- event metrics to better understand language usage #134
- misc project tidying and cleanup #135 #136
- xml path issue related to upstream parser fixed #133
- Architecture Revamp: focus on caching and performance #117
- Module: Revamp gutters / core loop into new CoverageService #116
- Module: Revamp Coverage into LcovParser #115
- Module: Revamp Coverage Renderer #114
- Module: Revamp extension setup and initialization #118
- Module: Revamp File Loader #127
- Update dependencies #110
- Update documentation and readme #111
- Donate link doesnt have svg in readme in extension search #128
- It doesnt live reload on icov update when 2 panes #109
- Multi root workspace 100% cpu issue
- Windows xml support issue with cobertura
- Misc bugs related to code execution
- Multi Workspace support for extension
- Add new readme content
- Add quick pick items for multiple file paths
- Update extension info
- xml lcov file support, full and no line coverage reporting with all existing options (no partial at this time)
- Add new readme content
- Update changelog file
- Update extension info, add xml coverage file support feature
- fix bug where dots in file path would prevent lcov finding
- fix bug regarding break points and coverage extension
- cleanup preview feature media
- cleanup analytics event naming
- fixed a critical issue with the lcov report preview for unix type systems
- allow multiple lcov files and choose between them with a picker
- preview lcov report html files inside vscode
- cleanup outstanding errors and bugs (parse string, document undefined)
- update readme info
- update readme badges
- cleanup readme and add a buy me a coffee button (donate)
- updated dark theme colours and icons
- show gutters only show option on by default, added metrics for learning
- added more test coverage to config component
- added customization option for the status bar toggler
- fixed a bug related to excluding files in vscode and having the extension not be able to find the lcov file
- added statusbar action button
- combined watch editors and watch coverage into one command
- added a remove watchers command
- refactored gutters to use dependency injection
- cleanup tests and add new ones
- added file watch and render feature
- added metrics for vscodeVersion
- use environment variables for ga tracking id
- cleanup tests
- added keybindings and shortcuts
- added metrics
- added options to display only gutter, line or ruler (or combo)
- display errors and no coverage in message popup
- added lcov watch functionality
- added enhanced lcov coverage (full, partial and none options)
- added option to use relative path comparison
- fixed changelog link
- increase test coverage
- true gutter indicators
- contribution doc
- refactor gutters to be more testable
- colour updates
- context menu additions
- icon resizing
- minor doc tweaks
- cleanup default colours and use rgba
- give the icon a background
- display and remove lcov line coverage using commands
- modify highlight colour using workspace settings
- modify lcov name using workspace settings