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Harnessing Satellite Data to Improve Social Assistance Targeting in the Eastern Caribbean{:target="_blank"} (with Sophia Chen, Flavien Moreau, and Joana Pereira), submitted
Political (Mis)selection: The Role of Historical Institutions{:target="_blank"} (with Shubhro Bhattacharya and Utsav Manjeer)
Development Research at High Geographic Resolution: An Analysis of Night Lights, Firms, and Poverty in India using the SHRUG Open Data Platform{:target="_blank"} (with Sam Asher, Toby Lunt, and Paul Novosad), World Bank Economic Review (2021)
Shifted Baselines Reduce Willingness to Pay for Conservation{:target="_blank"} (with Loren McClenachan, Shah Payal, and Sahan Dissanayake), Frontiers in Marine Science (2018)
The Proposed Park in Maine's North Woods: Preferences of Out-of-State Visitors{:target="_blank"} (with Sahan Dissanayake and Andrew Meyer), Maine Policy Review (2016)
Market Integration and Cost of Borders in Africa (with Robin Burgess, Ameet Morjaria, and Gerard Padró i Miquel)
Weather Shocks and Production Outcomes of Firms in Uganda (with Anton Reinicke and Yasuka Tateishi)