If compiling from a release source tarball, the additional dependencies are the source headers and library of the target scripting language (Python, Ruby or Perl).
If compiling from the gihub development tree, the swig wrapper files are not included. You need SWIG version >= 3.0 to generate the wrappers.
In the following, we use Python as the default target scripting
languages. The instructions are similar for other language by
replacing python
with perl
or ruby
Compilation from a release tarball:
./configure --enable-python-binding
Compilation from the github development tree:
./configure --enable-swig --enable-python-binding
There are 3 possibilities on where the binding will be installed:
If no
option is passed to./configure
, the library will be installed in the normal system directories, as defined at compilation time of Python (on my system that would be/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
). -
is used, then the binding is installed in$(prefix)/lib/python
. -
A directory for installation can be passed to
, like so:
./configure --enable-python-binding=$HOME/lib/python
Unless the bindings are installed in the default system directories (option 1 above), one must set environment variables for the scripting language to find the binding:
for PythonPERL5LIB
for Ruby
If the installation is successful and the environment is properly set, then the following should print OK:
python -c 'import mummer; print("OK")'
ruby -rmummer -e 'puts("OK")'
perl -Mmummer -e 'print("OK\n")'