MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python, allowing to automatically produce a source code in C language that will be used to bypass antimalware before executing a metasploit payload.
New features:
1- Code fully reviewed and redrafted
2- Perfomance increase
3- A junkcode injection system has been added, it also allows to create functions containing junkcode (junkfunc).
4- Physical resources used with junkcodes can be duplicated with the intensity mode.
5- You can specify your own MsfVenom parameters.
6- You can now disable the Windows Firewall and updates.
7- You can steal a certificate and sign your executable with it.
8- Massive bug fix
- Latest version of Kali Linux
- The kali-rolling repository
- Python3
- Git clone this repository:
git clone
- cd into the MsfMania folder:
cd MsfMania
python3 -h
- Polymorphic C/C++ source code.
- x86/x64 staged/stageless windows payload meterpreter/shell.
- Local/Remote Thread Shellcode Injection.
- XOR encryption based key lenght.
- Sandbox/Antivirus Evasion.
- Junkcode/Junkfunc/Junkintensity.
- Run as Administrator.
- Executable customizable with an icon.
- Cross-compiler MinGW.
- Strip executable.
- Rar compression.
- Autorun Metasploit config
- Sign executable with spoofed certificate