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Command Line Interface

This tool combines all of rush's backends and packages them in an easy-to-use CLI.


A Note on LLVM

  • Since the LLVM compiler backend requires a valid LLVM installation, the llvm feature is disabled by default.


  • Clone the rush repository
  • Navigate to the CLI directory
  • Install the CLI
git clone && \
cd rush/crates/rush-cli && \
cargo install --path=.

With the Additional LLVM Feature

Note: A valid LLVM installation is required. For detailed instructions, please refer to the Inkwell crate.

git clone && \
cd rush/crates/rush-cli && \
cargo install --path=. -F llvm


  • Prerequisite: A file ending in .rush and a valid CLI installation
  • After installation, the rush-cli command should be available


  • If the command is executed, a list of possible backends is displayed
  • Any of these backends can be set
  • An optional output name can be set using the -o filename flag
rush-cli build fib.rush --backend=your-backend

Example: Compilation using RISC-V / x86_64

rush-cli build fib.rush --backend=risc-v -o my_output
# x86_64:
rush-cli build fib.rush --backend=x86-64 -o my_output
  • Now, there is a file named my_output and one named my_output.s
  • The former is an executable binary, the latter is the generated assembly file


  • If the command below is executed, a list of available run-backends is displayed
  • Any of these backends may be used in order to run the rush program
rush-cli run fib.rush --backend=your-backend

Example: Running a rush Program

rush-cli run fib.rush --backend=risc-v
# VM
rush-cli run fib.rush --backend=vm
# Tree-walking interpreter
rush-cli run fib.rush --backend=tree
  • All of these run-commands will omit any output files as temporary directories are used for the build artifacts