A simple example showcasing Kafka usage with Scramjet platform.
As a part of this PR, 3 different directories are created for organizational purposes.
You will need 3 different terminal windows.
On the first terminal:
- setup kafka in a docker container
cd guides/kafka-setup
docker-compose up -d
- create 'scramjet' topic
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic scramjet
- run watcher for 'scramjet' topic, you will see here logs directly from kafka
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic scramjet --from-beginning
On the second terminal:
- run STH
DEVELOPMENT=1 sth --runtime-adapter=process
# DEVELOPMENT=1 will make STH output all logs
# --runtime-adapter=process will make STH run without docker
On the third terminal:
- build both of the samples. You can run the command below in the root directory of platform-samples which will build all samples, or you can run it separately inside kafka-transformer and kafka-consumer directories.
npm run build
- run consumer Sequence
💡 You need to pass 2 arguments to the Sequence: topic name and server name.
si seq deploy python/kafka-consumer/dist --args [{\"topic\":\"scramjet\"},{\"server\":\"\"}]
- run transform Sequence with exactly the same arguments
si seq deploy python/kafka-transformer/dist --args [{\"topic\":\"scramjet\"},{\"server\":\"\"}]
- send some data to the transformer Sequence, which will send it to the Kafka topic
si inst input -
# Now type anything into the terminal
- you should see the same output on both the first terminal (which shows logs from kafka) and the STH terminal. It should look like this
Topic name=scramjet, Message=b'test message'