The recommended method is to use Pathogen. Install Pathogen as described here, then do:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && \ git clone
See Vundle.
git clone cd salt-vim && \ cp -r ftdetect ftplugin syntax ~/.vim/
Alternately, files can be copied into any other directory where Vim looks for
its runtime files, like /etc/vim/
. The command :set runtimepath
show all such paths. Read :help runtimepath
for more info.
You will also need to specify the following settings in your ~/.vimrc
syntax on
set nocompatible
filetype plugin indent on
Note: It's possible you may be presented with an error stating something similar to:
"E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: filetype plugin indent on"
If you get this, specify the following settings in your ~/.vimrc
syntax on
set nocompatible
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
Note that the default yaml highlighting that ships with vim is very slow with long lines (e.g., ssh keys, or certificates). You might want to switch to a faster yaml highlighter, like vim-yaml.
By default, the syntax file will search for the existence of a Jinja syntax
file (as described in the Jinja docs or via a Vim bundle) in the
, and load that if found. If it is not found, the Django
template syntax file (which is slightly different, but bundled with Vim) will
be used. You can force using either syntax file using the global variable
. If it is set, autodetection will be turned off.
Valid values:
- Use the Django syntax file.
- Use the Jinja syntax file, regardless of whether it exists or not.
Example section of ~/.vimrc
" Force using the Django template syntax file
let g:sls_use_jinja_syntax = 0
- Syntax file for editing YAML + Jinja SLS files.
Filetype plugin with good default config for SLS files. Configures suitable wrapping, folding and indenting. Added features:
- All tabs are converted to spaces.
- Tab key indents by 2 spaces.
- Comments are hardwrapped (with added leading
). This is done by settingformatoptions
. - <Space> key will try to fold/unfold an area.
- Visually selected block might be indented and unindented
by keys
, keeping the visual selection selected. - Improved indenting of YAML expressions with custom indenting function.
- Visual warning for non-ASCII characters (which are not allowed in YAML).
- Detect SLS files by the file extension
, andSaltfile
files by an exact filename match.