Thanks @VidurMalik
- use schema definition in nested items array
- exclude keys for nil(blank) nested objects
- allow arbitrary key/values for a nested object without properties definition in the schema
- from_hash/from_json creates objects from nested object/array definitions
- allow $refs to include plain schema file name without #suffix
- add :reader option for Obj.as_schema_hash to use a custom reader instance(with its own schema registry), instead of the global one
- object.as_schema_hash converts values to types defined in the schema e.g strings, integers
- Object.from_hash casts object(json) field values into their ruby type for string, integer, date, date-time
- add from_json method to attributes module, to create new objects from a json string
- remove as_json method(alias of as_schema_json) conflicting with active_resource/active_record. Nothing stops one from using/aliasing it in his own code.
- handle circular dependencies in $ref arguments, so schema.to_h always resolves $refs properly
- add Schema class to represent a single schema, replaces simple Hash usage. Potentially breaks usage if you've gone crazy with Hash methods in your client.
- refactor Reader to de-reference all pointers when initialized
- remove :exclude_root option for object to schema_hash BREAKING change if you want nesting define your schema accordingly
- add :links option for object to schema_hash, to include the links inline in an object
- support items definition for array type properties - BREAKING you must change old simple property definitions
- support oneOf definitions
- add $ref resolver to merge property definitions from another file
- allow all object properties in link href placeholders => contacts/{id}/{number}
- add base_url option to schema hash creation. Prepends an url to all links of a rendered object
- add to_schema_json for simpler model to json conversion
- add option to exclude_root in to_schema hash method
- has_schema_attr :schema=>{schema as ruby hash} allow pass a schema as hash
- SchemaTools::Reader.read('name', {Schema Hash}|'String Path' ) init a schema from hash additionally to passing a string as schema path
- rails 4 (ActiveModel) compatibility
- Testing with different ActiveModel Versions
- add validations for classes generated by KlassFactory
- initial version with reader, hasher, params cleaner, attributes module