- It is recommended to choose
as the instance type. This would provide you with 64GB of RAM and 8 CPU-cores. - If an instance type with plenty of CPU-cores and a small amount of RAM is selected, make sure to override
in the mainCMakeLists.txt
to prevent launching too many jobs at the same time which will cause Vivado to fatally crash withfailed to allocate memory
error. - Do not use instance-specific ephemeral storage. This will lead to data loss (build directory) following a shutdown command issued by the automated build script. The instance types like
instead ofr5d
do not offer ephemeral storage and they usually are cheaper. - Choose appropriate AWS FPGA AMI version for your Deeppoint branch of choice. For SDx2019.1(branch
) the AMI version 1.7.0 should be selected and for Vitis2019.2(branchvitis_axi512
) the AMI version 1.8.1 should be selected(or the lastest one). - After terminating an instance, do not forget to manually delete detached EBS drives. Each FPGA AMI almost takes up 120GBs of SSD gp2 storage.
- Build the project on a powerful compute instance with FPGA AMI.
- Copy the build directory from the build server into a free tier t2.micro server.
- Convert the
file into*.awsxclbin
- Zip the whole modified build directory.
- Copy the zip file into the F1.2xLarge instance and run the host program with the first argument pointing to the
file's path.
# DO NOT use ephemeral storage(loses data after shutdown)
# Add extra storage of 20GBs of gp2 SSD for building the project
# https://objectivefs.com/howto/how-to-mount-instance-store-on-aws-ec2-instance-for-disk-cache
# Find the device name (normally nvme2n1 for FPGA AMI)
sudo mkfs.ext4 -E nodiscard /dev/nvme2n1
sudo mkdir /mnt/mydrive
sudo mount /dev/nvme2n1 /mnt/mydrive
sudo chown -R $USER /mnt/mydrive
cd /mnt/mydrive
mkdir 00_workspace
cd 00_workspace
sudo yum -y install centos-release-scl epel-release nano cmake3 zip htop
sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
sudo yum -y install devtoolset-7
#sudo pip install PasteBin #only for old commits of this repo
#sudo amazon-linux-extras install python3 #for the new pastebin script(1v1) and the bank_opt script. # python36 is already installed
sudo pip3 install requests
git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-fpga.git $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR
source /home/centos/src/project_data/aws-fpga/sdaccel_setup.sh
echo 'export AWS_PLATFORM=/home/centos/src/project_data/aws-fpga/SDAccel/aws_platform/xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1-04261818_dynamic_5_0/xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1-04261818_dynamic_5_0.xpfm' >> ~/.bashrc
#echo 'source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
cd /mnt/mydrive/00_workspace
git clone --recursive https://gitlab.com/salehjg/deeppoint-v1-fpga.git
cd deeppoint-v1-fpga
git checkout origin/axi512
git checkout axi512
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
# Check out config/CMakeLists.txt
# Enter username, pass and APIKEY for pastebin and DO NOT FORGET to turn on the pastebin agent(set to "1")
# use screen command to run the building script in the background in case of ssh disconnection.
# This command opens up a new subterminal
screen -S buildrun01
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
cmake3 ..
# Run the build script in this subterminal
sh autobuild_hw.sh
# Now press ctrl+A, then press D to send the subterminal to background
# Later, u can check to see if it's finished or not
screen -ls
screen -r buildrun01
# To terminate the subterminal from inside of the subterminal
# Press ctrl+D
First copy the build folder from your build server into the free tier server with FPGA AMI, then:
- Configure secret keys:
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: CSV Access key we just downloaded
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: CSV Access Key we just downloaded
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
- Convert the xclbin file to awsxclbin and upload it to S3:
source $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/sdaccel_setup.sh
cd into directory of your *.xclbin
sh $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/SDAccel/tools/create_sdaccel_afi.sh -xclbin=<YOUR *.xclbin FNAME ONLY WITH EXTENSION> -s3_bucket=myfpgabucket -s3_dcp_key=DCP -s3_logs_key=Log
You must get Successfully completed '/opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xclbincat'
at the end of the script's std_out.
- Wait until the process is finished:
First copy
from the output of the following command:
cat *afi_id.txt
aws ec2 describe-fpga-images --fpga-image-ids <FpgaImageId>
When the procedure is finished, you will not see "Code": "pending"
in the output anymore. The process usually takes an hour or two.
- Build the host side programs
make -j8
# this creates HostTest and DeepPointV1FPGA and a bunch of other CpuTests in build/test
- Run CpuTests to make sure everything is set
make test
- Copy the *.awsxclbin generated from the previous steps this the current build directory. Note that the *.xclbin is not needed and only the *.awsxclbin is enough.
- Run HostTest that just tests the real FPGA device with some data transfers on the used DDR banks. (without any kernel launches)
sudo sh
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
./HostTest DeepPointV1FPGA_hw.awsxclbin
- Run the project
sudo sh
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
sh LaunchDeepPointV1FPGA.sh #select mode 3
# this runs the project using selected modelarch and logs the host side program's output in DeepPointV1FPGA_Host_Log.txt