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142 lines (112 loc) · 5.59 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (112 loc) · 5.59 KB


Send directly from share menu on iOS

I created an iOS shortcut to send images, files, folder, URLs
or text directly from the share-menu

Send directly from share menu on Android

The Web Share Target API is implemented.

When the PWA is installed, it will register itself to the share-menu of the device automatically.

Send directly via command-line interface

Send files or text with PairDrop via command-line interface.
This opens PairDrop in the default browser where you can choose the receiver.


pairdrop -h
Send files or text with PairDrop via command-line interface.
Current domain:

Open PairDrop:		pairdrop
Send files:		pairdrop file1/directory1 (file2/directory2 file3/directory3 ...)
Send text:		pairdrop -t "text"
Specify domain:		pairdrop -d ""
Show this help text:	pairdrop (-h|--help)

This pairdrop-cli version was released alongside v1.10.4


Linux / Mac

  1. Download the latest from the releases page
    wget ""
    curl -LO ""
  2. Unzip the archive to a folder of your choice e.g. /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/
    sudo unzip -d /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/
  3. Copy the file .pairdrop-cli-config.example to .pairdrop-cli-config
    sudo cp /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/.pairdrop-cli-config.example /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/.pairdrop-cli-config
  4. Make the bash file pairdrop executable
    sudo chmod +x /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/pairdrop
  5. Add a symlink to /usr/local/bin/ to include pairdrop to PATH
    sudo ln -s /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/pairdrop /usr/local/bin/pairdrop


  1. Download the latest from the releases page
  2. Put file in a preferred folder e.g. C:\Program Files\pairdrop-cli
  3. Inside this folder, copy the file .pairdrop-cli-config.example to .pairdrop-cli-config
  4. Search for and open Edit environment variables for your account
  5. Click Environment Variables…
  6. Under System Variables select Path and click Edit...
  7. Click New, insert the preferred folder (C:\Program Files\pairdrop-cli), click OK until all windows are closed
  8. Reopen Command prompt window


As Windows cannot execute bash scripts natively, you need to install Git Bash.

Then, you can also use pairdrop-cli from the default Windows Command Prompt by using the shell file instead of the bash file which then itself executes pairdrop-cli (the bash file) via the Git Bash. -h

Send multiple files and directories directly from context menu on Windows

Registering to open files with PairDrop

It is possible to send multiple files with PairDrop via the context menu by adding pairdrop-cli to Windows Send to menu:

  1. Download the latest from the releases page

  2. Unzip the archive to a folder of your choice e.g. C:\Program Files\pairdrop-cli\

  3. Inside this folder, copy the file .pairdrop-cli-config.example to .pairdrop-cli-config

  4. Copy the shortcut send with PairDrop.lnk

  5. Hit Windows Key+R, type: shell:sendto and hit Enter.

  6. Paste the copied shortcut into the directory

  7. Open the properties window of the shortcut and edit the link field to point to send-with-pairdrop.ps1 located in the folder you used in step 2:
    "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -File "C:\Program Files\pairdrop-cli\send-with-pairdrop.ps1"

  8. You are done! You can now send multiple files and directories directly via PairDrop:

    context menu > Send to > PairDrop


As Windows cannot execute bash scripts natively, you need to install Git Bash.

Send multiple files and directories directly from context menu on Ubuntu using Nautilus

Registering to open files with PairDrop

It is possible to send multiple files with PairDrop via the context menu by adding pairdrop-cli to Nautilus Scripts menu:

  1. Register pairdrop as executable via guide above.

  2. Copy the shell file send-with-pairdrop to ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ to include it in the context menu

    cp /usr/share/pairdrop-cli/send-with-pairdrop ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/
  3. Make the shell file send-with-pairdrop executable

    chmod +x ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/send-with-pairdrop
  4. You are done! You can now send multiple files and directories directly via PairDrop:

    context menu > Scripts > send-with-pairdrop

File Handling API

The File Handling API was implemented, but it was removed as default file associations were overwritten (#17, #116 #190) and it only worked with explicitly specified file types and couldn't handle directories at all.

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