Basic CosmWasm (v0.15) Smart Contracts - Demonstrates sending messages from one smart contract to another
Contains two subfolders:
- reflector: Smart Contract that simply reflects messages sent to itself on to another reflectee Smart Contract
- incrementor: Smart Contract that acts as a 'reflectee' and recieves reflected messages for execution from the 'reflector'
1.Store and Instantiate the reflector contract & note the contract_address
for both:
- Store:
terrad tx wasm store ./artifacts/reflector.wasm --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --gas=auto --fees=100000uluna --broadcast-mode=block
- Instantiate:
terrad tx wasm instantiate <code_id> '{}' --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --fees=100000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block
- Store and Instantiate the incrementor contract with a starting count of 42:
- Store:
terrad tx wasm store ./artifacts/incrementor.wasm --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --gas=auto --fees=100000uluna --broadcast-mode=block
- Instantiate:
terrad tx wasm instantiate <code_id> '{"count":42}' --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --fees=100000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block
- Set the reflectee address in the reflector contract's state:
terrad tx wasm execute <reflector_contract_addr> '{ "set_reflectee": { "reflectee": "<incrementor_contract_addr>" } }' --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --fees=100000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block
- Check that the reflector contract's state was updated correctly by querying it
terrad query wasm contract-store <reflector_contract_addr> '{"get_info":{}}'
- Using the refector's 'Reflect { msgs: Vec }', send an 'Increment {}' execute message to the reflectee contract
terrad tx wasm execute <reflector_contract_addr> '{"reflect":{"msgs":[<SubMsg>]}}' --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --fees=100000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block
- Send an 'GetCount {}' query message to the incrementor contract to check that the reflector forwarding worked
terrad query wasm contract-store <incrementor_contract_addr> '{"get_count":{}}'