2.0.0 Beta 1
Dark mode! 🕶
A keymap can have multiple actions.
- 2 modes. The keys can all be pressed at the same time or one after another in a sequence.
- Keys can be limited to a specific external device, any device or the device the app is installed on.
- Double press support.
Constraints. Keymaps can be restricted to only work in certain situations. Constraints can be mixed in OR mode or AND mode.
- App in foreground
- App not in foreground
- Bluetooth device connected
- Bluetooth device not connected
The option to show the "performing action" toast has been moved to a toggle in each keymap.
The long press delay, double press timeout, sequence trigger timeout, action repeat delay, hold-down delay until actions are repeated and vibrate delay can be changed per keymap.
Modifier keys now affect Key and Keycode actions.
Keymaps which have modifier key actions now affect other keymaps and keys which aren't mapped.
Show the keycode number when picking a Keycode action.
Link to the Discord server in About.
Bug Fixes
App Shortcut actions now work properly!
The code base has completely changed so some bugs in 1.1.7 could have been fixed.
- Keymaps can only have one trigger. Any keymaps with multiple triggers will be split up into multiple keymaps.
- The in-app logger. Send Android bug reports instead.
- Showing the Input Method picker on Android 10 and newer because Android dropped support.