- Create a Slack App.
- Check your newly created app in Dashboard
- Go back to Slack. Create a channel, give a name(ex: vacabot)
- In left side bar, choose Incoming Webhooks and Activate Incoming Webhooks.
Scroll down to Webhook URLs for Your Workspace and add a new one.It will take you new page which asks you to assign a channel where your bot can post messages.
- In side bar, choose Interactivity & Shortcuts. Enable it and add your ngrok url in Under URL
- In side bar, choose Slash Commands. Create New Command.
In Request URL add your ngrok url.
- In side bar, choose OAuth & Permissions. Now enable bot access. Copy Bot User OAuth Access Token for later use.
Scroll down in Scopes. Add these OAuth Scopes in Bot Token Scopes if not present:
chat:write, commands, groups:write, im:write, incoming-webhook, mpim:write