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Migrating ROS 2 packages that use Gazebo Classic

The Gazebo simulator has its roots in the Gazebo Classic project, but it has a few significant differences that affect how a ROS 2 project uses the simulator. One difference is that ROS 2 projects now use the ros_gz package instead of gazebo_ros_pkgs as the source of launch files and other useful utilities. Another major difference is that while gazebo_ros_pkgs provided a set of plugins that directly get loaded by Gazebo Classic and run as part of the simulation to provide an interface between ROS and Gazebo Classic, ros_gz is primarily used as a bridge between ROS and gz-transport topics. Knowing these conceptual differences is important in making the transition.

Note: Since the name of the project has gone through two major changes, we highly recommend you read the history of the project to have a better understanding of the terminology used in this tutorial and elsewhere. As a convention we refer to older versions of Gazebo, those with release numbers like Gazebo 9 and Gazebo 11 as "Gazebo Classic." Newer versions of Gazebo, formerly called "Ignition", with lettered releases names like Harmonic, are referred to as just "Gazebo" in this document. This tutorial will show how to migrate an existing ROS 2 package that uses the gazebo_ros_pkgs package to the new ros_gz. We will use the turtlebot3_simulations package as an example. The complete, migrated version of turtlebot3_simulations covered in this tutorial, can be found in this fork.

We'll start by following the PC Setup guide to install the necessary prerequisites for simulating Turtlebot3. This will install additional packages, such as Nav2 and Cartographer, which we will be using later on in this tutorial, so make sure to not skip this step.

The next step is to clone the turtlebot3_simulation package. We'll use the humble-devel branch, which at the time of writing had a SHA of d16cdbe

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
git clone -b humble-devel

Install dependencies using rosdep

sudo rosdep init # only needed if  using rosdep
rosdep install --from-paths . -i -y

Finally, build the project and check that the Gazebo classic simulation works. (See the Gazebo Simulation guide)

cd ~/turtlebot3_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo

Here's a screenshot of Turtlebot3 running in Gazebo Classic obtained by launching

Screenshot of turtlebot 3 running in Gazebo Classic

Once, we're sure that the Gazebo classic simulation is running properly, we create a new branch in which we'll make the changes to migrate to the new Gazebo.

git checkout -b new_gazebo

The changes we need to make are:

  1. Modify package.xml and CMakeLists.txt files replacing gazebo, gazebo_ros_pkgs, etc with packages from ros_gz.
  2. Edit launch files that start Gazebo (e.g.
  3. Update the world SDFormat file.
  4. Edit launch files that spawn models.
  5. Edit model SDFormat files.
  6. Bridge ROS topics.

Update package dependencies

The turtlebot 3 package depends on gazebo_ros_pkgs, which is the package that provides launch files, plugins, and other utilities for using Gazebo classic with ROS 2. The equivalent for the new Gazebo is ros_gz, but ros_gz is actually a meta-package that contains a few packages. It's okay to replace gazebo_ros_pkgs with ros_gz here, but using just the subset of packages needed for your project will reduce the number of dependencies. For the turtlebot3_simulation package, we will only need ros_gz_bridge, ros_gz_image, and ros_gz_sim for now. ros_gz_bridge and ros_gz_image provide topic bridges between Gazebo and ROS while ros_gz_sim provides launch files and other utilities that help with starting Gazebo and spawning models.

After making the change, lines 17-21 of package.xml will look like this:


You can find the Gazebo Classic package XML file here, and the updated Gazebo package XML file here.

After making the change, we'll need to install the new dependencies. The following command will automatically install the necessary Gazebo version.

rosdep install --from-paths . -i -y

This tutorial assumes you are using Gazebo Fortress as it is the version of Gazebo officially paired with ROS 2 Humble. While it is possible to use newer versions of Gazebo with ROS 2 Humble, it requires extra work and is not recommend for most users. See Installing Gazebo with ROS to learn more. If you intend to switch back and forth between the new Gazebo and Gazebo Classic, it's best to use Gazebo Fortress since the newer versions will automatically uninstall Gazebo Classic. With that being said, the concepts covered by the tutorial should work with newer versions of ROS 2 and Gazebo.

Launch the world

We now need to edit turtlebot3_gazebo/launch/ and replace any use of gazebo_ros_pkgs. You can find the Gazebo Classic empty world launch file before editing here, and the updated Gazebo empty world launch file here. First replace the call to get_package_share_directory to find ros_gz_sim. The code will change from:

pkg_gazebo_ros = get_package_share_directory('gazebo_ros')


ros_gz_sim = get_package_share_directory('ros_gz_sim')

Next, change gzserver_cmd to use ros_gz_sim

gzserver_cmd = IncludeLaunchDescription(
        os.path.join(ros_gz_sim, 'launch', '')
    launch_arguments={'gz_args': ['-r -s -v4 ', world], 'on_exit_shutdown': 'true'}.items()

This uses the launch file from the ros_gz_sim package. The launch file takes the gz_args argument which is a list of command line flags that will be passed to ign gazebo (gz sim in Garden and later). -s causes only the Gazebo server to run without the GUI client and -r tells Gazebo to start running simulation immediately. Lastly, we are using the -v4 flag which sets the verbosity level of Gazebo's console output.

Note: The list assigned to gz_args is concatenated into a string with code equivalent to ''.join(gz_args), so it's important to keep whitespace where necessary. Note the space after 4 in '-v4 '.

The world argument will be substituted by launch before running Gazebo. In this launch file, world is a python variable, so it is possible to use python string formatting: gz_args: f'-s -r -v4 {world}'. But if we wanted to use a LaunchConfiguration variable for world, we will need to use a list so that launch will make the substitution for us.

The on_exit_shutdown argument ensures that if the Gazebo server exits for any reason, the rest of the nodes in the launch file are shutdown

The GUI client is launched in a similar way, but we change gz_args to -g to run just the GUI client.

gzclient_cmd = IncludeLaunchDescription(
        os.path.join(ros_gz_sim, 'launch', '')
    launch_arguments={'gz_args': '-g -v4 '}.items()

Finally, we need to set the environment variable GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH so Gazebo can know where to find models. See the Finding resource document to learn more about this environment variable. This was not needed for gazebo_ros_pkgs because it used the <export> tag in package.xml to populate a similar environment variable for Gazebo (GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH).

First, import AppendEnvironmentVariable

from launch.actions import AppendEnvironmentVariable

and create a launch action that appends the environment variable with the location of the models directory in turtlebot3_gazebo.

set_env_vars_resources = AppendEnvironmentVariable(

We'll then need to add the action to ld, the LaunchDescription variable returned by generate_launch_description.


We are now ready to test the launch file. Comment out ld.add_action(spawn_turtlebot_cmd) and run:

ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo

More than likely, this will fail because Gazebo could not find models referenced in the world SDFormat file. The next step is to fix that.

Note: Due to a bug in the GUI client, there might be a lingering ign gazebo -g or gz sim -g process after terminating the launch. You can kill it using pkill -f -9 'ign gazebo'

Edit world SDFormat file

The file we will be editing is turtlebot3_gazebo/worlds/ This file references the models sun and ground_plane. In Gazebo Classic, these models were either shipped with the simulator or downloaded from the gazebo model repository. The new Gazebo does not ship these models, instead we can use models from Fuel or add the models directly to the world file.

To use fuel models, replace the include tags for sun and ground_place with

  <uri> Plane


For reference, you can find the Gazebo Classic empty world here, and the updated new Gazebo empty world here. Relaunching should now start the simulator successfully.

Spawn model

In this step, we will modify turtlebot3_gazebo/launch/ Again, we need to change gazebo_ros to ros_gz_sim. We'll also need to change to create, which is the node in ros_gz_sim that provides model spawning functionality. From the argument list, -entity needs to be replaced with -name. You can run ros2 run ros_gz_sim create --helpshort to see more options.

The resulting Node should look like:

start_gazebo_ros_spawner_cmd = Node(
        '-name', TURTLEBOT3_MODEL,
        '-file', urdf_path,
        '-x', x_pose,
        '-y', y_pose,
        '-z', '0.01'

If you uncomment ld.add_action(spawn_turtlebot_cmd) in and run the launch file, you'll notice errors related to unrecognized plugins. These are coming from the model SDFormat file, which we will modify next.

Modify the model

We will be using the waffle robot for this tutorial, so we'll edit the file turtlebot3_gazebo/models/turtlebot3_waffle/model.sdf. The changes we need to make are mostly related to plugins and their parameters. You can reference the Waffle model SDF file before editing here, and after editing here. For each <plugin> in the original model, The following is a list of all the plugins in the original model. For each plugin, we will either remove the plugin if it's no longer necessary, or use the equivalent plugin from the new Gazebo. You can use the Feature comparison page (Fortress, Harmonic) to find out of a Gazebo Classic feature (e.g. a Sensor type) is available in Gazebo. If an equivalent plugin is used, we will update the SDF parameters of the plugin to match the parameters of the new plugin. See the list of systems (Fortress, Harmonic) to find equivalent plugins and their parameters.

Plugin in the original model

This plugin can be removed since there is a generic IMU plugin that handles all IMU sensors. We will add this to the world later. We will set the <topic> tag inside <sensor> to a short topic name to make it easier when creating a ROS bridge later. The entire <sensor> tag should now look like:

<link name="imu_link">
  <sensor name="tb3_imu" type="imu">
      ... <!-- all the content of <imu> -->

Plugin in the original model

Similar to the IMU, we will use a generic plugin loaded into the world for handling all rendering sensors, which includes Lidar sensors. Currently the ray sensor type, which meant to use the physics engine for generator the sensor data, is not supported in the new Gazebo, we will need to update it to gpu_lidar. We'll also need to change the <ray> tag inside <sensor> to <lidar>. The frame_name parameter of the plugin will be handled by setting the gz_frame_id parameter in <sensor>. Lastly, we'll set the <topic> parameter similar to the IMU sensor. The final <sensor> tag for the Lidar should look like:

<sensor name="hls_lfcd_lds" type="gpu_lidar">
  <pose>-0.064 0 0.121 0 0 0</pose>
    ... <!-- same content as <ray> in the original -->

Plugin in the original model

The Camera sensor will also use a generic plugin that handles all rendering sensors loaded into the world. In the SDF file, we will set the <topic> and tag inside <sensor>, and the <camera_info_topic> inside <camera>, both of which will be used in the ROS bridge later. We will also set the <gz_frame_id> since the default frame id used by the generic plugin in the new Gazebo is different from the default used by libgazebo_ros_camera in Gazebo Classic. The final <sensor> tag should look like:

<sensor name="camera" type="camera">
  <camera name="intel_realsense_r200">
    ... <!-- all the content of <camera> from the original -->

Plugin in the original model

Since this is a model specific plugin, we will replace it with the DiffDrive plugin. We will match the parameters of libgazebo_ros_diff_drive as much as possible, but exact match may not be possible. For example, the original plugin has a max_wheel_acceleration, but gz-sim-diff-drive-system has max_linear_acceleration instead, which are not equivalent; the latter is a limit on the whole vehicle's linear acceleration. We can approximate the value by multiplying the wheel acceleration limit by the radius of the wheel. Refer to the DiffDrive class reference for details on each parameter. Here's the full <plugin> tag with comments describing the mapping from the original plugin.

<plugin filename="gz-sim-diff-drive-system" name="gz::sim::systems::DiffDrive">
  <!-- Remove <ros> tag. -->

  <!-- wheels -->

  <!-- kinematics -->
  <wheel_radius>0.033</wheel_radius> <!-- computed from <wheel_diameter> in the original plugin-->

  <!-- limits -->
  <max_linear_acceleration>0.033</max_linear_acceleration> <!-- computed from <max_linear_acceleration> in the original plugin-->

  <topic>cmd_vel</topic> <!-- from <commant_topic> -->

  <odom_topic>odom</odom_topic> <!-- from <odometry_topic> -->
  <frame_id>odom</frame_id> <!-- from <odometry_frame> -->
  <child_frame_id>base_footprint</child_frame_id> <!-- from <robot_base_frame> -->
  <odom_publisher_frequency>30</odom_publisher_frequency> <!-- from <update_rate>-->

  <tf_topic>/tf</tf_topic> <!-- Short topic name for tf output -->


The <wheel_torque> parameter can be realized by setting effort limits on each <joint>. For example:

<joint name="wheel_right_joint" type="revolute">
  <pose>0.0 -0.144 0.023 -1.57 0 0</pose>
    <xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
      <effort>20</effort> <!-- from <wheel_torque> in>

Plugin in the original model

We will replace this plugin as well with JointStatePublisher. The parameters are mostly similar, however, the <update_rate> parameter is not supported. Here's the full <plugin> tag with comments describing the mapping from the original plugin.

<plugin filename="gz-sim-joint-state-publisher-system"
  <topic>joint_states</topic> <!--from <ros><remapping> -->

World plugins

As mentioned earlier, sensors are handled by generic world level plugins.

By default, if there are no world plugins specified, Gazebo adds the Physics, SceneBroadcaster, and UserCommands plugins. However, if we specify any plugins at all, Gazebo will assume we want to override the defaults, so will not add any default plugins.

Therefore, we have to add the additional plugins for IMU and Lidar sensors as well as the ones that would have been added by default. We will once again edit turtlebot3_gazebo/worlds/ add the following right after <world name="default">.


Bridge ROS topics

In Gazebo Classic, communication with ROS is enabled by plugins in gazebo_ros_pkgs that directly interface with the simulator. In contrast, in the new Gazebo, communication with ROS is mainly done through topic bridges provided by ros_gz. The bridge node is a generic node that bridges topics between gz-transport and ROS 2.

To create the bridge, we'll use a yaml file that contains the topic names and their mappings. We'll add a new directory params in turtlebot3_gazebo and create turtlebot3_waffle_bridge.yaml with the following content:

# gz topic published by the simulator core
- ros_topic_name: "clock"
  gz_topic_name: "clock"
  ros_type_name: "rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.Clock"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

# gz topic published by JointState plugin
- ros_topic_name: "joint_states"
  gz_topic_name: "joint_states"
  ros_type_name: "sensor_msgs/msg/JointState"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.Model"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

# gz topic published by DiffDrive plugin
- ros_topic_name: "odom"
  gz_topic_name: "odom"
  ros_type_name: "nav_msgs/msg/Odometry"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.Odometry"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

# gz topic published by DiffDrive plugin
- ros_topic_name: "tf"
  gz_topic_name: "tf"
  ros_type_name: "tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.Pose_V"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

# gz topic subscribed to by DiffDrive plugin
- ros_topic_name: "cmd_vel"
  gz_topic_name: "cmd_vel"
  ros_type_name: "geometry_msgs/msg/Twist"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.Twist"
  direction: ROS_TO_GZ

# gz topic published by IMU plugin
- ros_topic_name: "imu"
  gz_topic_name: "imu"
  ros_type_name: "sensor_msgs/msg/Imu"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.IMU"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

# gz topic published by Sensors plugin
- ros_topic_name: "scan"
  gz_topic_name: "scan"
  ros_type_name: "sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.LaserScan"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

# gz topic published by Sensors plugin (Camera)
- ros_topic_name: "camera/camera_info"
  gz_topic_name: "camera/camera_info"
  ros_type_name: "sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo"
  gz_type_name: "gz.msgs.CameraInfo"
  direction: GZ_TO_ROS

The completed yaml file can be found here. Each entry in the yaml file has a ROS topic name, a Gazebo topic name, a ROS data/message type, and a direction which indicates which way messages flow. We will need to update the CMakeLists.txt file to install the new params directory we created. The CMake install command should look like

install(DIRECTORY launch models params rviz urdf worlds

Finally, we will edit turtlebot3_gazebo/launch/, to create the bridge node:

bridge_params = os.path.join(

start_gazebo_ros_bridge_cmd = Node(

You might have noticed that in the bridge parameters, we did not include the camera/image_raw topic. While it is possible to bridge the image topic in a similar manner as all the other topics, we will make use of a specialized bridge node, ros_gz_image, which provides a much more efficient bridge for image topics. We'll add the following snippet to turtlebot3_gazebo/launch/

start_gazebo_ros_image_bridge_cmd = Node(

Finally, we will add all new the actions to the list of LaunchDescriptions returned by the generate_launch_description function

# ...

# Add the action to `ld` toward the end of the file


You can find the Gazebo Classic file here, and the updated Gazebo file here.

We are now ready to launch the empty world which spawns the waffle robot and sets up the bridge so that we can communicate with it from ROS 2.

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo

Here's a screenshot of Turtlebot3 running in Gazebo obtained by launching The Lidar visualization is enabled by adding the "Visualize Lidar" GUI plugin (see tutorial on how to add GUI plugins).

Screenshot of turtlebot 3 running in Gazebo

It is also now possible to do the SLAM and Navigation tutorials from the Turtlebot3 manual (make sure to select the Humble tab). However, it requires updating and files according what we've discussed in this tutorial. For reference, those files have also been migrated in this fork.

Migrating other files in turtlebot3_gazebo

This tutorial does not cover all aspects of migrating models and launch files from Gazebo classic. Please see the Gazebo Classic Migration document for more resources that help with migrating other aspects, such as Gazebo Classic plugins, materials and textures.