untl [-i INTERVAL] [-l LIMIT] [-r RETVAL] [other options] command
whle [-i INTERVAL] [-l LIMIT] [-r RETVAL] [other options] command
repeat [-i INTERVAL] [-l LIMIT] [-r RETVAL] [other options] command
untl calls a process until it is successful.
whle calls a process while it is sucessful, in other words, until it fails.
repeat calls a process repeatedly.
- -h, --help
Shows help
- -v, --version
Shows version
- -u, --untl
Forces untl behavior (default when program name is different from whle or repeat)
- -w, --whle
Forces whle behavior (default when program name is whle)
- --repeat
Forces repeat behavior (default when program name is repeat)
- -r, --retval=RETVAL
Runs a processes until (or while) the return value equals RETVAL when in untl or whle mode. When in repeat mode, this option has no effect.
- -i, --interval=INTERVAL
Sets the interval, in seconds, of each try. Default is 1. This option does accept floating point values.
- -l, --limit=LIMIT
Limit the number of tries. 0 for unlimited (the default)
untl ping example.com
Tries to ping example.com until it is successful.
untl ls /var/spool/printer
Tries to list contents of /var/spool/printer until it is successful.
untl mount /dev/cd /mnt/cdrom
Tries to mount a cd device several times until sucess.
When passing multiple ambiguous options, the last one has overrides the previous ones (this is useful when aliasing commands).
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