This document discusses setting up local development for this project on your own personal Linux box.
We use Ubuntu 20.04 (ex. Windows Subsystem for Linux) as our development environment.
We use VS Code as our editor.
We use Python Hatch for this project.
Install python 3.8.
sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3.8-venv
It is wise to update pip at this time.
python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
We use Hatch to manage our development environment (and build process).
What is Hatch? "Hatch is a modern, extensible Python project manager."
You can easily install Hatch using pip.
pip install hatch
We advise running the following command once you've installed Hatch. This will ensure virtual environments exist within the Hatch project's directory.
This makes integrating with VSCode and other IDEs simpler.
hatch config set dirs.env.virtual ./venv
Once you have installed Hatch, we can jump right into our development environment using the following command.
hatch shell
At this point, running pip freeze
should reveal that all dependencies are installed for you!
In fact, you can grep for "-e " to ensure that this package is correctly installed in editable mode.
pip freeze | grep "-e "
A great place to start if there are issues with Getting Started, is to run hatch env prune
This will remove all Hatch-managed and restart fresh.
⚠ This will fail if any shells are using any of your hatch-managed venv(s).
ℹ Either
any currently opened shells that are using your hatch-managed venv(s).
We use "pyproject.toml" to define all dependencies for development and production.
In [project]
, there is the minimum list of packages required for installation: dependencies
This list should follow best practices, I.e.,
- do NOT pin specific versions, and
- do NOT specify sub-dependencies.
Hatch provides features to manage Development dependencies as well!
Within "hatch.toml" there is the [envs.default]
Pytest is used to automatically test this project. All tests are contained in the "tests" directory.
To run all the automated tests for this project, you can simply, "run
the coveragee
script provided by our Hatch default
environment," i.e.: hatch run coveragee
ℹ Review "hatch.toml" in this project's root to learn what other scripts are available!
ℹ Learn more by reading "Hatch Environments Scripts" documentation.
hatch run coveragee
===================== test session starts =====================
platform linux -- Python 3.x.y, pytest-6.x.y, py-1.x.y, pluggy-1.x.y
cachedir: $PYTHON_PREFIX/.pytest_cache
... omitted for brevity...