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Filtering Observables

DavidMGross edited this page May 21, 2013 · 27 revisions

This section explains operators you can use to filter and select elements from Observables.

  • filter() or where() — filter elements emitted by an Observable
  • takeLast() — only emit the last n elements emitted by an Observable
  • skip() — ignore the first n elements emitted by an Observable
  • take() — emit only the first n elements emitted by an Observable
  • sample() — emit items emitted by an Observable at a particular time interval
  • takeWhile() — emit items emitted an Observable as long as a specified condition is true
  • takeWhileWithIndex() — emit items emitted an Observable as long as a specified condition is true, then skip the remainder

filter() or where()

filter elements from an Observable sequence

You can filter a Observable, discarding any values that do not meet some test, by passing a filtering closure into the filter() method. For example, the following code filters a list of integers, emitting only those that are even (that is, where the remainder from dividing the number by two is zero):

numbers = Observable.toObservable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

Observable.filter(numbers, { 0 == (it % 2) }).subscribe(
  [ onNext:{ response.getWriter().println(it); },
    onCompleted:{ response.getWriter().println("Sequence complete"); },
    onError:{ response.getWriter().println("Error encountered"); } ]

Sequence complete

In addition to calling filter() as a stand-alone method, you can also call it as a method of a Observable object, so, in the example above, instead of

Observable.filter(numbers, { 0 == (it %2) }) ...

you could instead write

numbers.filter({ 0 == (it % 2) }) ...


only emit the last n elements emitted by an Observable

To convert a Observable that emits several objects into one that only emits the last n of these objects before completing, use the takeLast() method. For instance, in the following code, takeLast() emits only the last integer in the list of integers represented by numbers:

numbers = Observable.toObservable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

  [ onNext:{ response.getWriter().println(it); },
    onCompleted:{ response.getWriter().println("Sequence complete"); },
    onError:{ response.getWriter().println("Error encountered"); } ]

Sequence complete

In addition to calling takeLast() as a stand-alone method, you can also call it as a method of a Observable object, so, in the example above, instead of

Observable.takeLast(numbers,1) ...

you could instead write

numbers.takeLast(1) ...


ignore the first n elements emitted by an Observable

You can ignore the first n items emitted by a Observable and attend only to those items that come after, by modifying the Observable with the Observable.skip(n) method.

numbers = Observable.toObservable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

Observable.skip(numbers, 3).subscribe(
  [ onNext:{ response.getWriter().println(it); },
    onCompleted:{ response.getWriter().println("Sequence complete"); },
    onError:{ response.getWriter().println("Error encountered"); } ]

Sequence complete

In addition to calling skip() as a stand-alone method, you can also call it as a method of a Observable object, so, in the example above, instead of

Observable.skip(numbers, 3) ...

you could instead write

numbers.skip(3) ...


emit only the first n elements from an Observable sequence

You can choose to pay attention only to the first n values emitted by a Observable by calling its take(n) method. That method returns a Observable that will call a subscribing observer’s onNext closure a maximum of n times before calling onCompleted. For example,

numbers = Observable.toObservable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

Observable.take(numbers, 3).subscribe(
  [ onNext:{ response.getWriter().println(it); },
    onCompleted:{ response.getWriter().println("Sequence complete"); },
    onError:{ response.getWriter().println("Error encountered"); } ]

Sequence complete

In addition to calling take() as a stand-alone method, you can also call it as a method of a Observable object, so, in the example above, instead of

Observable.take(numbers, 3) ...

you could instead write

numbers.take(3) ...

If you call take(n) on a Observable, and that Observable emits fewer than n items before completing, the new, take-modified Observable will not throw an error, but will merely emit this same fewer number of items before it completes.


emit items emitted by an Observable at a particular time interval


emit items emitted an Observable as long as a specified condition is true


emit items emitted an Observable as long as a specified condition is true, then skip the remainder


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