Use the full power of redux for testing!
This library is made to take up where redux-mock-store left off. You can execute actions that run reducers and see the raw action objects as well as the result state. It works nice with middleware like redux-thunk as well. Unlike redux-mock-store, you can incorporate reducers as well.
const testStore = TestStore(<reducer>, <enhancer>); // both optional
testStore.getActions(); // returns raw actions against the store
testStore.clearActions(); // clears action list
const store = testStore.initializeStore(<initialState>); // optional
const testStore = TestStore(<reducer>, <enhancer>); // both optional
const store = testStore.initializeStore(<initialState>); // optional
testStore.getActions(); // will return [action1, action2, action3]
store.getState(); // will return result state
import { applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import TestStore from 'test-redux-store';
describe('Test Documentation', () => {
const reducer = (state = [], action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_TODO':
return [
return state.filter(todo => todo !== action.text);
return state;
const addTodo = (text) => ({ type: 'ADD_TODO', text });
const removeTodoRaw = (text) => ({ type: 'REMOVE_TODO', text })
const removeTodo = (text) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const todos = getState();
if (todos.includes(text)) {
return dispatch(removeTodoRaw(text));
// the setup, TestStore(reducer, enhancer). Here I'm using redux-thunk
const testStore = TestStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(thunk));
// util function
const testActions = (actions, expectedActions) => {
actions.forEach((action, i) => expect(action).toEqual(expectedActions[i]));
it('Example 1', () => {
/* In this example, I'm going to execute some actions raw actions, and
* check the result state as well as make sure the actions were executed
const actions = [
addTodo('let\'s go'),
const expectedActions = actions;
// initialize store with empty state
const store = testStore.initializeStore();
actions.forEach(action => store.dispatch(action));
// testStore.getActions() now contains the raw actions executed
testActions(testStore.getActions(), expectedActions);
// you can use store.getState to get the state after executing the actions
expect(store.getState()).toEqual(['hey', 'let\'s go']);
it('Example 2', () => {
/* In this example, I'm going to utilize removeTodo that should only get
* executed if the state doesn't have that todo.
const actions = [
addTodo('let\'s go'),
const expectedActions = actions;
// initialize store with empty state
const store = testStore.initializeStore();
actions.forEach(action => store.dispatch(action));
testActions(testStore.getActions(), expectedActions);
expect(store.getState()).toEqual(['hey', 'ho', 'let\'s go']);
// clear the actions, so we can focus on removeTodo
// now remove one that doesn't exist
testActions(testStore.getActions(), []);
expect(store.getState()).toEqual(['hey', 'ho', 'let\'s go']);
// now remove one that exists
store.dispatch(removeTodo('let\'s go'));
testActions(testStore.getActions(), [
removeTodoRaw('let\'s go'),
expect(store.getState()).toEqual(['hey', 'ho']);
it('Example 3', () => {
/* In this example, I'm going show how to use intializeStore to setup
* the state instead of executing a bunch of actions.
// takes initial state
const store = testStore.initializeStore(['hey', 'ho', 'let\'s go']);
// check the state after each removeTodo
store.dispatch(removeTodo('let\'s go'));
expect(store.getState()).toEqual(['hey', 'ho']);
expect(store.getState()).toEqual(['hey', 'ho']);
// verify that only the actions that are needed get executed.
testActions(testStore.getActions(), [
removeTodoRaw('let\'s go'),
- Ryan Ragle - Initial work - (
- Inaki Abete - Reviewer - (