This extension, provides syntax support for the Simple Domain Modeling Language (SDML).
Syntax highlighting is provided, based upon the existing TextMate grammar in the SDML.tmbundle repository.
Some of the TextMate bundle's snippets have been copied over as well.
The SDML command-line tool is integrated via the Terminal window. The available commands are:
- Draw Concept Diagram
- Draw Entity-Relationship Diagram
- Draw UML Class Diagram
Does not yet support formal constraints.
This can be directly installed from
- the Visual Studio marketplace
- the Extensions View within VSCode, search for 'sdml'
- The command line:
code --install-extension SimonJohnston.sdml
- or manually:
$ git clone
$ code --install-extension ./sdml-vscode
This package is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file for details.
- Fix: update README for 0.2.0
- Feature: add commands for drawing diagrams, accessible from the palette.
- Commands only available when editing an SDML file.
- Execute commands in a terminal window, this allows the user to learn the CLI.
- Feature: add settings for command-line executable name and default drawing format.
Initial release.