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1003 lines (993 loc) · 23.7 KB

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1003 lines (993 loc) · 23.7 KB


Ever wondered what would happen if you replaced all the words of a webpage with their emoji equivalent, like t-rex replaced with 🦖, and dolphin replaced with 🐬? Well look no further, I've created this Chrome Extension so you don't have to.


emojify demo

The Chrome Extension replaces single word emojis in the p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 tags.

Resources needed to complete project

Words to Emoji Mappings

These mapppings can also be found on emojis.json.

    "100": "💯",
    "1234": "🔢",
    "grinning": "😀",
    "smiley": "😃",
    "smile": "😄",
    "grin": "😁",
    "laughing": "😆",
    "satisfied": "😆",
    "rofl": "🤣",
    "joy": "😂",
    "wink": "😉",
    "blush": "😊",
    "innocent": "😇",
    "kissing": "😗",
    "relaxed": "☺️",
    "yum": "😋",
    "hugs": "🤗",
    "thinking": "🤔",
    "expressionless": "😑",
    "smirk": "😏",
    "unamused": "😒",
    "grimacing": "😬",
    "relieved": "😌",
    "pensive": "😔",
    "sleepy": "😪",
    "sleeping": "😴",
    "mask": "😷",
    "sunglasses": "😎",
    "confused": "😕",
    "worried": "😟",
    "hushed": "😯",
    "astonished": "😲",
    "flushed": "😳",
    "frowning": "😦",
    "anguished": "😧",
    "fearful": "😨",
    "cry": "😢",
    "sob": "😭",
    "scream": "😱",
    "confounded": "😖",
    "persevere": "😣",
    "disappointed": "😞",
    "sweat": "😓",
    "weary": "😩",
    "triumph": "😤",
    "rage": "😡",
    "pout": "😡",
    "angry": "😠",
    "imp": "👿",
    "skull": "💀",
    "hankey": "💩",
    "poop": "💩",
    "shit": "💩",
    "ghost": "👻",
    "alien": "👽",
    "robot": "🤖",
    "kiss": "💋",
    "cupid": "💘",
    "heartpulse": "💗",
    "heartbeat": "💓",
    "heart": "❤️",
    "anger": "💢",
    "boom": "💥",
    "collision": "💥",
    "dizzy": "💫",
    "dash": "💨",
    "hole": "🕳️",
    "bomb": "💣",
    "zzz": "💤",
    "wave": "👋",
    "hand": "",
    "v": "✌️",
    "metal": "🤘",
    "fu": "🖕",
    "+1": "👍",
    "thumbsup": "👍",
    "-1": "👎",
    "thumbsdown": "👎",
    "fist": "",
    "facepunch": "👊",
    "punch": "👊",
    "clap": "👏",
    "handshake": "🤝",
    "pray": "🙏",
    "selfie": "🤳",
    "muscle": "💪",
    "leg": "🦵",
    "foot": "🦶",
    "ear": "👂",
    "nose": "👃",
    "brain": "🧠",
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    "boy": "👦",
    "girl": "👧",
    "adult": "🧑",
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    "woman": "👩",
    "bow": "🙇",
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    "shrug": "🤷",
    "student": "🧑‍🎓",
    "teacher": "🧑‍🏫",
    "judge": "🧑‍⚖️",
    "farmer": "🧑‍🌾",
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    "scientist": "🧑‍🔬",
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    "singer": "🧑‍🎤",
    "artist": "🧑‍🎨",
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    "astronaut": "🧑‍🚀",
    "firefighter": "🧑‍🚒",
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    "policeman": "👮‍♂️",
    "policewoman": "👮‍♀️",
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    "guardsman": "💂‍♂️",
    "guardswoman": "💂‍♀️",
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    "running": "🏃",
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    "dancers": "👯",
    "climbing": "🧗",
    "skier": "⛷️",
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    "golfing": "🏌️",
    "surfer": "🏄",
    "rowboat": "🚣",
    "swimmer": "🏊",
    "bicyclist": "🚴",
    "cartwheeling": "🤸",
    "wrestling": "🤼",
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    "couplekiss": "💏",
    "family": "👪",
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    "tiger2": "🐅",
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    "pig2": "🐖",
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    "mammoth": "🦣",
    "rhinoceros": "🦏",
    "hippopotamus": "🦛",
    "mouse": "🐭",
    "mouse2": "🐁",
    "rat": "🐀",
    "hamster": "🐹",
    "rabbit": "🐰",
    "rabbit2": "🐇",
    "chipmunk": "🐿️",
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    "hedgehog": "🦔",
    "bat": "🦇",
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    "koala": "🐨",
    "sloth": "🦥",
    "otter": "🦦",
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    "kangaroo": "🦘",
    "badger": "🦡",
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    "chicken": "🐔",
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    "penguin": "🐧",
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    "clock7": "🕖",
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    "clock830": "🕣",
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    "clock1130": "🕦",
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    "mega": "📣",
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    "accordion": "🪗",
    "guitar": "🎸",
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    "printer": "🖨️",
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    "abacus": "🧮",
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    "receipt": "🧾",
    "chart": "💹",
    "envelope": "✉️",
    "email": "📧",
    "e-mail": "📧",
    "package": "📦",
    "mailbox": "📫",
    "postbox": "📮",
    "pencil2": "✏️",
    "pen": "🖊️",
    "paintbrush": "🖌️",
    "crayon": "🖍️",
    "memo": "📝",
    "pencil": "📝",
    "briefcase": "💼",
    "date": "📅",
    "calendar": "📆",
    "clipboard": "📋",
    "pushpin": "📌",
    "paperclip": "📎",
    "paperclips": "🖇️",
    "scissors": "✂️",
    "wastebasket": "🗑️",
    "lock": "🔒",
    "unlock": "🔓",
    "key": "🔑",
    "hammer": "🔨",
    "axe": "🪓",
    "pick": "⛏️",
    "dagger": "🗡️",
    "gun": "🔫",
    "boomerang": "🪃",
    "shield": "🛡️",
    "wrench": "🔧",
    "screwdriver": "🪛",
    "gear": "⚙️",
    "clamp": "🗜️",
    "link": "🔗",
    "chains": "⛓️",
    "hook": "🪝",
    "toolbox": "🧰",
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    "wales": "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿"

Usage Instructions

This Chrome Extension is not published to the Chrome Web Store, you need to install it in developer mode. You can find those instructions here

  1. Click on Extension Icon
    1. Enable\Disable emojification


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open up Chrome and go to the chrome://extensions/ page (Window → Extensions).
  3. Enable developer mode (if it's not already).
  4. Click on Load unpacked extension.
  5. Select the folder for this extension.

Keyboard Shortcut

Go to the bottom of the chrome://extensions/ page, click on Keyboard shortcuts and add the shortcut of your choice.
