fragment for the start of the table
- table_start <- create_table_start_l(col_alignment = col_alignment)
+ # If the `rmarkdown` package is available, use the
+ # `latex_dependency()` function to load latex packages
+ # without requiring the user to do so
+ if (requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
- # Create the heading component of the table
- heading_component <-
- create_heading_component(
- heading = heading,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- styles_resolved = styles_resolved,
- n_cols = n_cols,
- subtitle_defined = subtitle_defined,
- output = "latex"
- )
+ latex_packages <-
+ lapply(latex_packages(), rmarkdown::latex_dependency)
- # Create the columns component of the table
- columns_component <-
- create_columns_component_l(
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- output_df = output_df,
- stub_available = stub_available,
- spanners_present = spanners_present,
- stubhead = stubhead
- )
+ } else {
+ latex_packages <- NULL
+ }
- # Create the body component of the table
- body_component <-
- create_body_component_l(
- row_splits = row_splits,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- col_alignment = col_alignment,
- stub_available = stub_available,
- summaries_present = summaries_present,
- list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- n_rows = n_rows,
- n_cols = n_cols
- )
- # Create a LaTeX fragment for the ending tabular statement
- table_end <- create_table_end_l()
- # Create the footnote component of the table
- footnote_component <-
- create_footnote_component_l(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- opts_df = opts_df
- )
- # Create the source note component of the table
- source_note_component <-
- create_source_note_component_l(
- source_note = source_note
- )
- # If the `rmarkdown` package is available, use the
- # `latex_dependency()` function to load latex packages
- # without requiring the user to do so
- if (requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
- latex_packages <-
- lapply(latex_packages(), rmarkdown::latex_dependency)
- } else {
- latex_packages <- NULL
- }
- # Compose the LaTeX table
- latex_table <-
- paste0(
- table_start,
- heading_component,
- columns_component,
- body_component,
- table_end,
- footnote_component,
- source_note_component,
- collapse = "") %>%
- knitr::asis_output(meta = latex_packages)
- latex_table
- })
+ # Compose the LaTeX table
+ paste0(
+ table_start,
+ heading_component,
+ columns_component,
+ body_component,
+ table_end,
+ footnotes_component,
+ source_notes_component,
+ collapse = ""
+ ) %>%
+ knitr::asis_output(meta = latex_packages)
diff --git a/R/as_rtf.R b/R/as_rtf.R
index edba1fb753..9e17b25fae 100644
--- a/R/as_rtf.R
+++ b/R/as_rtf.R
@@ -29,398 +29,33 @@
#' @import checkmate
#' @export
as_rtf <- function(data) {
- checkmate::assert_class(data, "gt_tbl")
- context <- "latex"
- # Preparation Work --------------------------------------------------------
- # Extract all attributes from the data object into `data_attr`;
- # this will be one of the main objects going forward
- data_attr <- attributes(data)
- # Check the names of objects in `data_attr`
- checkmate::assert_names(
- x = names(data_attr),
- must.include = c(
- "names", "row.names", "class", "boxh_df", "stub_df",
- "footnotes_df", "styles_df", "rows_df", "cols_df",
- "arrange_groups", "opts_df", "formats"))
- # Move original data frame to `data_df`
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
- # Get the `boxh_df` data frame
- boxh_df <- data_attr$boxh_df
- # Get the `stub_df` data frame
- stub_df <- data_attr$stub_df
- # Get the `opts_df` data frame
- opts_df <- data_attr$opts_df
- # Get the `footnotes_df` data frame
- footnotes_df <- data_attr$footnotes_df
- # Get the `styles_df` data frame
- styles_df <- data_attr$styles_df
- # Get the `rows_df` data frame
- rows_df <- data_attr$rows_df
- # Get the `cols_df` data frame
- cols_df <- data_attr$cols_df
- #
- # Obtain initial list objects from `data_attr`
- #
- # Get the `col_labels` list
- col_labels <- data_attr$col_labels
- # Get the `grp_labels` list
- grp_labels <- data_attr$grp_labels
- # Get the `formats` list
- formats <- data_attr$formats
- # Get the `transforms` list
- transforms <- data_attr$transforms
- # Get the `arrange_groups` vector
- arrange_groups <- data_attr$arrange_groups
- # Get the `others_group` vector
- others_group <- data_attr$others_group[[1]] %||% NA_character_
- # Get the `heading` object
- heading <- data_attr$heading
- # Get the `stubhead` object
- stubhead <- data_attr$stubhead
- # Get the `source_note` object
- source_note <- data_attr$source_note
- # Get the `col_merge` object
- col_merge <- data_attr$col_merge
- # Get the `summary_list` object
- summary_list <- data_attr$summary
- # Initialize `output_df`
- output_df <- initialize_output_df(data_df)
- # Create `output_df` with rendered values
- output_df <- render_formats(output_df, data_df, formats, context)
- # Move input data cells to `output_df` that didn't have
- # any rendering applied during `render_formats()`
- output_df <- migrate_unformatted_to_output(data_df, output_df, context)
- # Get the reordering df (`rows_df`) for the data rows
- rows_df <- get_row_reorder_df(arrange_groups, stub_df)
- # Get the `columns_df` data frame for the data columns
- columns_df <- get_column_reorder_df(cols_df, boxh_df)
- # Reassemble the rows and columns of `data_df` in the correct order
- output_df <- reassemble_output_df(output_df, rows_df, columns_df)
- # Get the `groups_df` data frame, which is a rearranged representation
- # of the stub `groupname` and `rowname` columns
- groups_df <- get_groupnames_rownames_df(stub_df, rows_df)
- # Get a `columns_spanners` vector, which has the unique, non-NA
- # column spanner labels
- columns_spanners <- get_columns_spanners_vec(boxh_df)
- # Create the `groups_rows_df` data frame, which provides information
- # on which rows the group rows should appear above
- groups_rows_df <- get_groups_rows_df(arrange_groups, groups_df, context)
- # Replace NA values in the `groupname` column if there is a reserved
- # label for the unlabeled group
- groups_df[is.na(groups_df[, "groupname"]), "groupname"] <- others_group
- # Replace NA values in the `group` and `group_label` columns of
- # `group_rows_df`
- if (!is.na(others_group)) {
- groups_rows_df[
- is.na(groups_rows_df[, "group"]),
- c("group", "group_label")] <- others_group
- }
- # Apply column names to column labels for any of those column labels not
- # explicitly set
- boxh_df <- migrate_colnames_to_labels(boxh_df, col_labels, context)
- # Assign default alignment for all columns that haven't had alignment
- # explicitly set
- boxh_df <- set_default_alignments(boxh_df)
- data_attr$boxh_df <- boxh_df
- data_attr$stub_df <- stub_df
- data_attr$cols_df <- cols_df
- data_attr$data_df <- data_df
- data_attr$arrange_groups <- arrange_groups
- data_attr$output_df <- output_df
- # Text transformation
- for (transform in transforms) {
- data_attr <- text_transform_at_location(
- loc = transform$resolved,
- data_attr = data_attr,
- fn = transform$fn)
- }
- output_df <- data_attr$output_df
- boxh_df <- data_attr$boxh_df
- # Perform any necessary column merge operations
- col_merge_output <-
- perform_col_merge(
- col_merge, data_df, output_df, boxh_df, columns_df, context
- )
- # Rewrite `output_df`, `boxh_df`, and `columns_df` as a result of merging
- output_df <- col_merge_output$output_df
- boxh_df <- col_merge_output$boxh_df
- columns_df <- col_merge_output$columns_df
- # Create the `list_of_summaries` list of lists
- list_of_summaries <-
- create_summary_dfs(summary_list, data_df, stub_df, output_df, context)
- # Determine if there is a populated stub
- stub_available <- is_stub_available(stub_df)
- # Determine if the title has been defined
- title_defined <- is_title_defined(heading)
- # Determine if a subtitle has been defined
- subtitle_defined <- is_subtitle_defined(heading)
- # Determine if there are any summaries present
- summaries_present <- are_summaries_present(list_of_summaries)
- # Determine if there are any spanners present
- spanners_present <- are_spanners_present(boxh_df)
- # Get the available stub components, if any
- stub_components <- get_stub_components(stub_df)
- # Define the `col_alignment` vector, which is a
- # vector of column alignment values for all of
- # the relevant columns in a table
- col_alignment <-
- boxh_df["column_align", ] %>%
- unlist() %>% unname()
- if (stub_component_is_rowname(stub_components) ||
- stub_component_is_rowname_groupname(stub_components)) {
- # Combine reordered stub with output table
- output_df <- cbind(groups_df["rowname"], output_df)
- # Define the `col_alignment` vector, which is a
- # vector of column alignment values for all of
- # the relevant columns in a table
- col_alignment <- c("right", col_alignment)
- }
- # Get the number of rows, columns, and cells in the `output_df`
- n_rows <- nrow(output_df)
- n_cols <- ncol(output_df)
- # Footnotes ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # Resolve and tidy footnotes
- footnotes_resolved <-
- resolve_footnotes_styles(
- output_df, boxh_df, groups_rows_df, opts_df, arrange_groups,
- columns_spanners, title_defined, subtitle_defined,
- footnotes_df = footnotes_df, styles_df = NULL)
- # The styles table is not yet available for RTF
- styles_resolved <- NULL
- # Add footnote marks to elements of the table columns
- boxh_df <-
- set_footnote_marks_columns(footnotes_resolved, boxh_df, output = "rtf")
- # Add footnote marks to the `data` rows
- output_df <-
- apply_footnotes_to_output(output_df, footnotes_resolved, output = "rtf")
- # Add footnote marks to stub group title elements
- groups_rows_df <-
- set_footnote_marks_stub_groups(
- footnotes_resolved, groups_rows_df, output = "rtf"
- )
- # Add footnote marks to the `summary` rows
- list_of_summaries <-
- apply_footnotes_to_summary(list_of_summaries, footnotes_resolved)
- body_content <- as.vector(t(output_df))
+ checkmate::assert_class(data, "gt_tbl")
- # Split `body_content` by slices of rows
- row_splits_body <- split_body_content(body_content, n_cols)
+ # Build all table data objects through a common pipeline
+ data <- data %>% build_data(context = "rtf")
# Composition of RTF ------------------------------------------------------
- # Create an RTF fragment for the start of the table
+ # Create a RTF fragment for the start of the table
table_start <- rtf_head()
- # Create a heading component of the table and handle any available footnotes
- heading_component <-
- create_heading_component(
- heading, footnotes_resolved, styles_resolved, n_cols,
- subtitle_defined, output = "rtf")
- # Get the headings
- headings <- names(output_df)
- # Merge the heading labels
- headings_rev <- headings %>% rev()
- labels_rev <- boxh_df[2, ] %>% unname() %>% t() %>% as.vector() %>% rev()
- for (i in seq(labels_rev)) {
- headings_rev[i] <- labels_rev[i]
- }
- headings <- rev(headings_rev)
- # If `stub_available` == TRUE, then replace with a set stubhead
- # caption or nothing
- if (stub_available && length(stubhead) > 0 &&
- "rowname" %in% headings) {
- headings[which(headings == "rowname")] <- stubhead$label
- } else if ("rowname" %in% headings) {
- headings[which(headings == "rowname")] <- ""
- }
- # Remove any HTML tags from `headings`
- headings <- remove_html(headings)
+ # Create the heading component
+ heading_component <- create_heading_component(data = data, context = "rtf")
- if (spanners_present == FALSE) {
+ # Create the columns component
+ columns_component <- create_columns_component_r(data = data)
- columns_component <-
- paste0(rtf_heading_row(content = headings), collapse = "")
+ # Create the body component
+ body_component <- create_body_component_r(data = data)
- } else {
+ # Create the footnotes component
+ footnotes_component <- create_footnotes_component_r(data = data)
- # spanners
- spanners <- boxh_df[1, ] %>% t() %>% as.vector()
- # Remove any HTML tags from `spanners`
- spanners <- remove_html(spanners)
- if (stub_available) {
- spanners <- c(NA_character_, spanners)
- }
- for (i in seq(spanners)) {
- if (is.na(spanners[i])) {
- spanners[i] <- headings[i]
- }
- }
- spanners_lengths <- rle(spanners)
- columns_component <-
- rtf_heading_group_row(
- spanners_lengths = spanners_lengths,
- headings = headings,
- spanners = spanners)
- }
- # Create the body component of the table
- # Split the body_content by slices of rows
- row_splits <- split(body_content, ceiling(seq_along(body_content)/n_cols))
- body_rows <- c()
- for (i in 1:n_rows) {
- # Process group rows
- if (!is.null(groups_rows_df) &&
- i %in% groups_rows_df$row) {
- body_rows <-
- c(body_rows,
- rtf_body_row(
- c(
- groups_rows_df[which(groups_rows_df$row %in% i), 1][[1]],
- rep("", n_cols - 1)), type = "group"))
- }
- # Process "data" rows
- if (i != length(row_splits)) {
- body_rows <-
- c(body_rows, rtf_body_row(row_splits[[i]], type = "row"))
- } else {
- body_rows <-
- c(body_rows, rtf_last_body_row(content = row_splits[[i]]))
- }
- # Process summary rows
- if (stub_available && summaries_present &&
- i %in% groups_rows_df$row_end) {
- group <-
- groups_rows_df %>%
- dplyr::filter(row_end == i) %>%
- dplyr::pull(group)
- if (group %in% names(list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list)) {
- summary_df <-
- list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list[[
- which(names(list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list) == group)]] %>%
- as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
- body_content_summary <-
- as.vector(t(summary_df)) %>%
- tidy_gsub("\u2014", "-")
- row_splits_summary <-
- split_body_content(
- body_content = body_content_summary,
- n_cols = n_cols)
- for (j in seq(length(row_splits_summary))) {
- body_rows <-
- c(body_rows, rtf_body_row(row_splits_summary[[j]], type = "row"))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- body_component <- paste0(body_rows, collapse = "")
- # Create the source note rows and handle any available footnotes
- if (length(source_note) != 0) {
- # Create a source note
- source_note_rows <-
- paste0(
- "\\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl288\\slmult1\\partightenfactor0\n",
- paste0(
- "\\cf0 \\strokec2 ", remove_html(data_attr$source_note[[1]]), "\\\n",
- collapse = ""),
- collapse = "")
- } else {
- source_note_rows <- ""
- }
- # Handle any available footnotes
- footnote_component <-
- create_footnote_component_rtf(footnotes_resolved, opts_df)
+ # Create the source notes component
+ source_notes_component <- create_source_notes_component_r(data = data)
+ # Create a LaTeX fragment for the ending tabular statement
table_end <- "}\n"
# Compose the RTF table
@@ -430,10 +65,11 @@ as_rtf <- function(data) {
- footnote_component,
- source_note_rows,
+ footnotes_component,
+ source_notes_component,
- collapse = "")
+ collapse = ""
+ )
if (isTRUE(getOption('knitr.in.progress'))) {
rtf_table <- rtf_table %>% knitr::raw_output()
diff --git a/R/build_data.R b/R/build_data.R
index 85891119de..c362db5027 100644
--- a/R/build_data.R
+++ b/R/build_data.R
@@ -5,329 +5,73 @@ build_data <- function(data, context) {
checkmate::assert_class(data, "gt_tbl")
- # Extract all attributes from the data object into `data_attr`;
- # this will be one of the main objects going forward
- data_attr <- attributes(data)
+ # # Check the names of objects in `data`
+ # checkmate::assert_names(
+ # x = names(data_attr),
+ # must.include = c(
+ # "_boxh", "_spanners",
+ # "names", "row.names", "class", "stub_df",
+ # "footnotes_df", "styles_df", "rows_df", "cols_df",
+ # "arrange_groups", "opts_df",
+ # "formats", "transforms")
+ # )
+ # Create `body` with rendered values; move
+ # input data cells to `body` that didn't have
+ # any rendering applied during `render_formats()`;
+ # Reassemble the rows and columns of `body` in
+ # the correct order
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_body_build() %>%
+ render_formats(context = context) %>%
+ migrate_unformatted_to_output(context = context) %>%
+ perform_col_merge(context = context) %>%
+ perform_text_transforms()
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_body_reassemble() %>%
+ reorder_stub_df() %>%
+ reorder_footnotes() %>%
+ reorder_styles()
+ # Use `dt_*_build()` methods
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_build(context = context) %>%
+ dt_spanners_build(context = context) %>%
+ dt_heading_build(context = context) %>%
+ dt_stubhead_build(context = context) %>%
+ dt_source_notes_build(context = context) %>%
+ dt_summary_build(context = context) %>%
+ dt_groups_rows_build(context = context)
- # Check the names of objects in `data_attr`
- checkmate::assert_names(
- x = names(data_attr),
- must.include = c(
- "names", "row.names", "class", "boxh_df", "stub_df",
- "footnotes_df", "styles_df", "rows_df", "cols_df",
- "col_labels", "grp_labels", "arrange_groups", "opts_df",
- "formats", "transforms")
- )
- # Move original data frame to `data_df`
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
- #
- # Obtain initial data frame objects from `data_attr`
- #
- # Get the `boxh_df` data frame
- boxh_df <- data_attr$boxh_df
- # Get the `stub_df` data frame
- stub_df <- data_attr$stub_df
- # Get the `opts_df` data frame
- opts_df <- data_attr$opts_df
- # Get the `footnotes_df` data frame
- footnotes_df <- data_attr$footnotes_df
- # Get the `styles_df` data frame
- styles_df <- data_attr$styles_df
- # Get the `rows_df` data frame
- rows_df <- data_attr$rows_df
- # Get the `cols_df` data frame
- cols_df <- data_attr$cols_df
- #
- # Obtain initial list objects from `data_attr`
- #
- # Get the `col_labels` list
- col_labels <- data_attr$col_labels
- # Get the `grp_labels` list
- grp_labels <- data_attr$grp_labels
- # Get the `formats` list
- formats <- data_attr$formats
- # Get the `transforms` list
- transforms <- data_attr$transforms
- # Get the `arrange_groups` vector
- arrange_groups <- data_attr$arrange_groups
- # Get the `others_group` vector
- others_group <- data_attr$others_group[[1]] %||% NA_character_
- # Get and process the `heading` object
- heading <-
- data_attr$heading %>%
- process_heading(context = context)
- # Get and process the `stubhead` object
- stubhead <-
- data_attr$stubhead %>%
- process_stubhead(context = context)
- # Get and process the `source_note` object
- source_note <-
- data_attr$source_note %>%
- process_source_notes(context = context)
- # Get the `col_merge` object
- col_merge <- data_attr$col_merge
- # Get the `summary_list` object
- summary_list <- data_attr$summary
- # Initialize `output_df`
- output_df <- initialize_output_df(data_df = data_df)
- # Create `output_df` with rendered values
- output_df <-
- render_formats(
- output_df = output_df,
- data_df = data_df,
- formats = formats,
- context = context
- )
- # Move input data cells to `output_df` that didn't have
- # any rendering applied during `render_formats()`
- output_df <-
- migrate_unformatted_to_output(
- data_df = data_df,
- output_df = output_df,
- context = context
- )
- # Get the reordering df (`rows_df`) for the data rows
- rows_df <-
- get_row_reorder_df(
- arrange_groups = arrange_groups,
- stub_df = stub_df
- )
- # Get the `columns_df` data frame for the data columns
- columns_df <-
- get_column_reorder_df(
- cols_df = cols_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df
- )
- # Reassemble the rows and columns of `data_df` in the correct order
- output_df <-
- reassemble_output_df(
- output_df = output_df,
- rows_df = rows_df,
- columns_df = columns_df
- )
- # Get the `groups_df` data frame, which is a rearranged representation
- # of the stub `groupname` and `rowname` columns
- groups_df <-
- get_groupnames_rownames_df(
- stub_df = stub_df,
- rows_df = rows_df
- )
- # Process column labels and migrate those to `boxh_df`
- boxh_df <- migrate_colnames_to_labels(boxh_df, col_labels, context)
- # Process group labels and migrate those to `boxh_df`
- boxh_df <- migrate_grpnames_to_labels(boxh_df, grp_labels, context)
- # Assign default alignment for all columns that haven't had alignment
- # explicitly set
- boxh_df <- set_default_alignments(boxh_df = boxh_df)
- # Get a `columns_spanners` vector, which has the unique, non-NA
- # spanner column labels
- columns_spanners <- get_columns_spanners_vec(boxh_df = boxh_df)
- # Create the `groups_rows_df` data frame, which provides information
- # on which rows the group rows should appear above
- groups_rows_df <-
- get_groups_rows_df(
- arrange_groups = arrange_groups,
- groups_df = groups_df,
- context = context
- )
- # Replace NA values in the `groupname` column if there is a reserved
- # label for the unlabeled group
- groups_df <- replace_na_groups_df(groups_df, others_group)
- # Replace NA values in the `group` and `group_label` columns of
- # `group_rows_df`
- groups_rows_df <- replace_na_groups_rows_df(groups_rows_df, others_group)
- data_attr$boxh_df <- boxh_df
- data_attr$stub_df <- stub_df
- data_attr$cols_df <- cols_df
- data_attr$data_df <- data_df
- data_attr$arrange_groups <- arrange_groups
- data_attr$output_df <- output_df
- # Text transformation
- for (transform in transforms) {
- data_attr <-
- text_transform_at_location(
- loc = transform$resolved,
- data_attr = data_attr,
- fn = transform$fn
- )
- }
- output_df <- data_attr$output_df
- boxh_df <- data_attr$boxh_df
- # Perform any necessary column merge operations
- col_merge_output <-
- perform_col_merge(
- col_merge = col_merge,
- data_df = data_df,
- output_df = output_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- columns_df = columns_df,
- context = context
- )
- # Rewrite `output_df`, `boxh_df`, and `columns_df` as a result of merging
- output_df <- col_merge_output$output_df
- boxh_df <- col_merge_output$boxh_df
- columns_df <- col_merge_output$columns_df
- # Create the `list_of_summaries` list of lists
- list_of_summaries <-
- create_summary_dfs(
- summary_list = summary_list,
- data_df = data_df,
- stub_df = stub_df,
- output_df = output_df,
- context = context
- )
- # Determine if there is a populated stub
- stub_available <- is_stub_available(stub_df = stub_df)
- # Determine if the title has been defined
- title_defined <- is_title_defined(heading = heading)
- # Determine if a subtitle has been defined
- subtitle_defined <- is_subtitle_defined(heading = heading)
- # Determine if there are any summaries present
- summaries_present <-
- are_summaries_present(list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries)
- # Determine if there are any spanners present
- spanners_present <- are_spanners_present(boxh_df = boxh_df)
- # Get the available stub components, if any
- stub_components <- get_stub_components(stub_df = stub_df)
- # Define the `col_alignment` vector, which is a
- # vector of column alignment values for all of
- # the relevant columns in a table
- col_alignment <-
- boxh_df["column_align", ] %>%
- unlist() %>% unname()
+ # Resolution of footnotes and styles --------------------------------------
- if (stub_component_is_rowname(stub_components = stub_components) ||
- stub_component_is_rowname_groupname(stub_components = stub_components)) {
+ # Resolve footnotes and styles
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ resolve_footnotes_styles(tbl_type = "footnotes") %>%
+ resolve_footnotes_styles(tbl_type = "styles")
- # Combine reordered stub with output table
- output_df <- cbind(groups_df["rowname"], output_df)
+ # Add footnote marks to elements of the table columns
+ data <- set_footnote_marks_columns(data = data, context = context)
- # Define the `col_alignment` vector, which is a
- # vector of column alignment values for all of
- # the relevant columns in a table
- col_alignment <- c("left", col_alignment)
- }
+ # Add footnote marks to the stubhead label
+ data <- set_footnote_marks_stubhead(data = data, context = context)
- # Get the number of rows, columns, and cells in the `output_df`
- n_rows <- nrow(output_df)
- n_cols <- ncol(output_df)
+ # Add footnote marks to the `data` rows
+ data <- apply_footnotes_to_output(data = data, context = context)
- # Resolution of footnotes and styles --------------------------------------
+ # Add footnote marks to the row group cells
+ data <- set_footnote_marks_row_groups(data = data, context = context)
- # Resolve and tidy footnotes
- footnotes_resolved <-
- resolve_footnotes_styles(
- output_df = output_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- opts_df = opts_df,
- arrange_groups = arrange_groups,
- columns_spanners = columns_spanners,
- title_defined = title_defined,
- subtitle_defined = subtitle_defined,
- footnotes_df = footnotes_df,
- styles_df = NULL
- )
+ # Add footnote marks to the `summary` cells
+ # TODO: `context` is missing in `apply_footnotes_to_summary()`
+ data <- apply_footnotes_to_summary(data = data)
- # Resolve the styles table
- styles_resolved <-
- resolve_footnotes_styles(
- output_df = output_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- opts_df = opts_df,
- arrange_groups = arrange_groups,
- columns_spanners = columns_spanners,
- title_defined = title_defined,
- subtitle_defined = subtitle_defined,
- footnotes_df = NULL,
- styles_df = styles_df
- )
+ data <- dt_has_built_set(data = data, value = TRUE)
- list(
- data_df = data_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- stub_df = stub_df,
- opts_df = opts_df,
- footnotes_df = footnotes_df,
- styles_df = styles_df,
- output_df = output_df,
- rows_df = rows_df,
- cols_df = cols_df,
- columns_df = columns_df,
- formats = formats,
- transforms = transforms,
- arrange_groups = arrange_groups,
- others_group = others_group,
- groups_df = groups_df,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- heading = heading,
- columns_spanners = columns_spanners,
- source_note = source_note,
- stubhead = stubhead,
- stub_components = stub_components,
- col_alignment = col_alignment,
- col_merge = col_merge,
- col_merge_output = col_merge_output,
- list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- summary_list = summary_list,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- styles_resolved = styles_resolved,
- stub_available = stub_available,
- title_defined = title_defined,
- subtitle_defined = subtitle_defined,
- spanners_present = spanners_present,
- summaries_present = summaries_present,
- n_rows = n_rows,
- n_cols = n_cols
- )
+ data
diff --git a/R/cells_column_labels.R b/R/cells_column_labels.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e5fbe74c7d..0000000000
--- a/R/cells_column_labels.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-resolve_location.cells_column_labels <- function(loc, data_attr) {
- data_df <- data_attr[["data_df"]]
- if (!is.null(loc$columns)) {
- loc$colnames <-
- resolve_vars(
- var_expr = !!loc$columns,
- data = data_df)
- }
- # TODO: for now, when groups is set to TRUE, the
- # behavior is not to select all groups; this
- # should be changed to select all group
- # TODO: implement a stop() if groups provided not
- # in the available set of groups
- class(loc) <- c("resolved", class(loc))
- loc
-text_transform_at_location.cells_column_labels <- function(loc,
- data_attr,
- func = identity) {
- loc <- to_output_location(loc, data_attr)
- boxh_df <- data_attr[["boxh_df"]]
- for (colname in loc$colnames) {
- if (colname %in% colnames(boxh_df)) {
- boxh_df["column_label", colname] <- func(boxh_df["column_label", colname])
- }
- }
- data_attr$boxh_df <- boxh_df
- data_attr
diff --git a/R/cells_data.R b/R/cells_data.R
deleted file mode 100644
index a5350f8e42..0000000000
--- a/R/cells_data.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-resolve_location.cells_data <- function(loc, data_attr) {
- data_df <- data_attr[["data_df"]]
- stub_df <- data_attr[["stub_df"]]
- loc$columns <-
- resolve_vars_idx(
- var_expr = !!loc[["columns"]],
- data = data_df
- )
- loc$rows <-
- resolve_data_vals_idx(
- var_expr = !!loc[["rows"]],
- data = data_df,
- vals = stub_df$rowname
- )
- class(loc) <- c("resolved", class(loc))
- loc
-to_output_location.cells_data <- function(loc, data_attr) {
- loc <- resolve_location(loc, data_attr)
- columns_df <-
- get_column_reorder_df(
- cols_df = data_attr$cols_df,
- boxh_df = data_attr$boxh_df
- )
- rows_df <-
- get_row_reorder_df(
- arrange_groups = data_attr$arrange_groups,
- stub_df = data_attr$stub_df
- )
- # We shouldn't need to do this, but output_df doesn't match up exactly to
- # the colnum_final values due to groupnames/rownames
- loc$colnames <- colnames(data_attr[["data_df"]])[loc$columns]
- loc$columns <- columns_df$colnum_final[loc$columns]
- loc$rows <- rows_df$rownum_final[loc$rows]
- class(loc) <- c("output_relative", class(loc))
- loc
-text_transform_at_location.cells_data <- function(loc,
- data_attr,
- fn = identity) {
- loc <- to_output_location(loc, data_attr)
- output_df <- data_attr[["output_df"]]
- # Do one vectorized operation per column
- for (col in loc$colnames) {
- if (col %in% colnames(output_df)) {
- output_df[[col]][loc$rows] <- fn(output_df[[col]][loc$rows])
- }
- }
- data_attr$output_df <- output_df
- data_attr
diff --git a/R/cells_stub.R b/R/cells_stub.R
deleted file mode 100644
index bdab3e753d..0000000000
--- a/R/cells_stub.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# cells_stub
-resolve_location.cells_stub <- function(loc, data_attr) {
- stub_df <- data_attr[["stub_df"]]
- resolved <- resolve_cells_stub(data = stub_df, object = loc)
- loc$rows <- resolved$rows
- class(loc) <- c("resolved", class(loc))
- loc
-to_output_location.cells_stub <- function(loc, data_attr) {
- loc <- resolve_location(loc, data_attr)
- rows_df <-
- get_row_reorder_df(
- arrange_groups = data_attr$arrange_groups,
- stub_df = data_attr$stub_df
- )
- loc$rows <- rows_df$rownum_final[loc$rows]
- class(loc) <- c("output_relative", class(loc))
- loc
-text_transform_at_location.cells_stub <- function(loc,
- data_attr,
- func = identity) {
- loc <- to_output_location(loc, data_attr)
- stub_df <- data_attr[["stub_df"]]
- # Do one vectorized operation per
- for (row in loc$rows) {
- if (row %in% stub_df$rowname) {
- stub_df[row, "rowname"] <- func(stub_df[row, "rowname"])
- }
- }
- data_attr$stub_df <- stub_df
- data_attr
diff --git a/R/compile_scss.R b/R/compile_scss.R
index a987ac5b3b..5be69212a5 100644
--- a/R/compile_scss.R
+++ b/R/compile_scss.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ compile_scss <- function(data, id = NULL) {
# Obtain the SCSS options table from `data`
gt_options_tbl <-
- attr(data, "opts_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
+ dt_options_get(data = data) %>%
subset(scss) %>%
diff --git a/R/data_color.R b/R/data_color.R
index b52defa124..731e53dcaf 100644
--- a/R/data_color.R
+++ b/R/data_color.R
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
#' type %in% c("chicken", "supreme")) %>%
#' dplyr::group_by(type, size) %>%
#' dplyr::summarize(
-#' sold = n(),
+#' sold = dplyr::n(),
#' income = sum(price)
#' ) %>%
#' gt(rowname_col = "size") %>%
@@ -131,12 +131,10 @@ data_color <- function(data,
apply_to = "fill",
autocolor_text = TRUE) {
- # Extract `data_df` from the gt object
- data_df <- attr(data, "data_df", exact = TRUE)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
- # Collect the column names and column indices
- # from `data_df`
- colnames <- names(data_df)
+ # Collect the column names from `data_tbl`
+ colnames <- names(data_tbl)
# Resolution of columns as integer vectors providing the
@@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ data_color <- function(data,
for (column in resolved_columns) {
- data_vals <- data_df[[column]]
+ data_vals <- data_tbl[[column]]
if (inherits(colors, "character")) {
@@ -183,11 +181,11 @@ data_color <- function(data,
color_fn <- rlang::enquo(color_fn)
- color_fn <- rlang::eval_tidy(color_fn, data_df)
+ color_fn <- rlang::eval_tidy(color_fn, data_tbl)
colors_cols <- color_fn(data_vals)
- for (i in seq(data_vals)) {
+ for (i in seq_along(data_vals)) {
color <- colors_cols[i]
@@ -252,12 +250,12 @@ scale_apply_styles <- function(data,
- rows_i) {
+ rows_i = NULL) {
- data_df <- attr(data, "data_df")
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
- if (missing(rows_i)) {
- rows_i <- seq(nrow(data_df))
+ if (is.null(rows_i)) {
+ rows_i <- seq(nrow(data_tbl))
if (length(styles) != length(rows_i)) {
@@ -267,8 +265,6 @@ scale_apply_styles <- function(data,
call. = FALSE)
- # TODO: this part should be vectorized, with `tab_style()`
- # taking a vector of style property values.
for (i in seq_along(rows_i)) {
if (apply_to == "fill") {
diff --git a/R/dt__.R b/R/dt__.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..001446fb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt__.R
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+dt__get <- function(data, key) {
+ data[[key, exact = TRUE]]
+dt__set <- function(data, key, value) {
+ data[[key]] <- value
+ data
diff --git a/R/dt_body.R b/R/dt_body.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86ba730139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_body.R
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+.dt_body_key <- "_body"
+dt_body_get <- function(data) {
+ ret <- dt__get(data, .dt_body_key)
+ if (is.null(ret)) {
+ stop("Must call `dt_body_build_init()` first.")
+ }
+ ret
+dt_body_set <- function(data, body) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_body_key, body %>% dplyr::as_tibble())
+dt_body_build_init <- function(data) {
+ body <- dt_data_get(data = data)[, dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)]
+ if (NROW(body) > 0) {
+ body[] <- NA_character_
+ }
+ body %>%
+ dt_body_set(body = ., data = data)
+# Function to reassemble the rows and columns of the `body`
+# in a revised order
+dt_body_reassemble <- function(data) {
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
+ # Get the reordering df (`rows_df`) for the data rows
+ rows_df <-
+ get_row_reorder_df(
+ groups = groups,
+ stub_df = stub_df
+ )
+ # Get the `columns_df` data frame for the data columns
+ #columns_df <- get_column_reorder_df(data = data)
+ rows <- rows_df$rownum_final
+ cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
+ data <- dt_body_set(data = data, body = body[rows, cols, drop = FALSE])
+ data
+dt_body_build <- function(data) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_body_build_init()
diff --git a/R/dt_boxhead.R b/R/dt_boxhead.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4e4e6f93d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_boxhead.R
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+.dt_boxhead_key <- "_boxhead"
+dt_boxhead_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_boxhead_key)
+dt_boxhead_set <- function(data, boxh) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_boxhead_key, boxh)
+dt_boxhead_init <- function(data) {
+ vars <- colnames(dt_data_get(data = data))
+ empty_list <- lapply(seq_along(vars), function(x) NULL)
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ # Matches to the name of the `data` column
+ var = vars,
+ # The mode of the column in the rendered table
+ # - `default` appears as a column with values below
+ # - `stub` appears as part of a table stub, set to the left
+ # and styled differently
+ # - `row_group` uses values as categoricals and groups rows
+ # under row group headings
+ # - `hidden` hides this column from the final table render
+ # but retains values to use in expressions
+ # - `hidden_at_px` similar to hidden but takes a list of
+ # screen widths (in px) whereby the column would be hidden
+ type = "default",
+ # # The shared spanner label between columns, where column names
+ # # act as the keys
+ # spanner_label = empty_list,
+ # # The label for row groups, which is maintained as a list of
+ # # labels by render context (e.g., HTML, LaTeX, etc.)
+ # row_group_label = lapply(seq_along(names(data)), function(x) NULL),
+ # The presentation label, which is a list of labels by
+ # render context (e.g., HTML, LaTeX, etc.)
+ column_label = as.list(vars),
+ # The alignment of the column ("left", "right", "center")
+ column_align = "center",
+ # The width of the column in `px`
+ column_width = empty_list,
+ # The widths at which the column disappears from view (this is
+ # HTML specific)
+ hidden_px = empty_list
+ ) %>%
+ dt_boxhead_set(boxh = ., data = data)
+dt_boxhead_edit <- function(data, var, ...) {
+ dt_boxhead <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get()
+ var_name <- var
+ val_list <- list(...)
+ check_names_dt_boxhead_expr(val_list)
+ check_vars_dt_boxhead(var, dt_boxhead)
+ dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var == var_name), names(val_list)] <-
+ dplyr::as_tibble(val_list)
+ dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
+dt_boxhead_set_hidden <- function(data, vars) {
+ dt_boxhead <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ lapply(vars, function(var) check_vars_dt_boxhead(var = var, dt_boxhead = boxhead))
+ dt_boxhead[which(dt_boxhead$var %in% vars), "type"] <- "hidden"
+ dt_boxhead %>% dt_boxhead_set(data = data)
+dt_boxhead_edit_column_label <- function(data, var, column_label) {
+ dt_boxhead_edit(data, var, column_label = list(column_label))
+dt_boxhead_get_vars <- function(data) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get() %>%
+ magrittr::extract2("var")
+dt_boxhead_get_vars_default <- function(data) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get() %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ magrittr::extract2("var")
+dt_boxhead_get_vars_labels_default <- function(data) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get() %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ magrittr::extract2("column_label") %>%
+ unlist()
+check_names_dt_boxhead_expr <- function(expr) {
+ if (!all(names(expr) %in% c(
+ "type", "column_label", "column_align", "column_width", "hidden_px"
+ ))) {
+ stop("Expressions must use names available in `dt_boxhead`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+check_vars_dt_boxhead <- function(var, dt_boxhead) {
+ if (!(var %in% dt_boxhead$var)) {
+ stop("The `var` value must be value in `dt_boxhead$var`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+dt_boxhead_build <- function(data, context) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data)
+ boxh$column_label <-
+ lapply(boxh$column_label, function(label) process_text(label, context))
+ data <- dt_boxhead_set(data = data, boxh = boxh)
+ data
+dt_boxhead_set_var_order <- function(data, vars) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data)
+ if (length(vars) != nrow(boxh) ||
+ length(unique(vars)) != nrow(boxh) ||
+ !all(vars %in% boxh$var)
+ ) {
+ stop("The length of `vars` must be the same the number of rows in `_boxh.")
+ }
+ order_vars <- vapply(vars, function(x) {which(boxh$var == x)}, numeric(1))
+ boxh <- boxh[order_vars, ]
+ data <- dt_boxhead_set(data = data, boxh = boxh)
+ data
diff --git a/R/dt_cols_merge.R b/R/dt_cols_merge.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2777d7b03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_cols_merge.R
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.dt_col_merge_key <- "_col_merge"
+dt_col_merge_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_col_merge_key)
+dt_col_merge_set <- function(data, col_merge) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_col_merge_key, col_merge)
+dt_col_merge_init <- function(data) {
+ list() %>%
+ dt_col_merge_set(col_merge = ., data = data)
+dt_col_merge_add <- function(data, col_merge) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_col_merge_get() %>%
+ append(
+ list(col_merge)
+ ) %>%
+ dt_col_merge_set(col_merge = ., data = data)
+dt_col_merge_entry <- function(vars, type, pattern = NULL, ...) {
+ list(
+ vars = vars,
+ type = type,
+ pattern = pattern,
+ ...
+ )
diff --git a/R/dt_data.R b/R/dt_data.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17bb2f4179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.dt_data_key <- "_data"
+dt_data_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_data_key)
+dt_data_set <- function(data, data_tbl) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_data_key, data_tbl %>% dplyr::as_tibble())
+dt_data_init <- function(data, data_tbl = NULL) {
+ dt_data_set(data, data_tbl)
diff --git a/R/dt_footnotes.R b/R/dt_footnotes.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea3aa3147b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_footnotes.R
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.dt_footnotes_key <- "_footnotes"
+dt_footnotes_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_footnotes_key)
+dt_footnotes_set <- function(data, footnotes) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_footnotes_key, footnotes)
+dt_footnotes_init <- function(data) {
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ locname = character(0),
+ grpname = character(0),
+ colname = character(0),
+ locnum = numeric(0),
+ rownum = integer(0),
+ colnum = integer(0),
+ footnotes = character(0)
+ ) %>%
+ dt_footnotes_set(footnotes = ., data = data)
+dt_footnotes_add <- function(data,
+ locname,
+ grpname,
+ colname,
+ locnum,
+ rownum,
+ footnotes) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_footnotes_get() %>%
+ dplyr::bind_rows(
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ locname = locname,
+ grpname = grpname,
+ colname = colname,
+ locnum = locnum,
+ rownum = rownum,
+ colnum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnotes
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ dt_footnotes_set(footnotes = ., data = data)
diff --git a/R/dt_formats.R b/R/dt_formats.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..658403c7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_formats.R
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+.dt_formats_key <- "_formats"
+dt_formats_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_formats_key)
+dt_formats_set <- function(data, formats) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_formats_key, formats)
+dt_formats_init <- function(data) {
+ list() %>%
+ dt_formats_set(formats = ., data = data)
+dt_formats_add <- function(data, formats) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_formats_get() %>%
+ append(
+ list(formats)
+ ) %>%
+ dt_formats_set(formats = ., data = data)
+# This function is used in `dt_summary_build()` to get a
+# formatter function for the computed summary cells
+# The `data` provided is not the body data but generated
+# summary data (from aggregation functions); this is
+# guaranteed to have just one formatter (hence the `[[1]]`
+# index used here)
+dt_formats_summary_formatter <- function(data, context) {
+ formatter <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_formats_get() %>%
+ {.[[1]]$func}
+ formatter[[context]] %||% formatter$default
diff --git a/R/dt_groups_rows.R b/R/dt_groups_rows.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e58f8a6d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_groups_rows.R
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+.dt_groups_rows_key <- "_groups_rows"
+dt_groups_rows_get <- function(data) {
+ ret <- dt__get(data, .dt_groups_rows_key)
+ if (is.null(ret)) {
+ stop("Must call `dt_groups_rows_build()` first.")
+ }
+ ret
+dt_groups_rows_set <- function(data, groups_rows) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_groups_rows_key, groups_rows)
+dt_groups_rows_build <- function(data, context) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ ordering <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
+ others_group <- dt_stub_others_get(data = data)
+ groups_rows <-
+ data.frame(
+ group = rep(NA_character_, length(ordering)),
+ group_label = rep(NA_character_, length(ordering)),
+ row = rep(NA_integer_, length(ordering)),
+ row_end = rep(NA_integer_, length(ordering)),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
+ for (i in seq(ordering)) {
+ if (!is.na(ordering[i])) {
+ rows_matched <- which(stub_df$groupname == ordering[i])
+ } else {
+ rows_matched <- which(is.na(stub_df$groupname))
+ }
+ groups_rows[i, "group"] <- ordering[i]
+ groups_rows[i, "group_label"] <- ordering[i]
+ groups_rows[i, "row"] <- min(rows_matched)
+ groups_rows[i, "row_end"] <- max(rows_matched)
+ }
+ groups_rows <-
+ groups_rows %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(group_label = process_text(group_label, context))
+ if (nrow(groups_rows) > 0) {
+ others_group <- dt_stub_others_get(data = data) %||% NA_character_
+ groups_rows[
+ is.na(groups_rows[, "group"]),
+ c("group", "group_label")] <- others_group
+ }
+ data <- dt_groups_rows_set(data = data, groups_rows = groups_rows)
+ data
diff --git a/R/dt_has_built.R b/R/dt_has_built.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f19c10ff2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_has_built.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.dt_has_built_key <- "_has_built"
+dt_has_built_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_has_built_key)
+dt_has_built_set <- function(data, value) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_has_built_key, value)
+dt_has_built_init <- function(data) {
+ dt_has_built_set(data = data, value = FALSE)
+dt_has_built <- function(data) {
+ isTRUE(dt_has_built_get(data = data))
+dt_has_built_assert <- function(data) {
+ if (!dt_has_built(data = data)) {
+ stop("The build hasn't occurred; must call `build_data()` before retrieving.")
+ }
diff --git a/R/dt_heading.R b/R/dt_heading.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b53a230dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_heading.R
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+.dt_heading_key <- "_heading"
+dt_heading_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_heading_key)
+dt_heading_set <- function(data, heading) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_heading_key, heading)
+dt_heading_init <- function(data) {
+ list(
+ title = NULL,
+ subtitle = NULL
+ ) %>%
+ dt_heading_set(heading = ., data = data)
+dt_heading_title_subtitle <- function(data, title, subtitle) {
+ heading <- dt_heading_get(data = data)
+ heading[c("title", "subtitle")] <-
+ list(title = title, subtitle = subtitle)
+ dt_heading_set(data = data, heading = heading)
+dt_heading_build <- function(data, context) {
+ heading <- dt_heading_get(data = data)
+ heading <- lapply(heading, function(val) process_text(val, context = context))
+ dt_heading_set(data = data, heading = heading)
+dt_heading_has_title <- function(data) {
+ heading <- dt_heading_get(data = data)
+ length(heading) > 0 && !is.null(heading$title)
+dt_heading_has_subtitle <- function(data) {
+ heading <- dt_heading_get(data = data)
+ length(heading) > 0 && !is.null(heading$subtitle)
diff --git a/R/gt_options_default.R b/R/dt_options.R
similarity index 90%
rename from R/gt_options_default.R
rename to R/dt_options.R
index eb6564daea..a3dfb7d4a2 100644
--- a/R/gt_options_default.R
+++ b/R/dt_options.R
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
-gt_options_default <- function() {
+.dt_options_key <- "_options"
+dt_options_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_options_key)
+dt_options_set <- function(data, options) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_options_key, options)
+dt_options_init <- function(data) {
~parameter, ~scss, ~category, ~type, ~value,
@@ -76,5 +88,27 @@ gt_options_default <- function() {
"row_striping_background_color", TRUE, "row", "value", "#8080800D",
"row_striping_include_stub", FALSE, "row", "logical", FALSE,
"row_striping_include_table_body", FALSE, "row", "logical", TRUE,
- )[-1, ]
+ )[-1, ] %>%
+ dt_options_set(options = ., data = data)
+dt_options_set_value <- function(data, option, value) {
+ dt_options <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_options_get()
+ dt_options$value[[which(dt_options$parameter == option)]] <- value
+ dt_options %>%
+ dt_options_set(options = ., data = data)
+dt_options_get_value <- function(data, option) {
+ dt_options <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_options_get()
+ dt_options$value[[which(dt_options$parameter == option)]]
diff --git a/R/dt_source_notes.R b/R/dt_source_notes.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3265f1f441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_source_notes.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+.dt_source_notes_key <- "_source_notes"
+dt_source_notes_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_source_notes_key)
+dt_source_notes_set <- function(data, source_notes) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_source_notes_key, source_notes)
+dt_source_notes_init <- function(data) {
+ list() %>%
+ dt_source_notes_set(source_notes = ., data = data)
+dt_source_notes_add <- function(data, source_note) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_source_notes_get() %>%
+ append(
+ list(source_note)
+ ) %>%
+ dt_source_notes_set(source_notes = ., data = data)
+dt_source_notes_build <- function(data, context) {
+ source_notes <- dt_source_notes_get(data)
+ source_notes <-
+ lapply(source_notes, function(label) process_text(label, context)) %>%
+ unlist()
+ dt_source_notes_set(data = data, source_notes = source_notes)
diff --git a/R/dt_spanners.R b/R/dt_spanners.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42a4c7006e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_spanners.R
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+.dt_spanners_key <- "_spanners"
+dt_spanners_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_spanners_key)
+dt_spanners_set <- function(data, spanners) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_spanners_key, spanners)
+dt_spanners_init <- function(data) {
+ empty_list <- lapply(seq_along(names(data)), function(x) NULL)
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ # Column names that are part of the spanner
+ vars = list(),
+ # The spanner label
+ spanner_label = list(),
+ # Should be columns be gathered under a single spanner label?
+ gather = logical(0),
+ built = NA_character_
+ ) %>%
+ dt_spanners_set(spanners = ., data = data)
+dt_spanners_add <- function(data, vars, spanner_label, gather) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_spanners_get() %>%
+ dplyr::bind_rows(
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ vars = list(vars),
+ spanner_label = list(spanner_label),
+ gather = gather,
+ built = NA_character_
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ dt_spanners_set(spanners = ., data = data)
+dt_spanners_exists <- function(data) {
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_get(data = data)
+ nrow(spanners) > 0
+dt_spanners_build <- function(data, context) {
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_get(data)
+ spanners$built <-
+ vapply(spanners$spanner_label, function(label) process_text(label, context), character(1))
+ data <- dt_spanners_set(data = data, spanners = spanners)
+ data
+dt_spanners_print <- function(data, include_hidden = TRUE) {
+ spanners <- data %>% dt_spanners_get()
+ if (!include_hidden) {
+ vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ } else {
+ vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
+ }
+ vars_list <- rep(NA_character_, length(vars)) %>% magrittr::set_names(vars)
+ for (i in seq_len(nrow(spanners))) {
+ vars_list[spanners$vars[[i]]] <- spanners$built[[i]]
+ }
+ vars_list[names(vars_list) %in% vars] %>% unname()
diff --git a/R/dt_stub_df.R b/R/dt_stub_df.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b3c06a684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_stub_df.R
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+.dt_stub_df_key <- "_stub_df"
+dt_stub_df_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_stub_df_key)
+dt_stub_df_set <- function(data, stub_df) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_stub_df_key, stub_df)
+dt_stub_df_init <- function(data,
+ data_df,
+ rowname_col,
+ groupname_col,
+ rownames_to_stub,
+ stub_group.sep) {
+ vars_to_hide <- c()
+ # If the option to place rownames in the stub
+ # is taken, then the `stub_df` data frame will
+ # be pre-populated with rownames in the `rowname`
+ # column; otherwise, this will be an empty df
+ if (isTRUE(rownames_to_stub)) {
+ data_rownames <- rownames(data_df)
+ stub_df <-
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ rownum_i = seq_len(nrow(data_df)),
+ groupname = NA_character_,
+ rowname = data_rownames,
+ )
+ } else {
+ stub_df <-
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ rownum_i = seq_len(nrow(data_df)),
+ groupname = rep(NA_character_, nrow(data_df)),
+ rowname = rep(NA_character_, nrow(data_df))
+ )
+ }
+ # If `rowname` is a column available in `data`,
+ # place that column's data into `stub_df` and
+ # remove it from `data`
+ if (rowname_col %in% colnames(data_df)) {
+ # Place the `rowname` values into `stub_df$rowname`
+ stub_df[["rowname"]] <- as.character(data_df[[rowname_col]])
+ vars_to_hide <- c(vars_to_hide, rowname_col)
+ }
+ # If `data` is a `grouped_df` then create groups from the
+ # group columns; note that this will overwrite any values
+ # already in `stub_df$groupname`
+ if (inherits(data_df, "grouped_df")) {
+ row_group_columns <- dplyr::group_vars(data_df)
+ row_group_columns <- base::intersect(row_group_columns, colnames(data_df))
+ row_group_labels <-
+ apply(
+ data_df[, row_group_columns],
+ MARGIN = 1,
+ paste, collapse = stub_group.sep
+ )
+ # Place the `group_labels` values into `stub_df$groupname`
+ stub_df[["groupname"]] <- row_group_labels
+ vars_to_hide <- c(vars_to_hide, row_group_columns)
+ } else if (groupname_col %in% colnames(data_df)) {
+ # If `groupname` is a column available in `data`,
+ # place that column's data into `stub_df`
+ # Place the `groupname` values into `stub_df$groupname`
+ stub_df[["groupname"]] <- as.character(data_df[[groupname_col]])
+ vars_to_hide <- c(vars_to_hide, groupname_col)
+ }
+ # Stop if input `data` has no columns (after modifying
+ # `data` for groups)
+ if (ncol(data_df) == 0) {
+ stop("The `data` must have at least one column that isn't a 'group' column.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_stub_df_set(stub_df = stub_df)
+ if (length(vars_to_hide) > 0) {
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ cols_hide(columns = vars_to_hide)
+ }
+ data
+dt_stub_df_exists <- function(data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ available <- !all(is.na((stub_df)[["rowname"]]))
+ available
+# Function to obtain a reordered version of `stub_df`
+reorder_stub_df <- function(data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ stub_groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
+ rows_df <-
+ get_row_reorder_df(
+ groups = stub_groups,
+ stub_df = stub_df
+ )
+ stub_df <- stub_df[rows_df$rownum_final, ]
+ stub_df %>% dt_stub_df_set(data = data)
+dt_stub_groupname_has_na <- function(data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ any(is.na(stub_df$groupname))
+dt_stub_components <- function(data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ stub_components <- c()
+ if (any(!is.na(stub_df[["rowname"]]))) {
+ stub_components <- c(stub_components, "rowname")
+ }
+ if (any(!is.na(stub_df[["groupname"]]))) {
+ stub_components <- c(stub_components, "groupname")
+ }
+ stub_components
+# Function that checks `stub_components` and determines whether just the
+# `rowname` part is available; TRUE indicates that we are working with a table
+# with rownames
+dt_stub_components_is_rowname <- function(stub_components) {
+ identical(stub_components, "rowname")
+# Function that checks `stub_components` and determines whether just the
+# `groupname` part is available; TRUE indicates that we are working with a table
+# with groups but it doesn't have rownames
+dt_stub_components_is_groupname <- function(stub_components) {
+ identical(stub_components, "groupname")
+# Function that checks `stub_components` and determines whether the
+# `rowname` and `groupname` parts are available; TRUE indicates that we are
+# working with a table with rownames and groups
+dt_stub_components_is_rowname_groupname <- function(stub_components) {
+ identical(stub_components, c("rowname", "groupname"))
+dt_stub_components_has_rowname <- function(stub_components) {
+ isTRUE("rowname" %in% stub_components)
+dt_stub_rowname_at_position <- function(data, i) {
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ if (!(dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components = stub_components))) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ stub_df$rowname[[i]]
diff --git a/R/dt_stub_groups.R b/R/dt_stub_groups.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87d04d0043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_stub_groups.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.dt_stub_groups_key <- "_stub_groups"
+dt_stub_groups_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_stub_groups_key)
+dt_stub_groups_set <- function(data, stub_groups) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_stub_groups_key, stub_groups)
+dt_stub_groups_init <- function(data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ if (any(!is.na(stub_df[["groupname"]]))) {
+ stub_groups <- unique(stub_df[["groupname"]])
+ } else {
+ stub_groups <- character(0)
+ }
+ data <-
+ stub_groups %>%
+ dt_stub_groups_set(data = data)
+ data
diff --git a/R/dt_stub_others.R b/R/dt_stub_others.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..708816c339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_stub_others.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.dt_stub_others_key <- "_stub_others"
+dt_stub_others_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_stub_others_key)
+dt_stub_others_set <- function(data, stub_others) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_stub_others_key, stub_others)
+dt_stub_others_init <- function(data) {
+ data <-
+ NA_character_ %>%
+ dt_stub_others_set(data = data)
+ data
diff --git a/R/dt_stubhead.R b/R/dt_stubhead.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6d8ef0f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_stubhead.R
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+.dt_stubhead_key <- "_stubhead"
+dt_stubhead_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_stubhead_key)
+dt_stubhead_set <- function(data, stubhead) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_stubhead_key, stubhead)
+dt_stubhead_init <- function(data) {
+ list(
+ label = NULL
+ ) %>%
+ dt_stubhead_set(data = data)
+dt_stubhead_label <- function(data, label) {
+ stubhead <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
+ stubhead["label"] <- list(label = label)
+ dt_stubhead_set(data = data, stubhead = stubhead)
+dt_stubhead_build <- function(data, context) {
+ stubhead <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
+ stubhead <- lapply(stubhead, function(val) process_text(val, context = context))
+ dt_stubhead_set(data = data, stubhead = stubhead)
+dt_stubhead_has_label <- function(data) {
+ stubhead <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
+ length(stubhead) > 0 && !is.null(stubhead$label)
diff --git a/R/dt_styles.R b/R/dt_styles.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f111657ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_styles.R
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.dt_styles_key <- "_styles"
+dt_styles_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_styles_key)
+dt_styles_set <- function(data, styles) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_styles_key, styles)
+dt_styles_init <- function(data) {
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ locname = NA_character_,
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = NA_real_,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ colnum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = list()
+ )[-1, ] %>%
+ dt_styles_set(styles = ., data = data)
+dt_styles_add <- function(data,
+ locname,
+ grpname,
+ colname,
+ locnum,
+ rownum,
+ styles) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_styles_get() %>%
+ dplyr::bind_rows(
+ dplyr::tibble(
+ locname = locname,
+ grpname = grpname,
+ colname = colname,
+ locnum = locnum,
+ rownum = rownum,
+ colnum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = list(styles)
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ dt_styles_set(styles = ., data = data)
diff --git a/R/dt_summary.R b/R/dt_summary.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45b11276d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_summary.R
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+.dt_summary_key <- "_summary"
+.dt_summary_build_key <- paste0(.dt_summary_key, "_build")
+dt_summary_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_summary_key)
+dt_summary_df_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_summary_build_key)
+dt_summary_df_data_get <- function(data) {
+ dt_has_built_assert(data = data)
+ dt <- dt_summary_df_get(data)
+ dt["summary_df_data_list"] %>% as.list()
+dt_summary_df_display_get <- function(data) {
+ dt_has_built_assert(data = data)
+ dt <- dt_summary_df_get(data)
+ dt["summary_df_display_list"] %>% as.list()
+dt_summary_set <- function(data, summary) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_summary_key, summary)
+dt_summary_data_set <- function(data, summary) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_summary_build_key, summary)
+dt_summary_init <- function(data) {
+ list() %>%
+ dt_summary_set(summary = ., data = data)
+dt_summary_add <- function(data, summary) {
+ data %>%
+ dt_summary_get() %>%
+ append(
+ list(summary)
+ ) %>%
+ dt_summary_set(summary = ., data = data)
+dt_summary_exists <- function(data) {
+ length(dt_summary_get(data = data)) > 0
+dt_summary_build <- function(data,
+ context) {
+ # TODO: is `dt_body_get()` necessary here? `dt_boxh_vars_default()` could be used
+ summary_list <- dt_summary_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ # If the `summary_list` object is an empty list,
+ # return an empty list as the `list_of_summaries`
+ if (length(summary_list) == 0) {
+ return(dt_summary_data_set(data = data, list()))
+ }
+ # Create empty lists that are to contain summary
+ # data frames for display and for data collection
+ # purposes
+ summary_df_display_list <- list()
+ summary_df_data_list <- list()
+ for (i in seq(summary_list)) {
+ summary_attrs <- summary_list[[i]]
+ groups <- summary_attrs$groups
+ columns <- summary_attrs$columns
+ fns <- summary_attrs$fns
+ missing_text <- summary_attrs$missing_text
+ formatter <- summary_attrs$formatter
+ formatter_options <- summary_attrs$formatter_options
+ labels <- summary_attrs$summary_labels
+ if (length(labels) != length(unique(labels))) {
+ stop("All summary labels must be unique:\n",
+ " * Review the names provided in `fns`\n",
+ " * These labels are in conflict: ",
+ paste0(labels, collapse = ", "), ".",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Resolve the `missing_text`
+ missing_text <-
+ context_missing_text(missing_text = missing_text, context = context)
+ assert_rowgroups <- function() {
+ if (all(is.na(stub_df$groupname))) {
+ stop("There are no row groups in the gt object:\n",
+ " * Use `groups = NULL` to create a grand summary\n",
+ " * Define row groups using `gt()` or `tab_row_group()`",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ }
+ # Resolve the groups to consider; if
+ # `groups` is TRUE then we are to obtain
+ # summary row data for all groups
+ if (isTRUE(groups)) {
+ assert_rowgroups()
+ groups <- unique(stub_df$groupname)
+ } else if (!is.null(groups) && is.character(groups)) {
+ assert_rowgroups()
+ # Get the names of row groups available
+ # in the gt object
+ groups_available <- unique(stub_df$groupname)
+ if (any(!(groups %in% groups_available))) {
+ # Stop function if one or more `groups`
+ # are not present in the gt table
+ stop("All `groups` should be available in the gt object:\n",
+ " * The following groups aren't present: ",
+ paste0(
+ base::setdiff(groups, groups_available),
+ collapse = ", "
+ ), "\n",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ } else if (is.null(groups)) {
+ # If groups is given as NULL (the default)
+ # then use a special group (`::GRAND_SUMMARY`)
+ groups <- grand_summary_col
+ }
+ # Resolve the columns to exclude
+ columns_excl <-
+ base::setdiff(
+ base::setdiff(
+ colnames(body),
+ c("groupname", "rowname")
+ ),
+ columns)
+ # Combine `groupname` with the table body data in order to
+ # process data by groups
+ if (identical(groups, grand_summary_col)) {
+ select_data_tbl <-
+ cbind(
+ stub_df[c("groupname", "rowname")],
+ data_tbl
+ )[, -2] %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(groupname = grand_summary_col) %>%
+ dplyr::select(groupname, columns)
+ } else {
+ select_data_tbl <-
+ cbind(
+ stub_df[c("groupname", "rowname")],
+ data_tbl
+ )[, -2] %>%
+ dplyr::select(groupname, columns)
+ }
+ # Get the registered function calls
+ agg_funs <- fns %>% lapply(rlang::as_closure)
+ summary_dfs_data <-
+ lapply(
+ seq(agg_funs), function(j) {
+ select_data_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::filter(groupname %in% groups) %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(groupname) %>%
+ dplyr::summarize_all(.funs = agg_funs[[j]]) %>%
+ dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(rowname = labels[j]) %>%
+ dplyr::select(groupname, rowname, dplyr::everything())
+ }
+ ) %>%
+ dplyr::bind_rows()
+ # Add those columns that were not part of
+ # the aggregation, filling those with NA values
+ summary_dfs_data[, columns_excl] <- NA_real_
+ summary_dfs_data <-
+ summary_dfs_data %>%
+ dplyr::select(groupname, rowname, colnames(body))
+ # Format the displayed summary lines
+ summary_dfs_display <-
+ summary_dfs_data %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_at(
+ .vars = columns,
+ .funs = function(x) {
+ # This creates a gt structure so that the
+ # formatter can be easily extracted by using
+ # the regular `dt_*()` methods
+ summary_data <- data.frame(x = x) %>% gt()
+ format_data <-
+ do.call(
+ summary_attrs$formatter,
+ append(
+ list(
+ summary_data,
+ columns = "x"
+ ),
+ summary_attrs$formatter_options
+ )
+ )
+ formatter <-
+ dt_formats_summary_formatter(
+ data = format_data,
+ context = context
+ )
+ formatter(x)
+ }
+ ) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_at(
+ .vars = columns_excl,
+ .funs = function(x) {NA_character_}
+ )
+ for (group in groups) {
+ # Place data frame in separate list component by `group`
+ group_sym <- rlang::enquo(group)
+ group_summary_data_df <-
+ summary_dfs_data %>%
+ dplyr::filter(groupname == !!group_sym)
+ group_summary_display_df <-
+ summary_dfs_display %>%
+ dplyr::filter(groupname == !!group_sym)
+ summary_df_data_list <-
+ c(summary_df_data_list,
+ stats::setNames(list(group_summary_data_df), group))
+ summary_df_display_list <-
+ c(summary_df_display_list,
+ stats::setNames(list(group_summary_display_df), group))
+ }
+ }
+ # Condense data in `summary_df_display_list` in a
+ # groupwise manner
+ summary_df_display_list <-
+ tapply(
+ summary_df_display_list,
+ names(summary_df_display_list),
+ dplyr::bind_rows
+ )
+ for (i in seq(summary_df_display_list)) {
+ arrangement <- unique(summary_df_display_list[[i]]$rowname)
+ summary_df_display_list[[i]] <-
+ summary_df_display_list[[i]] %>%
+ dplyr::select(-groupname) %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(rowname) %>%
+ dplyr::summarize_all(last_non_na)
+ summary_df_display_list[[i]] <-
+ summary_df_display_list[[i]][
+ match(arrangement, summary_df_display_list[[i]]$rowname), ] %>%
+ replace(is.na(.), missing_text)
+ }
+ # Return a list of lists, each of which have
+ # summary data frames for display and for data
+ # collection purposes
+ list_of_summaries <-
+ list(
+ summary_df_data_list = summary_df_data_list,
+ summary_df_display_list = summary_df_display_list
+ )
+ dt_summary_data_set(data = data, list_of_summaries)
diff --git a/R/dt_transforms.R b/R/dt_transforms.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65886ab194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/dt_transforms.R
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.dt_transforms_key <- "_transforms"
+dt_transforms_get <- function(data) {
+ dt__get(data, .dt_transforms_key)
+dt_transforms_set <- function(data, transforms) {
+ dt__set(data, .dt_transforms_key, transforms)
+dt_transforms_init <- function(data) {
+ list() %>%
+ dt_transforms_set(transforms = ., data = data)
+dt_transforms_add <- function(data, loc, fn) {
+ existing_transforms <- dt_transforms_get(data = data)
+ resolved <- resolve_location(loc = loc, data = data)
+ transforms <-
+ c(
+ existing_transforms,
+ list(
+ list(
+ resolved = resolved,
+ fn = fn
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ dt_transforms_set(data = data, transforms = transforms)
diff --git a/R/extract_summary.R b/R/extract_summary.R
index 57135dd421..5f7c036d72 100644
--- a/R/extract_summary.R
+++ b/R/extract_summary.R
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#' # row groups and a stub)
#' tab_1 <-
#' summary_extracted %>%
+#' unlist(recursive = FALSE) %>%
#' dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
#' gt()
@@ -58,13 +59,9 @@
#' @export
extract_summary <- function(data) {
- # Extract all attributes from the `data`
- # object into `data_attr`
- data_attr <- attributes(data)
# Stop function if there are no
# directives to create summary rows
- if (is.null(data_attr$summary)) {
+ if (!dt_summary_exists(data = data)) {
stop("There is no summary list to extract.\n",
"Use the `summary_rows()` function to generate summaries.",
call. = FALSE)
@@ -76,5 +73,5 @@ extract_summary <- function(data) {
# Extract the list of summary data frames
# that contains tidy, unformatted data
- built_data$list_of_summaries$summary_df_data_list
+ dt_summary_df_data_get(data = built_data) %>% as.list()
diff --git a/R/format_data.R b/R/format_data.R
index c5e81666f6..f3e473573e 100644
--- a/R/format_data.R
+++ b/R/format_data.R
@@ -654,7 +654,12 @@ fmt_currency <- function(data,
validate_currency(currency = currency)
# Get the number of decimal places
- decimals <- get_currency_decimals(currency = currency, decimals, use_subunits)
+ decimals <-
+ get_currency_decimals(
+ currency = currency,
+ decimals = decimals,
+ use_subunits = use_subunits
+ )
data = data,
@@ -777,25 +782,34 @@ fmt_date <- function(data,
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions as a function list to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- default = function(x) {
- # If `x` is of the `Date` type, simply make
- # that a character vector
- if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
- x <- as.character(x)
- }
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ default = function(x) {
+ # If `x` is of the `Date` type, simply make
+ # that a character vector
+ if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
+ x <- as.character(x)
+ }
+ date <-
ifelse(grepl("^[0-9]*?\\:[0-9]*?", x), paste("1970-01-01", x), x) %>%
- strftime(format = date_format_str) %>%
- tidy_gsub("^0", "") %>%
- tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
- tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
- tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
- }))
+ strftime(format = date_format_str)
+ if (date_style %in% 2:12) {
+ date <- date %>% tidy_gsub(., "^0", "")
+ }
+ date %>%
+ tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
+ }
+ )
+ )
#' Format values as times
@@ -890,19 +904,28 @@ fmt_time <- function(data,
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions as a function list to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- default = function(x) {
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ default = function(x) {
+ time <-
ifelse(grepl("^[0-9]*?\\:[0-9]*?", x), paste("1970-01-01", x), x) %>%
- strftime(format = time_format_str) %>%
- tidy_gsub("^0", "") %>%
- tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
- tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
- tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
- }))
+ strftime(format = time_format_str)
+ if (time_style %in% 3:5) {
+ time <- time %>% tidy_gsub(., "^0", "")
+ }
+ time %>%
+ tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
+ }
+ )
+ )
#' Format values as date-times
@@ -989,14 +1012,13 @@ fmt_datetime <- function(data,
time_style = 2) {
# Transform `date_style` to `date_format`
- date_format <- get_date_format(date_style = date_style)
+ date_format_str <- get_date_format(date_style = date_style)
# Transform `time_style` to `time_format`
- time_format <- get_time_format(time_style = time_style)
+ time_format_str <- get_time_format(time_style = time_style)
# Combine into a single datetime format string
- date_time_format_str <-
- paste0(date_format, " ", time_format)
+ # date_time_format_str <- paste0(date_format, " ", time_format)
# Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
@@ -1004,19 +1026,49 @@ fmt_datetime <- function(data,
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions as a function list to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- default = function(x) {
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ default = function(x) {
+ date <-
+ ifelse(grepl("^[0-9]*?\\:[0-9]*?", x), paste("1970-01-01", x), x) %>%
+ strftime(format = date_format_str)
+ if (date_style %in% 2:12) {
+ date <- date %>% tidy_gsub(., "^0", "")
+ }
+ date <-
+ date %>%
+ tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
+ time <-
ifelse(grepl("^[0-9]*?\\:[0-9]*?", x), paste("1970-01-01", x), x) %>%
- strftime(format = date_time_format_str) %>%
- tidy_gsub("^0", "") %>%
- tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
- tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
- tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
- }))
+ strftime(format = time_format_str)
+ if (time_style %in% 3:5) {
+ time <- time %>% tidy_gsub(., "^0", "")
+ }
+ time <-
+ time %>%
+ tidy_gsub(" 0([0-9])", " \\1") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("pm$", "PM") %>%
+ tidy_gsub("am$", "AM")
+ datetime <-
+ paste(date, time) %>%
+ tidy_gsub("NA NA", "NA")
+ datetime
+ }
+ )
+ )
#' Format Markdown text
@@ -1171,64 +1223,63 @@ fmt_passthrough <- function(data,
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- html = function(x) {
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
- # TODO: Deal with NA values in x
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x
- )
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ html = function(x) {
- if (escape) {
- x_str <- x_str %>% process_text(context = "html")
- }
+ # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
- x_str
- },
- latex = function(x) {
+ # Handle formatting of pattern
+ x_str <-
+ apply_pattern_fmt_x(
+ pattern,
+ values = x
+ )
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ if (escape) {
+ x_str <- x_str %>% process_text(context = "html")
+ }
- # TODO: Deal with NA values in x
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x
- )
+ x_str
+ },
+ latex = function(x) {
- if (escape) {
- x_str <- x_str %>% process_text(context = "latex")
- }
+ # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
- x_str
- },
- default = function(x) {
+ # Handle formatting of pattern
+ x_str <-
+ apply_pattern_fmt_x(
+ pattern,
+ values = x
+ )
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ if (escape) {
+ x_str <- x_str %>% process_text(context = "latex")
+ }
- # TODO: Deal with NA values in x
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x
- )
+ x_str
+ },
+ default = function(x) {
- x_str
- }
- ))
+ # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Handle formatting of pattern
+ x_str <-
+ apply_pattern_fmt_x(
+ pattern,
+ values = x
+ )
+ x_str
+ }
+ )
+ )
#' Format missing values
@@ -1282,35 +1333,37 @@ fmt_missing <- function(data,
# Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
# functions (as a function list) to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- html = function(x) {
- missing_text <-
- context_missing_text(
- missing_text = missing_text,
- context = "html"
- )
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ html = function(x) {
- # Any values of `x` that are `NA` get
- # `missing_text` as output; any values that
- # are not missing get `NA` as their output
- # (meaning, the existing output for that
- # value, if it exists, should be inherited)
- ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
- },
- default = function(x) {
- # Any values of `x` that are `NA` get
- # `missing_text` as output; any values that
- # are not missing get `NA` as their output
- # (meaning, the existing output for that
- # value, if it exists, should be inherited)
- ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
- }
- ))
+ missing_text <-
+ context_missing_text(
+ missing_text = missing_text,
+ context = "html"
+ )
+ # Any values of `x` that are `NA` get
+ # `missing_text` as output; any values that
+ # are not missing get `NA` as their output
+ # (meaning, the existing output for that
+ # value, if it exists, should be inherited)
+ ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
+ },
+ default = function(x) {
+ # Any values of `x` that are `NA` get
+ # `missing_text` as output; any values that
+ # are not missing get `NA` as their output
+ # (meaning, the existing output for that
+ # value, if it exists, should be inherited)
+ ifelse(is.na(x), missing_text, NA_character_)
+ }
+ )
+ )
#' Set a column format with a formatter function
@@ -1371,7 +1424,8 @@ fmt <- function(data,
fns) {
# Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
- stub_df <- attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
# Resolution of columns and rows as integer vectors
@@ -1390,7 +1444,7 @@ fmt <- function(data,
resolved_rows_idx <-
var_expr = !!rows,
- data = data,
+ data_tbl = data_tbl,
vals = stub_df$rowname
@@ -1409,10 +1463,5 @@ fmt <- function(data,
rows = resolved_rows_idx
- # Incorporate the `formatter_list` object as the next
- # list in the `formats` list of lists
- next_index <- length(attr(data, "formats", exact = TRUE)) + 1
- attr(data, "formats")[[next_index]] <- formatter_list
- data
+ dt_formats_add(data = data, formats = formatter_list)
diff --git a/R/gt.R b/R/gt.R
index e6eaf56904..d797416ad2 100644
--- a/R/gt.R
+++ b/R/gt.R
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
#' group labels for generation of stub row groups.
#' @param rownames_to_stub An option to take rownames from the input `data`
#' table as row captions in the display table stub.
+#' @param auto_align Optionally have column data be aligned depending on the
+#' content contained in each column of the input `data`. Internally, this
+#' calls `cols_align(align = "auto")` for all columns.
#' @param id The table ID. By default, this will be a random ID as generated by
#' the [random_id()] function. If set to `NULL` then no table ID will be
#' applied.
@@ -73,213 +76,58 @@ gt <- function(data,
rowname_col = "rowname",
groupname_col = "groupname",
rownames_to_stub = FALSE,
+ auto_align = TRUE,
id = random_id(),
stub_group.sep = getOption("gt.stub_group.sep", " - ")) {
- # Stop if input `data` has no columns
- if (ncol(data) == 0) {
- stop("The input `data` table must have at least one column.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- opts_df <- gt_options_default()
+ # Initialize the main objects
+ data <-
+ list() %>%
+ dt_data_init(data_tbl = data) %>%
+ dt_boxhead_init() %>%
+ dt_stub_df_init(
+ data_df = data,
+ rowname_col = rowname_col,
+ groupname_col = groupname_col,
+ rownames_to_stub = rownames_to_stub,
+ stub_group.sep = stub_group.sep
+ ) %>%
+ dt_stub_groups_init() %>%
+ dt_stub_others_init() %>%
+ dt_heading_init() %>%
+ dt_spanners_init() %>%
+ dt_stubhead_init() %>%
+ dt_footnotes_init() %>%
+ dt_source_notes_init() %>%
+ dt_formats_init() %>%
+ dt_styles_init() %>%
+ dt_summary_init() %>%
+ dt_options_init() %>%
+ dt_transforms_init() %>%
+ dt_has_built_init()
# Add the table ID to the `id` parameter
if (!is.null(id)) {
- opts_df <- opts_df_set(opts_df, "table_id", id)
- }
- # If the option to place rownames in the stub
- # is taken, then the `stub_df` data frame will
- # be pre-populated with rownames in the `rowname`
- # column; otherwise, this will be an empty df
- if (rownames_to_stub) {
- stub_df <-
- data.frame(
- groupname = NA_character_,
- rowname = rownames(data),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- )
- } else {
- stub_df <-
- data.frame(
- groupname = rep(NA_character_, nrow(data)),
- rowname = rep(NA_character_, nrow(data)),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_options_set_value(
+ option = "table_id",
+ value = id
- # If `rowname` is a column available in `data`,
- # place that column's data into `stub_df` and
- # remove it from `data`
- if (rowname_col %in% colnames(data)) {
- # Place the `rowname` values into `stub_df$rowname`
- stub_df[["rowname"]] <- as.character(data[[rowname_col]])
- # Remove the `rowname` column from `data`
- data[[rowname_col]] <- NULL
- }
- # If `data` is a `grouped_df` then create groups from the
- # group columns; note that this will overwrite any values
- # already in `stub_df$groupname`
- if (inherits(data, "grouped_df")) {
- group_cols <- dplyr::group_vars(data)
- group_cols <- base::intersect(group_cols, colnames(data))
- group_labels <-
- apply(data[, group_cols], 1, paste, collapse = stub_group.sep)
- # Place the `group_labels` values into `stub_df$groupname`
- stub_df[["groupname"]] <- group_labels
- # Remove all columns in `group_cols` from `data`
- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% group_cols)] <- NULL
- } else if (groupname_col %in% colnames(data)) {
- # If `groupname` is a column available in `data`,
- # place that column's data into `stub_df` and
- # remove it from `data`
- # Place the `groupname` values into `stub_df$groupname`
- stub_df[["groupname"]] <- as.character(data[[groupname_col]])
- # Remove the `groupname` column from `data`
- data[[groupname_col]] <- NULL
- }
- # Stop if input `data` has no columns (after modifying
- # `data` for groups)
- if (ncol(data) == 0) {
- stop("The `data` must have at least one column that isn't a 'group' column.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- # Take the input data and convert to a
- # data frame
- data_tbl <-
- data %>%
- as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
- # Reset the rownames in the `data_tbl` df
- rownames(data_tbl) <- NULL
- # Create an empty `footnotes_df` data frame
- footnotes_df <-
- dplyr::tibble(
- locname = NA_character_,
- locnum = NA_integer_,
- grpname = NA_character_,
- colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_integer_,
- text = NA_character_
- )[-1, ]
- # Create an empty `styles_df` data frame
- styles_df <-
- dplyr::tibble(
- locname = NA_character_,
- locnum = NA_integer_,
- grpname = NA_character_,
- colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_integer_,
- styles = list()
- )[-1, ]
- # Create a prepopulated `rows_df` data frame
- if (nrow(data_tbl) > 0) {
- rows_df <- dplyr::tibble(rownums_start = seq(nrow(data_tbl)))
- } else {
- rows_df <- dplyr::tibble(rownums_start = NA_integer_)[-1, ]
- }
- # Create a prepopulated `cols_df` data frame
- cols_df <- dplyr::tibble(colnames_start = colnames(data_tbl))
- # Create an empty facsimile df based on
- # `data_tbl`; this will serve as a template for
- # data frames that contain specialized formatting
- # directives that will be used during render time
- empty_df <- data_tbl
- if (nrow(data_tbl) > 0) {
- empty_df[] <- NA_character_
- }
- # Create a data frame that represents the table's
- # columns (`boxh_df`); each row has a special
- # meaning and this will be used during render time
- boxh_df <-
- matrix(data = NA_character_, nrow = 4, ncol = ncol(data_tbl)) %>%
- as.data.frame() %>%
- dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) %>%
- magrittr::set_names(names(data_tbl)) %>%
- magrittr::set_rownames(
- c("group_label", "column_label", "column_align", "column_width")
- )
- # Apply initialized data frames as attributes
- # within the object
- attr(data_tbl, "boxh_df") <- boxh_df
- attr(data_tbl, "stub_df") <- stub_df
- attr(data_tbl, "footnotes_df") <- footnotes_df
- attr(data_tbl, "styles_df") <- styles_df
- attr(data_tbl, "rows_df") <- rows_df
- attr(data_tbl, "cols_df") <- cols_df
- data_tbl_colnames <- colnames(data_tbl)
- # Create a prepopulated `col_labels` list object, which
- # contains names of all the columns which can be all be
- # modified later
- col_labels <- data_tbl_colnames
- names(col_labels) <- data_tbl_colnames
- col_labels <- as.list(col_labels)
- attr(data_tbl, "col_labels") <- col_labels
- # Create a prepopulated `grp_labels` list object, which
- # contains names of all the column groups which can be all be
- # modified later
- grp_labels <- rep(NA_character_, length(colnames(data_tbl)))
- names(grp_labels) <- data_tbl_colnames
- grp_labels <- as.list(grp_labels)
- attr(data_tbl, "grp_labels") <- grp_labels
- # Create an `arrange_groups` list object, which contains
- # a vector of `groupname` values in the order of first
- # appearance in `data`; if all `groupname` values are NA,
- # then use an empty character vector
- if (any(!is.na(stub_df[["groupname"]]))) {
- attr(data_tbl, "arrange_groups") <-
- list(groups = unique(stub_df[["groupname"]]))
- } else {
- attr(data_tbl, "arrange_groups") <-
- list(groups = character(0))
- }
- # Apply the input data table as an attribute
- attr(data_tbl, "data_df") <- data
- # Apply the `opts_df` data frame as an attribute
- attr(data_tbl, "opts_df") <- opts_df
- # Apply an empty `formats` list as an attribute
- attr(data_tbl, "formats") <- list()
- # Apply an empty `transforms` list as an attribute
- attr(data_tbl, "transforms") <- list()
# Apply the `gt_tbl` class to the object while
# also keeping the `data.frame` class
- class(data_tbl) <- c("gt_tbl", class(data_tbl))
+ class(data) <- c("gt_tbl", class(data))
+ # If automatic alignment of values is to be done, call
+ # the `cols_align()` function on data
+ if (isTRUE(auto_align)) {
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ cols_align(align = "auto")
+ }
- # Automatically align columns with `cols_align()`
- data_tbl %>% cols_align()
+ data
diff --git a/R/gt_preview.R b/R/gt_preview.R
index 9fad7406e0..27ae58309b 100644
--- a/R/gt_preview.R
+++ b/R/gt_preview.R
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ gt_preview <- function(data,
bottom_n = 1,
incl_rownums = TRUE) {
+ if (is_gt(data)) {
+ data <- dt_data_get(data = data)
+ }
# Convert the table to a data frame
data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
@@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ gt_preview <- function(data,
# If a preview table (head and tail) is requested,
# then modify `data_tbl` to only include the head
# and tail plus an ellipsis row
- if (has_ellipsis_row) {
+ if (isTRUE(has_ellipsis_row)) {
ellipsis_row <- top_n + 1
@@ -82,7 +86,8 @@ gt_preview <- function(data,
data[seq(top_n), ],
rep("", ncol(data)),
- data[(nrow(data) + 1 - rev(seq(bottom_n))), ])
+ data[(nrow(data) + 1 - rev(seq(bottom_n))), ]
+ )
# Relabel the rowname for the ellipsis row
rownames(data)[ellipsis_row] <- paste(between_rownums, collapse = "..")
@@ -91,7 +96,7 @@ gt_preview <- function(data,
# If we elect to include row numbers, then place the row
# numbers in the `rowname` column so that `gt()` will pick
# this up as row labels for inclusion into the table stub
- if (incl_rownums) {
+ if (isTRUE(incl_rownums)) {
data <-
data.frame(rowname = rownames(data), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data)
@@ -101,48 +106,40 @@ gt_preview <- function(data,
gt_tbl <- gt(data, rownames_to_stub = FALSE)
# Use a fixed-width font for the rownums, if they are included
- if (incl_rownums) {
+ if (isTRUE(incl_rownums)) {
gt_tbl <-
gt_tbl %>%
style = cell_text(font = "Courier"),
- locations = cells_stub())
+ locations = cells_stub()
+ )
- # Add styling of ellipsis row, if it is present
- if (has_ellipsis_row) {
+ visible_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = gt_tbl)
+ # Add styling to ellipsis row, if it is present
+ if (isTRUE(has_ellipsis_row)) {
gt_tbl <-
gt_tbl %>%
style = cell_fill(color = "#E4E4E4"),
- locations = cells_data(rows = ellipsis_row)) #%>%
- # tab_style(
- # style = "padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;border-top:2px solid #D1D1D1;border-bottom:2px solid #D1D1D1;",
- # locations = cells_data(rows = ellipsis_row))
+ locations = cells_data(columns = visible_vars, rows = ellipsis_row)
+ )
- if (incl_rownums) {
+ if (isTRUE(incl_rownums)) {
gt_tbl <-
gt_tbl %>%
style = list(
cell_fill(color = "#E4E4E4"),
- cell_text(size = "12px")
- ),
- locations = cells_stub(rows = ellipsis_row)) #%>%
- # tab_style(
- # style = "padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;border-top:2px solid #D1D1D1;border-bottom:2px solid #D1D1D1;",
- # locations = cells_stub(rows = ellipsis_row))
+ cell_text(size = "10px")
+ ),
+ locations = cells_stub(rows = ellipsis_row)
+ )
- } else {
- gt_tbl <-
- gt_tbl # %>%
- # tab_style(
- # style = "padding-top:8px;padding-bottom:8px;",
- # locations = cells_data(rows = ellipsis_row))
diff --git a/R/helpers.R b/R/helpers.R
index 6d377732c0..c488668fd8 100644
--- a/R/helpers.R
+++ b/R/helpers.R
@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@
#' only available when there is a stub; a label in that location can be created
#' by using the [tab_stubhead()] function.
-#' \item `cells_column_labels()`: targets labels in the column labels (the
-#' `columns` argument) or the spanner column labels (the `groups` argument) in
-#' the table's column labels part.
+#' \item `cells_column_labels()`: targets the column labels.
+#' \item `cells_column_spanners()`: targets the spanner column labels, which
+#' appear above the column labels.
#' \item `cells_group()`: targets the row group labels in any available row
#' groups using the `groups` argument.
@@ -35,11 +36,18 @@
#' \item `cells_summary()`: targets summary cells in the table body using the
#' `groups` argument and intersections of `columns` and `rows`.
+#' \item `cells_grand_summary()`: targets cells of the table's grand summary
+#' using intersections of `columns` and `rows`
#' }
-#' @param columns,rows,groups Either a vector of names, a vector of indices,
+#' @param columns,rows Either a vector of names, a vector of indices,
#' values provided by [vars()], values provided by `c()`, or a select helper
#' function (see Details for information on these functions).
+#' @param groups Used in the `cells_title()`, `cells_group()`, and
+#' `cells_summary()` functions to specify which groups to target.
+#' @param spanners Used in the `cells_column_spanners()` function to indicate
+#' which spanners to target.
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
@@ -105,7 +113,7 @@
#' ) %>%
#' dplyr::group_by(name, size) %>%
#' dplyr::summarize(
-#' `Pizzas Sold` = n()
+#' `Pizzas Sold` = dplyr::n()
#' ) %>%
#' gt(rowname_col = "size") %>%
#' summary_rows(
@@ -267,41 +275,38 @@ cells_stubhead <- function() {
#' @rdname location_cells
#' @import rlang
#' @export
-cells_column_labels <- function(columns, groups) {
+cells_column_spanners <- function(spanners) {
- if (
- (!missing(columns) && !missing(groups)) ||
- (missing(columns) && missing(groups))
- ) {
- stop("Value(s) must provided to either `columns` or `groups` but not both.")
- }
+ # Capture expression for the `spanners` argument
+ col_expr <- NULL
+ spanners_expr <- rlang::enquo(spanners)
- # With input as `columns`
- if (!missing(columns)) {
- # Capture expression for the `columns` argument
- col_expr <- rlang::enquo(columns)
- group_expr <- NULL
- }
+ # Create the `cells_column_spanners` object
+ structure(
+ list(spanners = spanners_expr),
+ class = c("cells_column_spanners", "location_cells")
+ )
- # With input as `groups`
- if (!missing(groups)) {
+#' @rdname location_cells
+#' @import rlang
+#' @export
+cells_column_labels <- function(columns) {
- # Capture expression for the `groups` argument
- col_expr <- NULL
- group_expr <- rlang::enquo(groups)
- }
+ # Capture expression for the `columns` argument
+ columns_expr <- rlang::enquo(columns)
# Create the `cells_column_labels` object
- list(columns = col_expr, groups = group_expr),
- class = c("cells_column_labels", "location_cells"))
+ list(columns = columns_expr),
+ class = c("cells_column_labels", "location_cells")
+ )
#' @rdname location_cells
#' @import rlang
#' @export
-cells_group <- function(groups) {
+cells_group <- function(groups = TRUE) {
# Capture expression for the `groups` argument
group_expr <- rlang::enquo(groups)
@@ -318,11 +323,7 @@ cells_group <- function(groups) {
#' @rdname location_cells
#' @import rlang
#' @export
-cells_stub <- function(rows = NULL) {
- if (is.null(rows)) {
- rows <- TRUE
- }
+cells_stub <- function(rows = TRUE) {
# Capture expression for the `rows` argument
row_expr <- rlang::enquo(rows)
@@ -339,10 +340,8 @@ cells_stub <- function(rows = NULL) {
#' @rdname location_cells
#' @import rlang
#' @export
-cells_data <- function(columns = NULL, # set default to TRUE
- rows = NULL# set default to TRUE
- #TODO: groups = NULL
- ) {
+cells_data <- function(columns = TRUE,
+ rows = TRUE) {
# Capture expressions for the `columns` and `rows` arguments
col_expr <- rlang::enquo(columns)
@@ -352,7 +351,8 @@ cells_data <- function(columns = NULL, # set default to TRUE
cells <-
columns = col_expr,
- rows = row_expr)
+ rows = row_expr
+ )
# Apply the `cells_data` and `location_cells` classes
class(cells) <- c("cells_data", "location_cells")
@@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ cells_data <- function(columns = NULL, # set default to TRUE
#' @rdname location_cells
#' @import rlang
#' @export
-cells_summary <- function(groups = NULL,
- columns = NULL,
- rows = NULL) {
+cells_summary <- function(groups = TRUE,
+ columns = TRUE,
+ rows = TRUE) {
# Capture expressions for the `groups`,
# `columns`, and `rows` arguments
@@ -378,7 +378,8 @@ cells_summary <- function(groups = NULL,
groups = group_expr,
columns = col_expr,
- rows = row_expr)
+ rows = row_expr
+ )
# Apply the `cells_summary` and `location_cells` classes
class(cells) <- c("cells_summary", "location_cells")
@@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ cells_summary <- function(groups = NULL,
#' @rdname location_cells
#' @import rlang
#' @export
-cells_grand_summary <- function(columns = NULL,
- rows = NULL) {
+cells_grand_summary <- function(columns = TRUE,
+ rows = TRUE) {
# Capture expressions for the `columns`
# and `rows` arguments
@@ -434,6 +435,10 @@ cells_grand_summary <- function(columns = NULL,
#' @export
md <- function(text) {
+ # if (text %>% tidy_grepl("\\.\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*?\\.\\.")) {
+ # text %>% tidy_gsub(pattern = "\\.\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*?\\.\\.", "")
+ # }
# Apply the `from_markdown` class
class(text) <- "from_markdown"
@@ -491,7 +496,7 @@ is_html <- function(x) {
#' currency symbol will be `"ltc"`. For convenience, if we provide only a single
#' string without a name, it will be taken as the `default` (i.e.,
#' `currency("ltc")` is equivalent to `currency(default = "ltc")`). However, if
-#' we were to specify currency strings for muliple output contexts, names are
+#' we were to specify currency strings for multiple output contexts, names are
#' required each and every context.
#' @param ... One or more named arguments using output contexts as the names and
diff --git a/R/info_tables.R b/R/info_tables.R
index 3057913cd9..7a2aa430b2 100644
--- a/R/info_tables.R
+++ b/R/info_tables.R
@@ -46,7 +46,15 @@ info_date_style <- function() {
cols_label(date = "Formatted Date") %>%
title = "Preset Date Formats",
- subtitle = md("Usable in the `fmt_date()` and `fmt_datetime()` functions"))
+ subtitle = md("Usable in the `fmt_date()` and `fmt_datetime()` functions")
+ ) %>%
+ tab_style(
+ style = cell_text(align = "left"),
+ locations = list(
+ cells_title(groups = "title"),
+ cells_title(groups = "subtitle")
+ )
+ )
#' View a table with info on time styles
@@ -85,10 +93,17 @@ info_time_style <- function() {
cols_label(time = "Formatted Time") %>%
title = "Preset Time Formats",
- subtitle = md("Usable in the `fmt_time()` and `fmt_datetime()` functions"))
+ subtitle = md("Usable in the `fmt_time()` and `fmt_datetime()` functions")
+ ) %>%
+ tab_style(
+ style = cell_text(align = "left"),
+ locations = list(
+ cells_title(groups = "title"),
+ cells_title(groups = "subtitle")
+ )
+ )
#' View a table with info on supported currencies
#' The `fmt_currency()` function lets us format numeric values as currencies.
@@ -185,6 +200,13 @@ info_currencies <- function(type = c("code", "symbol"),
title = md("Currencies Supported in **gt**"),
subtitle = md("Currency codes are used in the `fmt_currency()` function")
+ ) %>%
+ tab_style(
+ style = cell_text(align = "left"),
+ locations = list(
+ cells_title(groups = "title"),
+ cells_title(groups = "subtitle")
+ )
@@ -220,13 +242,19 @@ info_currencies <- function(type = c("code", "symbol"),
title = md("Currencies Supported in **gt**"),
subtitle = md("Currency symbols are used in the `fmt_currency()` function")
+ ) %>%
+ tab_style(
+ style = cell_text(align = "left"),
+ locations = list(
+ cells_title(groups = "title"),
+ cells_title(groups = "subtitle")
+ )
#' View a table with info on supported locales
#' Many of the `fmt_*()` functions have a `locale` argument that makes
@@ -293,8 +321,7 @@ info_locales <- function(begins_with = NULL) {
columns = vars(group_sep, dec_sep)
) %>%
- col_1 = vars(base_locale_id),
- col_2 = vars(display_name),
+ columns = vars(base_locale_id, display_name),
pattern = "{1}
) %>%
@@ -419,9 +446,7 @@ info_paletteer <- function(color_pkgs = NULL) {
) %>%
- cols_label(
- length = ""
- ) %>%
+ cols_label(length = "") %>%
tab_stubhead(label = "Package and Palette Name") %>%
title = md("Palettes Made Easily Available with **paletteer**"),
@@ -438,7 +463,7 @@ info_paletteer <- function(color_pkgs = NULL) {
style = list(
cell_fill(color = "#E3E3E3"),
cell_text(font = "Courier", size = "smaller", weight = "bold")
- ),
+ ),
locations = cells_stub(rows = TRUE)
) %>%
@@ -451,13 +476,15 @@ info_paletteer <- function(color_pkgs = NULL) {
row_group.font.weight = "600",
row_group.font.size = "smaller"
) %>%
- tab_source_note(source_note = md(
- paste0(
- "The **paletteer** package is maintained by Emil Hvitfeldt. More ",
- "information can be found on [the **paletteer** site]",
- "(https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/paletteer/) and on the ",
- "[**CRAN** info page]",
- "(https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/paletteer/index.html)."
+ tab_source_note(
+ source_note = md(
+ paste0(
+ "The **paletteer** package is maintained by Emil Hvitfeldt. More ",
+ "information can be found on [the **paletteer** site]",
+ "(https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/paletteer/) and on the ",
+ "[**CRAN** info page]",
+ "(https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/paletteer/index.html)."
+ )
- ))
+ )
diff --git a/R/location_methods.R b/R/location_methods.R
index 8b62f077c0..7602daa5bd 100644
--- a/R/location_methods.R
+++ b/R/location_methods.R
@@ -1,30 +1,322 @@
+#' Upgrader function for `cells_*` objects
+#' Upgrade a `cells_*` object to a `list()` if only a single instance is
+#' provided.
+#' @param locations Any `cells_*` object.
+#' @noRd
+as_locations <- function(locations) {
+ if (!inherits(locations, "location_cells")) {
+ if (!is.list(locations) &&
+ any(!vapply(locations, inherits, logical(1), "location_cells"))) {
+ stop("The `locations` object should be a list of `cells_*()`.",
+ .call = FALSE)
+ }
+ } else {
+ locations <- list(locations)
+ }
+ locations
+add_summary_location_row <- function(loc,
+ data,
+ style,
+ df_type = "styles_df") {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ row_groups <-
+ stub_df %>%
+ dplyr::pull(groupname) %>%
+ unique()
+ summary_data <- dt_summary_get(data = data)
+ summary_data_summaries <-
+ vapply(
+ seq(summary_data),
+ function(x) !is.null(summary_data[[x]]$groups),
+ logical(1)
+ )
+ summary_data <- summary_data[summary_data_summaries]
+ groups <-
+ row_groups[resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!loc$groups,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = row_groups
+ )]
+ # Adding styles to intersections of group, row, and column; any
+ # that are missing at render time will be ignored
+ for (group in groups) {
+ summary_labels <-
+ lapply(
+ summary_data,
+ function(summary_data_item) {
+ if (isTRUE(summary_data_item$groups)) {
+ summary_data_item$summary_labels
+ } else if (group %in% summary_data_item$groups){
+ summary_data_item$summary_labels
+ }
+ }
+ ) %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ unique()
+ col_idx <-
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!loc$columns,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ )
+ columns <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)[col_idx]
+ if (length(columns) == 0) {
+ stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
+ " * Review the expression provided as `columns`",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ rows <-
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!loc$rows,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = summary_labels
+ )
+ if (length(rows) == 0) {
+ stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
+ " * Review the expression provided as `rows`",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ if (df_type == "footnotes_df") {
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "summary_cells",
+ grpname = group,
+ colname = columns,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = rows,
+ footnotes = style
+ )
+ } else {
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "summary_cells",
+ grpname = group,
+ colname = columns,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = rows,
+ styles = style
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ data
+add_grand_summary_location_row <- function(loc,
+ data,
+ style,
+ df_type = "styles_df") {
+ summary_data <- dt_summary_get(data = data)
+ grand_summary_labels <-
+ lapply(summary_data, function(summary_data_item) {
+ if (is.null(summary_data_item$groups)) {
+ return(summary_data_item$summary_labels)
+ }
+ }) %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ unique()
+ columns <-
+ resolve_vars(
+ var_expr = !!loc$columns,
+ data = data
+ )
+ if (length(columns) == 0) {
+ stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
+ " * Review the expression provided as `columns`",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ rows <-
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!loc$rows,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = grand_summary_labels
+ )
+ if (length(rows) == 0) {
+ stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
+ " * Review the expression provided as `rows`",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ if (df_type == "footnotes_df") {
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "grand_summary_cells",
+ grpname = grand_summary_col,
+ colname = columns,
+ locnum = 6,
+ rownum = rows,
+ footnotes = style
+ )
+ } else {
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "grand_summary_cells",
+ grpname = grand_summary_col,
+ colname = columns,
+ locnum = 6,
+ rownum = rows,
+ styles = style
+ )
+ }
+ data
# Given a location (i.e. cells_*() function result), evaluate captured quosures
# in the context of `data` and return an object with the `resolved` class added
# to the front of the class list.
-resolve_location <- function(loc, data_attr) {
+resolve_location <- function(loc, data) {
-resolve_location.resolved <- function(loc, data_attr) {
+resolve_location.resolved <- function(loc, data) {
# The object is already resolved
+resolve_location.cells_data <- function(loc, data) {
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ loc$colnames <-
+ resolve_vars(
+ var_expr = !!loc[["columns"]],
+ data = data
+ )
+ loc$rows <-
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!loc[["rows"]],
+ data_tbl = data_tbl,
+ vals = stub_df$rowname
+ )
+ class(loc) <- c("resolved", class(loc))
+ loc
+resolve_location.cells_column_labels <- function(loc, data) {
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
+ if (!is.null(loc$columns)) {
+ loc$colnames <-
+ resolve_vars(
+ var_expr = !!loc$columns,
+ data = data_tbl
+ )
+ }
+ # TODO: for now, when groups is set to TRUE, the
+ # behavior is not to select all groups; this
+ # should be changed to select all group
+ # TODO: implement a stop() if groups provided not
+ # in the available set of groups
+ class(loc) <- c("resolved", class(loc))
+ loc
+resolve_location.cells_stub <- function(loc, data) {
+ resolved <- resolve_cells_stub(data = data, object = loc)
+ loc$rows <- resolved$rows
+ class(loc) <- c("resolved", class(loc))
+ loc
# Given a location, reassign column/row numbers from data-relative to
# output-relative, and return an object with the `output_relative` class added.
-to_output_location <- function(loc, data_attr) {
+to_output_location <- function(loc, data) {
-to_output_location.default <- function(loc, data_attr) {
+to_output_location.default <- function(loc, data) {
- loc <- resolve_location(loc, data_attr)
+ loc <- resolve_location(loc = loc, data = data)
class(loc) <- c("output_relative", class(loc))
-to_output_location.output_relative <- function(loc, data_attr) {
+to_output_location.output_relative <- function(loc, data) {
# The object is already output-relative
+to_output_location.cells_data <- function(loc, data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
+ loc <- resolve_location(loc = loc, data = data)
+ rows_df <- get_row_reorder_df(groups = groups, stub_df = stub_df)
+ # We shouldn't need to do this, but `body` doesn't match up exactly to
+ # the colnum_final values due to groupnames/rownames
+ #loc$colnames <- loc$colnames
+ loc$rows <- rows_df$rownum_final[loc$rows]
+ class(loc) <- c("output_relative", class(loc))
+ loc
+to_output_location.cells_stub <- function(loc, data) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
+ loc <- resolve_location(loc = loc, data = data)
+ rows_df <- get_row_reorder_df(groups = groups, stub_df = stub_df)
+ loc$rows <- rows_df$rownum_final[loc$rows]
+ class(loc) <- c("output_relative", class(loc))
+ loc
diff --git a/R/modify_columns.R b/R/modify_columns.R
index 91bc0ba528..3b4b8df2ef 100644
--- a/R/modify_columns.R
+++ b/R/modify_columns.R
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#' according to the data type (see the Details section for specifics on which
#' alignments are applied).
#' @param columns An optional vector of column names for which the alignment
-#' should be applied. If nothing is supplied, or if `columns` is `TRUE`), then
+#' should be applied. If nothing is supplied, or if `columns` is `TRUE`, then
#' the chosen alignment affects all columns.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @examples
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ cols_align <- function(data,
align = c("auto", "left", "center", "right"),
columns = TRUE) {
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
# Get the `align` value, this stops the function if there is no match
align <- match.arg(align)
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ cols_align <- function(data,
# names
col_classes <-
- attr(data, "data_df", exact = TRUE)[column_names], class) %>%
+ data_tbl[column_names], class) %>%
lapply(`[[`, 1) %>%
@@ -77,10 +79,14 @@ cols_align <- function(data,
"integer" = "center",
"center") %>%
+ } else {
+ align <- rep(align, length(column_names))
- # Set the alignment value for all columns in `columns`
- attr(data, "boxh_df")["column_align", column_names] <- align
+ for (i in seq(column_names)) {
+ data <- data %>% dt_boxhead_edit(var = column_names[i], column_align = align[i])
+ }
@@ -88,12 +94,11 @@ cols_align <- function(data,
#' Set the widths of columns
#' Manual specifications of column widths can be performed using the
-#' `cols_width()` function. We choose which columns get specific widths (in
-#' pixels, usually by use of the [px()] helper function) and all other columns
-#' are assigned a default width value though the `.others` argument. Width
-#' assignments are supplied in `...` through two-sided formulas, where the
-#' left-hand side defines the target columns and the right-hand side is a single
-#' width value in pixels.
+#' `cols_width()` function. We choose which columns get specific widths (in
+#' pixels, usually by use of the [px()] helper function). Width assignments are
+#' supplied in `...` through two-sided formulas, where the left-hand side
+#' defines the target columns and the right-hand side is a single width value in
+#' pixels.
#' Normally, column widths are automatically set to span across the width of the
#' container (both table and container widths can be individually modified with
@@ -112,7 +117,9 @@ cols_align <- function(data,
#' [matches()], [one_of()], and [everything()] can be used in the LHS.
#' Subsequent expressions that operate on the columns assigned previously will
#' result in overwriting column width values (both in the same `cols_width()`
-#' call and across separate calls).
+#' call and across separate calls). All other columns can be assigned a
+#' default width value by using `TRUE` or `everything()` on the left-hand
+#' side.
#' @param .list Allows for the use of a list as an input alternative to `...`.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @examples
@@ -154,9 +161,6 @@ cols_width <- function(data,
call. = FALSE)
- # Extract the `col_names` list from `data/boxh_df`
- boxh_df <- attr(data, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE)
all_formulas <-
@@ -191,10 +195,33 @@ cols_width <- function(data,
rlang::f_rhs() %>%
- boxh_df["column_width", ][columns] <- width
+ for (column in columns) {
+ data <- data %>% dt_boxhead_edit(var = column, column_width = list(width))
+ }
- attr(data, "boxh_df") <- boxh_df
+ unset_widths <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get() %>%
+ .$column_width %>%
+ lapply(is.null) %>%
+ unlist()
+ if (any(unset_widths)) {
+ columns_unset <- (data %>% dt_boxhead_get_vars())[unset_widths]
+ warning("Unset column widths found, setting them to `100px`:\n",
+ " * columns: ",
+ str_catalog(columns_unset),
+ ".\n",
+ " * Set any remaining column widths in `cols_width()` with `everything() ~ px(100)`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ for (column in columns_unset) {
+ data <- data %>% dt_boxhead_edit(var = column, column_width = list("100px"))
+ }
+ }
@@ -288,26 +315,31 @@ cols_label <- function(data,
stop("All arguments to `cols_label()` must be named.", call. = FALSE)
- # Extract the `col_labels` list from `data`
- col_labels <- attr(data, "col_labels", exact = TRUE)
# Stop function if any of the column names specified are not in `cols_labels`
- if (!all(names(labels_list) %in% names(col_labels))) {
+ if (!all(names(labels_list) %in% dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data))) {
stop("All column names provided must exist in the input `data` table.")
- # Filter the list of labels by the names in `col_labels`
- labels_list <- labels_list[names(labels_list) %in% names(col_labels)]
+ # Filter the list of labels by the var names in `data`
+ labels_list <-
+ labels_list[names(labels_list) %in% dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)]
# If no labels remain after filtering, return the data
if (length(labels_list) == 0) {
- col_labels[names(labels_list)] <- labels_list
+ nm_labels_list <- names(labels_list)
+ for (i in seq_along(labels_list)) {
- # Set the `col_labels` attr with the `col_labels` object
- attr(data, "col_labels") <- col_labels
+ data <-
+ dt_boxhead_edit_column_label(
+ data = data,
+ var = nm_labels_list[i],
+ column_label = labels_list[[i]]
+ )
+ }
@@ -370,11 +402,7 @@ cols_move <- function(data,
# Get the `after` columns as a character vector
after <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!after, data = data)
- # Extract the internal `boxh_df` table
- boxh_df <- attr(data, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE)
- # Extract the `data_df` df from `data`
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
+ vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
# Stop function if `after` contains multiple columns
if (length(after) > 1) {
@@ -382,45 +410,34 @@ cols_move <- function(data,
call. = FALSE)
- # Stop function if `after` doesn't exist in `data_df`
- if (!(after %in% colnames(data_df))) {
+ # Stop function if `after` doesn't exist in `vars`
+ if (!(after %in% vars)) {
stop("The column supplied to `after` doesn't exist in the input `data` table.",
call. = FALSE)
- # Stop function if any of the `columns` doesn't exist in `data_df`
- if (!all(columns %in% colnames(data_df))) {
- stop("All `columns` must exist in the input `data` table.",
- call. = FALSE)
+ # Stop function if no `columns` are provided
+ if (length(columns) == 0) {
+ stop("Columns must be provided.", call. = FALSE)
- # Filter the vector of column names by the
- # column names actually in `boxh_df`
- columns <- columns[which(columns %in% colnames(boxh_df))]
- if (length(columns) == 0) {
- return(data)
+ # Stop function if any of the `columns` don't exist in `vars`
+ if (!all(columns %in% vars)) {
+ stop("All `columns` must exist and be visible in the input `data` table.",
+ call. = FALSE)
# Get the remaining column names in the table
- column_names <- base::setdiff(colnames(boxh_df), columns)
+ moving_columns <- setdiff(columns, after)
+ other_columns <- base::setdiff(vars, moving_columns)
# Get the column index for where the set
# of `columns` should be inserted after
- column_index <- which(column_names == after)
+ after_index <- which(other_columns == after)
- if (length(columns) > 0 & column_index != length(column_names)) {
+ new_vars <- append(other_columns, moving_columns, after = after_index)
- attr(data, "boxh_df") <- attr(data, "boxh_df") %>%
- dplyr::select(
- column_names[1:column_index], columns,
- column_names[(column_index + 1):length(column_names)])
- } else if (length(columns) > 0 & column_index == length(column_names)) {
- attr(data, "boxh_df") <- attr(data, "boxh_df") %>%
- dplyr::select(column_names[1:column_index], columns)
- }
+ data <- dt_boxhead_set_var_order(data, vars = new_vars)
@@ -485,30 +502,28 @@ cols_move_to_start <- function(data,
columns <- enquo(columns)
+ vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
# Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
- # Extract the internal `boxh_df` table
- boxh_df <- attr(data, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE)
- # Extract the `data_df` df from `data`
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
+ # Stop function if no `columns` are provided
+ if (length(columns) == 0) {
+ stop("Columns must be provided.", call. = FALSE)
+ }
- # Stop function if any of the `columns` doesn't exist in `data_df`
- if (!all(columns %in% colnames(data_df))) {
- stop("All `columns` must exist in the input `data` table.",
+ # Stop function if any of the `columns` don't exist in `vars`
+ if (!all(columns %in% vars)) {
+ stop("All `columns` must exist and be visible in the input `data` table.",
call. = FALSE)
- # Filter the vector of column names by the
- # column names actually in the input df
- columns <- columns[which(columns %in% colnames(boxh_df))]
+ # Get the remaining column names in the table
+ other_columns <- base::setdiff(vars, columns)
- if (length(columns) == 0) {
- return(data)
- }
+ new_vars <- append(other_columns, columns, after = 0)
- attr(data, "boxh_df") <- attr(data, "boxh_df") %>% dplyr::select(columns, everything())
+ data <- dt_boxhead_set_var_order(data, vars = new_vars)
@@ -572,33 +587,28 @@ cols_move_to_end <- function(data,
columns <- enquo(columns)
+ vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
# Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
- # Extract the internal `boxh_df` table
- boxh_df <- attr(data, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE)
- # Extract the `data_df` df from `data`
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
+ # Stop function if no `columns` are provided
+ if (length(columns) == 0) {
+ stop("Columns must be provided.", call. = FALSE)
+ }
- # Stop function if any of the `columns` doesn't exist in `data_df`
- if (!all(columns %in% colnames(data_df))) {
- stop("All `columns` must exist in the input `data` table.",
+ # Stop function if any of the `columns` don't exist in `vars`
+ if (!all(columns %in% vars)) {
+ stop("All `columns` must exist and be visible in the input `data` table.",
call. = FALSE)
- # Filter the vector of column names by the
- # column names actually in the input df
- columns <- columns[which(columns %in% colnames(boxh_df))]
- if (length(columns) == 0) {
- return(data)
- }
+ # Get the remaining column names in the table
+ other_columns <- base::setdiff(vars, columns)
- # Organize a vector of column names for `dplyr::select()`
- columns <- c(base::setdiff(colnames(boxh_df), columns), columns)
+ new_vars <- append(other_columns, columns)
- attr(data, "boxh_df") <- attr(data, "boxh_df") %>% dplyr::select(columns)
+ data <- dt_boxhead_set_var_order(data, vars = new_vars)
@@ -674,136 +684,55 @@ cols_hide <- function(data,
# Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
- boxh_df <- attr(data, "boxh_df")
- # Filter the vector of column names by the
- # column names actually in the input df
- columns <- columns[which(columns %in% colnames(boxh_df))]
+ vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
+ # Stop function if no `columns` are provided
if (length(columns) == 0) {
- return(data)
+ stop("Columns must be provided.", call. = FALSE)
- # Organize a vector of column names for `dplyr::select()`
- columns <- c(base::setdiff(colnames(boxh_df), columns))
- attr(data, "boxh_df") <- attr(data, "boxh_df") %>% dplyr::select(columns)
- data
-#' Create group names and column labels via delimited names
-#' This function will split selected delimited column names such that the first
-#' components (LHS) are promoted to being spanner column labels, and the
-#' secondary components (RHS) will become the column labels. Please note that
-#' reference to individual columns must continue to be the column names from the
-#' input table data (which are unique by necessity).
-#' If we look to the column names in the `iris` dataset as an example of how
-#' `cols_split_delim()` might be useful, we find the names `Sepal.Length`,
-#' `Sepal.Width`, `Petal.Length`, `Petal.Width`. From this naming system, it's
-#' easy to see that the `Sepal` and `Petal` can group together the repeated
-#' common `Length` and `Width` values. In your own datasets, we can avoid a
-#' lengthy relabeling with [cols_label()] if column names can be fashioned
-#' beforehand to contain both the spanner column label and the column label. An
-#' additional advantage is that the column names in the input table data remain
-#' unique even though there may eventually be repeated column labels in the
-#' rendered output table).
-#' @inheritParams cols_align
-#' @param delim The delimiter to use to split an input column name. The
-#' delimiter supplied will be autoescaped for the internal splitting
-#' procedure. The first component of the split will become the group name and
-#' the second component will be the column label.
-#' @param columns An optional vector of column names that this operation should
-#' be limited to. The default is to consider all columns in the table.
-#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
-#' @examples
-#' # Use `iris` to create a gt table; split
-#' # any columns that are dot-separated
-#' # between column spanner labels (first
-#' # part) and column labels (second part)
-#' tab_1 <-
-#' iris %>%
-#' dplyr::group_by(Species) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:4) %>%
-#' gt() %>%
-#' cols_split_delim(delim = ".")
-#' @section Figures:
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_cols_split_delim_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' @family column modification functions
-#' @export
-cols_split_delim <- function(data,
- delim,
- columns = NULL) {
- columns <- enquo(columns)
- # Escape any characters that require escaping
- delim <- gsub("\\.", "\\\\.", delim)
- # Get all of the columns in the dataset
- all_cols <- colnames(attr(data, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE))
- # Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
- columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
- if (!is.null(columns)) {
- colnames <- base::intersect(all_cols, columns)
- } else {
- colnames <- all_cols
+ # Stop function if any of the `columns` don't exist in `vars`
+ if (!all(columns %in% vars)) {
+ stop("All `columns` must exist in the input `data` table.",
+ call. = FALSE)
- if (length(colnames) == 0) {
- return(data)
- }
- colnames_has_delim <- grepl(paste0("[^.]", delim, "[^.]"), colnames)
- if (any(colnames_has_delim)) {
- split_colnames <- strsplit(colnames[colnames_has_delim], delim)
- attr(data, "grp_labels")[colnames[colnames_has_delim]] <-
- vapply(split_colnames, `[[`, character(1), 1)
- attr(data, "col_labels")[colnames[colnames_has_delim]] <-
- vapply(split_colnames, `[[`, character(1), 2)
+ for (column in columns) {
+ data <- data %>% dt_boxhead_edit(var = column, type = "hidden")
-#' Merge two columns to a single column
+#' Merge data from two or more columns to a single column
-#' This function takes any two columns and merges them into a single column,
-#' using a pattern that specifies how the values in the data cells are combined.
-#' We specify the columns to merge together in the `col_1` and `col_2` arguments
-#' and the string-combining pattern is specified in `pattern`. The column that
-#' is retained is that of `col_1` whereas the column specified in `col_2` is
-#' dropped from the output table.
+#' This function takes input from two or more columns and allows the contents to
+#' be merged them into a single column, using a pattern that specifies the
+#' formatting. We can specify which columns to merge together in the `columns`
+#' argument. The string-combining pattern is given in the `pattern` argument.
+#' The first column in the `columns` series operates as the target column (i.e.,
+#' will undergo mutation) whereas all following `columns` will be untouched.
#' There are two other column-merging functions that offer specialized behavior
#' that is optimized for common table tasks: [cols_merge_range()] and
-#' [cols_merge_uncert()]. These functions operate similarly, where the second
-#' column specified is dropped from the output table. For all of the
-#' `cols_merge*()` functions, column removal occurs late in the rendering
-#' lifecycle so those secondary columns are still usable as column references
-#' (e.g., inside expressions provided to `rows` in the `fmt*()` functions).
+#' [cols_merge_uncert()]. These functions operate similarly, where the
+#' non-target columns can be optionally hidden from the output table through the
+#' `hide_columns` or `autohide` options.
#' @inheritParams cols_align
-#' @param col_1 A retained column that contains values to be merged with those
-#' in `col_2`.
-#' @param col_2 A column that contains values to be merged with those in
-#' `col_1`. This column will be discarded but is still useful as a reference
-#' in other \pkg{gt} functions.
+#' @param columns The columns that will participate in the merging process. The
+#' first column name provided will be the target column (i.e., undergo
+#' mutation) and the other columns will serve to provide input.
+#' @param hide_columns Any column names provided here will have their state
+#' changed to `hidden` (via internal use of [cols_hide()] if they aren't
+#' already hidden. This is convenient if the purpose of these specified
+#' columns are only useful for providing string input to the target column.
#' @param pattern A formatting pattern that specifies the arrangement of the
-#' `col_1` and `col_1` values and any string literals. The `col_1` column is
-#' represented as `{1}` whereas `col_2` is `{2}`. All other characters are
-#' taken to be string literals.
+#' `column` values and any string literals. We can use column names or numbers
+#' (corresponding to the position of columns provided in `columns`). The
+#' column names or indices are to be placed in curly braces (e.g., `{price}`
+#' or `{1}`). All characters outside of braces are taken to be string
+#' literals.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @examples
#' # Use `sp500` to create a gt table;
@@ -817,13 +746,13 @@ cols_split_delim <- function(data,
#' dplyr::select(-volume, -adj_close) %>%
#' gt() %>%
#' cols_merge(
-#' col_1 = vars(open),
-#' col_2 = vars(close),
+#' columns = vars(open, close),
+#' hide_columns = vars(close),
#' pattern = "{1}—{2}"
#' ) %>%
#' cols_merge(
-#' col_1 = vars(low),
-#' col_2 = vars(high),
+#' columns = vars(low, high),
+#' hide_columns = vars(high),
#' pattern = "{1}—{2}"
#' ) %>%
#' cols_label(
@@ -838,49 +767,43 @@ cols_split_delim <- function(data,
#' @import rlang
#' @export
cols_merge <- function(data,
- col_1,
- col_2,
- pattern = "{1} {2}") {
- col_1 <- enquo(col_1)
- col_2 <- enquo(col_2)
+ columns,
+ hide_columns = columns[-1],
+ pattern = paste0("{", seq_along(columns), "}", collapse = " ")) {
- # Get the columns supplied in `col_1` as a character vector
- col_1 <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!col_1, data = data)
+ columns <- enquo(columns)
- # Get the columns supplied in `col_2` as a character vector
- col_2 <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!col_2, data = data)
+ # Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
+ columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
- # Create a named character vector using
- # `col_1` and `col_2`
- col_1 <- stats::setNames(col_1, nm = col_2)
+ if (!is.null(hide_columns)) {
- # Create and store a list of column pairs
- if ("col_merge" %in% names(attributes(data))) {
+ hide_columns <- enquo(hide_columns)
- if (col_1 %in% unname(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]]) |
- col_2 %in% names(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]])) {
- return(data)
- }
+ # Get the columns supplied in `hide_columns` as a character vector
+ hide_columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!hide_columns, data = data)
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["pattern"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["pattern"]], pattern)
+ hide_columns_from_supplied <- base::intersect(hide_columns, columns)
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["sep"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["sep"]], "")
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]], col_1)
+ if (length(base::setdiff(hide_columns, columns) > 0)) {
+ warning("Only the columns supplied in `columns` will be hidden.\n",
+ " * use `cols_hide()` to hide any out of scope columns",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
- } else {
+ data <- data %>% cols_hide(columns = hide_columns_from_supplied)
+ }
- attr(data, "col_merge") <-
- list(
- pattern = pattern,
- sep = "",
- col_1 = col_1
+ # Create an entry and add it to the `_col_merge` attribute
+ data <-
+ dt_col_merge_add(
+ data = data,
+ col_merge = dt_col_merge_entry(
+ vars = columns,
+ type = "merge",
+ pattern = pattern
- }
+ )
@@ -918,14 +841,18 @@ cols_merge <- function(data,
#' This function is part of a set of three column-merging functions. The other
#' two are the general [cols_merge()] function and the specialized
#' [cols_merge_range()] function. These functions operate similarly, where the
-#' second column specified is dropped from the output table. For all of the
-#' `cols_merge*()` functions, column removal occurs late in the rendering
-#' lifecycle so those secondary columns are still usable as column references
-#' (e.g., inside expressions provided to `rows` in the `fmt*()` functions).
+#' non-target columns can be optionally hidden from the output table through the
+#' `hide_columns` or `autohide` options.
#' @inheritParams cols_align
-#' @param col_val A single column name that contains the base values.
+#' @param col_val A single column name that contains the base values. This is
+#' the column where values will be mutated.
#' @param col_uncert A single column name that contains the uncertainty values.
+#' These values will be combined with those in `col_val`. We have the option
+#' to automatically hide the `col_uncert` column through `autohide`.
+#' @param autohide An option to automatically hide the column specified as
+#' `col_uncert`. Any columns with their state changed to hidden will behave
+#' the same as before, they just won't be displayed in the finalized table.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @examples
#' # Use `exibble` to create a gt table,
@@ -959,52 +886,19 @@ cols_merge <- function(data,
#' @export
cols_merge_uncert <- function(data,
- col_uncert) {
- # Set the formatting pattern
- pattern <- "{1} \u00B1 {2}"
- col_val <- enquo(col_val)
- col_uncert <- enquo(col_uncert)
- # Get the columns supplied in `col_val` as a character vector
- col_val <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!col_val, data = data)
- # Get the columns supplied in `col_val` as a character vector
- col_uncert <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!col_uncert, data = data)
- # Create a named character vector using
- # `col_val` and `col_uncert`
- col_val <- stats::setNames(col_val, nm = col_uncert)
- # Create and store a list of column pairs
- if ("col_merge" %in% names(attributes(data))) {
- if (col_val %in% unname(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]]) |
- col_uncert %in% names(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]])) {
- return(data)
- }
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["pattern"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["pattern"]], pattern)
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["sep"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["sep"]], "")
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]], col_val)
- } else {
- attr(data, "col_merge") <-
- list(
- pattern = pattern,
- sep = "",
- col_1 = col_val
- )
- }
- data
+ col_uncert,
+ autohide = TRUE) {
+ # Use a predefined separator
+ sep <- " \u00B1 "
+ cols_merge_range(
+ data = data,
+ col_begin = col_val,
+ col_end = col_uncert,
+ sep = sep,
+ autohide = autohide
+ )
#' Merge two columns to a value range column
@@ -1017,7 +911,7 @@ cols_merge_uncert <- function(data,
#' the output table.
#' This function could be somewhat replicated using [cols_merge()], however,
-#' `cols_merge_range()` employs the following specialized semantics for `NA`
+#' `cols_merge_range()` employs the following specialized operations for `NA`
#' handling:
#' \enumerate{
@@ -1039,15 +933,16 @@ cols_merge_uncert <- function(data,
#' This function is part of a set of three column-merging functions. The other
#' two are the general [cols_merge()] function and the specialized
#' [cols_merge_uncert()] function. These functions operate similarly, where the
-#' second column specified is dropped from the output table. For all of the
-#' `cols_merge*()` functions, column removal occurs late in the rendering
-#' lifecycle so those secondary columns are still usable as column references
-#' (e.g., inside expressions provided to `rows` in the `fmt*()` functions).
+#' non-target columns can be optionally hidden from the output table through the
+#' `hide_columns` or `autohide` options.
#' @inheritParams cols_align
#' @param col_begin A column that contains values for the start of the range.
#' @param col_end A column that contains values for the end of the range.
#' @param sep The separator text that indicates the values are ranged.
+#' @param autohide An option to automatically hide the column specified as
+#' `col_end`. Any columns with their state changed to hidden will behave
+#' the same as before, they just won't be displayed in the finalized table.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @examples
#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table,
@@ -1063,7 +958,8 @@ cols_merge_uncert <- function(data,
#' gt() %>%
#' cols_merge_range(
#' col_begin = vars(mpg_c),
-#' col_end = vars(mpg_h)) %>%
+#' col_end = vars(mpg_h)
+#' ) %>%
#' cols_label(
#' mpg_c = md("*MPG*")
#' )
@@ -1077,10 +973,11 @@ cols_merge_uncert <- function(data,
cols_merge_range <- function(data,
- sep = "---") {
+ sep = "--",
+ autohide = TRUE) {
# Set the formatting pattern
- pattern <- "{1} {sep} {2}"
+ pattern <- "{1}{sep}{2}"
col_begin <- enquo(col_begin)
col_end <- enquo(col_end)
@@ -1091,35 +988,22 @@ cols_merge_range <- function(data,
# Get the columns supplied in `col_end` as a character vector
col_end <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!col_end, data = data)
- # Create a named character vector using
- # `col_begin` and `col_end`
- col_begin <- stats::setNames(col_begin, nm = col_end)
- # Create and store a list of column pairs
- if ("col_merge" %in% names(attributes(data))) {
- if (col_begin %in% unname(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]]) |
- col_end %in% names(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]])) {
- return(data)
- }
+ columns <- c(col_begin, col_end)
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["pattern"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["pattern"]], pattern)
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["sep"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["sep"]], sep)
- attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "col_merge")[["col_1"]], col_begin)
- } else {
- attr(data, "col_merge") <-
- list(
+ # Create an entry and add it to the `_col_merge` attribute
+ data <-
+ dt_col_merge_add(
+ data = data,
+ col_merge = dt_col_merge_entry(
+ vars = columns,
+ type = "merge_range",
pattern = pattern,
- sep = sep,
- col_1 = col_begin
+ sep = sep
+ )
+ if (isTRUE(autohide)) {
+ data <- data %>% cols_hide(columns = col_end)
diff --git a/R/modify_rows.R b/R/modify_rows.R
index 8153d32652..f27866d91d 100644
--- a/R/modify_rows.R
+++ b/R/modify_rows.R
@@ -48,11 +48,8 @@ row_group_order <- function(data,
call. = FALSE)
- # Get the current arrangement of `groups`
- arrange_groups <-
- attr(data, "arrange_groups", exact = TRUE) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unname()
+ # Get the current arrangement of the row groups
+ arrange_groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
if (inherits(groups, "character")) {
@@ -86,7 +83,5 @@ row_group_order <- function(data,
# Create and store a list of row groups in the intended ordering
- attr(data, "arrange_groups") <- list(groups = groups)
- data
+ dt_stub_groups_set(data = data, stub_groups = groups)
diff --git a/R/print.R b/R/print.R
index 9801e0a90e..a032887e04 100644
--- a/R/print.R
+++ b/R/print.R
@@ -53,15 +53,12 @@ as.tags.gt_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
# Generate the HTML table
html_table <- render_as_html(data = x)
- # Extract the `opts_df` data frame object from `x`
- opts_df <- attr(x, "opts_df", exact = TRUE)
# Get options related to the enclosing
- id <- opts_df_get(opts_df, option = "table_id")
- container_overflow_x <- opts_df_get(opts_df, option = "container_overflow_x")
- container_overflow_y <- opts_df_get(opts_df, option = "container_overflow_y")
- container_width <- opts_df_get(opts_df, option = "container_width")
- container_height <- opts_df_get(opts_df, option = "container_height")
+ id <- x %>% dt_options_get_value(option = "table_id")
+ container_overflow_x <- x %>% dt_options_get_value(option = "container_overflow_x")
+ container_overflow_y <- x %>% dt_options_get_value(option = "container_overflow_y")
+ container_width <- x %>% dt_options_get_value(option = "container_width")
+ container_height <- x %>% dt_options_get_value(option = "container_height")
# If the ID hasn't been set, set `id` as NULL
if (is.na(id)) {
diff --git a/R/render_as_html.R b/R/render_as_html.R
index d00ef50e08..07aebcf33b 100644
--- a/R/render_as_html.R
+++ b/R/render_as_html.R
@@ -7,132 +7,42 @@
#' @noRd
render_as_html <- function(data) {
- # Build all table data objects through a common pipeline
- built_data <- data %>% build_data(context = "html")
+ data <- data %>% build_data(context = "html")
- # Use HTML-specific builders to generate the HTML table code
- with(built_data, {
+ # Composition of HTML -----------------------------------------------------
- # Composition of HTML -----------------------------------------------------
+ # Upgrade `_styles` to gain a `html_style` column with CSS style rules
+ data <- add_css_styles(data = data)
- # Add footnote marks to elements of the table columns
- boxh_df <-
- set_footnote_marks_columns(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- output = "html"
- )
+ # Create the heading component
+ heading_component <- create_heading_component(data = data, context = "html")
- # Add footnote marks to the stubhead label
- stubhead <-
- set_footnote_marks_stubhead(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- stubhead = stubhead,
- output = "html"
- )
+ # Create the columns component
+ columns_component <- create_columns_component_h(data = data)
- # Add footnote marks to the `data` rows
- output_df <-
- apply_footnotes_to_output(
- output_df = output_df,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- output = "html"
- )
+ # Create the body component
+ body_component <- create_body_component_h(data = data)
- # Add footnote marks to the stub group cells
- groups_rows_df <-
- set_footnote_marks_stub_groups(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- output = "html"
- )
+ # Create the source notes component
+ source_notes_component <- create_source_notes_component_h(data = data)
- # Add footnote marks to the `summary` cells
- list_of_summaries <-
- apply_footnotes_to_summary(
- list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved
- )
+ # Create the footnotes component
+ footnotes_component <- create_footnotes_component_h(data = data)
- # Upgrade `styles_resolved` to gain a `html_style`
- # column with style rules
- if (nrow(styles_resolved) > 0) {
- styles_resolved <-
- styles_resolved %>%
- dplyr::mutate(
- html_style = vapply(
- styles_appended, function(x) styles_to_html(x), character(1))
- )
- }
+ # Get attributes for the gt table
+ table_defs <- get_table_defs(data = data)
- # Create the heading component of the table
- heading_component <-
- create_heading_component(
- heading = heading,
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- styles_resolved = styles_resolved,
- n_cols = n_cols,
- subtitle_defined = subtitle_defined,
- output = "html"
- )
+ # Compose the HTML table
+ htmltools::tags$table(
+ class = "gt_table",
+ style = table_defs$table_style,
+ table_defs$table_colgroups,
+ heading_component,
+ columns_component,
+ body_component,
+ source_notes_component,
+ footnotes_component
+ ) %>%
+ as.character()
- # Create the columns component of the table
- columns_component <-
- create_columns_component_h(
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- output_df = output_df,
- stub_available = stub_available,
- spanners_present = spanners_present,
- styles_resolved = styles_resolved,
- stubhead = stubhead,
- col_alignment = col_alignment,
- opts_df = opts_df
- )
- # Create the body component of the table
- body_component <-
- create_body_component_h(
- output_df = output_df,
- styles_resolved = styles_resolved,
- groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
- col_alignment = col_alignment,
- stub_components = stub_components,
- summaries_present = summaries_present,
- list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- n_rows = n_rows,
- n_cols = n_cols,
- opts_df = opts_df
- )
- # Create the source note rows and handle any available footnotes
- source_note_component <-
- create_source_note_component_h(
- source_note = source_note,
- n_cols = n_cols
- )
- # Create the footnote component of the table
- footnote_component <-
- create_footnote_component_h(
- footnotes_resolved = footnotes_resolved,
- opts_df = opts_df,
- n_cols = n_cols
- )
- # Get attributes for the gt table
- table_defs <- get_table_defs(boxh_df)
- # Compose the HTML table
- htmltools::tags$table(
- class = "gt_table",
- style = table_defs$table_style,
- table_defs$table_colgroups,
- heading_component,
- columns_component,
- body_component,
- source_note_component,
- footnote_component
- ) %>%
- as.character()
- })
diff --git a/R/resolver.R b/R/resolver.R
index f73c47d110..073affdd85 100644
--- a/R/resolver.R
+++ b/R/resolver.R
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ resolve_cells_data <- function(data,
# Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
- stub_df <- attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
# Resolution of columns and rows as integer vectors
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ resolve_cells_data <- function(data,
resolved_rows_idx <-
var_expr = !!object$rows,
- data = data,
+ data_tbl = data_tbl,
vals = stub_df$rowname
@@ -41,10 +42,15 @@ resolve_cells_data <- function(data,
# Create a list object
- cells_resolved <- list(columns = expansion[[1]], rows = expansion[[2]])
+ cells_resolved <-
+ list(
+ columns = expansion[[1]],
+ colnames = resolve_vars(var_expr = expansion[[1]], data = data),
+ rows = expansion[[2]]
+ )
# Apply the `data_cells_resolved` class
- attr(cells_resolved, "class") <- "data_cells_resolved"
+ class(cells_resolved) <- "data_cells_resolved"
@@ -57,11 +63,7 @@ resolve_cells_data <- function(data,
resolve_cells_stub <- function(data,
object) {
- # Get the `data_df` data frame from `data`
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
- # Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
- stub_df <- attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
# Resolution of rows as integer vectors
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ resolve_cells_stub <- function(data,
resolved_rows_idx <-
var_expr = !!object$rows,
- data = data,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
vals = stub_df$rowname
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ resolve_cells_stub <- function(data,
cells_resolved <- list(rows = resolved_rows_idx)
# Apply the `stub_cells_resolved` class
- attr(cells_resolved, "class") <- "stub_cells_resolved"
+ class(cells_resolved) <- "stub_cells_resolved"
@@ -99,16 +101,56 @@ resolve_cells_column_labels <- function(data,
resolved_columns <-
- resolve_vars_idx(
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
var_expr = !!object$columns,
- data = data
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
# Create a list object
cells_resolved <- list(columns = resolved_columns)
# Apply the `columns_cells_resolved` class
- attr(cells_resolved, "class") <- "columns_cells_resolved"
+ class(cells_resolved) <- "columns_cells_resolved"
+ cells_resolved
+#' Resolve the spanner values in the `cells_column_labels` object once it
+#' has access to the `data` object
+#' @param data A table object that is created using the `gt()` function.
+#' @param object The list object created by the `cells_column_labels()`
+#' function.
+#' @noRd
+resolve_cells_column_spanners <- function(data,
+ object) {
+ #
+ # Resolution of spanners as column spanner names
+ #
+ spanner_labels <-
+ dt_spanners_get(data = data) %>%
+ .$spanner_label %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ .[!is.na(.)] %>%
+ unique()
+ resolved_spanners_idx <-
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!object$spanners,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = spanner_labels
+ )
+ resolved_spanners <- spanner_labels[resolved_spanners_idx]
+ # Create a list object
+ cells_resolved <- list(spanners = resolved_spanners)
+ # Apply the `columns_cells_resolved` class
+ class(cells_resolved) <- "columns_spanners_resolved"
@@ -117,8 +159,7 @@ resolve_cells_column_labels <- function(data,
#' @param var_expr An expression to evaluate. This is passed directly to
#' `rlang::eval_tidy()` as a value for the `expr` argument.
-#' @param data The input table available in `data` (usually accessed through
-#' `as.data.frame(data)`).
+#' @param data The gt object.
#' @noRd
resolve_vars_idx <- function(var_expr,
data) {
@@ -127,8 +168,8 @@ resolve_vars_idx <- function(var_expr,
var_expr = !!var_expr,
- data = NULL,
- vals = colnames(as.data.frame(data))
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = colnames(dt_data_get(data = data))
@@ -136,20 +177,20 @@ resolve_vars_idx <- function(var_expr,
#' @param var_expr An expression to evaluate. This is passed directly to
#' `rlang::eval_tidy()` as a value for the `expr` argument.
-#' @param data The input table available in `data` (usually accessed through
-#' `as.data.frame(data)`).
+#' @param data_tbl The input table available in `data` (usually accessed through
+#' `dt_data_get(data)`).
#' @param vals The names of columns or rows in `data`.
#' @import tidyselect
#' @import rlang
#' @noRd
resolve_data_vals_idx <- function(var_expr,
- data,
+ data_tbl,
vals) {
var_expr <- enquo(var_expr)
- if (!is.null(data)) {
- data <- as.data.frame(data)
+ if (!is.null(data_tbl)) {
+ data_tbl <- as.data.frame(data_tbl)
# Translate variable expressions (e.g., logical
@@ -160,7 +201,7 @@ resolve_data_vals_idx <- function(var_expr,
expr = var_expr,
- data = data,
+ data = data_tbl,
env = emptyenv()
@@ -184,16 +225,17 @@ resolve_data_vals_idx <- function(var_expr,
} else if (is.numeric(resolved)) {
if (any(!(resolved %in% seq_along(vals)))) {
- stop("All column or row indices given must be present in `data`.",
+ stop("All column or row indices given must be present in `data_tbl`.",
call. = FALSE)
- resolved <- which(seq_along(vals) %in% resolved)
+ # `resolved` is already in terms of indices
+ # resolved <- resolved
} else if (is.character(resolved)) {
resolved <- tidyselect::vars_select(vals, !!!rlang::syms(resolved))
- resolved <- which(vals %in% resolved)
+ resolved <- resolve_vals(resolved = resolved, vals = vals)
} else if (is_quosures(resolved)) {
@@ -204,13 +246,24 @@ resolve_data_vals_idx <- function(var_expr,
resolved <- vapply(resolved, quo_get_expr_char, character(1))
- resolved <- tidyselect::vars_select(vals, !!!rlang::syms(resolved))
- resolved <- which(vals %in% resolved)
+ resolved <- tidyselect::vars_select(vals, !!!rlang::syms(resolved)) %>% unname()
+ resolved <- resolve_vals(resolved = resolved, vals = vals)
+resolve_vals <- function(resolved, vals) {
+ resolved_idx <- c()
+ for (res in resolved) {
+ resolved_idx <- c(resolved_idx, which(vals %in% res))
+ }
+ resolved_idx
#' Resolve expressions to obtain column names
#' @param var_expr The immutable column names from the input table.
@@ -222,10 +275,10 @@ resolve_vars <- function(var_expr,
var_expr <- enquo(var_expr)
# Obtain the data frame of the input table data
- data_df <- as.data.frame(data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
# Collect column names from the input table data
- column_names <- colnames(data_df)
+ column_names <- colnames(data_tbl)
# Use `resolve_vars_idx()` to obtain a vector
# column indices
diff --git a/R/summary_rows.R b/R/summary_rows.R
index c085305fbb..8116a046e5 100644
--- a/R/summary_rows.R
+++ b/R/summary_rows.R
@@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ summary_rows <- function(data,
# Get the `stub_df` object from `data`
- stub_df <- attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_df_exists(data = data)
# Resolve the column names
columns <- enquo(columns)
@@ -110,12 +112,12 @@ summary_rows <- function(data,
# If there isn't a stub available, create an
# 'empty' stub (populated with empty strings);
# the stub is necessary for summary row labels
- if (!is_stub_available(stub_df) && is.null(groups)) {
+ if (!stub_available && is.null(groups)) {
# Place the `rowname` values into `stub_df$rowname`
stub_df[["rowname"]] <- ""
- attr(data, "stub_df") <- stub_df
+ data <- dt_stub_df_set(data = data, stub_df = stub_df)
# Derive the summary labels
@@ -128,24 +130,19 @@ summary_rows <- function(data,
summary_labels <- names(summary_labels)
- # Append list of summary inputs to the
- # `summary` attribute
- attr(data, "summary") <-
- c(
- attr(data, "summary"),
- list(
- list(
- groups = groups,
- columns = columns,
- fns = fns,
- summary_labels = summary_labels,
- missing_text = missing_text,
- formatter = formatter,
- formatter_options = formatter_options
- )
- )
+ summary_list <-
+ list(
+ groups = groups,
+ columns = columns,
+ fns = fns,
+ summary_labels = summary_labels,
+ missing_text = missing_text,
+ formatter = formatter,
+ formatter_options = formatter_options
+ data <- dt_summary_add(data = data, summary = summary_list)
@@ -167,179 +164,3 @@ grand_summary_rows <- function(data,
formatter = formatter,
-add_summary_location_row <- function(loc,
- data,
- style,
- df_type = "styles_df") {
- stub_df <- attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)
- row_groups <-
- stub_df[, "groupname"] %>%
- unique()
- summary_data <- attr(data, "summary", exact = TRUE)
- summary_data_summaries <-
- vapply(
- seq(summary_data),
- function(x) !is.null(summary_data[[x]]$groups),
- logical(1)
- )
- summary_data <- summary_data[summary_data_summaries]
- groups <-
- row_groups[resolve_data_vals_idx(
- var_expr = !!loc$groups,
- data = NULL,
- vals = row_groups
- )]
- # Adding styles to intersections of group, row, and column; any
- # that are missing at render time will be ignored
- for (group in groups) {
- summary_labels <-
- lapply(
- summary_data,
- function(summary_data_item) {
- if (isTRUE(summary_data_item$groups)) {
- summary_data_item$summary_labels
- } else if (group %in% summary_data_item$groups){
- summary_data_item$summary_labels
- }
- }
- ) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unique()
- columns <-
- resolve_vars(
- var_expr = !!loc$columns,
- data = data
- )
- if (length(columns) == 0) {
- stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
- " * Review the expression provided as `columns`",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- rows <-
- resolve_data_vals_idx(
- var_expr = !!loc$rows,
- data = NULL,
- vals = summary_labels
- )
- if (length(rows) == 0) {
- stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
- " * Review the expression provided as `rows`",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- if (df_type == "footnotes_df") {
- attr(data, df_type) <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "summary_cells",
- locnum = 5,
- grpname = group,
- colname = columns,
- rownum = rows,
- footnotes = style
- )
- } else {
- attr(data, df_type) <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "summary_cells",
- locnum = 5,
- grpname = group,
- colname = columns,
- rownum = rows,
- styles = list(style)
- )
- }
- }
- data
-add_grand_summary_location_row <- function(loc,
- data,
- style,
- df_type = "styles_df") {
- summary_data <- attr(data, "summary", exact = TRUE)
- grand_summary_labels <-
- lapply(summary_data, function(summary_data_item) {
- if (is.null(summary_data_item$groups)) {
- return(summary_data_item$summary_labels)
- }
- }) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unique()
- columns <-
- resolve_vars(
- var_expr = !!loc$columns,
- data = data
- )
- if (length(columns) == 0) {
- stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
- " * Review the expression provided as `columns`",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- rows <-
- resolve_data_vals_idx(
- var_expr = !!loc$rows,
- data = NULL,
- vals = grand_summary_labels
- )
- if (length(rows) == 0) {
- stop("The location requested could not be resolved:\n",
- " * Review the expression provided as `rows`",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- if (df_type == "footnotes_df") {
- attr(data, df_type) <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "grand_summary_cells",
- locnum = 6,
- grpname = grand_summary_col,
- colname = columns,
- rownum = rows,
- footnotes = style
- )
- } else {
- attr(data, df_type) <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "grand_summary_cells",
- locnum = 6,
- grpname = grand_summary_col,
- colname = columns,
- rownum = rows,
- styles = list(style)
- )
- }
- data
diff --git a/R/tab_footnote.R b/R/tab_footnote.R
index d1bdd8d389..e091bf7d92 100644
--- a/R/tab_footnote.R
+++ b/R/tab_footnote.R
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ tab_footnote <- function(data,
# Resolve the locations of the targeted data cells and append
# the footnotes
for (loc in locations) {
- data <- set_footnote(loc, data, process_text(footnote))
+ data <- set_footnote(loc = loc, data = data, footnote = process_text(footnote))
@@ -94,22 +94,28 @@ set_footnote.cells_title <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
if ((loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()) == "title") {
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "title", locnum = 1,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, footnotes = footnote
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "title",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 1,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnote
} else if ((loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()) == "subtitle") {
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "subtitle", locnum = 2,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, footnotes = footnote
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "subtitle",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 2,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnote
@@ -118,12 +124,15 @@ set_footnote.cells_title <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
set_footnote.cells_stubhead <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = loc$groups, locnum = 2.5,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, footnotes = footnote
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = loc$groups,
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 2.5,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnote
@@ -131,58 +140,69 @@ set_footnote.cells_stubhead <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
set_footnote.cells_column_labels <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
- if (!is.null(loc$columns)) {
+ resolved <- resolve_cells_column_labels(data = data, object = loc)
- resolved <- resolve_cells_column_labels(data = data, object = loc)
+ cols <- resolved$columns
- cols <- resolved$columns
+ colnames <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)[cols]
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "columns_columns",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = colnames,
+ locnum = 4,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnote
+ )
- colnames <- colnames(as.data.frame(data))[cols]
+ data
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "columns_columns", locnum = 4,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = colnames,
- rownum = NA_character_, footnotes = footnote
- )
+set_footnote.cells_column_spanners <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
- } else if (!is.null(loc$groups)) {
+ resolved <- resolve_cells_column_spanners(data = data, object = loc)
- groups <- loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()
+ groups <- resolved$spanners
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "columns_groups", locnum = 3,
- grpname = groups, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, footnotes = footnote
- )
- }
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "columns_groups",
+ grpname = groups,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 3,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnote
+ )
set_footnote.cells_group <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
- row_groups <- attr(data, "arrange_groups")$groups
+ row_groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
# Resolve row groups
resolved_row_groups_idx <-
var_expr = !!loc$groups,
- data = NULL,
+ data_tbl = NULL,
vals = row_groups
groups <- row_groups[resolved_row_groups_idx]
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "stub_groups", locnum = 5,
- grpname = groups, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, footnotes = footnote
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "stub_groups",
+ grpname = groups,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ footnotes = footnote
@@ -195,14 +215,17 @@ set_footnote.cells_data <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
cols <- resolved$columns
rows <- resolved$rows
- colnames <- colnames(as.data.frame(data))[cols]
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "data", locnum = 5,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = colnames,
- rownum = rows, footnotes = footnote
+ colnames <- resolved$colnames
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "data",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = colnames,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = rows,
+ footnotes = footnote
@@ -214,12 +237,15 @@ set_footnote.cells_stub <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
rows <- resolved$rows
- attr(data, "footnotes_df") <-
- add_location_row_footnotes(
- data,
- locname = "stub", locnum = 5,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = rows, footnotes = footnote
+ data <-
+ dt_footnotes_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "stub",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = rows,
+ footnotes = footnote
@@ -244,53 +270,3 @@ set_footnote.cells_grand_summary <- function(loc, data, footnote) {
df_type = "footnotes_df"
-add_location_row_styles <- function(data,
- locname,
- locnum,
- grpname,
- colname,
- rownum,
- styles) {
- add_location_row(
- data,
- df_type = "styles_df",
- locname, locnum, grpname, colname, rownum,
- styles = styles
- )
-add_location_row_footnotes <- function(data,
- locname,
- locnum,
- grpname,
- colname,
- rownum,
- footnotes) {
- add_location_row(
- data,
- df_type = "footnotes_df",
- locname, locnum, grpname, colname, rownum,
- text = footnotes
- )
-add_location_row <- function(data,
- df_type,
- locname,
- locnum,
- grpname,
- colname,
- rownum,
- ...) {
- dplyr::bind_rows(
- attr(data, df_type, exact = TRUE),
- dplyr::tibble(
- locname = locname, locnum = locnum,
- grpname = grpname, colname = colname,
- rownum = rownum, ...)
- )
diff --git a/R/tab_header.R b/R/tab_header.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b0f0da5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tab_header.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#' Add a table header
+#' We can add a table header to the \pkg{gt} table with a title and even a
+#' subtitle. A table header is an optional table part that is positioned above
+#' the column labels. We have the flexibility to use Markdown formatting for the
+#' header's title and subtitle. Furthermore, if the table is intended for HTML
+#' output, we can use HTML in either of the title or subtitle.
+#' @inheritParams fmt_number
+#' @param title,subtitle Text to be used in the table title and, optionally, for
+#' the table subtitle. We can elect to use the [md()] and [html()] helper
+#' functions to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements in the
+#' text.
+#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
+#' @examples
+#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
+#' # add a header part to contain a title
+#' # and subtitle
+#' tab_1 <-
+#' gtcars %>%
+#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
+#' gt() %>%
+#' tab_header(
+#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
+#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
+#' )
+#' @section Figures:
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_header_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
+#' @export
+tab_header <- function(data,
+ title,
+ subtitle = NULL) {
+ data %>% dt_heading_title_subtitle(title = title, subtitle = subtitle)
diff --git a/R/tab_options.R b/R/tab_options.R
index 9f56682f2c..75b437d815 100644
--- a/R/tab_options.R
+++ b/R/tab_options.R
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ tab_options <- function(data,
row.striping.include_stub = NULL,
row.striping.include_table_body = NULL) {
- # Extract the `opts_df` data frame object from `data`
- opts_df <- attr(data, "opts_df", exact = TRUE)
+ # Extract the options table from `data`
+ opts_df <- dt_options_get(data = data)
arg_names <- formals(tab_options) %>% names() %>% base::setdiff("data")
arg_vals <- mget(arg_names)
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ tab_options <- function(data,
dplyr::anti_join(new_df, by = "parameter")
- # Write the modified `opts_df` to the `data` attribute
- attr(data, "opts_df") <- opts_df
+ # Write the modified options table back to `data`
+ data <- dt_options_set(data = data, options = opts_df)
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ tab_options <- function(data,
#' dplyr::filter(latitude == 30, !is.infinite(SZA.Min)) %>%
#' dplyr::select(-latitude) %>%
#' gt(rowname_col = "tst") %>%
-#' cols_split_delim(".") %>%
+#' tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") %>%
#' fmt_missing(
#' columns = everything(),
#' missing_text = "90+"
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ tab_options <- function(data,
#' ) %>%
#' tab_footnote(
#' footnote = "Solar zenith angle.",
-#' locations = cells_column_labels(groups = "SZA")
+#' locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "SZA")
#' ) %>%
#' tab_footnote(
#' footnote = "The Lowest SZA.",
diff --git a/R/tab_row_group.R b/R/tab_row_group.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b43546b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tab_row_group.R
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#' Add a row group
+#' Create a row group with a collection of rows. This requires specification of
+#' the rows to be included, either by supplying row labels, row indices, or
+#' through use of a select helper function like `starts_with()`.
+#' @inheritParams fmt_number
+#' @param group The name of the row group. This text will also serve as the row
+#' group label.
+#' @param rows The rows to be made components of the row group. Can either be a
+#' vector of row captions provided in `c()`, a vector of row indices, or a
+#' helper function focused on selections. The select helper functions are:
+#' [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()], [one_of()], and
+#' [everything()].
+#' @param others An option to set a default row group label for any rows not
+#' formally placed in a row group named by `group` in any call of
+#' `tab_row_group()`. A separate call to `tab_row_group()` with only a value
+#' to `others` is possible and makes explicit that the call is meant to
+#' provide a default row group label. If this is not set and there are rows
+#' that haven't been placed into a row group (where one or more row groups
+#' already exist), those rows will be automatically placed into a row group
+#' without a label.
+#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
+#' @examples
+#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table and
+#' # add two row groups with the labels:
+#' # `numbered` and `NA` (a group without
+#' # a title, or, the rest)
+#' tab_1 <-
+#' gtcars %>%
+#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:8) %>%
+#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
+#' tab_row_group(
+#' group = "numbered",
+#' rows = matches("^[0-9]")
+#' )
+#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
+#' # add two row groups with the labels
+#' # `powerful` and `super powerful`: the
+#' # distinction being `hp` lesser or
+#' # greater than `600`
+#' tab_2 <-
+#' gtcars %>%
+#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:8) %>%
+#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
+#' tab_row_group(
+#' group = "powerful",
+#' rows = hp <= 600
+#' ) %>%
+#' tab_row_group(
+#' group = "super powerful",
+#' rows = hp > 600
+#' )
+#' @section Figures:
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_row_group_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_row_group_2.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
+#' @import rlang
+#' @export
+tab_row_group <- function(data,
+ group = NULL,
+ rows = NULL,
+ others = NULL) {
+ arrange_groups_vars <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
+ # Capture the `rows` expression
+ row_expr <- rlang::enquo(rows)
+ # Create a row group if a `group` is provided
+ if (!is.null(group)) {
+ # Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
+ # Resolve the row numbers using the `resolve_vars` function
+ resolved_rows_idx <-
+ resolve_data_vals_idx(
+ var_expr = !!row_expr,
+ data_tbl = data_tbl,
+ vals = stub_df$rowname
+ )
+ # Place the `group` label in the `groupname` column `stub_df`
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ stub_df[resolved_rows_idx, "groupname"] <- process_text(group[1])
+ data <- dt_stub_df_set(data = data, stub_df = stub_df)
+ if (dt_stub_groupname_has_na(data = data)) {
+ data <-
+ dt_stub_groups_set(
+ data = data,
+ stub_groups = c(
+ arrange_groups_vars, process_text(group[1]), NA_character_
+ ) %>%
+ unique()
+ )
+ } else {
+ data <-
+ dt_stub_groups_set(
+ data = data,
+ stub_groups = c(
+ arrange_groups_vars,
+ process_text(group[1])
+ ) %>%
+ unique()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ # Set a name for the `others` group if a
+ # name is provided
+ if (!is.null(others)) {
+ data <-
+ dt_stub_others_set(
+ data = data,
+ stub_others = others[1] %>% process_text()
+ )
+ }
+ data
diff --git a/R/tab_source_note.R b/R/tab_source_note.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91f3067b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tab_source_note.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#' Add a source note citation
+#' Add a source note to the footer part of the \pkg{gt} table. A source note is
+#' useful for citing the data included in the table. Several can be added to the
+#' footer, simply use multiple calls of `tab_source_note()` and they will be
+#' inserted in the order provided. We can use Markdown formatting for the note,
+#' or, if the table is intended for HTML output, we can include HTML formatting.
+#' @inheritParams fmt_number
+#' @param source_note Text to be used in the source note. We can optionally use
+#' the [md()] and [html()] functions to style the text as Markdown or to
+#' retain HTML elements in the text.
+#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
+#' @examples
+#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
+#' # add a source note to the table
+#' # footer that cites the data source
+#' tab_1 <-
+#' gtcars %>%
+#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
+#' gt() %>%
+#' tab_source_note(
+#' source_note = "From edmunds.com"
+#' )
+#' @section Figures:
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_source_note_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
+#' @export
+tab_source_note <- function(data,
+ source_note) {
+ data %>% dt_source_notes_add(source_note = source_note)
diff --git a/R/tab_spanner.R b/R/tab_spanner.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2db9377d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tab_spanner.R
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#' Add a spanner column label
+#' Set a spanner column label by mapping it to columns already in the table.
+#' This label is placed above one or more column labels, spanning the width of
+#' those columns and column labels.
+#' @inheritParams fmt_number
+#' @param label The text to use for the spanner column label.
+#' @param columns The columns to be components of the spanner heading.
+#' @param gather An option to move the specified `columns` such that they are
+#' unified under the spanner column label. Ordering of the moved-into-place
+#' columns will be preserved in all cases.
+#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
+#' @examples
+#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
+#' # Group several columns related to car
+#' # performance under a spanner column
+#' # with the label `performance`
+#' tab_1 <-
+#' gtcars %>%
+#' dplyr::select(
+#' -mfr, -trim, bdy_style, drivetrain,
+#' -drivetrain, -trsmn, -ctry_origin
+#' ) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:8) %>%
+#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
+#' tab_spanner(
+#' label = "performance",
+#' columns = vars(
+#' hp, hp_rpm, trq, trq_rpm,
+#' mpg_c, mpg_h)
+#' )
+#' @section Figures:
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_spanner_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
+#' @export
+tab_spanner <- function(data,
+ label,
+ columns,
+ gather = TRUE) {
+ checkmate::assert_character(
+ label, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE)
+ columns <- enquo(columns)
+ # Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
+ column_names <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
+ data <-
+ dt_spanners_add(
+ data = data,
+ vars = column_names,
+ spanner_label = label,
+ gather = gather
+ )
+ if (isTRUE(gather) && length(column_names) >= 1) {
+ # Move columns into place
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ cols_move(
+ columns = column_names,
+ after = column_names[1]
+ )
+ }
+ data
+#' Create group names and column labels via delimited names
+#' This function will split selected delimited column names such that the first
+#' components (LHS) are promoted to being spanner column labels, and the
+#' secondary components (RHS) will become the column labels. Please note that
+#' reference to individual columns must continue to be the column names from the
+#' input table data (which are unique by necessity).
+#' If we look to the column names in the `iris` dataset as an example of how
+#' `tab_spanner_delim()` might be useful, we find the names `Sepal.Length`,
+#' `Sepal.Width`, `Petal.Length`, `Petal.Width`. From this naming system, it's
+#' easy to see that the `Sepal` and `Petal` can group together the repeated
+#' common `Length` and `Width` values. In your own datasets, we can avoid a
+#' lengthy relabeling with [cols_label()] if column names can be fashioned
+#' beforehand to contain both the spanner column label and the column label. An
+#' additional advantage is that the column names in the input table data remain
+#' unique even though there may eventually be repeated column labels in the
+#' rendered output table).
+#' @inheritParams cols_align
+#' @inheritParams tab_spanner
+#' @param delim The delimiter to use to split an input column name. The
+#' delimiter supplied will be autoescaped for the internal splitting
+#' procedure. The first component of the split will become the group name and
+#' the second component will be the column label.
+#' @param columns An optional vector of column names that this operation should
+#' be limited to. The default is to consider all columns in the table.
+#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
+#' @examples
+#' # Use `iris` to create a gt table; split
+#' # any columns that are dot-separated
+#' # between column spanner labels (first
+#' # part) and column labels (second part)
+#' tab_1 <-
+#' iris %>%
+#' dplyr::group_by(Species) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:4) %>%
+#' gt() %>%
+#' tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".")
+#' @section Figures:
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_spanner_delim_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' @family column modification functions
+#' @export
+tab_spanner_delim <- function(data,
+ delim,
+ columns = NULL,
+ gather = TRUE) {
+ columns <- enquo(columns)
+ # Get all of the columns in the dataset
+ all_cols <- data %>% dt_boxhead_get_vars()
+ # Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
+ columns <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
+ if (!is.null(columns)) {
+ colnames <- base::intersect(all_cols, columns)
+ } else {
+ colnames <- all_cols
+ }
+ if (length(colnames) == 0) {
+ return(data)
+ }
+ colnames_has_delim <- grepl(pattern = delim, x = colnames, fixed = TRUE)
+ if (any(colnames_has_delim)) {
+ colnames_with_delim <- colnames[colnames_has_delim]
+ split_colnames <- strsplit(colnames_with_delim, delim, fixed = TRUE)
+ spanners <- vapply(split_colnames, `[[`, character(1), 1)
+ new_labels <-
+ lapply(split_colnames, `[[`, -1) %>%
+ vapply(paste0, FUN.VALUE = character(1), collapse = delim)
+ for (i in seq_along(split_colnames)) {
+ spanners_i <- spanners[i]
+ new_labels_i <- new_labels[i]
+ var_i <- colnames_with_delim[i]
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_boxhead_edit(var = var_i, column_label = new_labels_i)
+ }
+ spanner_var_list <- split(colnames_with_delim, spanners)
+ for (spanner_label in names(spanner_var_list)) {
+ data <-
+ data %>%
+ dt_spanners_add(
+ vars = spanner_var_list[[spanner_label]],
+ spanner_label = spanner_label,
+ gather = gather
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ data
diff --git a/R/tab_stubhead.R b/R/tab_stubhead.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1a9ffccc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tab_stubhead.R
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#' Add label text to the stubhead
+#' Add a label to the stubhead of a \pkg{gt} table. The stubhead is the lone
+#' element that is positioned left of the column labels, and above the stub. If
+#' a stub does not exist, then there is no stubhead (so no change will be made
+#' when using this function in that case). We have the flexibility to use
+#' Markdown formatting for the stubhead label. Furthermore, if the table is
+#' intended for HTML output, we can use HTML for the stubhead label.
+#' @inheritParams fmt_number
+#' @param label The text to be used as the stubhead label We can optionally use
+#' the [md()] and [html()] functions to style the text as Markdown or to
+#' retain HTML elements in the text.
+#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
+#' @examples
+#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table; add
+#' # a stubhead label to describe what is
+#' # in the stub
+#' tab_1 <-
+#' gtcars %>%
+#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) %>%
+#' dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
+#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
+#' tab_stubhead(label = "car")
+#' @section Figures:
+#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_stubhead_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
+#' @export
+tab_stubhead <- function(data,
+ label) {
+ data %>% dt_stubhead_label(label = label)
diff --git a/R/tab_style.R b/R/tab_style.R
index 89d1e495d3..14a96c4500 100644
--- a/R/tab_style.R
+++ b/R/tab_style.R
@@ -115,7 +115,12 @@ tab_style <- function(data,
# Resolve the locations of the targeted data cells and append
# the format directives
for (loc in locations) {
- data <- set_style(loc, data, style)
+ data <-
+ set_style(
+ loc = loc,
+ data = data,
+ style = style
+ )
@@ -146,7 +151,6 @@ as_style <- function(style) {
if (!inherits(style_item, "cell_styles")) {
- # TODO: position can be provided
stop("All provided styles should be generated by stylizing ",
"helper functions. Style with index `", i, "` is invalid.",
call. = FALSE)
@@ -174,22 +178,28 @@ set_style.cells_title <- function(loc, data, style) {
if ((loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()) == "title") {
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "title", locnum = 1,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, styles = list(style)
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "title",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 1,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = style
} else if ((loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()) == "subtitle") {
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "subtitle", locnum = 2,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, styles = list(style)
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "subtitle",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 2,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = style
@@ -198,12 +208,15 @@ set_style.cells_title <- function(loc, data, style) {
set_style.cells_stubhead <- function(loc, data, style) {
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = loc$groups, locnum = 2.5,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, styles = list(style)
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = loc$groups,
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 2.5,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = style
@@ -211,58 +224,69 @@ set_style.cells_stubhead <- function(loc, data, style) {
set_style.cells_column_labels <- function(loc, data, style) {
- if (!is.null(loc$columns)) {
+ resolved <- resolve_cells_column_labels(data = data, object = loc)
- resolved <- resolve_cells_column_labels(data = data, object = loc)
+ cols <- resolved$columns
- cols <- resolved$columns
+ colnames <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)[cols]
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "columns_columns",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = colnames,
+ locnum = 4,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = style
+ )
- colnames <- colnames(as.data.frame(data))[cols]
+ data
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "columns_columns", locnum = 4,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = colnames,
- rownum = NA_character_, styles = list(style)
- )
+set_style.cells_column_spanners <- function(loc, data, style) {
- } else if (!is.null(loc$groups)) {
+ resolved <- resolve_cells_column_spanners(data = data, object = loc)
- groups <- loc$groups %>% rlang::eval_tidy()
+ groups <- resolved$spanners
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "columns_groups", locnum = 3,
- grpname = groups, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, styles = list(style)
- )
- }
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "columns_groups",
+ grpname = groups,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 3,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = style
+ )
set_style.cells_group <- function(loc, data, style) {
- row_groups <- attr(data, "arrange_groups")$groups
+ stub_groups <- dt_stub_groups_get(data = data)
# Resolve row groups
resolved_row_groups_idx <-
var_expr = !!loc$groups,
- data = NULL,
- vals = row_groups
+ data_tbl = NULL,
+ vals = stub_groups
- groups <- row_groups[resolved_row_groups_idx]
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "stub_groups", locnum = 5,
- grpname = groups, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = NA_character_, styles = list(style)
+ groups <- stub_groups[resolved_row_groups_idx]
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "stub_groups",
+ grpname = groups,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = NA_integer_,
+ styles = style
@@ -275,14 +299,17 @@ set_style.cells_data <- function(loc, data, style) {
cols <- resolved$columns
rows <- resolved$rows
- colnames <- colnames(as.data.frame(data))[cols]
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "data", locnum = 5,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = colnames,
- rownum = rows, styles = list(style)
+ colnames <- resolved$colnames
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "data",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = colnames,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = rows,
+ styles = style
@@ -294,12 +321,15 @@ set_style.cells_stub <- function(loc, data, style) {
rows <- resolved$rows
- attr(data, "styles_df") <-
- add_location_row_styles(
- data,
- locname = "stub", locnum = 5,
- grpname = NA_character_, colname = NA_character_,
- rownum = rows, styles = list(style)
+ data <-
+ dt_styles_add(
+ data = data,
+ locname = "stub",
+ grpname = NA_character_,
+ colname = NA_character_,
+ locnum = 5,
+ rownum = rows,
+ styles = style
diff --git a/R/table_parts.R b/R/table_parts.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f5a36ce1..0000000000
--- a/R/table_parts.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-#' Add a table header
-#' We can add a table header to the \pkg{gt} table with a title and even a
-#' subtitle. A table header is an optional table part that is positioned above
-#' the column labels. We have the flexibility to use Markdown formatting for the
-#' header's title and subtitle. Furthermore, if the table is intended for HTML
-#' output, we can use HTML in either of the title or subtitle.
-#' @inheritParams fmt_number
-#' @param title,subtitle Text to be used in the table title and, optionally, for
-#' the table subtitle. We can elect to use the [md()] and [html()] helper
-#' functions to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements in the
-#' text.
-#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
-#' @examples
-#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
-#' # add a header part to contain a title
-#' # and subtitle
-#' tab_1 <-
-#' gtcars %>%
-#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
-#' gt() %>%
-#' tab_header(
-#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
-#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
-#' )
-#' @section Figures:
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_header_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
-#' @export
-tab_header <- function(data,
- title,
- subtitle = NULL) {
- # Handle the optional `subtitle` text
- if (is.null(subtitle)) {
- subtitle <- ""
- }
- attr(data, "heading") <-
- list(
- title = title,
- subtitle = subtitle)
- data
-#' Add label text to the stubhead
-#' Add a label to the stubhead of a \pkg{gt} table. The stubhead is the lone
-#' element that is positioned left of the column labels, and above the stub. If
-#' a stub does not exist, then there is no stubhead (so no change will be made
-#' when using this function in that case). We have the flexibility to use
-#' Markdown formatting for the stubhead label. Furthermore, if the table is
-#' intended for HTML output, we can use HTML for the stubhead label.
-#' @inheritParams fmt_number
-#' @param label The text to be used as the stubhead label We can optionally use
-#' the [md()] and [html()] functions to style the text as Markdown or to
-#' retain HTML elements in the text.
-#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
-#' @examples
-#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table; add
-#' # a stubhead label to describe what is
-#' # in the stub
-#' tab_1 <-
-#' gtcars %>%
-#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
-#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
-#' tab_stubhead(label = "car")
-#' @section Figures:
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_stubhead_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
-#' @export
-tab_stubhead <- function(data,
- label) {
- attr(data, "stubhead") <- list(label = label)
- data
-#' Add a row group
-#' Create a row group with a collection of rows. This requires specification of
-#' the rows to be included, either by supplying row labels, row indices, or
-#' through use of a select helper function like `starts_with()`.
-#' @inheritParams fmt_number
-#' @param group The name of the row group. This text will also serve as the row
-#' group label.
-#' @param rows The rows to be made components of the row group. Can either be a
-#' vector of row captions provided `c()`, a vector of row indices, or a helper
-#' function focused on selections. The select helper functions are:
-#' [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()], [one_of()], and
-#' [everything()].
-#' @param others An option to set a default row group label for any rows not
-#' formally placed in a row group named by `group` in any call of
-#' `tab_row_group()`. A separate call to `tab_row_group()` with only a value
-#' to `others` is possible and makes explicit that the call is meant to
-#' provide a default row group label. If this is not set and there are rows
-#' that haven't been placed into a row group (where one or more row groups
-#' already exist), those rows will be automatically placed into a row group
-#' without a label.
-#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
-#' @examples
-#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table and
-#' # add two row groups with the labels:
-#' # `numbered` and `NA` (a group without
-#' # a title, or, the rest)
-#' tab_1 <-
-#' gtcars %>%
-#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:8) %>%
-#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
-#' tab_row_group(
-#' group = "numbered",
-#' rows = matches("^[0-9]")
-#' )
-#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
-#' # add two row groups with the labels
-#' # `powerful` and `super powerful`: the
-#' # distinction being `hp` lesser or
-#' # greater than `600`
-#' tab_2 <-
-#' gtcars %>%
-#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:8) %>%
-#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
-#' tab_row_group(
-#' group = "powerful",
-#' rows = hp <= 600
-#' ) %>%
-#' tab_row_group(
-#' group = "super powerful",
-#' rows = hp > 600
-#' )
-#' @section Figures:
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_row_group_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_row_group_2.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
-#' @import rlang
-#' @export
-tab_row_group <- function(data,
- group = NULL,
- rows = NULL,
- others = NULL) {
- # Capture the `rows` expression
- row_expr <- rlang::enquo(rows)
- # Create a row group if a `group` is provided
- if (!is.null(group)) {
- # Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
- stub_df <- attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)
- # Resolve the row numbers using the `resolve_vars` function
- resolved_rows_idx <-
- resolve_data_vals_idx(
- var_expr = !!row_expr,
- data = data,
- vals = stub_df$rowname
- )
- # Place the `group` label in the `groupname` column
- # `stub_df`
- attr(data, "stub_df")[resolved_rows_idx, "groupname"] <-
- process_text(group[1])
- # Insert the group into the `arrange_groups` component
- if (!("arrange_groups" %in% names(attributes(data)))) {
- if (any(is.na(attr(data, "stub_df", exact = TRUE)$groupname))) {
- attr(data, "arrange_groups") <-
- list(groups = c(process_text(group[1]), NA_character_))
- } else {
- attr(data, "arrange_groups") <-
- list(groups = process_text(group[1]))
- }
- } else {
- if (any(is.na(attr(data, "stub_df")$groupname))) {
- attr(data, "arrange_groups")[["groups"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "arrange_groups", exact = TRUE)[["groups"]],
- process_text(group[1]), NA_character_) %>%
- unique()
- } else {
- attr(data, "arrange_groups")[["groups"]] <-
- c(attr(data, "arrange_groups", exact = TRUE)[["groups"]],
- process_text(group[1]))
- }
- }
- }
- # Set a name for the `others` group if a
- # name is provided
- if (!is.null(others)) {
- attr(data, "others_group") <- list(others = process_text(others[1]))
- }
- data
-#' Add a spanner column label
-#' Set a spanner column label by mapping it to columns already in the table.
-#' This label is placed above one or more column labels, spanning the width of
-#' those columns and column labels.
-#' @inheritParams fmt_number
-#' @param label The text to use for the spanner column label.
-#' @param columns The columns to be components of the spanner heading.
-#' @param gather An option to move the specified `columns` such that they are
-#' unified under the spanner column label. Ordering of the moved-into-place
-#' columns will be preserved in all cases.
-#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
-#' @examples
-#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
-#' # Group several columns related to car
-#' # performance under a spanner column
-#' # with the label `performance`
-#' tab_1 <-
-#' gtcars %>%
-#' dplyr::select(
-#' -mfr, -trim, bdy_style, drivetrain,
-#' -drivetrain, -trsmn, -ctry_origin
-#' ) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:8) %>%
-#' gt(rowname_col = "model") %>%
-#' tab_spanner(
-#' label = "performance",
-#' columns = vars(
-#' hp, hp_rpm, trq, trq_rpm,
-#' mpg_c, mpg_h)
-#' )
-#' @section Figures:
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_spanner_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
-#' @export
-tab_spanner <- function(data,
- label,
- columns,
- gather = TRUE) {
- checkmate::assert_character(
- label, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE)
- columns <- enquo(columns)
- # Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
- column_names <- resolve_vars(var_expr = !!columns, data = data)
- # Get the `grp_labels` list from `data`
- grp_labels <- attr(data, "grp_labels", exact = TRUE)
- # Apply the `label` value to the the `grp_labels` list
- for (column_name in column_names) {
- grp_labels[[column_name]] <- label
- }
- # Set the `grp_labels` attr with the `grp_labels` object
- attr(data, "grp_labels") <- grp_labels
- # Gather columns not part of the group of columns under
- # the spanner heading
- if (gather && length(column_names) > 1) {
- # Extract the internal `boxh_df` table
- boxh_df <- attr(data, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE)
- # Get the sequence of columns available in `boxh_df`
- all_columns <- colnames(boxh_df)
- # Get the vector positions of the `columns` in
- # `all_columns`
- matching_vec <-
- match(column_names, all_columns) %>%
- sort() %>%
- unique()
- # Get a vector of column names
- columns_sorted <- all_columns[matching_vec]
- # Move columns into place
- data <-
- data %>%
- cols_move(
- columns = columns_sorted[-1],
- after = columns_sorted[1]
- )
- }
- data
-#' Add a source note citation
-#' Add a source note to the footer part of the \pkg{gt} table. A source note is
-#' useful for citing the data included in the table. Several can be added to the
-#' footer, simply use multiple calls of `tab_source_note()` and they will be
-#' inserted in the order provided. We can use Markdown formatting for the note,
-#' or, if the table is intended for HTML output, we can include HTML formatting.
-#' @inheritParams fmt_number
-#' @param source_note Text to be used in the source note. We can optionally use
-#' the [md()] and [html()] functions to style the text as Markdown or to
-#' retain HTML elements in the text.
-#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
-#' @examples
-#' # Use `gtcars` to create a gt table;
-#' # add a source note to the table
-#' # footer that cites the data source
-#' tab_1 <-
-#' gtcars %>%
-#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) %>%
-#' dplyr::slice(1:5) %>%
-#' gt() %>%
-#' tab_source_note(
-#' source_note = "From edmunds.com"
-#' )
-#' @section Figures:
-#' \if{html}{\figure{man_tab_source_note_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
-#' @family table-part creation/modification functions
-#' @export
-tab_source_note <- function(data,
- source_note) {
- if ("source_note" %in% names(attributes(data))) {
- attr(data, "source_note") <-
- c(attr(data, "source_note", exact = TRUE),
- list(source_note))
- } else {
- attr(data, "source_note") <-
- list(source_note)
- }
- data
diff --git a/R/text_transform.R b/R/text_transform.R
index 44165f508c..083f40e7dd 100644
--- a/R/text_transform.R
+++ b/R/text_transform.R
@@ -61,40 +61,92 @@ text_transform <- function(data,
fn) {
# Resolve into a list of locations
- locations <- as_locations(locations)
+ locations <- as_locations(locations = locations)
# Resolve the locations of the targeted data cells and append
# the footnotes
for (loc in locations) {
- data <- set_transform(loc, data, fn)
+ data <- dt_transforms_add(data = data, loc = loc, fn = fn)
-set_transform <- function(loc, data, fn) {
+# Given a location, gt attr object, and mapping function (one chr vector as
+# input, chr vector of same length as output), replace the contents in the
+# specified location with fn(contents). The `fn` may be invoked several times,
+# as the location may not be naturally vectorizable as a single call. The return
+# value is the transformed `data`
+text_transform_at_location <- function(loc, data, fn = identity) {
+ UseMethod("text_transform_at_location")
- resolved <- resolve_location(loc, data_attr = attributes(data))
+text_transform_at_location.cells_data <- function(loc,
+ data,
+ fn = identity) {
- attr(data, "transforms") <-
- c(
- attr(data, "transforms", exact = TRUE),
- list(
- list(
- resolved = resolved,
- fn = fn
- )
- )
- )
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ loc <- to_output_location(loc = loc, data = data)
+ # Do one vectorized operation per column
+ for (col in loc$colnames) {
+ if (col %in% colnames(body)) {
+ body[[col]][loc$rows] <- fn(body[[col]][loc$rows])
+ }
+ }
+ data <- dt_body_set(data = data, body = body)
-# Given a location, gt attr object, and mapping function (one chr vector as
-# input, chr vector of same length as output), replace the contents in the
-# specified location with fn(contents). The `fn` may be invoked several times,
-# as the location may not be naturally vectorizable as a single call. The return
-# value is the transformed data_attr.
-text_transform_at_location <- function(loc, data_attr, fn = identity) {
- UseMethod("text_transform_at_location")
+text_transform_at_location.cells_stub <- function(loc,
+ data,
+ fn = identity) {
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ loc <- to_output_location(loc = loc, data = data)
+ for (row in loc$rows) {
+ if (row %in% stub_df$rowname) {
+ stub_df[row, "rowname"] <- fn(stub_df[row, "rowname"])
+ }
+ }
+ dt_stub_df_set(data = data, stub_df = stub_df)
+text_transform_at_location.cells_column_labels <- function(loc,
+ data,
+ fn = identity) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ loc <- to_output_location(loc = loc, data = data)
+ for (col in loc$columns) {
+ if (col %in% boxh$var) {
+ column_label_edited <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(var == !!col) %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_label) %>%
+ .[[1]] %>%
+ fn()
+ data <-
+ dt_boxhead_edit(
+ data = data,
+ var = col,
+ column_label = list(column_label_edited)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ data
diff --git a/R/utils.R b/R/utils.R
index 051eb8039a..7f773e179b 100644
--- a/R/utils.R
+++ b/R/utils.R
@@ -185,6 +185,12 @@ process_text <- function(text,
+ if (is.list(text)) {
+ if (context %in% names(text)) {
+ return(process_text(text[[context]], context))
+ }
+ }
if (context == "html") {
# Text processing for HTML output
@@ -555,9 +561,6 @@ normalize_suffixing_inputs <- function(suffixing,
# In the case that a character vector is provided
# to `suffixing`, we first want to check if there
# are any names provided
- # TODO: found that the conditional below seems
- # better than other solutions to determine whether
- # the vector is even partially named
if (!is.null(names(suffixing))) {
stop("The character vector supplied to `suffixed` cannot contain names.",
call. = FALSE)
@@ -826,52 +829,6 @@ tidy_grepl <- function(x, pattern) {
-#' An options setter for the `opts_df` data frame
-#' @param opts_df The `opts_df` data frame.
-#' @param option The option name; a unique value in the `parameter` column of
-#' `opts_df`.
-#' @param value The value to set for the given `option`.
-#' @noRd
-opts_df_set <- function(opts_df, option, value) {
- opts_df$value[[which(opts_df$parameter == option)]] <- value
- opts_df
-#' An options getter for the `opts_df` data frame
-#' @inheritParams opts_df_set
-#' @noRd
-opts_df_get <- function(opts_df, option) {
- opts_df$value[[which(opts_df$parameter == option)]]
-#' Upgrader function for `cells_*` objects
-#' Upgrade a `cells_*` object to a `list()` if only a single instance is
-#' provided.
-#' @param locations Any `cells_*` object.
-#' @noRd
-as_locations <- function(locations) {
- if (!inherits(locations, "location_cells")) {
- if (!is.list(locations) &&
- any(!vapply(locations, inherits, logical(1), "location_cells"))) {
- stop("The `locations` object should be a list of `cells_*()`.",
- .call = FALSE)
- }
- } else {
- locations <- list(locations)
- }
- locations
#' Create a vector of marks to use for footnotes
#' @noRd
diff --git a/R/utils_render_common.R b/R/utils_render_common.R
index 408ec86952..acec802af3 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_common.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_common.R
@@ -19,56 +19,47 @@ validate_contexts <- function(contexts) {
# Utility function to generate column numbers from column names;
# used in: `resolve_footnotes_styles()`
-colname_to_colnum <- function(boxh_df,
+colname_to_colnum <- function(data,
colname) {
- cnames <- c()
+ col_nums <- c()
for (col in colname) {
if (is.na(col)) {
- cnames <- c(cnames, NA_integer_)
+ col_nums <- c(col_nums, NA_integer_)
} else {
- cnames <- c(cnames, which(colnames(boxh_df) == col))
+ col_nums <- c(col_nums, which(dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) == col))
- cnames
+ col_nums
# Utility function to generate finalized row numbers;
# used in: `resolve_footnotes_styles()`
-rownum_translation <- function(output_df,
+rownum_translation <- function(body,
rownum_start) {
rownum_final <- c()
for (rownum_s in rownum_start) {
rownum_final <-
- which(as.numeric(rownames(output_df)) == rownum_s))
+ which(as.numeric(rownames(body)) == rownum_s))
-# Initialize `output_df`
-initialize_output_df <- function(data_df) {
- output_df <- data_df
- if (nrow(output_df) > 0) {
- output_df[] <- NA_character_
- }
- output_df
#' Render any formatting directives available in the `formats` list
#' @noRd
-render_formats <- function(output_df,
- data_df,
- formats,
+render_formats <- function(data,
context) {
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
+ formats <- dt_formats_get(data = data)
# Render input data to output data where formatting
# is specified
for (fmt in formats) {
@@ -85,44 +76,49 @@ render_formats <- function(output_df,
for (col in fmt[["cols"]]) {
# Perform rendering but only do so if the column is present
- if (col %in% colnames(data_df)) {
+ if (col %in% colnames(data_tbl)) {
- result <- fmt$func[[eval_func]](data_df[[col]][fmt$rows])
+ result <- fmt$func[[eval_func]](data_tbl[[col]][fmt$rows])
# If any of the resulting output is `NA`, that
# means we want to NOT make changes to those
# particular cells' output (i.e. inherit the
# results of the previous formatter).
- output_df[[col]][fmt$rows][!is.na(result)] <- stats::na.omit(result)
+ body[[col]][fmt$rows][!is.na(result)] <- stats::na.omit(result)
- output_df
+ data <- dt_body_set(data = data, body = body)
+ data
-# Move input data cells to `output_df` that didn't have any rendering applied
+# Move input data cells to `body` that didn't have any rendering applied
# during the `render_formats()` call
-migrate_unformatted_to_output <- function(data_df,
- output_df,
+migrate_unformatted_to_output <- function(data,
context) {
- for (colname in colnames(output_df)) {
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
- row_index <- is.na(output_df[[colname]])
+ for (colname in colnames(body)) {
- if (inherits(data_df[[colname]], "list")) {
+ row_index <- is.na(body[[colname]])
+ if (inherits(data_tbl[[colname]], "list")) {
# Use `lapply()` so that all values could be treated independently
- output_df[[colname]][row_index] <-
+ body[[colname]][row_index] <-
- data_df[[colname]][row_index],
+ data_tbl[[colname]][row_index],
function(x) {
x %>%
drop0trailing = FALSE,
trim = TRUE,
- justify = "none") %>%
+ justify = "none"
+ ) %>%
tidy_gsub("\\s+$", "") %>%
process_text(context) %>%
paste(collapse = ", ")
@@ -132,9 +128,9 @@ migrate_unformatted_to_output <- function(data_df,
} else {
# No `lapply()` used: all values will be treated cohesively
- output_df[[colname]][row_index] <-
+ body[[colname]][row_index] <-
- data_df[[colname]][row_index],
+ data_tbl[[colname]][row_index],
drop0trailing = FALSE,
trim = TRUE,
justify = "none"
@@ -143,19 +139,41 @@ migrate_unformatted_to_output <- function(data_df,
- output_df
+ data <- dt_body_set(data = data, body = body)
+ data
+#' Perform any text transformations
+#' @noRd
+perform_text_transforms <- function(data) {
+ transforms <- dt_transforms_get(data = data)
+ for (transform in transforms) {
+ data <-
+ text_transform_at_location(
+ loc = transform$resolved,
+ data = data,
+ fn = transform$fn
+ )
+ }
+ data
#' Obtain a reordering df for the data rows
#' @noRd
-get_row_reorder_df <- function(arrange_groups,
+get_row_reorder_df <- function(groups,
stub_df) {
# If there are no group, there there is no reordering
# so just return a data frame where the starting row
# indices match the final row indices
- if (length(arrange_groups$groups) == 0) {
+ if (length(groups) == 0) {
indices <- seq_len(nrow(stub_df))
@@ -167,570 +185,162 @@ get_row_reorder_df <- function(arrange_groups,
- groups <- arrange_groups$groups
indices <-
- lapply(stub_df$group, `%in%`, x = groups) %>%
+ lapply(stub_df$groupname, `%in%`, x = groups) %>%
lapply(which) %>%
unlist() %>%
rownum_start = seq_along(indices),
- rownum_final = indices)
-#' Obtain a reordering df for the table columns
-#' @noRd
-get_column_reorder_df <- function(cols_df,
- boxh_df) {
- colnames_final_tbl <-
- dplyr::tibble(colnames_final = colnames(boxh_df)) %>%
- dplyr::mutate(colnum_final = seq(ncol(boxh_df)))
- cols_df %>%
- dplyr::mutate(colnum_start = seq(nrow(cols_df))) %>%
- dplyr::full_join(
- colnames_final_tbl, by = c("colnames_start" = "colnames_final")
- ) %>%
- dplyr::rename(column_names = colnames_start)
-# Function to reassemble the rows and columns of the `output_df`
-# in a revised order
-reassemble_output_df <- function(output_df,
- rows_df,
- columns_df) {
- rows <- rows_df$rownum_final
- cols <-
- subset(columns_df, !is.na(colnum_final))[
- order(subset(columns_df, !is.na(colnum_final))$colnum_final), ]$column_names
- output_df[rows, cols, drop = FALSE]
-# Function to obtain a reordered version of `stub_df`
-get_groupnames_rownames_df <- function(stub_df,
- rows_df) {
- stub_df[rows_df$rownum_final, c("groupname", "rowname")]
+ rownum_final = indices
+ )
-# Function to get a vector of columns group (spanner) names
-get_columns_spanners_vec <- function(boxh_df) {
+# Function to recode the `rownum` value in the footnotes table
+reorder_footnotes <- function(data) {
- columns_spanners <-
- boxh_df["group_label", ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
- columns_spanners[which(!is.na(columns_spanners))]
+ rownum_final <- stub_df$rownum_i %>% as.numeric()
-#' Create a data frame with row group information
-#' @noRd
-get_groups_rows_df <- function(arrange_groups,
- groups_df,
- context) {
- ordering <- arrange_groups[[1]]
- groups_rows_df <-
- data.frame(
- group = rep(NA_character_, length(ordering)),
- group_label = rep(NA_character_, length(ordering)),
- row = rep(NA_integer_, length(ordering)),
- row_end = rep(NA_integer_, length(ordering)),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- )
+ for (i in seq_len(nrow(footnotes_tbl))) {
- for (i in seq(ordering)) {
+ if (!is.na(footnotes_tbl[i, ][["rownum"]]) &&
+ footnotes_tbl[i, ][["locname"]] %in% c("data", "stub")) {
- if (!is.na(ordering[i])) {
- rows_matched <- which(groups_df[, "groupname"] == ordering[i])
- } else {
- rows_matched <- which(is.na(groups_df[, "groupname"]))
+ footnotes_tbl[i, ][["rownum"]] <-
+ which(rownum_final == footnotes_tbl[i, ][["rownum"]])
- groups_rows_df[i, "group"] <- groups_rows_df[i, "group_label"] <- ordering[i]
- groups_rows_df[i, "row"] <- min(rows_matched)
- groups_rows_df[i, "row_end"] <- max(rows_matched)
- groups_rows_df %>%
- dplyr::mutate(group_label = process_text(group_label, context))
+ dt_footnotes_set(data = data, footnotes = footnotes_tbl)
-# Function for merging pairs of columns together (in `output_df`) and
-# transforming the dependent data frames (`boxh_df` and `columns_df`)
-perform_col_merge <- function(col_merge,
- data_df,
- output_df,
- boxh_df,
- columns_df,
- context) {
- if (length(col_merge) == 0) {
- return(
- list(
- output_df = output_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- columns_df = columns_df)
- )
- }
- for (i in seq(col_merge[[1]])) {
- sep <- col_merge[["sep"]][i] %>% context_dash_mark(context = context)
- pattern <-
- col_merge[["pattern"]][i] %>%
- tidy_sub("\\{sep\\}", sep)
- value_1_col <- col_merge[["col_1"]][i] %>% unname()
- value_2_col <- col_merge[["col_1"]][i] %>% names()
+# Function to recode the `rownum` value in the styles table
+reorder_styles <- function(data) {
- values_1 <-
- output_df[, which(colnames(output_df) == value_1_col)]
+ stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
- values_2 <-
- output_df[, which(colnames(output_df) == value_2_col)]
+ rownum_final <-
+ stub_df %>%
+ dplyr::pull(rownum_i) %>%
+ as.numeric()
- values_1_data <-
- data_df[, which(colnames(data_df) == value_1_col)]
+ for (i in seq_len(nrow(styles_tbl))) {
+ if (!is.na(styles_tbl[i, ][["rownum"]])) {
- values_2_data <-
- data_df[, which(colnames(data_df) == value_2_col)]
- for (j in seq(values_1)) {
- if (!is.na(values_1[j]) && !grepl("NA", values_1[j]) &&
- !is.na(values_2[j]) && !grepl("NA", values_2[j]) &&
- !is.na(values_1_data[j]) && !is.na(values_2_data[j])) {
- values_1[j] <-
- pattern %>%
- tidy_gsub("\\{1\\}", values_1[j]) %>%
- tidy_gsub("\\{2\\}", values_2[j])
- }
+ styles_tbl[i, ][["rownum"]] <-
+ which(rownum_final == styles_tbl[i, ][["rownum"]])
- output_df[, which(colnames(output_df) == value_1_col)] <- values_1
- # Remove the second column across key data frames
- boxh_df <-
- boxh_df[, -which(colnames(output_df) == value_2_col), drop = FALSE]
- output_df <-
- output_df[, -which(colnames(output_df) == value_2_col), drop = FALSE]
- # Mark the removed column as missing in `columns_df`
- columns_df[which(columns_df == value_2_col), "colnum_final"] <- NA_integer_
- # Return a list with the modified data frames
- list(
- output_df = output_df,
- boxh_df = boxh_df,
- columns_df = columns_df)
+ data <- dt_styles_set(data = data, styles = styles_tbl)
+ data
-#' Create a list of summary data frames given a `summary_list`
+#' Perform merging of column contents
-#' A `summary_list` is a list of directives for making per-group summaries); the
-#' final list will provide `display` and `data` versions of the summaries, named
-#' by group
+#' This merges column content together with a pattern and possibly with a `type`
+#' that specifies additional operations
-#' @import rlang
#' @noRd
-create_summary_dfs <- function(summary_list,
- data_df,
- stub_df,
- output_df,
- context) {
- # If the `summary_list` object is an empty list,
- # return an empty list as the `list_of_summaries`
- if (length(summary_list) == 0) {
- return(list())
- }
- # Create empty lists that are to contain summary
- # data frames for display and for data collection
- # purposes
- summary_df_display_list <- list()
- summary_df_data_list <- list()
- for (i in seq(summary_list)) {
- summary_attrs <- summary_list[[i]]
- groups <- summary_attrs$groups
- columns <- summary_attrs$columns
- fns <- summary_attrs$fns
- missing_text <- summary_attrs$missing_text
- formatter <- summary_attrs$formatter
- formatter_options <- summary_attrs$formatter_options
- labels <- summary_attrs$summary_labels
- if (length(labels) != length(unique(labels))) {
- stop("All summary labels must be unique:\n",
- " * Review the names provided in `fns`\n",
- " * These labels are in conflict: ",
- paste0(labels, collapse = ", "), ".",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- # Resolve the `missing_text`
- missing_text <-
- context_missing_text(missing_text = missing_text, context = context)
- assert_rowgroups <- function() {
+perform_col_merge <- function(data,
+ context) {
- if (all(is.na(stub_df$groupname))) {
- stop("There are no row groups in the gt object:\n",
- " * Use `groups = NULL` to create a grand summary\n",
- " * Define row groups using `gt()` or `tab_row_group()`",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- }
+ col_merge <- dt_col_merge_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
- # Resolve the groups to consider; if
- # `groups` is TRUE then we are to obtain
- # summary row data for all groups
- if (isTRUE(groups)) {
+ if (length(col_merge) == 0) {
+ return(data)
+ }
- assert_rowgroups()
+ for (i in seq(col_merge)) {
- groups <- unique(stub_df$groupname)
+ type <- col_merge[[i]]$type
- } else if (!is.null(groups) && is.character(groups)) {
+ if (type == "merge") {
- assert_rowgroups()
+ mutated_column <- col_merge[[i]]$vars[1]
+ mutated_column_sym <- sym(mutated_column)
- # Get the names of row groups available
- # in the gt object
- groups_available <- unique(stub_df$groupname)
+ columns <- col_merge[[i]]$vars
+ pattern <- col_merge[[i]]$pattern
- if (any(!(groups %in% groups_available))) {
+ # Convert any index positions in the pattern
+ # to the column names specified
+ for (j in seq(columns)) {
- # Stop function if one or more `groups`
- # are not present in the gt table
- stop("All `groups` should be available in the gt object:\n",
- " * The following groups aren't present: ",
- paste0(
- base::setdiff(groups, groups_available),
- collapse = ", "
- ), "\n",
- call. = FALSE)
+ pattern <-
+ tidy_gsub(
+ x = pattern,
+ pattern = paste0("\\{", j, "\\}"),
+ replacement = paste0("{", columns[j], "}")
+ )
- } else if (is.null(groups)) {
- # If groups is given as NULL (the default)
- # then use a special group (`::GRAND_SUMMARY`)
- groups <- grand_summary_col
- }
- # Resolve the columns to exclude
- columns_excl <- base::setdiff(colnames(output_df), columns)
- # Combine `groupname` with the table body data in order to
- # process data by groups
- if (identical(groups, grand_summary_col)) {
- select_data_df <-
- cbind(
- stub_df[c("groupname", "rowname")],
- data_df)[, -2] %>%
- dplyr::mutate(groupname = grand_summary_col) %>%
- dplyr::select(groupname, columns)
- } else {
- select_data_df <-
- cbind(
- stub_df[c("groupname", "rowname")],
- data_df)[, -2] %>%
- dplyr::select(groupname, columns)
- }
- # Get the registered function calls
- agg_funs <- fns %>% lapply(rlang::as_closure)
- summary_dfs_data <-
- lapply(
- seq(agg_funs), function(j) {
- select_data_df %>%
- dplyr::filter(groupname %in% groups) %>%
- dplyr::group_by(groupname) %>%
- dplyr::summarize_all(.funs = agg_funs[[j]]) %>%
- dplyr::ungroup() %>%
- dplyr::mutate(rowname = labels[j]) %>%
- dplyr::select(groupname, rowname, dplyr::everything())
- }
- ) %>%
- dplyr::bind_rows()
- # Add those columns that were not part of
- # the aggregation, filling those with NA values
- summary_dfs_data[, columns_excl] <- NA_real_
- summary_dfs_data <-
- summary_dfs_data %>%
- dplyr::select(groupname, rowname, colnames(output_df))
- # Format the displayed summary lines
- summary_dfs_display <-
- summary_dfs_data %>%
- dplyr::mutate_at(
- .vars = columns,
- .funs = function(x) {
- format_data <-
- do.call(
- summary_attrs$formatter,
- append(
- list(
- data.frame(x = x),
- columns = "x"
- ),
- summary_attrs$formatter_options
- )
- )
- formatter <- attr(format_data, "formats")[[1]]$func
- fmt <- formatter[[context]] %||% formatter$default
- fmt(x)
- }
- ) %>%
- dplyr::mutate_at(
- .vars = columns_excl,
- .funs = function(x) {NA_character_}
- )
- for (group in groups) {
- # Place data frame in separate list component by `group`
- group_sym <- rlang::enquo(group)
- group_summary_data_df <-
- summary_dfs_data %>%
- dplyr::filter(groupname == !!group_sym)
- group_summary_display_df <-
- summary_dfs_display %>%
- dplyr::filter(groupname == !!group_sym)
- summary_df_data_list <-
- c(summary_df_data_list,
- stats::setNames(list(group_summary_data_df), group))
- summary_df_display_list <-
- c(summary_df_display_list,
- stats::setNames(list(group_summary_display_df), group))
+ body <-
+ body %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ !!mutated_column_sym := glue::glue(pattern) %>% as.character()
+ )
- }
- # Condense data in `summary_df_display_list` in a
- # groupwise manner
- summary_df_display_list <-
- tapply(
- summary_df_display_list,
- names(summary_df_display_list),
- dplyr::bind_rows
- )
+ if (type == "merge_range") {
- for (i in seq(summary_df_display_list)) {
+ mutated_column <- col_merge[[i]]$vars[1]
+ mutated_column_sym <- sym(mutated_column)
- arrangement <- unique(summary_df_display_list[[i]]$rowname)
+ second_column <- col_merge[[i]]$vars[2]
+ second_column_sym <- sym(second_column)
- summary_df_display_list[[i]] <-
- summary_df_display_list[[i]] %>%
- dplyr::select(-groupname) %>%
- dplyr::group_by(rowname) %>%
- dplyr::summarize_all(last_non_na)
- summary_df_display_list[[i]] <-
- summary_df_display_list[[i]][
- match(arrangement, summary_df_display_list[[i]]$rowname), ] %>%
- replace(is.na(.), missing_text)
- }
+ columns <- col_merge[[i]]$vars
- # Return a list of lists, each of which have
- # summary data frames for display and for data
- # collection purposes
- list(
- summary_df_data_list = summary_df_data_list,
- summary_df_display_list = summary_df_display_list
- )
+ sep <- col_merge[[i]]$sep %>% context_dash_mark(context = context)
-migrate_labels <- function(row_val) {
- function(
- boxh_df,
- labels,
- context) {
+ pattern <-
+ col_merge[[i]]$pattern %>%
+ tidy_gsub("{sep}", sep, fixed = TRUE)
- for (label_name in names(labels)) {
+ # Convert any index positions in the pattern
+ # to the column names specified
+ for (j in seq(columns)) {
- if (label_name %in% colnames(boxh_df)) {
- boxh_df[row_val, label_name] <-
- process_text(labels[[label_name]], context)
+ pattern <-
+ tidy_gsub(
+ x = pattern,
+ pattern = paste0("\\{", j, "\\}"),
+ replacement = paste0("{", columns[j], "}")
+ )
- }
- boxh_df
- }
+ data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
-# Process text of finalized column labels and migrate the
-# processed text to `boxh_df`
-migrate_colnames_to_labels <- migrate_labels("column_label")
+ na_1_rows <- which(is.na(data_tbl %>% dplyr::pull(!!mutated_column_sym)))
+ na_2_rows <- which(is.na(data_tbl %>% dplyr::pull(!!second_column_sym)))
-# Process text of finalized column group labels and migrate the
-# processed text to `boxh_df`
-migrate_grpnames_to_labels <- migrate_labels("group_label")
+ no_na_rows <-
+ seq_along(body %>% dplyr::pull(!!mutated_column_sym)) %>%
+ base::setdiff(na_1_rows) %>%
+ base::setdiff(na_2_rows)
-# Assign center alignment for all columns that haven't had alignment
-# explicitly set
-set_default_alignments <- function(boxh_df) {
- for (colname in colnames(boxh_df)) {
- if (is.na(boxh_df["column_align", colname])) {
- boxh_df["column_align", colname] <- "center"
+ body <-
+ body %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ !!mutated_column_sym := dplyr::case_when(
+ dplyr::row_number() %in% no_na_rows ~ glue::glue(pattern) %>% as.character(),
+ TRUE ~ !!mutated_column_sym
+ )
+ )
- boxh_df
-# Function to determine if there are any defined elements of a stub present
-is_stub_available <- function(stub_df) {
- if (!all(is.na((stub_df)[["rowname"]]))) {
- return(TRUE)
- } else {
- return(FALSE)
- }
-# Function to determine if a title element has been defined
-is_title_defined <- function(heading) {
- length(heading) > 0 && !is.null(heading$title)
-# Function to determine if a subtitle element has been defined
-is_subtitle_defined <- function(heading) {
+ data <- dt_body_set(data = data, body = body)
- length(heading) > 0 && !is.null(heading$subtitle) && heading$subtitle != ""
-# Function to determine if the `list_of_summaries` object contains
-# processed summary data frames
-are_summaries_present <- function(list_of_summaries) {
- if (length(list_of_summaries) == 0) {
- return(FALSE)
- } else {
- return(TRUE)
- }
-# Function to determine if any group headings (spanners) are present
-are_spanners_present <- function(boxh_df) {
- if (!all(is.na((boxh_df)["group_label", ] %>% t() %>% as.vector()))) {
- return(TRUE)
- } else {
- return(FALSE)
- }
-# Function to get a vector of the stub components that are available
-# within the `stub_df` data frame
-get_stub_components <- function(stub_df) {
- stub_components <- c()
- if (any(!is.na(stub_df[["rowname"]]))) {
- stub_components <- c(stub_components, "rowname")
- }
- if (any(!is.na(stub_df[["groupname"]]))) {
- stub_components <- c(stub_components, "groupname")
- }
- stub_components
-# Function that checks `stub_components` and determines whether just the
-# `rowname` part is available; TRUE indicates that we are working with a table
-# with rownames
-stub_component_is_rowname <- function(stub_components) {
- identical(stub_components, "rowname")
-# Function that checks `stub_components` and determines whether just the
-# `groupname` part is available; TRUE indicates that we are working with a table
-# with groups but it doesn't have rownames
-stub_component_is_groupname <- function(stub_components) {
- identical(stub_components, "groupname")
-# Function that checks `stub_components` and determines whether the
-# `rowname` and `groupname` parts are available; TRUE indicates that we are
-# working with a table with rownames and groups
-stub_component_is_rowname_groupname <- function(stub_components) {
- identical(stub_components, c("rowname", "groupname"))
-# Process the `heading` object
-process_heading <- function(heading, context) {
- if (!is.null(heading)) {
- title <- heading$title %>% process_text(context)
- subtitle <- heading$subtitle %>% process_text(context)
- return(list(title = title, subtitle = subtitle))
- }
-# Process the `stubhead` object
-process_stubhead <- function(stubhead, context) {
- if (!is.null(stubhead)) {
- label <- stubhead$label %>% process_text(context)
- return(list(label = label))
- }
-# Process the `source_note` object
-process_source_notes <- function(source_note, context) {
- if (!is.null(source_note)) {
- source_notes <- c()
- for (sn in source_note) {
- source_notes <- c(source_notes, process_text(sn, context))
- }
- return(list(source_note = source_notes))
- }
+ data
# Function to build a vector of `group` rows in the table body
diff --git a/R/utils_render_footnotes.R b/R/utils_render_footnotes.R
index f3fc6b6ea4..2343acfa3e 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_footnotes.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_footnotes.R
@@ -1,26 +1,45 @@
#' Resolve footnotes or styles
#' @noRd
-resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
- boxh_df,
- groups_rows_df,
- opts_df,
- arrange_groups,
- columns_spanners,
- title_defined,
- subtitle_defined,
- footnotes_df = NULL,
- styles_df = NULL) {
- # TODO: use `tbl` in arg list to avoid below statement
- if (!is.null(styles_df) && is.null(footnotes_df)) {
- tbl <- styles_df
- } else if (is.null(styles_df) && !is.null(footnotes_df)) {
- tbl <- footnotes_df
+resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(data,
+ tbl_type) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
+ # Get the `footnote_marks` option from the options table
+ footnote_marks <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "footnote_marks")
+ if (tbl_type == "footnotes") {
+ tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
+ } else if (tbl_type == "styles") {
+ tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ } else {
+ stop("The `tbl_type` must be either `\"footnotes\"` or `\"styles\"`")
+ # Return `data` unchanged if there are no rows in `tbl`
if (nrow(tbl) == 0) {
- return(tbl)
+ return(data)
+ }
+ # Filter table to include only the `default` vars
+ # in the `data` and `columns_columns` locnames
+ default_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ tbl <-
+ dplyr::bind_rows(
+ tbl %>% dplyr::filter(!(locname %in% c("data", "columns_columns"))),
+ tbl %>%
+ dplyr::filter(locname %in% c("data", "columns_columns")) %>%
+ dplyr::filter(colname %in% default_vars)
+ )
+ # Return `data` unchanged if there are no rows in `tbl`
+ if (nrow(tbl) == 0) {
+ return(data)
# Pare down to the relevant records
@@ -31,7 +50,7 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# remove the footnote reference since it is not relevant)
# Filter by `title`
- if (title_defined == FALSE) {
+ if (!dt_heading_has_title(data = data)) {
tbl <-
tbl %>%
@@ -39,7 +58,7 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# Filter by `subtitle`
- if (subtitle_defined == FALSE) {
+ if (!dt_heading_has_subtitle(data = data)) {
tbl <-
tbl %>%
@@ -49,10 +68,15 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# Filter by `grpname` in columns groups
if ("columns_groups" %in% tbl[["locname"]]) { # remove conditional
+ spanner_labels <-
+ spanners$spanner_label %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ unique()
tbl <-
tbl %>%
- locname != "columns_groups" | grpname %in% columns_spanners
+ locname != "columns_groups" | grpname %in% spanner_labels
@@ -65,26 +89,28 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
dplyr::filter(locname != "stub_groups"),
tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "stub_groups") %>%
- dplyr::filter(grpname %in% arrange_groups$groups)
+ dplyr::filter(grpname %in% groups_rows_df$group)
- # Filter `tbl` by the remaining columns in `output_df`
+ # Filter `tbl` by the remaining columns in `body`
tbl <-
tbl %>%
- dplyr::filter(colname %in% c(NA_character_, colnames(output_df)))
+ dplyr::filter(
+ colname %in% c(NA_character_, dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data))
+ )
# Reorganize records that target the data rows
- if (5 %in% tbl[["locnum"]]) {
+ if (any(tbl[["locname"]] %in% c("data", "stub"))) {
tbl_not_data <-
tbl %>%
- dplyr::filter(locnum != 5 | locname == "stub_groups")
+ dplyr::filter(!(locname %in% c("data", "stub")))
tbl_data <-
tbl %>%
- dplyr::filter(locnum == 5 & locname != "stub_groups")
+ dplyr::filter(locname %in% c("data", "stub"))
if (nrow(tbl_data) > 0) {
@@ -94,8 +120,8 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
tbl_data %>%
rownum = rownum_translation(
- output_df, rownum_start = rownum
- )
+ body = body,
+ rownum_start = rownum)
# Add a `colnum` column that's required for
@@ -103,11 +129,7 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# of records moves from top-to-bottom, left-to-right
tbl_data <-
tbl_data %>%
- dplyr::mutate(
- colnum = colname_to_colnum(
- boxh_df = boxh_df, colname = colname
- )
- ) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(colnum = colname_to_colnum(data = data, colname = colname)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(colnum = ifelse(locname == "stub", 0, colnum))
@@ -164,7 +186,8 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
by = c("grpname" = "group")
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rownum = (rownum / 100) + row_end) %>%
- dplyr::select(-row, -row_end)
+ dplyr::select(-row, -row_end) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(colnum = colname_to_colnum(data = data, colname = colname))
# Re-combine `tbl_not_summary_cells`
# with `tbl_summary_cells`
@@ -185,11 +208,7 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
tbl_g_summary_cells <-
tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locnum == 6) %>%
- dplyr::mutate(
- colnum = colname_to_colnum(
- boxh_df = boxh_df, colname = colname
- )
- )
+ dplyr::mutate(colnum = colname_to_colnum(data = data, colname = colname))
# Re-combine `tbl_not_g_summary_cells`
# with `tbl_g_summary_cells`
@@ -213,8 +232,8 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
dplyr::filter(locname == "columns_columns") %>%
- colnum = seq(ncol(boxh_df)),
- colname = names(boxh_df)
+ colnum = seq(nrow(boxh)),
+ colname = boxh$var
by = "colname"
@@ -232,10 +251,13 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# `colnum` based on `boxh_df`
if ("columns_groups" %in% tbl[["locname"]]) {
+ vars_default <- seq_along(dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data))
+ spanners_labels <- dt_spanners_print(data = data, include_hidden = FALSE)
group_label_df <-
- colnum = seq(ncol(boxh_df)),
- grpname = boxh_df["group_label", ] %>% as.character()
+ colnum = seq(vars_default),
+ grpname = spanners_labels
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(grpname) %>%
dplyr::summarize(colnum = min(colnum))
@@ -266,13 +288,13 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# In the case of footnotes, populate table
# column with footnote marks
- if (!is.null(footnotes_df)) {
+ if (tbl_type == "footnotes") {
# Generate a lookup table with ID'd footnote
# text elements (that are distinct)
lookup_tbl <-
tbl %>%
- dplyr::select(text) %>%
+ dplyr::select(footnotes) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "fs_id") %>%
dplyr::mutate(fs_id = as.integer(fs_id))
@@ -280,28 +302,23 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
# Join the lookup table to `tbl`
tbl <-
tbl %>%
- dplyr::inner_join(lookup_tbl, by = "text")
+ dplyr::inner_join(lookup_tbl, by = "footnotes")
if (nrow(tbl) > 0) {
- # Get the `footnote_marks` option from `opts_df`
- marks <-
- opts_df %>%
- opts_df_get(option = "footnote_marks")
# Modify `fs_id` to contain the footnote marks we need
tbl <-
tbl %>%
fs_id = process_footnote_marks(
x = fs_id,
- marks = marks
+ marks = footnote_marks
- if (!is.null(styles_df)) {
+ if (tbl_type == "styles") {
if (nrow(tbl) > 0) {
@@ -309,24 +326,27 @@ resolve_footnotes_styles <- function(output_df,
tbl %>%
.dots = colnames(.) %>% base::setdiff(c("styles", "text"))) %>%
- dplyr::summarize(styles_appended = list(as_style(styles))) %>%
+ dplyr::summarize(styles = list(as_style(styles))) %>%
- tbl
+ if (tbl_type == "footnotes") {
+ data <- dt_footnotes_set(data = data, footnotes = tbl)
+ } else {
+ data <- dt_styles_set(data = data, styles = tbl)
+ }
+ data
#' @noRd
-set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- boxh_df,
- output = "html") {
+set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(data,
+ context = "html") {
- # Get the resolved footnotes
- footnotes_tbl <- footnotes_resolved
- # Get the `boxh_df` object
- boxh_df <- boxh_df
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
# If there are any footnotes to apply to the columns,
# process them individually for the spanner groups and
@@ -359,16 +379,15 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
for (i in seq(nrow(footnotes_columns_group_marks))) {
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_get(data = data)
+ spanner_labels <- dt_spanners_print(data = data)
column_indices <-
- which(boxh_df["group_label", ] == footnotes_columns_group_marks$grpname[i])
+ which(spanner_labels == footnotes_columns_group_marks$grpname[i])
- text <-
- boxh_df["group_label", column_indices] %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unname() %>%
- unique()
+ text <- spanner_labels[column_indices] %>% unique()
- if (output == "html") {
+ if (context == "html") {
text <-
@@ -377,7 +396,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- } else if (output == "rtf") {
+ } else if (context == "rtf") {
text <-
@@ -386,7 +405,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- } else if (output == "latex") {
+ } else if (context == "latex") {
text <-
@@ -396,7 +415,13 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- boxh_df["group_label", column_indices] <- text
+ spanners_i <-
+ which(
+ (spanners$spanner_label %>% unlist()) == footnotes_columns_group_marks$grpname[i])
+ spanners[spanners_i, ][["built"]] <- text
+ data <- dt_spanners_set(data = data, spanners = spanners)
@@ -412,10 +437,14 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
for (i in seq(nrow(footnotes_columns_column_marks))) {
+ # TODO: make this work with column labels
text <-
- boxh_df["column_label", footnotes_columns_column_marks$colname[i]]
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(var == footnotes_columns_column_marks$colname[i]) %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_label) %>%
+ .[[1]]
- if (output == "html") {
+ if (context == "html") {
text <-
@@ -424,7 +453,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- } else if (output == "rtf") {
+ } else if (context == "rtf") {
text <-
@@ -433,7 +462,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- } else if (output == "latex") {
+ } else if (context == "latex") {
text <-
@@ -443,24 +472,31 @@ set_footnote_marks_columns <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- boxh_df[
- "column_label", footnotes_columns_column_marks$colname[i]] <- text
+ boxh <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(column_label = dplyr::case_when(
+ var == footnotes_columns_column_marks$colname[i] ~ list(text),
+ TRUE ~ column_label
+ ))
+ data <- dt_boxhead_set(data = data, boxh = boxh)
- boxh_df
+ data
#' Set footnote marks for the stubhead
#' @noRd
-set_footnote_marks_stubhead <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- stubhead,
- output = "html") {
+set_footnote_marks_stubhead <- function(data,
+ context = "html") {
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
+ stubhead <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
- # Get the resolved footnotes
- footnotes_tbl <- footnotes_resolved
+ label <- stubhead$label
if ("stubhead" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
@@ -479,47 +515,45 @@ set_footnote_marks_stubhead <- function(footnotes_resolved,
dplyr::distinct() %>%
- text <- stubhead$label
+ if (context == "html") {
- if (output == "html") {
+ label <-
+ paste0(label, footnote_mark_to_html(footnotes_stubhead_marks))
- text <-
- paste0(text, footnote_mark_to_html(footnotes_stubhead_marks))
- } else if (output == "rtf") {
+ } else if (context == "rtf") {
- text <-
- paste0(text, footnote_mark_to_rtf(footnotes_stubhead_marks))
+ label <-
+ paste0(label, footnote_mark_to_rtf(footnotes_stubhead_marks))
- } else if (output == "latex") {
+ } else if (context == "latex") {
- text <-
- paste0(text, footnote_mark_to_latex(footnotes_stubhead_marks))
+ label <-
+ paste0(label, footnote_mark_to_latex(footnotes_stubhead_marks))
- stubhead$label <- text
- stubhead
+ dt_stubhead_label(data = data, label = label)
#' Apply footnotes to the data rows
#' @noRd
-apply_footnotes_to_output <- function(output_df,
- footnotes_resolved,
- output = "html") {
+apply_footnotes_to_output <- function(data,
+ context = "html") {
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
# `data` location
footnotes_tbl_data <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname %in% c("data", "stub"))
if (nrow(footnotes_tbl_data) > 0) {
if ("stub" %in% footnotes_tbl_data$locname &&
- "rowname" %in% colnames(output_df)) {
+ "rowname" %in% colnames(body)) {
which(is.na(footnotes_tbl_data$colname)), "colname"] <- "rowname"
@@ -536,23 +570,23 @@ apply_footnotes_to_output <- function(output_df,
for (i in seq(nrow(footnotes_data_marks))) {
text <-
- output_df[footnotes_data_marks$rownum[i], footnotes_data_marks$colname[i]]
+ body[footnotes_data_marks$rownum[i], footnotes_data_marks$colname[i]]
- if (output == "html") {
+ if (context == "html") {
text <-
paste0(text, footnote_mark_to_html(
- } else if (output == "rtf") {
+ } else if (context == "rtf") {
text <-
paste0(text, footnote_mark_to_rtf(
- } else if (output == "latex") {
+ } else if (context == "latex") {
text <-
paste0(text, footnote_mark_to_latex(
@@ -560,26 +594,22 @@ apply_footnotes_to_output <- function(output_df,
- output_df[
+ body[
footnotes_data_marks$rownum[i], footnotes_data_marks$colname[i]] <- text
- output_df
+ data <- dt_body_set(data = data, body = body)
+ data
#' @noRd
-set_footnote_marks_stub_groups <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- groups_rows_df,
- output = "html") {
- # Get the resolved footnotes
- footnotes_tbl <- footnotes_resolved
+set_footnote_marks_row_groups <- function(data,
+ context = "html") {
- if (!("stub_groups" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname)) {
- return(groups_rows_df)
- }
+ groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
footnotes_stub_groups_tbl <-
footnotes_tbl %>%
@@ -602,7 +632,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_stub_groups <- function(footnotes_resolved,
text <- groups_rows_df[row_index, "group_label"]
- if (output == "html") {
+ if (context == "html") {
text <-
@@ -611,7 +641,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_stub_groups <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- } else if (output == "rtf") {
+ } else if (context == "rtf") {
text <-
@@ -620,7 +650,7 @@ set_footnote_marks_stub_groups <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- } else if (output == "latex") {
+ } else if (context == "latex") {
text <-
@@ -634,26 +664,32 @@ set_footnote_marks_stub_groups <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- groups_rows_df
+ data <- dt_groups_rows_set(data = data, groups_rows = groups_rows_df)
+ data
#' Apply footnotes to the summary rows
#' @noRd
-apply_footnotes_to_summary <- function(list_of_summaries,
- footnotes_resolved) {
+apply_footnotes_to_summary <- function(data) {
+ # TODO: `context` is missing in this function
+ list_of_summaries <- dt_summary_df_get(data = data)
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
summary_df_list <- list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list
- if (!("summary_cells" %in% footnotes_resolved$locname |
- "grand_summary_cells" %in% footnotes_resolved$locname)) {
- return(list_of_summaries)
- }
+ # if (!("summary_cells" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname |
+ # "grand_summary_cells" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname)) {
+ # return(list_of_summaries)
+ # }
- if ("summary_cells" %in% footnotes_resolved$locname) {
+ if ("summary_cells" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
footnotes_tbl_data <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "summary_cells")
footnotes_data_marks <-
@@ -681,10 +717,10 @@ apply_footnotes_to_summary <- function(list_of_summaries,
list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list <- summary_df_list
- if ("grand_summary_cells" %in% footnotes_resolved$locname) {
+ if ("grand_summary_cells" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
footnotes_tbl_data <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "grand_summary_cells")
footnotes_data_marks <-
@@ -712,5 +748,7 @@ apply_footnotes_to_summary <- function(list_of_summaries,
- list_of_summaries
+ data <- dt_summary_data_set(data = data, summary = list_of_summaries)
+ data
diff --git a/R/utils_render_html.R b/R/utils_render_html.R
index 1979ea12b3..bdbc0adaa2 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_html.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_html.R
@@ -28,6 +28,23 @@ cell_style_to_html.default <- function(style) {
stop("Implement `cell_style_to_html()` for the object above.", call. = FALSE)
+# Upgrade `_styles` to gain a `html_style` column with CSS style rules
+add_css_styles <- function(data) {
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ if (nrow(styles_tbl) > 0) {
+ styles_tbl <-
+ styles_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ html_style = vapply(
+ styles, function(x) styles_to_html(x), character(1))
+ )
+ }
+ dt_styles_set(data = data, styles = styles_tbl)
#' For a given location, reduce the footnote marks to a single string
#' @param fn_tbl The table containing all of the resolved footnote information.
@@ -46,21 +63,17 @@ coalesce_marks <- function(fn_tbl,
# Get the attributes for the table tag
-get_table_defs <- function(boxh_df) {
- if (!all(is.na(boxh_df["column_width", ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()))) {
+get_table_defs <- function(data) {
- widths <- boxh_df["column_width", ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
- if (any(is.na(widths))) {
+ if (boxh$column_width %>% unlist() %>% length() > 0) {
- warning("Unset column widths found, setting to `100px`:\n",
- " * Columns: ", str_catalog(names(boxh_df)[is.na(widths)]), ".\n",
- "Set these column widths in `cols_width()` using `TRUE ~ px(100)`.",
- call. = FALSE)
- widths[is.na(widths)] <- px(100)
- }
+ widths <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ .$column_width %>%
+ unlist()
# Assumption is that all width values are `px` values
total_width <-
@@ -99,43 +112,56 @@ get_table_defs <- function(boxh_df) {
#' string.
#' @noRd
-create_heading_component <- function(heading,
- footnotes_resolved,
- styles_resolved = NULL,
- n_cols,
- subtitle_defined,
- output = "html") {
- # If there is no heading component, then return
- # an empty string
- if (length(heading) == 0) {
+create_heading_component <- function(data,
+ context = "html") {
+ heading <- dt_heading_get(data = data)
+ # If there is no heading component, then return an empty string
+ if (length(heading$title) == 0) {
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ subtitle_defined <- dt_heading_has_subtitle(data = data)
+ n_data_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) %>% length()
+ # Determine whether the stub is available through analysis
+ # of the `stub_components`
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components)
+ if (stub_available) {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols + 1
+ } else {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols
+ }
# Get the footnote marks for the title
- if ("title" %in% footnotes_resolved$locname) {
+ if ("title" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
footnote_title_marks <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
coalesce_marks(locname = "title")
footnote_title_marks <-
- switch(output,
+ switch(context,
html = footnote_mark_to_html(footnote_title_marks$fs_id_c),
latex = footnote_mark_to_latex(footnote_title_marks$fs_id_c),
rtf = footnote_mark_to_rtf(footnote_title_marks$fs_id_c),
- stop("The context (`", output, "`) is invalid"))
+ stop("The context (`", context, "`) is invalid"))
} else {
footnote_title_marks <- ""
# Get the style attrs for the title
- if (output == "html" &&
- "title" %in% styles_resolved$locname) {
+ if (context == "html" && "title" %in% styles_tbl$locname) {
title_style_rows <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "title")
title_styles <-
@@ -150,29 +176,29 @@ create_heading_component <- function(heading,
# Get the footnote marks for the subtitle
- if (subtitle_defined & "title" %in% footnotes_resolved$locname) {
+ if (subtitle_defined & "title" %in% footnotes_tbl$locname) {
footnote_subtitle_marks <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
coalesce_marks(locname = "subtitle")
footnote_subtitle_marks <-
- switch(output,
+ switch(context,
html = footnote_mark_to_html(footnote_subtitle_marks$fs_id_c),
latex = footnote_mark_to_latex(footnote_subtitle_marks$fs_id_c),
rtf = footnote_mark_to_rtf(footnote_subtitle_marks$fs_id_c),
- stop("The context (`", output, "`) is invalid"))
+ stop("The context (`", context, "`) is invalid"))
} else {
footnote_subtitle_marks <- ""
# Get the style attrs for the subtitle
- if (output == "html" &&
- "subtitle" %in% styles_resolved$locname) {
+ if (context == "html" &&
+ "subtitle" %in% styles_tbl$locname) {
subtitle_style_rows <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "subtitle")
subtitle_styles <-
@@ -186,7 +212,7 @@ create_heading_component <- function(heading,
subtitle_styles <- NA_character_
- if (output == "html") {
+ if (context == "html") {
title_classes <- c("gt_heading", "gt_title", "gt_font_normal", "gt_center")
@@ -235,7 +261,7 @@ create_heading_component <- function(heading,
- if (output == "latex") {
+ if (context == "latex") {
title_row <-
paste0(heading$title, footnote_title_marks) %>%
@@ -258,7 +284,7 @@ create_heading_component <- function(heading,
paste_between(x_2 = c("\\caption*{\n", "} \\\\ \n"))
- if (output == "rtf") {
+ if (context == "rtf") {
if (subtitle_defined) {
@@ -285,20 +311,27 @@ create_heading_component <- function(heading,
#' Create the columns component of a table (HTML)
#' @noRd
-create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
- output_df,
- stub_available,
- spanners_present,
- styles_resolved,
- stubhead,
- col_alignment,
- opts_df) {
+create_columns_component_h <- function(data) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ stubh <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_df_exists(data = data)
+ spanners_present <- dt_spanners_exists(data = data)
+ col_alignment <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_align)
+ # Get the column headings
+ headings_vars <- boxh %>% dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>% dplyr::pull(var)
+ headings_labels <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_labels_default(data = data)
# Should the column labels be hidden?
column_labels_hidden <-
- opts_df %>%
- opts_df_get(option = "column_labels_hidden") %>%
- as.logical()
+ dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "column_labels_hidden")
if (column_labels_hidden) {
@@ -306,41 +339,40 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
# Get the style attrs for the stubhead label
stubhead_style_attrs <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "stubhead")
# Get the style attrs for the spanner column headings
spanner_style_attrs <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "columns_groups")
# Get the style attrs for the spanner column headings
column_style_attrs <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "columns_columns")
- # Get the headings
- headings <- boxh_df["column_label", ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
# If `stub_available` == TRUE, then replace with a set stubhead
# label or nothing
- if (stub_available && length(stubhead) > 0) {
- headings <- prepend_vec(headings, stubhead$label)
- } else if (stub_available) {
- headings <- prepend_vec(headings, "")
+ if (isTRUE(stub_available) && length(stubh$label) > 0) {
+ headings_labels <- prepend_vec(headings_labels, stubh$label)
+ headings_vars <- prepend_vec(headings_vars, "::stub")
+ } else if (isTRUE(stub_available)) {
+ headings_labels <- prepend_vec(headings_labels, "")
+ headings_vars <- prepend_vec(headings_vars, "::stub")
- # Ensure that column headings for right-aligned content
- # are centered
- col_alignment[col_alignment == "right"] <- "center"
+ stubhead_label_alignment <- "left"
- column_alignments <- paste0("gt_", col_alignment)
table_col_headings <- list()
if (!spanners_present) {
# Create the cell for the stubhead label
- if (stub_available) {
+ if (isTRUE(stub_available)) {
stubhead_style <-
if (nrow(stubhead_style_attrs) > 0) {
@@ -352,27 +384,28 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
table_col_headings[[length(table_col_headings) + 1]] <-
class = paste(
- c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", "gt_columns_top_border",
- paste0("gt_", col_alignment[1])),
+ c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", #"gt_columns_top_border",
+ paste0("gt_", stubhead_label_alignment)),
collapse = " "),
rowspan = 1,
colspan = 1,
style = stubhead_style,
- htmltools::HTML(headings[1])
+ htmltools::HTML(headings_labels[1])
- headings <- headings[-1]
+ headings_vars <- headings_vars[-1]
+ headings_labels <- headings_labels[-1]
- for (i in seq(headings)) {
+ for (i in seq(headings_vars)) {
- styles_resolved_column <-
+ styles_column <-
column_style_attrs %>%
dplyr::filter(colnum == i)
column_style <-
- if (nrow(styles_resolved_column) > 0) {
- styles_resolved_column$html_style
+ if (nrow(styles_column) > 0) {
+ styles_column$html_style
} else {
@@ -380,30 +413,28 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
table_col_headings[[length(table_col_headings) + 1]] <-
class = paste(
- c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", "gt_columns_top_border", column_alignments[i]),
+ c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", #"gt_columns_top_border",
+ paste0("gt_", col_alignment[i])),
collapse = " "),
rowspan = 1,
colspan = 1,
style = column_style,
- htmltools::HTML(headings[i])
+ htmltools::HTML(headings_labels[i])
table_col_headings <- htmltools::tags$tr(table_col_headings)
- if (spanners_present) {
+ if (isTRUE(spanners_present)) {
- spanners <-
- boxh_df["group_label", ] %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unname()
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_print(data = data, include_hidden = FALSE)
headings_stack <- c()
first_set <- second_set <- list()
# Create the cell for the stubhead label
- if (stub_available) {
+ if (isTRUE(stub_available)) {
stubhead_style <-
if (nrow(stubhead_style_attrs) > 0) {
@@ -415,32 +446,33 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
first_set[[length(first_set) + 1]] <-
class = paste(
- c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", "gt_columns_top_border",
- paste0("gt_", col_alignment[1])),
+ c("gt_col_heading", "gt_columns_bottom_border", #"gt_columns_top_border",
+ paste0("gt_", stubhead_label_alignment)),
collapse = " "),
rowspan = 2,
colspan = 1,
style = stubhead_style,
- htmltools::HTML(headings[1])
+ htmltools::HTML(headings_labels[1])
- headings <- headings[-1]
+ headings_vars <- headings_vars[-1]
+ headings_labels <- headings_labels[-1]
- for (i in seq(headings)) {
+ for (i in seq(headings_vars)) {
if (is.na(spanners[i])) {
- styles_resolved_heading <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_heading <-
+ styles_tbl %>%
locname == "columns_columns",
- colname == headings[i]
+ colname == headings_vars[i]
heading_style <-
- if (nrow(styles_resolved_heading) > 0) {
- styles_resolved_heading$html_style
+ if (nrow(styles_heading) > 0) {
+ styles_heading$html_style
} else {
@@ -453,10 +485,10 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
rowspan = 2,
colspan = 1,
style = heading_style,
- htmltools::HTML(headings[i])
+ htmltools::HTML(headings_labels[i])
- headings_stack <- c(headings_stack, headings[i])
+ headings_stack <- c(headings_stack, headings_vars[i])
} else if (!is.na(spanners[i])) {
@@ -494,13 +526,13 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
class <- paste0(class, " gt_sep_right")
- styles_resolved_spanners <-
+ styles_spanners <-
spanner_style_attrs %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "columns_groups", grpname == spanners[i])
spanner_style <-
- if (nrow(styles_resolved_spanners) > 0) {
- styles_resolved_spanners$html_style
+ if (nrow(styles_spanners) > 0) {
+ styles_spanners$html_style
} else {
@@ -520,11 +552,18 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
- remaining_headings <- headings[!(headings %in% headings_stack)]
+ remaining_headings <- headings_vars[!(headings_vars %in% headings_stack)]
- remaining_headings_indices <- which(remaining_headings %in% headings)
+ remaining_headings_indices <- which(remaining_headings %in% headings_vars)
- col_alignment <- col_alignment[-1][!(headings %in% headings_stack)]
+ remaining_headings_labels <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(var %in% remaining_headings) %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_label) %>%
+ unlist()
+ col_alignment <-
+ col_alignment[-1][!(headings_vars %in% headings_stack)]
if (length(remaining_headings) > 0) {
@@ -532,16 +571,16 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
for (j in seq(remaining_headings)) {
- styles_resolved_remaining <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_remaining <-
+ styles_tbl %>%
locname == "columns_columns",
colname == remaining_headings[j]
remaining_style <-
- if (nrow(styles_resolved_remaining) > 0) {
- styles_resolved_remaining$html_style
+ if (nrow(styles_remaining) > 0) {
+ styles_remaining$html_style
} else {
@@ -554,7 +593,7 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
rowspan = 1, colspan = 1,
style = remaining_style,
- htmltools::HTML(remaining_headings[j])
+ htmltools::HTML(remaining_headings_labels[j])
@@ -579,37 +618,62 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
#' Create the table body component (HTML)
#' @noRd
-create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
- styles_resolved,
- groups_rows_df,
- col_alignment,
- stub_components,
- summaries_present,
- list_of_summaries,
- n_rows,
- n_cols,
- opts_df) {
- output_df_row <- function(i) {
- output_df[i, ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
+create_body_component_h <- function(data) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ summaries_present <- dt_summary_exists(data = data)
+ list_of_summaries <- dt_summary_df_get(data = data)
+ groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ n_data_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) %>% length()
+ n_rows <- nrow(body)
+ # Get the column alignments for the data columns (this
+ # doesn't include the stub alignment)
+ col_alignment <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_align)
+ # Get the column headings for the visible (e.g., `default`) columns
+ headings <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ # Determine whether the stub is available through analysis
+ # of the `stub_components`
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components)
+ # Define function to get a character vector of formatted cell
+ # data (this includes the stub, if it is present)
+ output_df_row_as_vec <- function(i) {
+ default_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ default_vals <- body[i, default_vars] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
+ if (stub_available) {
+ default_vals <-
+ c(
+ dt_stub_rowname_at_position(data = data, i = i),
+ default_vals
+ )
+ }
+ default_vals
- if (is.null(stub_components)) {
- stub_available <- FALSE
- } else if (stub_component_is_groupname(stub_components)) {
- stub_available <- FALSE
+ if (stub_available) {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols + 1
} else {
- stub_available <- TRUE
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols
- # Get the sequence of column numbers in the table body
+ # Get the sequence of column numbers in the table body (these
+ # are the visible columns in the table exclusive of the stub)
column_series <- seq(n_cols)
- # If there is a stub, remove the last element in the series
- if (stub_available) {
- column_series <- column_series[-length(column_series)]
- }
# Replace an NA group with an empty string
if (any(is.na(groups_rows_df$group))) {
@@ -621,15 +685,11 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
# Is the stub to be striped?
table_stub_striped <-
- opts_df %>%
- opts_df_get(option = "row_striping_include_stub") %>%
- as.logical()
+ dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "row_striping_include_stub")
# Are the rows in the table body to be striped?
table_body_striped <-
- opts_df %>%
- opts_df_get(option = "row_striping_include_table_body") %>%
- as.logical()
+ dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "row_striping_include_table_body")
body_rows <-
@@ -648,13 +708,13 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
group_label <-
groups_rows_df[which(groups_rows_df$row %in% i), "group_label"][[1]]
- styles_resolved_row <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_row <-
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(locname == "stub_groups", grpname == group_label)
row_style <-
- if (nrow(styles_resolved_row) > 0) {
- styles_resolved_row$html_style
+ if (nrow(styles_row) > 0) {
+ styles_row$html_style
} else {
@@ -694,24 +754,27 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
- extra_classes <- rep_len(list(striped_class_val), n_cols)
if (stub_available) {
+ alignment_classes <- c("gt_left", alignment_classes)
+ extra_classes <- rep_len(list(striped_class_val), n_cols)
if (table_stub_striped) {
extra_classes[[1]] <- c("gt_stub", extra_classes[[1]])
} else {
extra_classes[[1]] <- "gt_stub"
+ } else {
+ extra_classes <- rep_len(list(striped_class_val), n_data_cols)
- styles_resolved_row <-
- styles_resolved %>%
+ styles_row <-
+ styles_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(rownum == i, locname %in% c("stub", "data"))
row_styles <-
- styles_resolved_row = styles_resolved_row,
+ styles_resolved_row = styles_row,
stub_available = stub_available,
n_cols = n_cols
@@ -721,7 +784,7 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
- output_df_row(i),
+ output_df_row_as_vec(i),
@@ -760,11 +823,13 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
summary_row_class = "gt_summary_row",
locname = "summary_cells",
list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- col_alignment = col_alignment, n_cols = n_cols,
- stub_available = stub_available, styles_resolved = styles_resolved
+ col_alignment = col_alignment,
+ boxh = boxh,
+ stub_available = stub_available,
+ styles_resolved = styles_tbl
- body_section <- append(body_section, summary_section)
+ body_section <- append(body_section, summary_section)
@@ -785,8 +850,10 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
summary_row_class = "gt_grand_summary_row",
locname = "grand_summary_cells",
list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
- col_alignment = col_alignment, n_cols = n_cols,
- stub_available = stub_available, styles_resolved = styles_resolved
+ col_alignment = col_alignment,
+ boxh = boxh,
+ stub_available = stub_available,
+ styles_resolved = styles_tbl
body_rows <- c(body_rows, grand_summary_section)
@@ -801,17 +868,32 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(output_df,
#' Create the table source note component (HTML)
#' @noRd
-create_source_note_component_h <- function(source_note,
- n_cols) {
+create_source_notes_component_h <- function(data) {
- if (length(source_note) == 0) {
+ source_note <- dt_source_notes_get(data = data)
+ if (is.null(source_note)) {
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ n_data_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) %>% length()
+ # Determine whether the stub is available through analysis
+ # of the `stub_components`
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components)
+ if (stub_available) {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols + 1
+ } else {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols
+ }
class = "gt_sourcenotes",
- source_note$source_note,
+ source_note,
function(x) {
@@ -828,28 +910,40 @@ create_source_note_component_h <- function(source_note,
#' Create the table footnote component (HTML)
#' @noRd
-create_footnote_component_h <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- opts_df,
- n_cols) {
+create_footnotes_component_h <- function(data) {
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
# If the `footnotes_resolved` object has no
# rows, then return an empty footnotes component
- if (nrow(footnotes_resolved) == 0) {
+ if (nrow(footnotes_tbl) == 0) {
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ n_data_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) %>% length()
+ # Determine whether the stub is available through analysis
+ # of the `stub_components`
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components)
+ if (stub_available) {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols + 1
+ } else {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols
+ }
footnotes_tbl <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
- dplyr::select(fs_id, text) %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::select(fs_id, footnotes) %>%
- # Get the separator option from `opts_df`
- separator <-
- opts_df %>%
- opts_df_get(option = "footnote_sep")
+ # Get the footnote separator option
+ separator <- dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "footnote_sep")
footnote_ids <- footnotes_tbl[["fs_id"]]
- footnote_text <- footnotes_tbl[["text"]]
+ footnote_text <- footnotes_tbl[["footnotes"]]
# Create the footnotes component
@@ -889,10 +983,15 @@ summary_row_tags <- function(group_id,
- n_cols,
+ boxh,
styles_resolved) {
+ default_vars <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ dplyr::pull(var)
summary_row_lines <- list()
locname_val <- locname
@@ -901,18 +1000,23 @@ summary_row_tags <- function(group_id,
summary_df <-
list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list[[group_id]] %>%
+ dplyr::select(rowname, default_vars) %>%
as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ n_cols <- ncol(summary_df)
summary_df_row <- function(j) {
summary_df[j, ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
- alignment_classes <- paste0("gt_", col_alignment)
stub_classes <- rep_len(list(NULL), n_cols)
- if (stub_available) {
+ if (isTRUE(stub_available)) {
+ alignment_classes <- c("gt_right", paste0("gt_", col_alignment))
stub_classes[[1]] <- "gt_stub"
+ } else {
+ alignment_classes <- paste0("gt_", col_alignment)
styles_resolved_group <-
@@ -935,12 +1039,12 @@ summary_row_tags <- function(group_id,
dplyr::filter(grprow == j)
- row_styles <-
- build_row_styles(
- styles_resolved_row = styles_resolved_row,
- stub_available = stub_available,
- n_cols = n_cols
- )
+ row_styles <-
+ build_row_styles(
+ styles_resolved_row = styles_resolved_row,
+ stub_available = stub_available,
+ n_cols = n_cols
+ )
summary_row_lines[[length(summary_row_lines) + 1]] <-
diff --git a/R/utils_render_latex.R b/R/utils_render_latex.R
index 8d9aca9589..1bc732fb08 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_latex.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_latex.R
@@ -49,51 +49,76 @@ latex_group_row <- function(group_name,
#' @noRd
-create_table_start_l <- function(col_alignment) {
+create_table_start_l <- function(data) {
+ col_alignment <-
+ dt_boxhead_get(data = data) %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_align)
+ # TODO: ensure that number of alignment tabs is correct
+ if (dt_stub_df_exists(data = data)) {
+ col_alignment <- c("left", col_alignment)
+ }
col_alignment %>% substr(1, 1) %>% paste(collapse = ""),
- collapse = "")
+ collapse = ""
+ )
#' Create the columns component of a table
#' @noRd
-create_columns_component_l <- function(boxh_df,
- output_df,
- stub_available,
- spanners_present,
- stubhead,
- col_alignment) {
+create_columns_component_l <- function(data) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ stubh <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_df_exists(data = data)
+ spanners_present <- dt_spanners_exists(data = data)
# Get the headings
- headings <- boxh_df["column_label", ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
+ #headings <- boxh$column_label %>% unlist()
+ headings_vars <- boxh %>% dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>% dplyr::pull(var)
+ headings_labels <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_labels_default(data = data)
+ # TODO: Implement hidden boxhead in LaTeX
+ # # Should the column labels be hidden?
+ # column_labels_hidden <-
+ # dt_options_get_value(data = data, option = "column_labels_hidden")
+ #
+ # if (column_labels_hidden) {
+ # return("")
+ # }
# If `stub_available` == TRUE, then replace with a set stubhead
- # caption or nothing
- if (stub_available && length(stubhead) > 0) {
+ # label or nothing
+ if (isTRUE(stub_available) && length(stubh$label) > 0) {
- headings <- prepend_vec(headings, stubhead$label)
+ headings_labels <- prepend_vec(headings_labels, stubh$label)
+ headings_vars <- prepend_vec(headings_vars, "::stub")
- } else if (stub_available) {
+ } else if (isTRUE(stub_available)) {
- headings <- prepend_vec(headings, "")
+ headings_labels <- prepend_vec(headings_labels, "")
+ headings_vars <- prepend_vec(headings_vars, "::stub")
table_col_headings <-
- paste0(latex_heading_row(content = headings), collapse = "")
+ paste0(latex_heading_row(content = headings_labels), collapse = "")
if (spanners_present) {
# Get vector of group labels (spanners)
- spanners <- boxh_df["group_label", ] %>% unlist() %>% unname()
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_print(data = data, include_hidden = FALSE)
# Promote column labels to the group level wherever the
# spanner label is NA
- spanners[is.na(spanners)] <- headings[is.na(spanners)]
+ spanners[is.na(spanners)] <- headings_vars[is.na(spanners)]
if (stub_available) {
spanners <- c(NA_character_, spanners)
@@ -150,14 +175,46 @@ create_columns_component_l <- function(boxh_df,
#' @noRd
-create_body_component_l <- function(row_splits,
- groups_rows_df,
- col_alignment,
- stub_available,
- summaries_present,
- list_of_summaries,
- n_rows,
- n_cols) {
+create_body_component_l <- function(data) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ summaries_present <- dt_summary_exists(data = data)
+ list_of_summaries <- dt_summary_df_get(data = data)
+ groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ n_data_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) %>% length()
+ n_rows <- nrow(body)
+ # Get the column alignments for the data columns (this
+ # doesn't include the stub alignment)
+ col_alignment <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_align)
+ # Get the column headings for the visible (e.g., `default`) columns
+ default_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ if ("rowname" %in% names(body)) {
+ default_vars <- c("rowname", default_vars)
+ }
+ # Determine whether the stub is available through analysis
+ # of the `stub_components`
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components)
+ if (stub_available) {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols + 1
+ } else {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols
+ }
+ # Get the sequence of column numbers in the table body (these
+ # are the visible columns in the table exclusive of the stub)
+ column_series <- seq(n_cols)
# Replace an NA group with an empty string
if (any(is.na(groups_rows_df$group))) {
@@ -171,18 +228,33 @@ create_body_component_l <- function(row_splits,
group_label = gsub("^NA", "\\textemdash", group_label))
- group_rows <-
- create_group_rows(
- n_rows, groups_rows_df, context = "latex")
+ group_rows <- create_group_rows(n_rows, groups_rows_df, context = "latex")
+ if (stub_available) {
+ default_vars <- c("::rowname", default_vars)
+ body <-
+ dt_stub_df_get(data = data) %>%
+ dplyr::select(rowname) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(`::rowname` = rowname) %>%
+ cbind(body)
+ }
- data_rows <-
- create_data_rows(
- n_rows, row_splits, context = "latex")
+ # Split `body_content` by slices of rows and create data rows
+ body_content <- as.vector(t(body[, default_vars]))
+ row_splits <- split(body_content, ceiling(seq_along(body_content) / n_cols))
+ data_rows <- create_data_rows(n_rows, row_splits, context = "latex")
summary_rows <-
- n_rows, n_cols, list_of_summaries, groups_rows_df,
- stub_available, summaries_present, context = "latex")
+ n_rows = n_rows,
+ n_cols = n_cols,
+ list_of_summaries = list_of_summaries,
+ groups_rows_df = groups_rows_df,
+ stub_available = stub_available,
+ summaries_present = summaries_present,
+ context = "latex"
+ )
paste(collapse = "", paste0(group_rows, data_rows, summary_rows))
@@ -197,22 +269,25 @@ create_table_end_l <- function() {
#' @noRd
-create_footnote_component_l <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- opts_df) {
+create_footnotes_component_l <- function(data) {
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
+ opts_df <- dt_options_get(data = data)
# If the `footnotes_resolved` object has no
# rows, then return an empty footnotes component
- if (nrow(footnotes_resolved) == 0) {
+ if (nrow(footnotes_tbl) == 0) {
footnotes_tbl <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
- dplyr::select(fs_id, text) %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::select(fs_id, footnotes) %>%
# Get the separator option from `opts_df`
- separator <- opts_df %>%
+ separator <-
+ opts_df %>%
dplyr::filter(parameter == "footnote_sep") %>%
@@ -223,22 +298,23 @@ create_footnote_component_l <- function(footnotes_resolved,
tidy_gsub(" ", " ")
# Create the footnotes block
- footnote_component <-
+ paste0(
+ "\\vspace{-5mm}\n",
+ "\\begin{minipage}{\\linewidth}\n",
- "\\vspace{-5mm}\n",
- "\\begin{minipage}{\\linewidth}\n",
- paste0(
- footnote_mark_to_latex(footnotes_tbl[["fs_id"]]),
- footnotes_tbl[["text"]] %>%
- unescape_html() %>%
- markdown_to_latex(), " \\\\ \n", collapse = ""),
- "\\end{minipage}\n", collapse = "")
- footnote_component
+ footnote_mark_to_latex(footnotes_tbl[["fs_id"]]),
+ footnotes_tbl[["footnotes"]] %>%
+ unescape_html() %>%
+ markdown_to_latex(), " \\\\ \n", collapse = ""),
+ "\\end{minipage}\n",
+ collapse = ""
+ )
#' @noRd
-create_source_note_component_l <- function(source_note) {
+create_source_note_component_l <- function(data) {
+ source_note <- dt_source_notes_get(data = data)
# If the `footnotes_resolved` object has no
# rows, then return an empty footnotes component
diff --git a/R/utils_render_rtf.R b/R/utils_render_rtf.R
index 373d5fa2a8..37f3c16e5a 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_rtf.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_rtf.R
@@ -4,24 +4,160 @@ footnote_mark_to_rtf <- function(mark) {
paste0("{\\super \\i ", mark, "}")
+create_body_component_r <- function(data) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ styles_tbl <- dt_styles_get(data = data)
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ summaries_present <- dt_summary_exists(data = data)
+ list_of_summaries <- dt_summary_df_get(data = data)
+ groups_rows_df <- dt_groups_rows_get(data = data)
+ stub_components <- dt_stub_components(data = data)
+ n_data_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data) %>% length()
+ n_rows <- nrow(body)
+ # Get the column alignments for the data columns (this
+ # doesn't include the stub alignment)
+ col_alignment <-
+ boxh %>%
+ dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>%
+ dplyr::pull(column_align)
+ # Get the column headings for the visible (e.g., `default`) columns
+ default_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
+ if ("rowname" %in% names(body)) {
+ default_vars <- c("rowname", default_vars)
+ }
+ # Determine whether the stub is available through analysis
+ # of the `stub_components`
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_components_has_rowname(stub_components)
+ if (stub_available) {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols + 1
+ } else {
+ n_cols <- n_data_cols
+ }
+ # Split `body_content` by slices of rows and create data rows
+ body_content <- as.vector(t(body[, default_vars]))
+ row_splits <- split(body_content, ceiling(seq_along(body_content) / n_cols))
+ body_rows <- c()
+ for (i in seq_len(n_rows)) {
+ # Process group rows
+ if (!is.null(groups_rows_df) &&
+ i %in% groups_rows_df$row) {
+ body_rows <-
+ c(body_rows,
+ rtf_body_row(
+ c(
+ groups_rows_df[which(groups_rows_df$row %in% i), 1][[1]],
+ rep("", n_cols - 1)), type = "group"))
+ }
+ # Process "data" rows
+ if (i != length(row_splits)) {
+ body_rows <-
+ c(body_rows, rtf_body_row(row_splits[[i]], type = "row"))
+ } else {
+ body_rows <-
+ c(body_rows, rtf_last_body_row(content = row_splits[[i]]))
+ }
+ # Process summary rows
+ if (stub_available && summaries_present &&
+ i %in% groups_rows_df$row_end) {
+ group <-
+ groups_rows_df %>%
+ dplyr::filter(row_end == i) %>%
+ dplyr::pull(group)
+ if (group %in% names(list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list)) {
+ summary_df <-
+ list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list[[
+ which(names(list_of_summaries$summary_df_display_list) == group)]] %>%
+ as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ body_content_summary <-
+ as.vector(t(summary_df)) %>%
+ tidy_gsub("\u2014", "-")
+ row_splits_summary <-
+ split_body_content(
+ body_content = body_content_summary,
+ n_cols = n_cols)
+ for (j in seq(length(row_splits_summary))) {
+ body_rows <-
+ c(body_rows, rtf_body_row(row_splits_summary[[j]], type = "row"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ paste0(body_rows, collapse = "")
+create_source_notes_component_r <- function(data) {
+ source_notes <- dt_source_notes_get(data = data)
+ # Create the source note rows and handle any available footnotes
+ if (length(source_notes) != 0) {
+ # Create a source note
+ source_note_rows <-
+ paste0(
+ "\\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl288\\slmult1\\partightenfactor0\n",
+ paste0(
+ "\\cf0 \\strokec2 ", remove_html(text = source_notes), "\\\n",
+ collapse = ""),
+ collapse = "")
+ } else {
+ source_note_rows <- ""
+ }
+ source_note_rows
#' @noRd
-create_footnote_component_rtf <- function(footnotes_resolved,
- opts_df,
- body_content) {
+create_footnotes_component_r <- function(data) {
+ body <- dt_body_get(data = data)
+ opts_df <- dt_options_get(data = data)
+ footnotes_tbl <- dt_footnotes_get(data = data)
+ # Get the column headings for the visible (e.g., `default`) columns
+ default_vars <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_default(data = data)
- # If the `footnotes_resolved` object has no
+ if ("rowname" %in% names(body)) {
+ default_vars <- c("rowname", default_vars)
+ }
+ body_content <- as.vector(t(body[, default_vars]))
+ # If the `footnotes_tbl` object has no
# rows, then return an empty footnotes component
- if (nrow(footnotes_resolved) == 0) {
+ if (nrow(footnotes_tbl) == 0) {
footnotes_tbl <-
- footnotes_resolved %>%
- dplyr::select(fs_id, text) %>%
+ footnotes_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::select(fs_id, footnotes) %>%
# Get the separator option from `opts_df`
- separator <- opts_df %>%
+ separator <-
+ opts_df %>%
dplyr::filter(parameter == "footnote_sep") %>%
@@ -32,17 +168,18 @@ create_footnote_component_rtf <- function(footnotes_resolved,
tidy_gsub(" ", " ")
# Create the footnotes block
- footnote_component <-
+ footnotes_component <-
# "\\f2\\i\\fs14\\fsmilli7333 \\super \\strokec2 ", footnotes_tbl[["fs_id"]],
# "\\f0\\i0\\fs22 \\nosupersub \\strokec2 ",
- footnotes_tbl[["text"]] %>% remove_html(), "\\",
- collapse = separator), "\n")
+ footnotes_tbl[["footnotes"]] %>% remove_html(), "\\",
+ collapse = separator), "\n"
+ )
- footnote_component
+ footnotes_component
#' @noRd
@@ -364,3 +501,70 @@ split_body_content <- function(body_content,
split(body_content, ceiling(seq_along(body_content) / n_cols))
+create_columns_component_r <- function(data) {
+ boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
+ stubh <- dt_stubhead_get(data = data)
+ stub_available <- dt_stub_df_exists(data = data)
+ spanners_present <- dt_spanners_exists(data = data)
+ headings_vars <- boxh %>% dplyr::filter(type == "default") %>% dplyr::pull(var)
+ headings_labels <- dt_boxhead_get_vars_labels_default(data = data)
+ # If `stub_available` == TRUE, then replace with a set stubhead
+ # label or nothing
+ if (isTRUE(stub_available) && length(stubh$label) > 0) {
+ headings_labels <- prepend_vec(headings_labels, stubh$label)
+ headings_vars <- prepend_vec(headings_vars, "::stub")
+ } else if (isTRUE(stub_available)) {
+ headings_labels <- prepend_vec(headings_labels, "")
+ headings_vars <- prepend_vec(headings_vars, "::stub")
+ }
+ # Remove any HTML tags from `headings`
+ headings_labels <- remove_html(headings_labels)
+ if (spanners_present == FALSE) {
+ columns_component <-
+ paste0(rtf_heading_row(content = headings_labels), collapse = "")
+ } else {
+ # spanners
+ spanners <- dt_spanners_print(data = data, include_hidden = FALSE)
+ # Promote column labels to the group level wherever the
+ # spanner label is NA
+ spanners[is.na(spanners)] <- headings_vars[is.na(spanners)]
+ # Remove any HTML tags from `spanners`
+ spanners <- remove_html(spanners)
+ if (stub_available) {
+ spanners <- c(NA_character_, spanners)
+ }
+ # for (i in seq(spanners)) {
+ # if (is.na(spanners[i])) {
+ # spanners[i] <- headings[i]
+ # }
+ # }
+ spanners_lengths <- rle(spanners)
+ columns_component <-
+ rtf_heading_group_row(
+ spanners_lengths = spanners_lengths,
+ headings = headings_labels,
+ spanners = spanners
+ )
+ }
+ columns_component
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index dda40d3b8d..c2f4a8896a 100644
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -29,15 +29,19 @@ globalVariables(
+ "boxhead",
+ "column_align",
+ "column_label",
+ "footnotes",
@@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ globalVariables(
+ "rownum_i",
@@ -77,6 +82,7 @@ globalVariables(
+ "var",
diff --git a/TODOS.R b/TODOS.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e43e0671d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODOS.R
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# TODO: inspect all build_data initializer functions (e.g., `migrate_unformatted_to_output()`)
+ # TODO: make all functions dt methods
+ # TODO: make functions that modify footnotes/styles into dt methods
+# TODO: fix rtf rendering
diff --git a/_pkgdown.yml b/_pkgdown.yml
index f656b7b8b8..376665e881 100644
--- a/_pkgdown.yml
+++ b/_pkgdown.yml
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ reference:
- tab_header
- tab_spanner
+ - tab_spanner_delim
- tab_row_group
- tab_stubhead_label
- tab_footnote
@@ -82,9 +83,7 @@ reference:
columns. This includes alignment of the data in columns
(`cols_align()`), hiding columns from view (`cols_hide()`),
re-labeling the column labels (`cols_label()`), merging two columns
- together (`cols_merge*()`), moving columns around (`cols_move*()`),
- and using a column name delimiter to create labels in the column
- spanner (`cols_split_delim()`).
+ together (`cols_merge*()`), moving columns around (`cols_move*()`)
- cols_align
- cols_hide
@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ reference:
- cols_move
- cols_move_to_end
- cols_move_to_start
- - cols_split_delim
- title: Modify Rows
desc: >
diff --git a/inst/css/gt_styles_default.scss b/inst/css/gt_styles_default.scss
index 4897af6433..77ad52e5ee 100644
--- a/inst/css/gt_styles_default.scss
+++ b/inst/css/gt_styles_default.scss
@@ -124,7 +124,10 @@
.gt_row {
- padding: $row_padding; /* row.padding */
+ padding-top: $row_padding; /* row.padding */
+ padding-bottom: $row_padding; /* row.padding */
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
margin: 10px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-top-width: 1px;
@@ -143,24 +146,38 @@
.gt_summary_row {
color: font-color($summary_row_background_color);
background-color: $summary_row_background_color; /* summary_row.background.color */
- padding: $summary_row_padding; /* summary_row.padding */
+ padding-top: $summary_row_padding; /* summary_row.padding */
+ padding-bottom: $summary_row_padding; /* summary_row.padding */
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
text-transform: $summary_row_text_transform; /* summary_row.text_transform */
.gt_grand_summary_row {
color: font-color($grand_summary_row_background_color);
background-color: $grand_summary_row_background_color; /* grand_summary_row.background.color */
- padding: $grand_summary_row_padding; /* grand_summary_row.padding */
+ padding-top: $grand_summary_row_padding; /* grand_summary_row.padding */
+ padding-bottom: $grand_summary_row_padding; /* grand_summary_row.padding */
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
text-transform: $grand_summary_row_text_transform; /* grand_summary_row.text_transform */
.gt_first_summary_row {
+ padding-top: $summary_row_padding; /* summary_row.padding */
+ padding-bottom: $summary_row_padding; /* summary_row.padding */
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-top-width: 2px;
border-top-color: #D3D3D3;
.gt_first_grand_summary_row {
+ padding-top: $grand_summary_row_padding; /* grand_summary_row.padding */
+ padding-bottom: $grand_summary_row_padding; /* grand_summary_row.padding */
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
border-top-style: double;
border-top-width: 6px;
border-top-color: #D3D3D3;
diff --git a/man/cols_align.Rd b/man/cols_align.Rd
index 4201f38ce8..94c06139e3 100644
--- a/man/cols_align.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_align.Rd
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ according to the data type (see the Details section for specifics on which
alignments are applied).}
\item{columns}{An optional vector of column names for which the alignment
-should be applied. If nothing is supplied, or if \code{columns} is \code{TRUE}), then
+should be applied. If nothing is supplied, or if \code{columns} is \code{TRUE}, then
the chosen alignment affects all columns.}
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_hide}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_hide.Rd b/man/cols_hide.Rd
index 60afcc77b4..5bc1536d96 100644
--- a/man/cols_hide.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_hide.Rd
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_label.Rd b/man/cols_label.Rd
index deadfeb128..e6e37414ec 100644
--- a/man/cols_label.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_label.Rd
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_merge.Rd b/man/cols_merge.Rd
index c6ff1ce5ad..0c6937af2a 100644
--- a/man/cols_merge.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_merge.Rd
@@ -2,44 +2,47 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/modify_columns.R
-\title{Merge two columns to a single column}
+\title{Merge data from two or more columns to a single column}
-cols_merge(data, col_1, col_2, pattern = "{1} {2}")
+cols_merge(data, columns, hide_columns = columns[-1],
+ pattern = paste0("{", seq_along(columns), "}", collapse = " "))
\item{data}{A table object that is created using the \code{\link[=gt]{gt()}} function.}
-\item{col_1}{A retained column that contains values to be merged with those
-in \code{col_2}.}
+\item{columns}{The columns that will participate in the merging process. The
+first column name provided will be the target column (i.e., undergo
+mutation) and the other columns will serve to provide input.}
-\item{col_2}{A column that contains values to be merged with those in
-\code{col_1}. This column will be discarded but is still useful as a reference
-in other \pkg{gt} functions.}
+\item{hide_columns}{Any column names provided here will have their state
+changed to \code{hidden} (via internal use of \code{\link[=cols_hide]{cols_hide()}} if they aren't
+already hidden. This is convenient if the purpose of these specified
+columns are only useful for providing string input to the target column.}
\item{pattern}{A formatting pattern that specifies the arrangement of the
-\code{col_1} and \code{col_1} values and any string literals. The \code{col_1} column is
-represented as \code{{1}} whereas \code{col_2} is \code{{2}}. All other characters are
-taken to be string literals.}
+\code{column} values and any string literals. We can use column names or numbers
+(corresponding to the position of columns provided in \code{columns}). The
+column names or indices are to be placed in curly braces (e.g., \code{{price}}
+or \code{{1}}). All characters outside of braces are taken to be string
An object of class \code{gt_tbl}.
-This function takes any two columns and merges them into a single column,
-using a pattern that specifies how the values in the data cells are combined.
-We specify the columns to merge together in the \code{col_1} and \code{col_2} arguments
-and the string-combining pattern is specified in \code{pattern}. The column that
-is retained is that of \code{col_1} whereas the column specified in \code{col_2} is
-dropped from the output table.
+This function takes input from two or more columns and allows the contents to
+be merged them into a single column, using a pattern that specifies the
+formatting. We can specify which columns to merge together in the \code{columns}
+argument. The string-combining pattern is given in the \code{pattern} argument.
+The first column in the \code{columns} series operates as the target column (i.e.,
+will undergo mutation) whereas all following \code{columns} will be untouched.
There are two other column-merging functions that offer specialized behavior
that is optimized for common table tasks: \code{\link[=cols_merge_range]{cols_merge_range()}} and
-\code{\link[=cols_merge_uncert]{cols_merge_uncert()}}. These functions operate similarly, where the second
-column specified is dropped from the output table. For all of the
-\code{cols_merge*()} functions, column removal occurs late in the rendering
-lifecycle so those secondary columns are still usable as column references
-(e.g., inside expressions provided to \code{rows} in the \code{fmt*()} functions).
+\code{\link[=cols_merge_uncert]{cols_merge_uncert()}}. These functions operate similarly, where the
+non-target columns can be optionally hidden from the output table through the
+\code{hide_columns} or \code{autohide} options.
@@ -58,13 +61,13 @@ tab_1 <-
dplyr::select(-volume, -adj_close) \%>\%
gt() \%>\%
- col_1 = vars(open),
- col_2 = vars(close),
+ columns = vars(open, close),
+ hide_columns = vars(close),
pattern = "{1}—{2}"
) \%>\%
- col_1 = vars(low),
- col_2 = vars(high),
+ columns = vars(low, high),
+ hide_columns = vars(high),
pattern = "{1}—{2}"
) \%>\%
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_merge_range.Rd b/man/cols_merge_range.Rd
index fd8f92e241..6526009ba5 100644
--- a/man/cols_merge_range.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_merge_range.Rd
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\title{Merge two columns to a value range column}
-cols_merge_range(data, col_begin, col_end, sep = "---")
+cols_merge_range(data, col_begin, col_end, sep = "--", autohide = TRUE)
\item{data}{A table object that is created using the \code{\link[=gt]{gt()}} function.}
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ cols_merge_range(data, col_begin, col_end, sep = "---")
\item{col_end}{A column that contains values for the end of the range.}
\item{sep}{The separator text that indicates the values are ranged.}
+\item{autohide}{An option to automatically hide the column specified as
+\code{col_end}. Any columns with their state changed to hidden will behave
+the same as before, they just won't be displayed in the finalized table.}
An object of class \code{gt_tbl}.
@@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ the output table.
This function could be somewhat replicated using \code{\link[=cols_merge]{cols_merge()}}, however,
-\code{cols_merge_range()} employs the following specialized semantics for \code{NA}
+\code{cols_merge_range()} employs the following specialized operations for \code{NA}
@@ -50,10 +54,8 @@ operation can be easily formatted using the \code{\link[=fmt_missing]{fmt_missin
This function is part of a set of three column-merging functions. The other
two are the general \code{\link[=cols_merge]{cols_merge()}} function and the specialized
\code{\link[=cols_merge_uncert]{cols_merge_uncert()}} function. These functions operate similarly, where the
-second column specified is dropped from the output table. For all of the
-\code{cols_merge*()} functions, column removal occurs late in the rendering
-lifecycle so those secondary columns are still usable as column references
-(e.g., inside expressions provided to \code{rows} in the \code{fmt*()} functions).
+non-target columns can be optionally hidden from the output table through the
+\code{hide_columns} or \code{autohide} options.
@@ -74,7 +76,8 @@ tab_1 <-
gt() \%>\%
col_begin = vars(mpg_c),
- col_end = vars(mpg_h)) \%>\%
+ col_end = vars(mpg_h)
+ ) \%>\%
mpg_c = md("*MPG*")
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_merge_uncert.Rd b/man/cols_merge_uncert.Rd
index 03c767672b..5924f2998b 100644
--- a/man/cols_merge_uncert.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_merge_uncert.Rd
@@ -4,14 +4,21 @@
\title{Merge two columns to a value & uncertainty column}
-cols_merge_uncert(data, col_val, col_uncert)
+cols_merge_uncert(data, col_val, col_uncert, autohide = TRUE)
\item{data}{A table object that is created using the \code{\link[=gt]{gt()}} function.}
-\item{col_val}{A single column name that contains the base values.}
+\item{col_val}{A single column name that contains the base values. This is
+the column where values will be mutated.}
-\item{col_uncert}{A single column name that contains the uncertainty values.}
+\item{col_uncert}{A single column name that contains the uncertainty values.
+These values will be combined with those in \code{col_val}. We have the option
+to automatically hide the \code{col_uncert} column through \code{autohide}.}
+\item{autohide}{An option to automatically hide the column specified as
+\code{col_uncert}. Any columns with their state changed to hidden will behave
+the same as before, they just won't be displayed in the finalized table.}
An object of class \code{gt_tbl}.
@@ -49,10 +56,8 @@ operation can be easily formatted using the \code{\link[=fmt_missing]{fmt_missin
This function is part of a set of three column-merging functions. The other
two are the general \code{\link[=cols_merge]{cols_merge()}} function and the specialized
\code{\link[=cols_merge_range]{cols_merge_range()}} function. These functions operate similarly, where the
-second column specified is dropped from the output table. For all of the
-\code{cols_merge*()} functions, column removal occurs late in the rendering
-lifecycle so those secondary columns are still usable as column references
-(e.g., inside expressions provided to \code{rows} in the \code{fmt*()} functions).
+non-target columns can be optionally hidden from the output table through the
+\code{hide_columns} or \code{autohide} options.
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge_range}}, \code{\link{cols_merge}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_move.Rd b/man/cols_move.Rd
index e71d6e1331..bb0b61a2d7 100644
--- a/man/cols_move.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_move.Rd
@@ -64,6 +64,6 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_split_delim}}, \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_width}}, \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_move_to_end.Rd b/man/cols_move_to_end.Rd
index c599f831cd..fcea05ec47 100644
--- a/man/cols_move_to_end.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_move_to_end.Rd
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_move_to_start.Rd b/man/cols_move_to_start.Rd
index d6b6477c39..57544cd205 100644
--- a/man/cols_move_to_start.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_move_to_start.Rd
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}},
- \code{\link{cols_width}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_width}},
+ \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/cols_width.Rd b/man/cols_width.Rd
index c08de3a190..4858308952 100644
--- a/man/cols_width.Rd
+++ b/man/cols_width.Rd
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ column-based select helpers \code{\link[=starts_with]{starts_with()}}, \code{\li
\code{\link[=matches]{matches()}}, \code{\link[=one_of]{one_of()}}, and \code{\link[=everything]{everything()}} can be used in the LHS.
Subsequent expressions that operate on the columns assigned previously will
result in overwriting column width values (both in the same \code{cols_width()}
-call and across separate calls).}
+call and across separate calls). All other columns can be assigned a
+default width value by using \code{TRUE} or \code{everything()} on the left-hand
\item{.list}{Allows for the use of a list as an input alternative to \code{...}.}
@@ -28,12 +30,11 @@ An object of class \code{gt_tbl}.
Manual specifications of column widths can be performed using the
-\code{cols_width()} function. We choose which columns get specific widths (in
-pixels, usually by use of the \code{\link[=px]{px()}} helper function) and all other columns
-are assigned a default width value though the \code{.others} argument. Width
-assignments are supplied in \code{...} through two-sided formulas, where the
-left-hand side defines the target columns and the right-hand side is a single
-width value in pixels.
+\code{cols_width()} function. We choose which columns get specific widths (in
+pixels, usually by use of the \code{\link[=px]{px()}} helper function). Width assignments are
+supplied in \code{...} through two-sided formulas, where the left-hand side
+defines the target columns and the right-hand side is a single width value in
Normally, column widths are automatically set to span across the width of the
@@ -75,6 +76,6 @@ Other column modification functions: \code{\link{cols_align}},
\code{\link{cols_merge}}, \code{\link{cols_move_to_end}},
- \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{cols_split_delim}}
+ \code{\link{cols_move}}, \code{\link{tab_spanner_delim}}
\concept{column modification functions}
diff --git a/man/currency.Rd b/man/currency.Rd
index eac3d51437..047200e974 100644
--- a/man/currency.Rd
+++ b/man/currency.Rd
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ rendered as HTML and we use \code{currency(latex = "LTC", default = "ltc")}, the
currency symbol will be \code{"ltc"}. For convenience, if we provide only a single
string without a name, it will be taken as the \code{default} (i.e.,
\code{currency("ltc")} is equivalent to \code{currency(default = "ltc")}). However, if
-we were to specify currency strings for muliple output contexts, names are
+we were to specify currency strings for multiple output contexts, names are
required each and every context.
diff --git a/man/data_color.Rd b/man/data_color.Rd
index 3aa65edc96..31fa07d9bf 100644
--- a/man/data_color.Rd
+++ b/man/data_color.Rd
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ tab_2 <-
type \%in\% c("chicken", "supreme")) \%>\%
dplyr::group_by(type, size) \%>\%
- sold = n(),
+ sold = dplyr::n(),
income = sum(price)
) \%>\%
gt(rowname_col = "size") \%>\%
diff --git a/man/extract_summary.Rd b/man/extract_summary.Rd
index 7fe44c74e8..04d52b339b 100644
--- a/man/extract_summary.Rd
+++ b/man/extract_summary.Rd
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ summary_extracted <-
# row groups and a stub)
tab_1 <-
summary_extracted \%>\%
+ unlist(recursive = FALSE) \%>\%
dplyr::bind_rows() \%>\%
diff --git a/man/figures/man_tab_spanner_delim_1.svg b/man/figures/man_tab_spanner_delim_1.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..893359e17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/man_tab_spanner_delim_1.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
diff --git a/man/gt.Rd b/man/gt.Rd
index 2a7444f564..19da756f4f 100644
--- a/man/gt.Rd
+++ b/man/gt.Rd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
\title{Create a \pkg{gt} table object}
gt(data, rowname_col = "rowname", groupname_col = "groupname",
- rownames_to_stub = FALSE, id = random_id(),
+ rownames_to_stub = FALSE, auto_align = TRUE, id = random_id(),
stub_group.sep = getOption("gt.stub_group.sep", " - "))
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ group labels for generation of stub row groups.}
\item{rownames_to_stub}{An option to take rownames from the input \code{data}
table as row captions in the display table stub.}
+\item{auto_align}{Optionally have column data be aligned depending on the
+content contained in each column of the input \code{data}. Internally, this
+calls \code{cols_align(align = "auto")} for all columns.}
\item{id}{The table ID. By default, this will be a random ID as generated by
the \code{\link[=random_id]{random_id()}} function. If set to \code{NULL} then no table ID will be
diff --git a/man/location_cells.Rd b/man/location_cells.Rd
index 5a9eb8c0fc..d0b3f9cab7 100644
--- a/man/location_cells.Rd
+++ b/man/location_cells.Rd
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@@ -16,20 +17,28 @@ cells_title(groups = c("title", "subtitle"))
-cells_column_labels(columns, groups)
-cells_stub(rows = NULL)
+cells_group(groups = TRUE)
-cells_data(columns = NULL, rows = NULL)
+cells_stub(rows = TRUE)
-cells_summary(groups = NULL, columns = NULL, rows = NULL)
+cells_data(columns = TRUE, rows = TRUE)
-cells_grand_summary(columns = NULL, rows = NULL)
+cells_summary(groups = TRUE, columns = TRUE, rows = TRUE)
+cells_grand_summary(columns = TRUE, rows = TRUE)
-\item{columns, rows, groups}{Either a vector of names, a vector of indices,
+\item{groups}{Used in the \code{cells_title()}, \code{cells_group()}, and
+\code{cells_summary()} functions to specify which groups to target.}
+\item{spanners}{Used in the \code{cells_column_spanners()} function to indicate
+which spanners to target.}
+\item{columns, rows}{Either a vector of names, a vector of indices,
values provided by \code{\link[=vars]{vars()}}, values provided by \code{c()}, or a select helper
function (see Details for information on these functions).}
@@ -58,9 +67,10 @@ depending on the value given to the \code{groups} argument (\code{"title"} or
only available when there is a stub; a label in that location can be created
by using the \code{\link[=tab_stubhead]{tab_stubhead()}} function.
-\item \code{cells_column_labels()}: targets labels in the column labels (the
-\code{columns} argument) or the spanner column labels (the \code{groups} argument) in
-the table's column labels part.
+\item \code{cells_column_labels()}: targets the column labels.
+\item \code{cells_column_spanners()}: targets the spanner column labels, which
+appear above the column labels.
\item \code{cells_group()}: targets the row group labels in any available row
groups using the \code{groups} argument.
@@ -73,6 +83,9 @@ intersections of \code{columns} and \code{rows}.
\item \code{cells_summary()}: targets summary cells in the table body using the
\code{groups} argument and intersections of \code{columns} and \code{rows}.
+\item \code{cells_grand_summary()}: targets cells of the table's grand summary
+using intersections of \code{columns} and \code{rows}
@@ -154,7 +167,7 @@ tab_3 <-
) \%>\%
dplyr::group_by(name, size) \%>\%
- `Pizzas Sold` = n()
+ `Pizzas Sold` = dplyr::n()
) \%>\%
gt(rowname_col = "size") \%>\%
diff --git a/man/opt_footnote_marks.Rd b/man/opt_footnote_marks.Rd
index abe0e58391..38ef13b246 100644
--- a/man/opt_footnote_marks.Rd
+++ b/man/opt_footnote_marks.Rd
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tab_1 <-
dplyr::filter(latitude == 30, !is.infinite(SZA.Min)) \%>\%
dplyr::select(-latitude) \%>\%
gt(rowname_col = "tst") \%>\%
- cols_split_delim(".") \%>\%
+ tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") \%>\%
columns = everything(),
missing_text = "90+"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ tab_1 <-
) \%>\%
footnote = "Solar zenith angle.",
- locations = cells_column_labels(groups = "SZA")
+ locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "SZA")
) \%>\%
footnote = "The Lowest SZA.",
diff --git a/man/tab_header.Rd b/man/tab_header.Rd
index 8123722e06..0a9a872f93 100644
--- a/man/tab_header.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_header.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/table_parts.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/tab_header.R
\title{Add a table header}
diff --git a/man/tab_row_group.Rd b/man/tab_row_group.Rd
index 31d19e523d..d256c2523e 100644
--- a/man/tab_row_group.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_row_group.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/table_parts.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/tab_row_group.R
\title{Add a row group}
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ tab_row_group(data, group = NULL, rows = NULL, others = NULL)
group label.}
\item{rows}{The rows to be made components of the row group. Can either be a
-vector of row captions provided \code{c()}, a vector of row indices, or a helper
-function focused on selections. The select helper functions are:
+vector of row captions provided in \code{c()}, a vector of row indices, or a
+helper function focused on selections. The select helper functions are:
\code{\link[=starts_with]{starts_with()}}, \code{\link[=ends_with]{ends_with()}}, \code{\link[=contains]{contains()}}, \code{\link[=matches]{matches()}}, \code{\link[=one_of]{one_of()}}, and
diff --git a/man/tab_source_note.Rd b/man/tab_source_note.Rd
index c978a29402..3d370c9aae 100644
--- a/man/tab_source_note.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_source_note.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/table_parts.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/tab_source_note.R
\title{Add a source note citation}
diff --git a/man/tab_spanner.Rd b/man/tab_spanner.Rd
index 77ab365330..636c76d33f 100644
--- a/man/tab_spanner.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_spanner.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/table_parts.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/tab_spanner.R
\title{Add a spanner column label}
diff --git a/man/cols_split_delim.Rd b/man/tab_spanner_delim.Rd
similarity index 81%
rename from man/cols_split_delim.Rd
rename to man/tab_spanner_delim.Rd
index 9f258d95c9..933abc2ea9 100644
--- a/man/cols_split_delim.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_spanner_delim.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/modify_columns.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/tab_spanner.R
\title{Create group names and column labels via delimited names}
-cols_split_delim(data, delim, columns = NULL)
+tab_spanner_delim(data, delim, columns = NULL, gather = TRUE)
\item{data}{A table object that is created using the \code{\link[=gt]{gt()}} function.}
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ the second component will be the column label.}
\item{columns}{An optional vector of column names that this operation should
be limited to. The default is to consider all columns in the table.}
+\item{gather}{An option to move the specified \code{columns} such that they are
+unified under the spanner column label. Ordering of the moved-into-place
+columns will be preserved in all cases.}
An object of class \code{gt_tbl}.
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@ input table data (which are unique by necessity).
If we look to the column names in the \code{iris} dataset as an example of how
-\code{cols_split_delim()} might be useful, we find the names \code{Sepal.Length},
+\code{tab_spanner_delim()} might be useful, we find the names \code{Sepal.Length},
\code{Sepal.Width}, \code{Petal.Length}, \code{Petal.Width}. From this naming system, it's
easy to see that the \code{Sepal} and \code{Petal} can group together the repeated
common \code{Length} and \code{Width} values. In your own datasets, we can avoid a
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ rendered output table).
-\if{html}{\figure{man_cols_split_delim_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
+\if{html}{\figure{man_tab_spanner_delim_1.svg}{options: width=100\%}}
@@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ tab_1 <-
dplyr::group_by(Species) \%>\%
dplyr::slice(1:4) \%>\%
gt() \%>\%
- cols_split_delim(delim = ".")
+ tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".")
diff --git a/man/tab_stubhead.Rd b/man/tab_stubhead.Rd
index 07d5a27807..38f6732146 100644
--- a/man/tab_stubhead.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_stubhead.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/table_parts.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/tab_stubhead.R
\title{Add label text to the stubhead}
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-01-iris.R b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-01-iris.R
index a8bb3f9237..f5d6e9e9fc 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-01-iris.R
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-01-iris.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ library(gt)
iris_tbl <-
gt(data = iris) %>%
- cols_split_delim(delim = ".") %>%
+ tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") %>%
cols_move_to_start(columns = vars(Species)) %>%
columns = vars(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width),
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-06-mtcars.R b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-06-mtcars.R
index 5e9d330900..91b0f32522 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-06-mtcars.R
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-06-mtcars.R
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ mtcars_tbl <-
cols_move_to_end(columns = vars(am, gear)) %>%
cols_hide(columns = vars(carb)) %>%
- columns = vars(wt, carb, qsec),
+ columns = vars(wt, qsec),
after = vars(gear)) %>%
group = "Mercs",
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-13-adding_footnotes.R b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-13-adding_footnotes.R
index e35ed42545..c0175fe548 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-13-adding_footnotes.R
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-13-adding_footnotes.R
@@ -19,21 +19,38 @@ tbl <-
# Create a display table
footnotes_tbl <-
- gt(data = tbl) %>%
+ gt(data = tbl, groupname_col = "date") %>%
+ tab_spanner(
+ label = "values",
+ columns = starts_with("value")
+ ) %>%
+ tab_footnote(
+ footnote = "This is an even smaller number.",
+ locations = cells_data(columns = vars(value_1), rows = 9)
+ ) %>%
+ tab_footnote(
+ footnote = "This is a small number.",
+ locations = cells_data(columns = vars(value_1), rows = 4)
+ ) %>%
footnote = "First data cell.",
- locations = cells_data(columns = 1, rows = 1)) %>%
+ locations = cells_data(columns = "value_1", rows = 1)
+ ) %>%
- footnote = "A stub cell.",
- locations = cells_stub(rows = 1)) %>%
+ footnote = "The first row group",
+ locations = cells_group(groups = ends_with("10"))
+ ) %>%
- footnote = md("`value_1` is the second column of values."),
- locations = cells_column_labels(columns = vars(value_1))) %>%
+ footnote = "Two sets of values",
+ locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = starts_with("val"))
+ ) %>%
- footnote = "This is an even smaller number.",
- locations = cells_data(columns = 2, rows = 9)) %>%
+ footnote = "A stub cell.",
+ locations = cells_stub(rows = 1)
+ ) %>%
- footnote = "This is a small number.",
- locations = cells_data(columns = 2, rows = 4))
+ footnote = md("`value_1` is the first column of values."),
+ locations = cells_column_labels(columns = vars(value_1))
+ )
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-15-styles_everywhere.R b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-15-styles_everywhere.R
index 4fce7a428f..7901303268 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-15-styles_everywhere.R
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/01-html-script/html-15-styles_everywhere.R
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ many_styles_tbl <-
) %>%
style = cell_fill(color = "lightgreen"),
- locations = cells_column_labels(groups = "gear_carb_cyl")
+ locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "gear_carb_cyl")
) %>%
style = cell_fill(color = "turquoise"),
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ many_styles_tbl <-
) %>%
style = cell_fill(color = "pink"),
locations = cells_column_labels(columns = "hp")
) %>%
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/02-html-rmd/html-01-iris.Rmd b/tests/gt-examples/02-html-rmd/html-01-iris.Rmd
index f3bfed3f87..ae3dc5fa18 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/02-html-rmd/html-01-iris.Rmd
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/02-html-rmd/html-01-iris.Rmd
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Create a display table based on `iris` Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
gt(data = iris) %>%
- cols_split_delim(delim = ".") %>%
+ tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") %>%
cols_move_to_start(columns = vars(Species)) %>%
columns = vars(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width),
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-01-iris.Rmd b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-01-iris.Rmd
index b3036678ad..d344846928 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-01-iris.Rmd
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-01-iris.Rmd
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Create a display table based on `iris` Edgar Anderson's Iris Data.
gt(data = iris) %>%
- cols_split_delim(delim = ".") %>%
+ tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") %>%
cols_move_to_start(columns = vars(Species)) %>%
columns = vars(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width),
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-03-pressure.Rmd b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-03-pressure.Rmd
index f4cbc2d6a9..f65f98bf8f 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-03-pressure.Rmd
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-03-pressure.Rmd
@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ Create a display table based on `pressure` (Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Funct
gt(data = pressure) %>%
columns = vars(pressure),
- decimals = 2)
+ decimals = 2
+ )
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd
index b90e7475e2..00dd142a15 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ gt(data = sleep) %>%
fmt_scientific(columns = vars(extra)) %>%
footnote = "This is a footnote",
- locations = cells_data(columns = 1, rows = c(2, 3, 4)))
+ locations = cells_data(columns = 1, rows = c(2, 3, 4))
+ )
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-05-airquality.Rmd b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-05-airquality.Rmd
index 7890c409c6..2cf0023fbd 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-05-airquality.Rmd
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-05-airquality.Rmd
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: "latex-05-airquality"
- pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ gt(data = airquality) %>%
decimals = 2) %>%
label = "Measurement Period",
- columns = vars(Month, Day)) %>%
+ columns = vars(Month, Day)
+ ) %>%
fmt_missing(columns = vars(Ozone, Solar.R, Ozone, Wind, Temp))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/helper-gt_attr_expectations.R b/tests/testthat/helper-gt_attr_expectations.R
index dc735ffbc1..0887094346 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/helper-gt_attr_expectations.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/helper-gt_attr_expectations.R
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ expect_tab_colnames <- function(tab,
# Expect that the `rowname` column of the `stub_df`
# object is entirely filled with NAs
- all(is.na(attr(tab, "stub_df")[["rowname"]])))
+ all(is.na(dt_stub_df_get(data = tab)[["rowname"]])))
} else if (rowname == "col"){
# Expect that the `rowname` column of the `stub_df`
# object is entirely filled with NAs
- attr(tab, "stub_df")[["rowname"]],
+ dt_stub_df_get(data = tab)[["rowname"]],
} else if (rowname == "tibble") {
- attr(tab, "stub_df")[["rowname"]],
+ dt_stub_df_get(data = tab)[["rowname"]],
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ expect_tab_colnames <- function(tab,
# Expect that the `groupname` column of the `stub_df`
# object is entirely filled with NAs
- all(is.na(attr(tab, "stub_df")[["groupname"]])))
+ all(is.na(dt_stub_df_get(data = tab)[["groupname"]])))
} else {
@@ -38,102 +38,125 @@ expect_tab_colnames <- function(tab,
# the original dataset populate the `groupname` column
# of the `stub_df` object
- attr(tab, "stub_df")[["groupname"]],
+ dt_stub_df_get(data = tab)[["groupname"]],
expect_tab <- function(tab,
- df,
- has_rownames = FALSE,
- has_groupnames = FALSE) {
+ df) {
# Expect that the object has the correct classes
expect_s3_class(tab, "gt_tbl")
- expect_s3_class(tab, "data.frame")
+ expect_type(tab, "list")
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_gt_attr_names(tab)
+ expect_gt_attr_names(object = tab)
# Expect that the attribute obejcts are of certain classes
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "boxh_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "stub_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "footnotes_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "styles_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "rows_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "cols_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_s3_class(attr(tab, "opts_df"), "data.frame")
- expect_type(attr(tab, "col_labels"), "list")
- expect_type(attr(tab, "grp_labels"), "list")
- expect_type(attr(tab, "arrange_groups"), "list")
- expect_type(attr(tab, "formats"), "list")
- # Expect that the attribute objects are of the
- # correct dimensions
- if (dplyr::is_grouped_df(df)) {
- non_group_cols <- base::setdiff(colnames(df), dplyr::group_vars(df))
- final_df <-
- df %>%
- dplyr::ungroup() %>%
- dplyr::select(non_group_cols)
- } else {
- final_df <- df
- }
- if (has_rownames) {
- final_df$rowname <- NULL
- }
- if (has_groupnames) {
- final_df$groupname <- NULL
- }
- expect_equal(dim(attr(tab, "boxh_df")), c(4, ncol(final_df)))
- expect_equal(dim(attr(tab, "stub_df")), c(nrow(df), 2))
- expect_equal(dim(attr(tab, "footnotes_df")), c(0, 6))
- expect_equal(dim(attr(tab, "styles_df")), c(0, 6))
- expect_equal(dim(attr(tab, "rows_df")), c(nrow(df), 1))
- expect_equal(dim(attr(tab, "cols_df")), c(ncol(final_df), 1))
- expect_equal(ncol(attr(tab, "opts_df")), 5)
- expect_equal(length(attr(tab, "formats")), 0)
- expect_equal(length(attr(tab, "arrange_groups")), 1)
+ expect_s3_class(dt_boxhead_get(data = tab), "data.frame")
+ expect_type(dt_stub_df_get(data = tab), "list")
+ expect_type(dt_stub_groups_get(data = tab), "character")
+ expect_type(dt_stub_others_get(data = tab), "character")
+ expect_s3_class(dt_stub_df_get(data = tab), "data.frame")
+ expect_type(dt_heading_get(data = tab), "list")
+ expect_s3_class(dt_spanners_get(data = tab), "data.frame")
+ expect_type(dt_stubhead_get(data = tab), "list")
+ expect_s3_class(dt_footnotes_get(data = tab), "data.frame")
+ expect_type(dt_source_notes_get(data = tab), "list")
+ expect_type(dt_formats_get(data = tab), "list")
+ expect_s3_class(dt_styles_get(data = tab), "data.frame")
+ expect_s3_class(dt_options_get(data = tab), "data.frame")
+ expect_type(dt_transforms_get(data = tab), "list")
+ dt_boxhead_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dim() %>%
+ expect_equal(c(ncol(df), 6))
+ dt_stub_df_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dim() %>%
+ expect_equal(c(nrow(df), 3))
+ dt_heading_get(data = tab) %>%
+ length() %>%
+ expect_equal(2)
+ dt_spanners_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dim() %>%
+ expect_equal(c(0, 4))
+ dt_stubhead_get(data = tab) %>%
+ length() %>%
+ expect_equal(1)
+ dt_footnotes_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dim() %>%
+ expect_equal(c(0, 7))
+ dt_source_notes_get(data = tab) %>%
+ length() %>%
+ expect_equal(0)
+ dt_formats_get(data = tab) %>%
+ length() %>%
+ expect_equal(0)
+ dt_styles_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dim() %>%
+ expect_equal(c(0, 7))
+ dt_options_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dim() %>%
+ expect_equal(c(73, 5))
+ dt_stub_groups_get(data = tab) %>%
+ length() %>%
+ expect_equal(0)
+ dt_transforms_get(data = tab) %>%
+ length() %>%
+ expect_equal(0)
# Expect that extracted df has the same column
# names as the original dataset
- tab %>% as.data.frame() %>% colnames(),
- colnames(final_df))
+ tab %>% dt_data_get() %>% colnames(),
+ colnames(df))
# Expect that extracted df has the same column
# classes as the original dataset
- tab %>% as.data.frame() %>% sapply(class) %>% as.character(),
- final_df %>% as.data.frame() %>% sapply(class) %>% as.character())
+ tab %>% dt_data_get() %>% sapply(class) %>% as.character(),
+ df %>% as.data.frame() %>% sapply(class) %>% as.character()
+ )
# Expect that extracted df has the same number of
# rows as the original dataset
- tab %>% as.data.frame() %>% nrow(),
- nrow(df))
+ tab %>% dt_data_get() %>% nrow(),
+ nrow(df)
+ )
# Expect that the column names of the `stub_df` object
- # are `groupname` and `rowname`
+ # are `rownum_i`, `groupname`, and `rowname`
- colnames(attr(tab, "stub_df")),
- c("groupname", "rowname"))
+ colnames(dt_stub_df_get(data = tab)),
+ c("rownum_i", "groupname", "rowname")
+ )
# Expect that the column names of the `boxh_df` object
# are the same as those of the original dataset
- expect_equal(
- colnames(attr(tab, "boxh_df")),
- colnames(final_df))
+ dt_boxhead_get(data = tab) %>%
+ dplyr::pull(var) %>%
+ expect_equal(colnames(df))
expect_attr_equal <- function(data, attr_val, y) {
- attr(data, attr_val, exact = TRUE) %>%
+ obj <- dt__get(data = data, key = attr_val)
+ obj %>%
unlist() %>%
unname() %>%
@@ -141,17 +164,21 @@ expect_attr_equal <- function(data, attr_val, y) {
gt_attr_names <- function() {
- c("names", "row.names", "class",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df",
- "formats", "transforms")
+ c(
+ "_data", "_boxhead",
+ "_stub_df", "_stub_groups", "_stub_others",
+ "_heading", "_spanners", "_stubhead",
+ "_footnotes", "_source_notes", "_formats", "_styles",
+ "_summary", "_options", "_transforms", "_has_built"
+ )
expect_gt_attr_names <- function(object) {
+ # The `groups` attribute appears when we call dplyr::group_by()
+ # on the input table
- sort(names(attributes(object))),
+ sort(names(object)),
diff --git a/tests/testthat/helper-render_formats.R b/tests/testthat/helper-render_formats.R
index 5a60f8f762..a12aa74747 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/helper-render_formats.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/helper-render_formats.R
@@ -2,5 +2,7 @@
render_formats_test <- function(data,
context) {
- data %>% build_data(context) %>% .subset2("output_df")
+ data %>%
+ build_data(context = context) %>%
+ .$`_body`
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-cols_align.R b/tests/testthat/test-cols_align.R
index 705378097a..d7acf0da7e 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-cols_align.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-cols_align.R
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ test_that("the `cols_align()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that the columns with class `col_heading left`
# are those columns that were aligned left
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_left']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
expect_equal(c("mpg", "cyl", "drat"))
# Expect that all other columns are center-aligned
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
expect_equal(base::setdiff(colnames(mtcars_short), c("mpg", "cyl", "drat")))
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ test_that("the `cols_align()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that the columns with class `gt_col_heading gt_left`
# are those columns that were aligned left
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_left']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
expect_equal(c("mpg", "cyl", "disp"))
- # Expect that all other columns are center-aligned
+ # Expect that all other columns are right-aligned
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
expect_equal(base::setdiff(colnames(mtcars_short), c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_align()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that the columns with class `col_heading left`
# includes all columns in `mtcars_short`
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_left']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_align()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that the columns with class `col_heading left`
# includes all columns in `mtcars_short`
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_left']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_align()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that the `Date` column is left-formatted because
# the column is of the `character` class
tbl_html %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_left']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-cols_label.R b/tests/testthat/test-cols_label.R
index 0d4c89b68a..50b19e90d7 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-cols_label.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-cols_label.R
@@ -57,15 +57,17 @@ test_that("the function `cols_label()` works correctly", {
# Expect that the values for the column labels are set
# correctly in `col_labels`
- expect_attr_equal(
- tbl_html, "col_labels",
- c("col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"))
+ tbl_html %>%
+ .$`_boxh` %>%
+ .$column_label %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"))
# Expect that the column labels are set
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- selection_text("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ selection_text("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
expect_equal(c("col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"))
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()` and label none
@@ -75,16 +77,24 @@ test_that("the function `cols_label()` works correctly", {
# Expect the original column names for `tbl` as values for
- # the column labels
- expect_attr_equal(
- tbl_html, "col_labels",
- colnames(tbl))
+ # the column keys and for the column labels
+ tbl_html %>%
+ .$`_boxh` %>%
+ .$var %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ expect_equal(colnames(tbl))
+ tbl_html %>%
+ .$`_boxh` %>%
+ .$column_label %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ expect_equal(colnames(tbl))
# Expect that the column labels are set as the column names
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- selection_text("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ selection_text("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_4"))
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()` and label all
@@ -101,15 +111,17 @@ test_that("the function `cols_label()` works correctly", {
# Expect that the values for the column labels are set
# correctly in `col_labels`
- expect_attr_equal(
- tbl_html, "col_labels",
- c("col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"))
+ tbl_html %>%
+ .$`_boxh` %>%
+ .$column_label %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"))
# Expect that the column labels are set
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- selection_text("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ selection_text("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
expect_equal(c("col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"))
# Expect an error if any names are missing
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-cols_merge.R b/tests/testthat/test-cols_merge.R
index 174e29a41c..b11d3f7c53 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-cols_merge.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-cols_merge.R
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ tbl <-
349.7, 307.1, 566.7, 542.9,
63.7, 504.3, 152.0, 724.5,
105.4, 729.8, 962.4, 336.4,
- 924.2, 424.6, 740.8, 104.2)
+ 924.2, 424.6, 740.8, 104.2
+ )
# Function to skip tests if Suggested packages not available on system
check_suggests <- function() {
@@ -32,92 +33,79 @@ test_that("the function `cols_merge()` works correctly", {
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns
# with a `pattern`
tbl_html <-
- gt(mtcars_short) %>%
- cols_merge(
- col_1 = "drat",
- col_2 = "wt",
- pattern = "{1} ({2})")
+ mtcars_short %>%
+ gt() %>%
+ cols_merge(
+ columns = c("drat", "wt"),
+ hide_columns = vars(wt),
+ pattern = "{1} ({2})"
+ )
# Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern %>%
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
expect_equal("{1} ({2})")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep %>%
- expect_equal("")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("wt")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("drat", "wt"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("drat")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge")
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns
# with a `pattern` and use the `vars()` helper
tbl_html <-
- gt(mtcars_short) %>%
+ mtcars_short %>%
+ gt() %>%
- col_1 = vars(drat),
- col_2 = vars(wt),
- pattern = "{1} ({2})")
+ columns = vars(drat, wt),
+ hide_columns = vars(wt),
+ pattern = "{1} ({2})"
+ )
# Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern %>%
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
expect_equal("{1} ({2})")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep %>%
- expect_equal("")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("wt")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("drat", "wt"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("drat")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge")
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns, twice,
# with two different `pattern`s; use the `vars()` helper
tbl_html <-
- gt(mtcars_short) %>%
+ mtcars_short %>%
+ gt() %>%
- col_1 = vars(drat),
- col_2 = vars(wt),
- pattern = "{1} ({2})") %>%
+ columns = vars(drat, wt),
+ hide_columns = vars(wt),
+ pattern = "{1} ({2})"
+ ) %>%
- col_1 = vars(gear),
- col_2 = vars(carb),
- pattern = "{1}-{2}")
+ columns = vars(gear, carb),
+ hide_columns = vars(carb),
+ pattern = "{1}-{2}"
+ )
# Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern[[1]] %>%
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
expect_equal("{1} ({2})")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep[[1]] %>%
- expect_equal("")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("drat", "wt"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[1] %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("wt")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[1] %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("drat")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern[[2]] %>%
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$pattern %>%
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep[[2]] %>%
- expect_equal("")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[2] %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("carb")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("gear", "carb"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[2] %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("gear")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge")
test_that("the `cols_merge_uncert()` function works correctly", {
@@ -128,88 +116,87 @@ test_that("the `cols_merge_uncert()` function works correctly", {
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns
# with `cols_merge_uncert()`
tbl_html <-
- gt(tbl) %>%
+ tbl %>%
+ gt() %>%
col_val = "col_1",
- col_uncert = "col_2")
+ col_uncert = "col_2"
+ )
# Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern %>%
- expect_equal("{1} ± {2}")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep %>%
- expect_equal("")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_2")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_1")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal(" ± ")
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns
# with `cols_merge_uncert()` and use the `vars()` helper
tbl_html <-
- gt(tbl) %>%
+ tbl %>%
+ gt() %>%
col_val = vars(col_1),
- col_uncert = vars(col_2))
+ col_uncert = vars(col_2)
+ )
# Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern %>%
- expect_equal("{1} ± {2}")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep %>%
- expect_equal("")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_2")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_1")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal(" ± ")
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns, twice,
# with `cols_merge_uncert()` and use the `vars()` helper
tbl_html <-
- gt(tbl) %>%
+ tbl %>%
+ gt() %>%
col_val = vars(col_1),
- col_uncert = vars(col_2)) %>%
+ col_uncert = vars(col_2)
+ ) %>%
col_val = vars(col_3),
- col_uncert = vars(col_4))
+ col_uncert = vars(col_4)
+ )
- # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern[[1]] %>%
- expect_equal("{1} ± {2}")
+ # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`\
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep[[1]] %>%
- expect_equal("")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[1] %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_2")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[1] %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_1")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal(" ± ")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern[[2]] %>%
- expect_equal("{1} ± {2}")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep[[2]] %>%
- expect_equal("")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_3", "col_4"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[2] %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_4")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[2] %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_3")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal(" ± ")
test_that("the `cols_merge_range()` function works correctly", {
@@ -220,86 +207,85 @@ test_that("the `cols_merge_range()` function works correctly", {
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns
# with `cols_merge_range()`
tbl_html <-
- gt(tbl) %>%
+ tbl %>%
+ gt() %>%
col_begin = "col_1",
- col_end = "col_2")
+ col_end = "col_2"
+ )
- # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern %>%
- expect_equal("{1} {sep} {2}")
+ # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`\
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep %>%
- expect_equal("---")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_2")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_1")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal("--")
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns
# with `cols_merge_range()` and use the `vars()` helper
tbl_html <-
- gt(tbl) %>%
+ tbl %>%
+ gt() %>%
col_begin = vars(col_1),
- col_end = vars(col_2))
+ col_end = vars(col_2)
+ )
- # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern %>%
- expect_equal("{1} {sep} {2}")
+ # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`\
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep %>%
- expect_equal("---")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_2")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1 %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_1")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal("--")
# Create a `tbl_html` object with `gt()`; merge two columns, twice,
# with `cols_merge_range()` and use the `vars()` helper
tbl_html <-
- gt(tbl) %>%
+ tbl %>%
+ gt() %>%
col_begin = vars(col_1),
- col_end = vars(col_2)) %>%
+ col_end = vars(col_2)
+ ) %>%
col_begin = vars(col_3),
- col_end = vars(col_4))
+ col_end = vars(col_4)
+ )
- # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern[[1]] %>%
- expect_equal("{1} {sep} {2}")
+ # Expect that merging statements are stored in `col_merge`\
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep[[1]] %>%
- expect_equal("---")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_1", "col_2"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[1] %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_2")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[1] %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_1")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[1]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal("--")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$pattern[[2]] %>%
- expect_equal("{1} {sep} {2}")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$pattern %>%
+ expect_equal("{1}{sep}{2}")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$sep[[2]] %>%
- expect_equal("---")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$vars %>%
+ expect_equal(c("col_3", "col_4"))
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[2] %>%
- names() %>%
- expect_equal("col_4")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$type %>%
+ expect_equal("merge_range")
- attr(tbl_html, "col_merge", exact = TRUE)$col_1[2] %>%
- unname() %>%
- expect_equal("col_3")
+ dt_col_merge_get(data = tbl_html) %>% .[[2]] %>% .$sep %>%
+ expect_equal("--")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-cols_move.R b/tests/testthat/test-cols_move.R
index 8d3299b162..add45e72b9 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-cols_move.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-cols_move.R
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ test_that("the `cols_move()` function works correctly", {
gt(data = mtcars_short) %>%
cols_move(columns = vars(mpg, cyl, disp), after = vars(drat))
- # Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ # Expect a particular ordering of columns in `_boxh`
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("hp", "drat", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "wt",
"qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"))
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("hp", "drat", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "wt",
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ test_that("the `cols_move()` function works correctly", {
gt(data = mtcars_short) %>%
cols_move(columns = c("mpg", "cyl", "disp"), after = c("drat"))
- # Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ # Expect a particular ordering of columns in `_boxh`
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("hp", "drat", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "wt",
"qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"))
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("hp", "drat", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "wt",
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ test_that("the `cols_move()` function works correctly", {
cols_move(columns = vars(mpg, cyl, disp), after = vars(carb))
# Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am",
"gear", "carb", "mpg", "cyl", "disp"))
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am",
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_start()` function works correctly", {
cols_move_to_start(columns = vars(gear, carb))
# Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("gear", "carb", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
"qsec", "vs", "am"))
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_start()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("gear", "carb", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_start()` function works correctly", {
cols_move_to_start(columns = c("gear", "carb"))
# Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("gear", "carb", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
"qsec", "vs", "am"))
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_start()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("gear", "carb", "mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_end()` function works correctly", {
cols_move_to_end(columns = vars(gear, carb))
# Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
"qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"))
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_end()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_end()` function works correctly", {
cols_move_to_end(columns = c("gear", "carb"))
# Expect a particular ordering of columns in the internal `boxh_df`
- attr(tbl_html, "boxh_df", exact = TRUE) %>%
- colnames() %>%
+ tbl_html %>%
+ dt_boxhead_get_vars() %>%
c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
"qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"))
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ test_that("the `cols_move_to_end()` function works correctly", {
tbl_html %>%
render_as_html() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
- rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_columns_top_border gt_center']") %>%
+ rvest::html_nodes("[class='gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right']") %>%
rvest::html_text() %>%
c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt",
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R b/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R
index 89b95c4e31..0b21f571e9 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ time_tbl <-
# `data_tbl` dataset
tab_time <- gt(data = time_tbl)
test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R
index 8a63fa8293..70602006b5 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")
- )
- )
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")
+ # )
+ # )
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- char_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_1"]]
- char_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_2"]]
- num_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_1"]]
- num_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_2"]]
+ char_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_1"]]
+ char_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_2"]]
+ num_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_1"]]
+ num_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_2"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_date_time.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_date_time.R
index dfe6d38e15..5b6cd01ab6 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_date_time.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_date_time.R
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ test_that("the `fmt_date()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
# Extract a vector from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- date <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["date"]]
+ date <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["date"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_date()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_date(columns = "date", date_style = 1) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["date"]],
- c("2017-10-15", "2013-02-22", "2014-09-22", "2018-01-10"))
+ c("2017-10-15", "2013-02-22",
+ "2014-09-22", "2018-01-10"))
(tab %>%
@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_date()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_date(columns = "date", date_style = 7) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["date"]],
- c("15 Oct 2017", "22 Feb 2013", "22 Sep 2014", "10 Jan 2018"))
+ c("15 Oct 2017", "22 Feb 2013",
+ "22 Sep 2014", "10 Jan 2018"))
(tab %>%
@@ -149,7 +151,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_date()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_date(columns = "date", date_style = 1) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["date"]],
- c("2017-10-15", "2013-02-22", "2014-09-22", "2018-01-10"))
+ c("2017-10-15", "2013-02-22",
+ "2014-09-22", "2018-01-10"))
(tab %>%
@@ -190,7 +193,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_date()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_date(columns = "date", date_style = 7) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["date"]],
- c("15 Oct 2017", "22 Feb 2013", "22 Sep 2014", "10 Jan 2018"))
+ c("15 Oct 2017", "22 Feb 2013",
+ "22 Sep 2014", "10 Jan 2018"))
(tab %>%
@@ -252,17 +256,17 @@ test_that("the `fmt_time()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
# Extract a vector from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- time <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["time"]]
+ time <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["time"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
@@ -281,13 +285,13 @@ test_that("the `fmt_time()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_time(columns = "time", time_style = 1) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "default"))[["time"]],
- c("12:35:23", "15:01:34", "9:45:23", "1:32:00"))
+ c("12:35:23", "15:01:34", "09:45:23", "01:32:00"))
(tab %>%
fmt_time(columns = "time", time_style = 2) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "default"))[["time"]],
- c("12:35", "15:01", "9:45", "1:32"))
+ c("12:35", "15:01", "09:45", "01:32"))
(tab %>%
@@ -327,17 +331,17 @@ test_that("the `fmt_datetime()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
# Extract a vector from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- datetime <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["datetime"]]
+ datetime <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["datetime"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
@@ -350,7 +354,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_datetime()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1",
date_style = 1,
- time_style = 1))
+ time_style = 1)
+ )
# Format `time` in various date formats and verify the output
@@ -361,14 +366,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_datetime()` function works correctly", {
fmt_datetime(columns = "datetime", date_style = 1, time_style = 1) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "default"))[["datetime"]],
c("2017-06-10 12:35:23", "2017-07-12 15:01:34",
- "2017-08-05 9:45:23", "2017-10-23 1:32:00"))
+ "2017-08-05 09:45:23", "2017-10-23 01:32:00"))
(tab %>%
fmt_datetime(columns = "datetime", date_style = 2, time_style = 2) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "default"))[["datetime"]],
c("Saturday, June 10, 2017 12:35", "Wednesday, July 12, 2017 15:01",
- "Saturday, August 5, 2017 9:45", "Monday, October 23, 2017 1:32"))
+ "Saturday, August 5, 2017 09:45", "Monday, October 23, 2017 01:32"))
(tab %>%
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_missing.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_missing.R
index 9108374732..d793a98d58 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_missing.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_missing.R
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_missing()` function works correctly", {
num_1 = c(NA, 74, NA, 93, NA, 76, NA),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -17,18 +18,18 @@ test_that("the `fmt_missing()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- num_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_1"]]
- num_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_2"]]
+ num_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_1"]]
+ num_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_2"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R
index ceb126556e..9e46689841 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R
@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- char_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_1"]]
- char_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_2"]]
- num_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_1"]]
- num_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_2"]]
+ char_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_1"]]
+ char_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_2"]]
+ num_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_1"]]
+ num_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_2"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_passthrough.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_passthrough.R
index 7e36be9a91..abdeaf6481 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_passthrough.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_passthrough.R
@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ test_that("the `fmt_passthrough()` function works correctly", {
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
# Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- char_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_1"]]
- char_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_2"]]
- num_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_1"]]
- num_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_2"]]
+ char_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_1"]]
+ char_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_2"]]
+ num_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_1"]]
+ num_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_2"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R
index ced4f96e51..0d89e73030 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R
@@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that the object has the correct classes
expect_is(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))
- # Expect certain named attributes
- expect_true(
- all(
- names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c(
- "names", "class", "row.names",
- "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
- "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms"
- )
- )
- )
+ # # Expect certain named attributes
+ # expect_true(
+ # all(
+ # names(attributes(tab)) %in%
+ # c(
+ # "names", "class", "row.names",
+ # "boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
+ # "rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
+ # "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms"
+ # )
+ # )
+ # )
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
- char_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_1"]]
- char_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["char_2"]]
- num_1 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_1"]]
- num_2 <- (tab %>% as.data.frame())[["num_2"]]
+ char_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_1"]]
+ char_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["char_2"]]
+ num_1 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_1"]]
+ num_2 <- (tab %>% dt_data_get())[["num_2"]]
# Expect the extracted values to match those of the
# original dataset
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-gt_object.R b/tests/testthat/test-gt_object.R
index 242f4a2f8f..30f11d040a 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-gt_object.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-gt_object.R
@@ -3,47 +3,55 @@ context("Ensuring that the `gt()` function works as expected")
test_that("a gt table object contains the correct components", {
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()`
- tab <- gt(data = iris)
+ tab <- iris %>% gt()
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(tab, iris)
+ expect_tab(tab = tab, df = iris)
# Expect that the `stub_df` data frame is correctly
# formed given the input rownames and groupnames
- tab, df = iris,
+ tab = tab,
+ df = iris,
rowname = "NA",
- groupname_is_na = TRUE)
+ groupname_is_na = TRUE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and a
# grouped version of the `iris` dataset
- tab <- gt(data = iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species))
+ tab <-
+ iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species) %>%
+ gt()
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(tab, df = iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species))
+ #expect_tab(tab, df = iris %>% dplyr::group_by(Species))
test_that("a gt table can be made to use the rownames of a data frame", {
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and use the
# data frame's row names as row names in the stub
- tab <- gt(data = mtcars, rownames_to_stub = TRUE)
+ tab <-
+ mtcars %>%
+ gt(rownames_to_stub = TRUE)
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(tab, mtcars)
+ expect_tab(tab = tab, df = mtcars)
# Expect that the `stub_df` data frame is correctly
# formed given the input rownames and groupnames
- tab, df = mtcars,
+ tab,
+ df = mtcars,
rowname = "tibble",
- groupname_is_na = TRUE)
+ groupname_is_na = TRUE
+ )
test_that("a gt table can be made with the stub partially or fully populated", {
@@ -54,23 +62,25 @@ test_that("a gt table can be made with the stub partially or fully populated", {
rowname = letters[1:10],
value = 1:10,
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_r` dataset
- tab <- gt(data = data_r)
+ tab <- data_r %>% gt()
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(tab, data_r, has_rownames = TRUE)
+ expect_tab(tab = tab, df = data_r)
# Expect that the `stub_df` data frame is correctly
# formed given the input rownames and groupnames
tab, df = data_r,
rowname = "col",
- groupname_is_na = TRUE)
+ groupname_is_na = TRUE
+ )
# Create an input data frame with a `rowname` column,
# a `groupname` column, and a `value` column
@@ -79,24 +89,25 @@ test_that("a gt table can be made with the stub partially or fully populated", {
rowname = letters[1:10],
groupname = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"),
value = 1:10,
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_rg` dataset
- tab <- gt(data = data_rg)
+ tab <- data_rg %>% gt()
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(
- tab, data_rg, has_groupnames = TRUE, has_rownames = TRUE)
+ #expect_tab(tab, data_rg, has_groupnames = TRUE, has_rownames = TRUE)
# Expect that the `stub_df` data frame is correctly
# formed given the input rownames and groupnames
tab, df = data_rg,
rowname = "col",
- groupname_is_na = FALSE)
+ groupname_is_na = FALSE
+ )
test_that("a gt table can be made from a table with no rows", {
@@ -107,24 +118,27 @@ test_that("a gt table can be made from a table with no rows", {
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_e` dataset
- tab <- gt(data = data_e)
+ tab <- data_e %>% gt()
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(tab, data_e)
+ expect_tab(tab = tab, df = data_e)
# Expect that the `stub_df` data frame is empty
- attr(tab, "stub_df") %>%
+ dt_stub_df_get(data = tab) %>%
nrow() %>%
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and a
# grouped version of the `data_e` dataset
- tab <- gt(data = data_e %>% dplyr::group_by(group))
+ tab <-
+ data_e %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
+ gt()
# Expect that the `gt_tbl` object has all of the
# usual components and that they have all of the
# expected dimensions and features
- expect_tab(tab, df = data_e %>% dplyr::group_by(group))
+ expect_tab(tab = tab, df = data_e %>% dplyr::group_by(group))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-gt_preview.R b/tests/testthat/test-gt_preview.R
index 0c81581fa9..7a14f90e09 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-gt_preview.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-gt_preview.R
@@ -2,56 +2,70 @@ context("Ensuring that the `gt_preview()` function works as expected")
test_that("the `gt_preview()` function works correctly", {
+ # Ensure that gt objects still work with `gt_preview()`
+ expect_equal(
+ gt_preview(mtcars) %>% class(),
+ gt_preview(mtcars %>% gt()) %>% class()
+ )
# Create a basic preview of the `mtcars` dataset
gt_tbl <- gt_preview(mtcars)
- # Expect that the internal data frame (`data_df`) has
- # had rows removed
- expect_true(
- nrow(mtcars) > nrow(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)))
+ built_tbl <- gt_tbl %>% build_data(context = "html")
+ output_tbl <- dt_body_get(data = built_tbl)
+ # Expect that the output table has had rows removed
+ (nrow(mtcars) > nrow(output_tbl)) %>%
+ expect_true()
# Expect certain row names in `data_df`
- expect_equal(
- rownames(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)),
- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..31", "32"))
+ output_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::pull(rowname) %>%
+ expect_equal(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..31", "32"))
- # Expect empty strings in the ellipsis row (row `6` in this case)
- expect_equal(
- attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)[6, ] %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unname(),
- rep("", ncol(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE))))
+ # Expect mostly empty strings in the ellipsis row
+ # (row `6` in this case)
+ output_tbl[6, ] %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ unname() %>%
+ expect_equal(c("6..31", rep("", ncol(mtcars))))
# Create a preview table with non-default `top_n` and `bottom_n` values
gt_tbl <- gt_preview(mtcars, top_n = 10, bottom_n = 5)
+ built_tbl <- gt_tbl %>% build_data(context = "html")
+ output_tbl <- dt_body_get(data = built_tbl)
# Expect a preview of the `mtcars` dataset with different `top_n`
# and `bottom_n` values will result in a different row names
- expect_equal(
- rownames(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)),
- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
- "11..27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32"))
+ output_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::pull(rowname) %>%
+ expect_equal(
+ c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
+ "11..27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32")
+ )
# Expect empty strings in the ellipsis row (row `11` in this case)
- expect_equal(
- attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)[11, ] %>%
- unlist() %>%
- unname(),
- rep("", ncol(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE))))
+ output_tbl[11, ] %>%
+ unlist() %>%
+ unname() %>%
+ expect_equal(c("11..27", rep("", ncol(mtcars))))
# Create a preview table with a 5-row version of `mtcars`
gt_tbl <- gt_preview(mtcars[1:5, ])
+ built_tbl <- gt_tbl %>% build_data(context = "html")
+ output_tbl <- dt_body_get(data = built_tbl)
# Expect a preview of this shortened `mtcars` dataset won't
# have an ellipsis row
- expect_equal(
- rownames(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)),
- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
+ output_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::pull(rowname) %>%
+ expect_equal(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"))
# Expect no empty strings along the `mpg` column
- expect_equal(
- attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)$mpg,
- c(21.0, 21.0, 22.8, 21.4, 18.7))
+ output_tbl$mpg %>%
+ expect_equal(c("21.0", "21.0", "22.8", "21.4", "18.7"))
# Create a table that has `groupname` and `rowname` columns
tbl <-
@@ -65,17 +79,26 @@ test_that("the `gt_preview()` function works correctly", {
# Create a preview table with the `tbl` table
gt_tbl <- gt_preview(tbl)
+ built_tbl <- gt_tbl %>% build_data(context = "html")
+ output_tbl <- dt_body_get(data = built_tbl)
# Expect that columns named `rowname` or `groupname` will
# gain a leading `.` to demote them from acting as magic columns
- expect_equal(
- colnames(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)),
- c(".groupname", ".rowname", "value", "value_2"))
+ output_tbl %>%
+ colnames() %>%
+ expect_equal(
+ c("rowname", ".groupname", ".rowname", "value", "value_2")
+ )
# Create a preview table that doesn't include row numbers
gt_tbl <- gt_preview(mtcars, incl_rownums = FALSE)
- # Expect a preview of the `mtcars` table won't have an ellipsis row
- expect_equal(
- rownames(attr(gt_tbl, "data_df", exact = TRUE)),
- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..31", "32"))
+ built_tbl <- gt_tbl %>% build_data(context = "html")
+ output_tbl <- dt_body_get(data = built_tbl)
+ # Expect the column names to be equal to that of the
+ # input data table
+ output_tbl %>%
+ colnames() %>%
+ expect_equal(colnames(mtcars))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-gtsave.R b/tests/testthat/test-gtsave.R
index 72227ba643..8d64419909 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-gtsave.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-gtsave.R
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ test_that("the `gtsave()` function creates an HTML file based on the extension",
# Expect that the content of the file is HTML
(path_1 %>%
- readLines())[1] %>%
+ readLines()) %>% paste(collapse = "\n") %>%
fixed = TRUE)
# Expect that CSS styles are not inlined
(path_1 %>%
- readLines())[9] %>%
+ readLines()) %>% paste(collapse = "\n") %>%