Fritzing diagram: docs/breadboard/kinect-arm-controller.fzz
Run this example from the command line with:
node eg/kinect-arm-controller.js
var five = require("johnny-five");
* PVector is a slightly-ported version of
* Processing's PVector.
var PVector = require("./pvector").PVector;
* To run this program you must first install
* libusb and OpenNI... Good luck with that.
* Two sets of instructions are available:
* -
* -
var OpenNI = require("openni");
* Skeletons
* @type Array An array of completed skeletons
var Skeletons = [];
var status = {
true: "IN FRAME",
false: "OUT OF FRAME"
var board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
var servos = {
rotator: new five.Servo({
pin: 6,
range: [0, 180],
startAt: 90
upper: new five.Servo({
pin: 9,
range: [0, 180],
startAt: 180
fore: new five.Servo({
pin: 10,
range: [90, 180],
startAt: 90
var kinect = new OpenNI();
// For each declared Skeleton.Joints, bind
// an event handler to the joint event by name.
Skeleton.Joints.forEach(function(joint) {
// When joint data is received, update the
// associated Skeleton's joints array
// with data for the given joint.
kinect.on(joint, function(id, x, y, z) {
var skeleton, vector;
skeleton = Skeletons[id];
if (skeleton) {
vector = skeleton.joints[joint];
if (vector) {
vector.x = x;
vector.y = y;
vector.z = z;
Skeleton.Events.forEach(function(type) {
kinect.on(type, function(id) {
var isPresence, skeleton;
// Limit the number of skeletons to one.
if (id !== 1) {
console.log("%s (%d)", type, id);
isPresence = ["newuser", "lostuser"].some(function(val) {
return val === type;
if (isPresence) {
skeleton = Skeletons[id];
if (!skeleton) {
skeleton = Skeletons[id] = new Skeleton();
skeleton.inFrame = type === "newuser" ?
true : false;
var last =;
var interval = 1000 / 30;
var rlow = 0;
var rhigh = 0;
var change = {
rotator: new Change(2),
upper: new Change(2),
fore: new Change(2),
void (function main() {
var joints, right, orientation, upper, fore, rotator, axis;
var now =;
if (now < last + interval) {
last = now;
var values = {
upper: 0,
fore: 0,
rotator: 0
var angles = {
upper: 0,
fore: 0
if (Skeletons.length && (joints = Skeletons[1].joints)) {
upper = joints.right_shoulder;
fore = joints.right_elbow;
rotator = joints.right_hand;
axis = joints.right_hip;
if (upper && fore && rotator && axis) {
right = {
upper: new PVector(upper.x, upper.y),
fore: new PVector(fore.x, fore.y),
rotator: new PVector(rotator.x, rotator.y),
axis: new PVector(axis.x, axis.y)
orientation = {
torso: PVector.sub(right.upper, right.axis),
arm: PVector.sub(right.fore, right.upper)
if (rlow === 0 || rlow > rotator.z) {
rlow = Math.round(rotator.z);
if (rhigh === 0 || rhigh < rotator.z) {
rhigh = Math.round(rotator.z);
angles.upper = Math.round(
angleOf(right.fore, right.upper, orientation.torso)
angles.fore = Math.round(
angleOf(right.rotator, right.fore, orientation.arm)
values.upper = scale(angles.upper, 0, 180, 180, 0);
values.fore = scale(angles.fore, 180, 0, 90, 180);
// When the elbow/hand are higher then the shoulder,
// flip the scaled rotator value.
values.rotator = values.upper < 110 && values.fore > 110 ?
scale(rotator.z, rlow, rhigh, 180, 0) :
scale(rotator.z, rlow, rhigh, 0, 180);
// Once all of the Kinect joint vectors have been
// calculated and scaled to a value in degrees,
// do a final check to ensure that a move is worth
// making and if so, set the servo position
if (change.rotator.isNoticeable(values.rotator)) {;
if (change.upper.isNoticeable(values.upper)) {;
if (change.fore.isNoticeable(values.fore)) {;
// References
* Joint
* @param {Object} initializer { [x, [y, [z]]] }
function Joint(initializer) {
Object.assign(this, Joint.DEFAULTS, initializer || {});
Joint.DEFAULTS = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0
* Skeleton
* Initialize a "collection" of Joint objects
* as a cohesive data type
* @param {Object} initializer { joints = {} }
function Skeleton(initializer) {
* skeleton {
* joints, kinect
* }
this, Skeleton.DEFAULTS, initializer || {}
// Initialize each declared Joint in Skeleton.Joints
Skeleton.Joints.forEach(function(joint) {
this.joints[joint] = new Joint();
}, this);
Skeleton.DEFAULTS = {
inFrame: false,
joints: {}
Skeleton.Joints = [
Skeleton.Events = [
* Change
* Produces change "tracking" instances
* to determine if a given value has changed
* drastically enough
function Change(margin) {
this.last = 0;
this.margin = margin || 0;
* isNoticeable
* Determine if a given value has changed
* enough to be considered "noticeable".
* @param {Number} value [description]
* @param {Number} margin Optionally override the
* change instance's margin
* @return {Boolean} returns true if value is different
* enough from the last value
* to be considered "noticeable"
Change.prototype.isNoticeable = function(value, margin) {
margin = margin || this.margin;
if (!Number.isFinite(value)) {
return false;
if ((value > this.last + margin) || (value < this.last - margin)) {
this.last = value;
return true;
return false;
* scale Alias
var scale = five.Fn.scale;
* angleOf
* Produce the angle of 2 vectors on a given axis.
* @param {PVector} vec1
* @param {PVector} vec2
* @param {PVector} axis
* @return {Number} Radians converted to degrees
function angleOf(vec1, vec2, axis) {
return PVector.degrees(
PVector.sub(vec2, vec1), axis
Assembled Robotic Arm from LynxMotion
Illustrates arm joint connections.
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Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Rick Waldron [email protected] Licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Johnny-Five Contributors Licensed under the MIT license.