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407 lines (274 loc) · 12.6 KB


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407 lines (274 loc) · 12.6 KB

1.12.1 (2019-11-20)

  • Fix error if mocker.patch is used in code where the source file is not available, for example stale .pyc files (#169).

1.12.0 (2019-11-19)

  • Now all patch functions also raise a ValueError when used as a context-manager. Thanks @AlexGascon for the PR (#168).

1.11.2 (2019-10-19)

  • The pytest introspection follows message is no longer shown if there is no pytest introspection (#154). Thanks @The-Compiler for the report.
  • mocker now raises a ValueError when used as a context-manager. Thanks @binarymason for the PR (#165).

1.11.1 (2019-10-04)

  • Fix mocker.spy on Python 2 when used on non-function objects which implement __call__ (#157). Thanks @pbasista for the report.


  • The object returned by mocker.spy now also tracks the return value of the spied method/function.


  • Fix plugin when 'terminal' plugin is disabled



  • Fix bug at the end of the test session when a call to patch.stopall is done explicitly by user code. Thanks @craiga for the report (#137).


  • Fix broken links and update README. Also the code is now formatted using black.


  • Add support for the recently added assert_called method in Python 3.6 and mock-2.0. Thanks @rouge8 for the PR (#115).


  • Add support for the recently added assert_called_once method in Python 3.6 and mock-2.0. Thanks @rouge8 for the PR (#113).


  • Add aliases for NonCallableMock and create_autospec to mocker. Thanks @mlhamel for the PR (#111).


  • Fix to correctly read the README.rst. Thanks @ghisvail for the fix (#107).


Incompatible change

  • pytest-mock no longer supports Python 2.6 and Python 3.3, following the lead of pytest and other projects in the community. Thanks @hugovk for the PR (#96).


  • Fix mock requirement in Python 2. Thanks @ghisvail for the report (#101).


  • Some tests in pytest-mock's suite are skipped if assertion rewriting is disabled (#102).


  • Fix UnicodeDecodeError during assert introspection in assert_called_with in Python 2. Thanks @AndreasHogstrom for the report (#91).


  • Provide source package in tar.gz format and remove obsolete


  • Fix mocker.resetall() by ignoring mocker objects which don't have a resetall method, like for example patch.dict. Thanks @jdavisp3 for the PR (#88).


  • The original assertions raised by the various Mock.assert_* methods now appear in the failure message, in addition to the message obtained from pytest introspection. Thanks @quodlibetor for the initial patch (#79).


  • New mocker.mock_module variable points to the underlying mock module being used (unittest.mock or mock). Thanks @blueyed for the request (#71).


  • New configuration variable, mock_use_standalone_module (defaults to False). This forces the plugin to import mock instead of unittest.mock on Python 3. This is useful to import a newer version than the one available in the Python distribution.
  • Previously the plugin would first try to import mock and fallback to unittest.mock in case of an ImportError, but this behavior has been removed because it could hide hard to debug import errors (#68).
  • Now mock (Python 2) and unittest.mock (Python 3) are lazy-loaded to make it possible to implement the new mock_use_standlone_module configuration option. As a consequence of this the undocumented pytest_mock.mock_module variable, which pointed to the actual mock module being used by the plugin, has been removed.
  • DEFAULT is now available from the mocker fixture.


  • Add support for Python 3.6. Thanks @hackebrot for the report (#59).
  • mock.mock_open is now aliased as mocker.mock_open for convenience. Thanks @pokidovea for the PR (#66).


  • Try to import mock first instead of unittest.mock. This gives the user flexibility to install a newer mock version from PyPI instead of using the one available in the Python distribution. Thanks @wcooley for the PR (#54).
  • mock.sentinel is now aliased as mocker.sentinel for convenience. Thanks @kjwilcox for the PR (#56).


  • From this version onward, pytest-mock is licensed under the MIT license (#45).
  • Now the plugin also adds introspection information on differing call arguments when calling helper methods such as assert_called_once_with. The extra introspection information is similar to pytest's and can be disabled with the mock_traceback_monkeypatch option. Thanks @asfaltboy for the PR (#36).
  • mocker.stub() now allows passing in the name for the constructed Mock object instead of having to set it using the internal _mock_name attribute directly. This is useful for debugging as the name is used in the mock's repr string as well as related assertion failure messages. Thanks @jurko-gospodnetic for the PR (#40).
  • Monkey patching mock module for friendlier tracebacks is automatically disabled with the --tb=native option. The underlying mechanism used to suppress traceback entries from mock module does not work with that option anyway plus it generates confusing messages on Python 3.5 due to exception chaining (#44). Thanks @blueyed for the report.
  • is now aliased as for convenience. Thanks @jhermann for the PR (#49).


  • Fix AttributeError with mocker.spy when spying on inherited methods (#42). Thanks @blueyed for the PR.


  • PropertyMock is now accessible from mocker. Thanks @satyrius for the PR (#32).
  • Fix regression using one of the assert_* methods in patched functions which receive a parameter named method. Thanks @sagarchalise for the report (#31).


  • Fix regression in frozen tests due to distutils import dependency. Thanks @The-Compiler for the report (#29).
  • Fix regression when using pytest-mock with pytest-2.7.X. Thanks @akscram for the report (#28).


  • pytest-mock now monkeypatches the mock library to improve pytest output for failures of mock call assertions like Mock.assert_called_with(). Thanks to @Chronial for idea and PR (#26, #27)!


  • New mocker.resetall function, which calls reset_mock() in all mocked objects up to that point. Thanks to @mathrick for the PR!


  • pytest-mock is now also available as a wheel. Thanks @rouge8 for the PR!


  • mock.ANY is now accessible from the mocker fixture (#17), thanks @tigarmo for the PR!


Thanks to @fogo, mocker.spy can now prey upon staticmethods and classmethods. 😄


  • Two new auxiliary methods, spy and stub. See README for usage. (Thanks @fogo for complete PR!)


  • Mock and MagicMock are now accessible from the mocker fixture, many thanks to @marcwebbie for the complete PR!



  • Small fix, no longer using wheel as an alternate package since it conditionally depends on mock module based on Python version, as Python >= 3.3 already includes unittest.mock. Many thanks to @The-Compiler for letting me know and providing a PR with the fix!


  • Small release that just uses pytest_mock as the name of the plugin, instead of pytest-mock: this makes it simple to depend on this plugin explicitly using pytest_plugins module variable mechanism.


  • Changed fixture name from mock into mocker because it conflicted with the actual mock module, which made using it awkward when access to both the module and the fixture were required within a test.

    Thanks @kmosher for request and discussion in #4. 😄


  • Fixed bug #2, where a patch would not be uninstalled correctly after patching the same object twice.


  • Added patch.dict support.


First release.