This project tries to make a sbt plugin for the awesome jib project from google.
Add the following lines in project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("de.gccc.sbt" % "sbt-jib" % "<sbt-jib-version>")
libraryDependencies += "" % "jib-core" % "<jib-core-version>"
You can find the latest jib-core
version in their release list.
sbt-jib |
jib-core |
name | type | description |
jibTarget | Option[File] | jib work directory |
jibBaseImage | String | jib base image |
jibBaseImageCredentialHelper | Option[String]] | jib base image credential helper cli name (e.g. ecr-login) |
jibJvmFlags | List[String]] | jib default jvm flags |
jibArgs | List[String]] | jib default args |
jibEntrypoint | List[String] | jib entrypoint |
jibImageFormat | JibImageFormat | jib default image format |
jibTargetImageCredentialHelper | Option[String] | jib target image credential helper cli name |
jibRegistry | String | jib target image registry (defaults to docker hub) |
jibOrganization | String | jib docker organization (defaults to organization) |
jibName | String | jib image name (defaults to project name) |
jibVersion | String | jib version (defaults to version) |
jibEnvironment | Map[String, String] | jib docker env variables |
jibPlatforms | Set[Platform] | jib platforms |
jibLabels | Map[String, String] | jib docker labels |
jibTcpPorts | List[Int] | jib docker exposed tcp ports |
jibUdpPorts | List[Int] | jib docker exposed udp ports |
jibTags | List[String] | jib image tags (in addition to jibVersion) |
jibUser | Option[String] | jib user and group to run the container as |
jibVolumes | List[String] | specifies a list of mount points on the container |
jibWorkingDirectory | Option[String] | the working directory in the container |
jibMappings | Seq[(File, String)] | jib additional resource mappings, formatted as <source file resource> -> <full path on container> |
jibExtraMappings | Seq[(File, String)] | jib extra file mappings / i.e. java agents (see above for formatting) |
jibJavaAddToClasspath | List[File] | Adds other files to the class path when using jibJava*. Serves as replacement for jibMappings and jibExtraMappings which don't work there. |
jibUseCurrentTimestamp | Boolean | jib use current timestamp for image creation time. Default to Epoch |
jibCustomRepositoryPath | Option[String] | jib custom repository path freeform path structure. The default repo structure is organization/name |
name | description |
jibDockerBuild | jib build docker image |
jibImageBuild | jib build image (does not need docker) |
jibTarImageBuild | jib build tar image |
jibJavaDockerBuild | jib build docker image, uses JavaContainerBuilder from jib-core |
jibJavaImageBuild | jib build image (does not need docker), uses JavaContainerBuilder from jib-core |
jibJavaTarImageBuild | jib build tar image, uses JavaContainerBuilder from jib-core |
There are a couple of ways to supply credentials to the image pull and push operations done by jib. The following sources are tested in order:
- Environment variables:
for pulling the base image,JIB_TARGET_IMAGE_USERNAME
for pushing the target image - SBT credentials: The plugin looks for a
entry that matches the host of the image registry - The
for credentials and credential helpers - A set of well known credential helpers
- The credential helpers supplied by
This snippet shows how to inject a Java Agent (Kanela) into a container via jibExtraMappings.
//...project stuff...
javaAgents += "io.kamon" % "kanela-agent" % "1.0.5" % "dist;runtime;compile"
//...project stuff...
jibBaseImage := "openjdk:11-jre"
jibName := "my-service"
jibRegistry := "some-ecr-repository"
jibUseCurrentTimestamp := true
jibCustomRepositoryPath := Some(jibName.value)
jibJvmFlags := List("-javaagent:/root/lib/kanela-agent.jar")
jibExtraMappings := {
//javaAgents, Modules and ResolvedAgent come from the sbt-javaagent plugin
val resolved = { agent =>
update.value.matching(Modules.exactFilter(agent.module)).headOption map {
jar => ResolvedAgent(agent, jar)
for {
resolvedAgent <- resolved.flatten
} yield {
resolvedAgent.artifact -> s"/root/lib/${}.jar"
jibTargetImageCredentialHelper := Some("ecr-login")
jibBaseImageCredentialHelper := Some("ecr-login")