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File metadata and controls

223 lines (185 loc) · 14.7 KB

MagellanMapper v1.6 Release Notes

MagellanMapper v1.6.0


  • Smoother, faster interactions with main plots, including atlas label name display, label editing, and pan and zoom navigation
  • Available as binary wheel to install without requiring the source code
  • Faster, lighter installation with fewer required dependency packages
  • Extends suppor to Python 3.11
  • Simpler entry point to launch MagellanMapper: mm
  • Supports ITK-Elastix for image registration
  • Atlases can be downloaded directly through BrainGlobe (see the new "Atlases" panel)
  • Atlas regions can be searched (see "Atlases > Region")
  • Atlas Editor planes can be reordered or turned off
  • Detection channels can be selected independently of the loaded image to overlay prior detections or compare channels (see "Detect > Chl")
  • Images can be viewed as RGB (see "ROI > Channels") or merged channels
  • Jupyter Notebook tutorial for running common tasks



  • Available as binary wheel to install without requiring the source code (#166)
  • Entry point added to launch the app by: mm (#166)
  • Conda install simplified to use Pip primarily, which reduces disk space usage (#166)
  • Removed Conda environment_light.yml (no GUI) and OS-specific specs (#187)
  • No-GUI (headless) install is now by default, with a new gui install group to include the GUI (#317)
  • Fixed instructions for installing by Pip in ZSH terminals (#485)


  • More preferences are saved, such as the figure save location and ROI Editor layout (#138, #201)
  • Drag and remove loaded profiles in the Profiles tab table
  • "Help" buttons added to open the online documentation (#109)
  • Default confirmation labels can be set before detection (#115)
  • Resets the labels reference file path when reloading an image in the GUI (#139)
  • BrainGlobe panel: access atlases hosted by BrainGlobe directly from the GUI (#75)
  • Registered image suffixes with variable endings (eg annotationEdgeLevel<n>) now show up in the dropdown boxes (#142)
  • Registered image and region names are truncated in the middle to prevent expanding the sidebar for long names (#147)
  • "Show all" in the Regions section of the ROI panel shows names for all labels (#145)
  • Atlas Editor planes can be reordered or turned off (#180)
  • EXPERIMENTAL: New viewer that displays each blob separately to verify blob classifications (#193)
  • Image adjustment
    • "Merge" option in the ROI panel to merge channels using additive blending (#492, #552)
    • "Blend" option in the image adjustment panel to visualize alignment in overlaid images (#89, #450)
    • Image adjustment channels are radio buttons for easier selection (#212)
    • Fixed synchronization between the ROI Editor and image adjustment controls after initialization (#142)
    • Fixed redundant triggers when adjusting the displayed image (#474)
  • Images are rotated by dynamic transformation (#214, #471, #505)
  • Smoother, faster interactions with main plots, including atlas label name display, label editing, and pan and zoom navigation (#317, #335, #359, #367)
  • Atlas labels adapt better in zoomed images to stay within each plot (#317)
  • Fixed to reset the ROI selector when redrawing (#115)
  • Fixed to reorient the camera after clearing the 3D space (#121)
  • Fixed to turn off the minimum intensity slider's auto setting when manually changing the slider (#126)
  • Fixed error window when moving the atlas level slider before a 3D image has been rendered (#139)
  • Fixed saving blobs in an ROI using the first displayed ROI or after moving the sliders without redrawing (#139)
  • Fixed browsing for files or directories in some environments (#201)
  • Fixed clearing the import path (#201)
  • Fixed saving additional, old figures when using the save shortcut (#256)
  • Fixed lag in zoom direction change (#359)
  • Fixed conflict between shortcut to add blob and jumping to ROI plane (ctrl+click) by changing the jump shortcut to j+click (#456)


  • The --proc export_tif task exports an NPY file to TIF format
  • the --transform interpolation=<n> configures the type of interpolation when resizing images during stack export (#127)
  • Any axis can be flipped through --transform flip=<axis>, where axis = 0 for the z-axis, 1 for the y-axis, and 2 for the x-axis (#147)
  • Density/heat maps can be specified through --reg_suffixes density=<suffix> (#129)
  • Write point files for corresponding-point-based registration (#195)
  • Quieter console output by default (#335)
  • Fixed to only remove the final extension from image paths, and paths given by the --prefix <path> CLI argument do not undergo any stripping (#115)

Atlas refinement

  • The atlas transformer (atlas_refiner.transpose_img) provides a more comprehensive set of typical transformations before atlas refinement or registration, such as rotation to any angle, flipping along any axis, and resizing (#195, #214)
  • Edge/perimeter thickness can be customized (#307)
  • Fixed groupwise registration for current atlas profiles, turned off default cropping (#444)

Atlas registration

  • Image registration now supports multiple labels images given as --reg_suffixes annotation=<suffix1>,<suffix2>,..., which will apply the same transformation to each of these images (#147)
  • Landmark distance measurements save the raw distances and no longer require spacing (#147)
  • Masks with angle planes can be constructed (#252)
  • register.RegImgs is a data class to track registered images (#335)
  • Supports image I/O and registration through ITK
    • ITK-Elastix support has been added as an alternative to SimpleITK (#495, #500, #504)
    • Both libraries are now optional rather than required dependencies (#497)
    • Better support for image direction metadata (#497)
  • Fixed changes to large label IDs during registration (#303)

Cell detection

  • Detection channels can be selected, including those not in the currently displayed image or loaded from a saved blobs file (#121, #449)
  • Auto-scrolls the detections table to the selected annotation (#109)
  • ctrl+[n]+click to add a channel now sets the channel directly to n rather than to the nth seleted channel (#109)
  • Added a slider to choose the fraction of 3D blobs to display (#121)
  • Improved blob size slider range and readability (#121)
  • Blob columns can be customized, including excluding or reordering columns (#133, #216, #449, #475)
  • Existing blob archives are backed up before saving (#216)
  • Basic spectral unmixing through channel subtraction (#458)
  • Fixed to scale blobs' radii when viewing blobs detections on a downsampled image (#121)
  • Fixed getting atlas colors for blobs for ROIs inside the main image (#121)
  • Fixed blob segmentation for newer versions of Scikit-image (#91)
  • Fixed verifying and resaving blobs
  • Fixed loading blobs in the GUI with no blobs in the ROI or channels selected (#216)
  • Match-based colocalization can run without the main image, using just its metadata instead (#117)
  • These colocalizations are now displayed in the 3D viewer (#121)
  • Specific match-based colocalizations channels can be set, eg --channels 0 2 (#451)
  • Fixed match-based colocalizations when no matches are found (#117, #120)
  • Fixed slow loading of match-based colocalizations (#119, #123)

Volumetric image processing

  • Match-based colocalizations use larger processing blocks to avoid gaps (#120)
  • Voxel density maps no longer require a registered image, or it can be used in place of full-size image metadata (#125, #226)
  • Grid search profiles are now layered on top of one another rather than applied in sequential runs for consistency with ROI and atlas profiles (#138)
  • Fixed 3D surface area measurement with Scikit-image >= v0.19


  • Images can be viewed and exported as RGB(A) using the RGB button or the --rgb CLI argument (#142, #445)
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Some TIF files can be loaded directly, without importing the file first (#90, #213, #242, #445)
  • The --proc export_planes task can export a subset of image planes specified by --slice, or an ROI specified by --offset and --size
  • Image metadata is stored in the Image5d image object (#115)
  • Better 2D image support
    • Extended zero-crossing detection to 2D cases (#142)
    • Unit factor conversions adapts to image dimensions (eg 2D vs 3D) (#132)
    • Fixed ROI padding during blob verification and match-based colocalization for 2D images (#380)
  • Multiple multiplane image files can be selected directly instead of relying on file auto-detection (#201)
  • openpyxl package is now optional during region export (#445)
  • Use core fonts in PDF/PS file exports to keep vector text (#486)
  • Fixed re-importing an image after loading it (#117)
  • Fixed to store the image path when loading a registered image as the main image, which fixes saving the experiment name used when saving blobs (#139)
  • Fixed parsing some metadata when importing files with Bio-Formats (#502)

Server pipelines

Python stats and plots

  • Generate swarm and category plots in Seaborn (#137, #253)
  • Color bars can be configured in ROI profiles using settings in Matplotlib, update dynamically, and no longer repeat in animations (#128)
  • New plot label sub-arguments (#135):
    • --plot labels err_col_abs=<col>: plot error bars with a column of absolute rather than relative values, now that Clrstats gives absolute values for effect sizes
    • --plot_labels background=<color>: change plot background color with a Matplotlib color string
    • --plot_labels vspan_col=<col> vspan_format=<str>: column denoting vertical span groups and string format for them, respectively (#135, 137)
    • --plot_labels rotation=<deg>: change rotation in degrees (#445)
  • 2D plot tasks
    • --plot_2d decorate_plot to add plot decorations such as title and axis labels (#457)
    • Tasks can be run programmatically as: plot_2d.main(plot_2d_type=<config.Plot2DTypes>) (#457)
  • The figure save wrapper (plot_support.save_fig) is more flexible (#215)
  • 2D plots can be set not to save (#445)
  • Discrete colormaps can use Matplotlib named colors and use them for symmetric colors (#226)
  • Vertical span labels adapt to the axes rather than data limits (#472)
  • Scatter plots support jitter and x-tick rotation (#486)
  • Fixed errors when generating labels difference heat maps, and conditions can be set through --plot_labels condition=cond1,cond2,... (#132)
  • Fixed alignment of headers and columns in data frames printed to console (#109)

R stats and plots

  • Specify models with the --model <stats.model> CLI argument (#135)
  • Effect size confidence intervals are now absolute rather than relative values for clarity (#135)
  • Region IDs file is no longer required since volume stats output from the Python pipeline already includes this region metadata (#132)
  • Added the diff.means stats model to simply give the difference of means between conditions (#135)
  • The revpairedstats profile is now revconds since it applies to reversing conditions in general, not just for paired stats (#132)
  • Stats errors are caught rather than stopping the pipeline (#132)
  • The labels reference path has been moved to an environment variable, which can be configured through --labels <path> (#147)
  • One-sample t-tests and Wilxocon tests and the Shapiro-Wilks test have been implemented in meansModel (#164, #470)
  • A basic NAMESPACE file is provided to fix installation and exporting functions (#303)
  • Linear regression intercept term can be toggled using the Intercept environment field, and r2 and intercept are exported (#445)
  • Fixed t-test, which also provides Cohen's d as a standardized effect size through the effectsize package (#135)
  • Fixed jitter plot box plots to avoid covering labels (#147)
  • Fixed model fitting (#240, #304)
  • Fixed plotting in PyCharm (#304)

Server pipelines

  • The server setup script now accepts -m [mount-path] to set a custom mount path target (#469)

Code base and docs

  • Blob column accessors are encapsulated in the Blobs class, which allows for flexibility in column inclusion and order (#133)
  • Settings profiles are being migrated from dictionaries to data classes to document and configure settings more easily (#138)
  • Jupyter Notebook as a tutorial for running various tasks in the CLI (#122)
  • Documentation is now hosted on ReadTheDocs, using the Furo theme (#225)
  • Default arguments are documented in API auto-docs (#485)
  • Expand continuous integration testing to both pinned and fresh dependencies across Python 3.6-3.11 (#75, #101, #252, #342, #538)

Dependency Updates

Python Dependency Changes

  • Python 3.10-3.11 are now supported (#379, #517)
  • Python 3.9 is the default version now that Python 3.6 has reached End-of-Life, and NumPy no longer supports Python 3.8 (#559)
  • Python 3.6 and 3.7 have been deprecated for removal in MM v1.7 and have separate pinned dependencies (envs/requirements_py3<n>) (#232, #379)
  • Custom dependency binaries are now built for Python 3.8-3.11 (#379)
  • The BrainGlobe Atlas API package (bg-atlasapi) dependency has been added to access a suite of cloud-based atlases (#75, #443, #498)
  • The dataclasses backport is installed for Python < 3.7
  • Tifffile is now a direct dependency, previously already installed as a sub-dependency of other required packages
  • Imagecodecs is optional for tifffile but required for its uses here as of tifffile v2022.7.28 and thus added as a dependency (#153)
  • Updated to use the axis_channel parameter in Scikit-image's transform.rescale function (#115)
  • Seaborn as an optional dependency for additional plot support (currently only swarm plots, #137)
  • Scikit-learn is an optional rather than a required dependency (#150)
  • The AWS-related dependencies (boto3, awscli) are now optional, installed in the aws group (#150, #379)
  • Mayavi/VTK are now optional, installed in the 3d group (#455)
  • The jupyter install group installs packages for running the Jupyter sample commands notebook in a Bash kernel (#122)
  • Missing dependencies are starting to use more consistent error messages and instructions (#226)
  • The SimpleElastix custom binaries are now built on SimpleITK with Elastix and is no longer a required dependency (#379, #501)
  • ITK-Elastix is now supported for image registration (#501)
  • Supports TraitsUI v8 (#510)
  • Fixed error on deprecated NumPy data type aliases (#364)
  • Fixed qt4 backend error by avoiding PyQt v5.15.8 (#431)

R Dependency Changes

  • effectsize is a suggested dependency for Cohen's d, used in t-tests (#135)

Server dependency Changes