Run dogecoind on your server of choice to the moon. Designed for Ubuntu 12.04 x64.
(Kibble goes well with this repo. So kibble n bits. Maybs.)
If you would like some tip to this shibe: DJEBk3QoBGbNL7oWzXqvjgW1A9DuFKHs8q
Create a droplet on digital ocean and note the IP Address.
Then on your local machine, run the following.
git clone
cd ansible-dogecoind
cp dogecoin.conf.example dogecoin.conf
cp hosts.example hosts
Edit the dogecoin.conf
and hosts
Deploy using ansible. (install instructions for ansible are in requirements below.
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts
That's it. Now dogecoind is running on its own server.
Ansible is required.
cd /tmp
git clone git://
cd ./ansible
git checkout v1.4.3
sudo make install
sudo easy_install jinja2
sudo easy_install pyyaml
sudo easy_install paramiko
This project was originally built at's New Years Hackathon 2014. If wantz donate DRyL99xweAbB1QJggYif6wPTHnn6F35JJK