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select left(d.description, 8) launch_date , substring(substring_index(description, '-', 2), 11) campaign , d.description , d.source_code , d.source_label , program , round(sum(COALESCE(e.sent)),0) sent , round(sum(COALESCE(e.opened)),0) opened , concat(round(sum(COALESCE(e.opened))/ sum(COALESCE(e.sent))*100,2), "%") open_rate , sum(COALESCE(e.clicked)) clicked , concat(round(sum(COALESCE(e.clicked)) / sum(COALESCE(e.sent))*100,2), "%") CTR , COALESCE(t.revenue_first_gifts,0) + COALESCE(t.revenue_one_time,0) revenue , (t.one_time_gifts + t.first_gifts) responses , concat(round((t.one_time_gifts + t.first_gifts) / sum(COALESCE(e.clicked))*100,2), "%") page_completion_rate , concat(round((t.one_time_gifts + t.first_gifts) / sum(COALESCE(e.sent))*100,4), "%") response_rate , t.revenue_one_time , t.one_time_gifts , t.revenue_first_gifts , t.first_gifts , t.revenue_recurring , t.recurring_gifts , COALESCE(t.revenue_first_gifts,0) + COALESCE(t.revenue_one_time,0) + COALESCE(t.revenue_recurring,0) total_revenue , t.total_gifts from ocean_conservancy_email_stats_by_source_code e left join frakture_ocean_conservancy_source_code_dictionary d on e.source_code = d.source_code left join ocean_conservancy_revenue_by_source_code t on e.source_code = t.clean_source_code -- where e.source_code like "18L%G%" group by source_code order by d.description desc