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GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.
Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.
GTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off projects to complete application suites.
GTK is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the licensing terms for GTK, the GNU LGPL, allow it to be used by all developers, including those developing proprietary software, without any license fees or royalties.
Hashcat hashcat is the world's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting five unique modes of attack for over 200 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. hashcat currently supports CPUs, GPUs, and other hardware accelerators on Linux, Windows, and macOS, and has facilities to help enable distributed password cracking.
Kore is an easy to use web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C. Its main goals are security, scalability and allowing rapid development and deployment of such APIs.
libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. It was primarily developed for use by Node.js, but it's also used by Luvit, Julia, pyuv, and others.
Lwan is a high-performance & scalable web server for glibc/Linux platforms.
In development for almost 4 years, Lwan was until now a personal research effort that focused mostly on building a solid infrastructure for a lightweight and speedy web server:
- Low memory footprint (~500KiB for 10k idle connections)
- Minimal memory allocations & copies
- Minimal system calls
- Hand-crafted HTTP request parser
- Files are served using the most efficient way according to their size
- No copies between kernel and userland for files larger than 16KiB
- Smaller files are sent using vectored I/O of memory-mapped buffers
- Header overhead is considered before compressing small files
- Mostly wait-free multi-threaded design
- Diminute code base with roughly 7200 lines of C code
It is now transitioning into a fully working, capable HTTP server. It is not, however, as feature-packed as other popular web servers. But it is free software, so scratching your own itches and making Lwan hum the way you want it to is possible.
Nchan is a scalable, flexible pub/sub server for the modern web, built as a module for the Nginx web server. It can be configured as a standalone server, or as a shim between your application and hundreds, thousands, or millions of live subscribers. It can buffer messages in memory, on-disk, or via Redis. All connections are handled asynchronously and distributed among any number of worker processes. It can also scale to many Nginx servers with Redis.
netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring. It provides unparalleled insights, in real-time, of everything happening on the system it runs (including applications such as web and database servers), using modern interactive web dashboards.
netdata is fast and efficient, designed to permanently run on all systems (physical & virtual servers, containers, IoT devices), without disrupting their core function.
NumPy is the fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python. This package contains:
- a powerful N-dimensional array object
- sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
- tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
- useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities.
It derives from the old Numeric code base and can be used as a replacement for Numeric. It also adds the features introduced by numarray and can be used to replace numarray.
no-more-secrets is a command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
Skynet is a lightweight online game framework, and it can be used in many other fields.
Tox is a peer to peer (serverless) instant messenger aimed at making security and privacy easy to obtain for regular users. It uses NaCl for its encryption and authentication.