# Tomorrow Theme
After having spent over five years using, tweaking and refining a personal editor theme I decided it was time to release "Tomorrow Theme" - a bright theme with pastel colours and sensible syntax highlighting. 

A theme should not get in your way but should aid your programming with easily identifiable colours that add meaning and enhance legibility. This was the main focus when developing Tomorrow. 

## Take a look!
Tomorrow theme variations in shown in TextMate with Ruby code.  
![Ruby Code in Tomorrow Night](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night.png)
![Ruby Code in Tomorrow](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow.png)
![Ruby Code in Tomorrow Night Eighties](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Eighties.png)
![Ruby Code in Tomorrow Night Blue](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Blue.png)
![Ruby Code in Tomorrow Night Bright](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Bright.png)

## Supported Editors
* TextMate
* Vim (Full-colour and 256-colour)
* GNU Emacs
* Xcode 4
* Coda
* Eclipse
* Sublime Text 2 (Uses TextMate Themes)
* Redcar (Uses TextMate Themes)
* E TextEditor (Uses TextMate Themes)
* SubEthaEdit (Uses Coda Themes)
* BBEdit
* Ace Editor
* IntelliJ
* Visual Studio

## Hex Palettes

### Tomorrow Night
![Tomorrow Night](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Palette.png)

`#1d1f21` Background  
`#282a2e` Current Line  
`#373b41` Selection  
`#c5c8c6` Foreground  
`#969896` Comment  
`#cc6666` Red  
`#de935f` Orange  
`#f0c674` Yellow  
`#b5bd68` Green  
`#8abeb7` Aqua  
`#81a2be` Blue  
`#b294bb` Purple  

### Tomorrow

`#ffffff` Background  
`#efefef` Current Line  
`#d6d6d6` Selection  
`#4d4d4c` Foreground  
`#8e908c` Comment  
`#c82829` Red  
`#f5871f` Orange  
`#eab700` Yellow  
`#718c00` Green  
`#3e999f` Aqua  
`#4271ae` Blue  
`#8959a8` Purple

### Tomorrow Night Eighties
![Tomorrow Night Eighties](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Eighties-Palette.png)

`#2d2d2d` Background  
`#393939` Current Line  
`#515151` Selection  
`#cccccc` Foreground  
`#999999` Comment  
`#f2777a` Red  
`#f99157` Orange  
`#ffcc66` Yellow  
`#99cc99` Green  
`#66cccc` Aqua  
`#6699cc` Blue  
`#cc99cc` Purple

### Tomorrow Night Blue
![Tomorrow Night Blue](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Blue-Palette.png)

`#002451` Background  
`#00346e` Current Line  
`#003f8e` Selection  
`#ffffff` Foreground  
`#7285b7` Comment  
`#ff9da4` Red  
`#ffc58f` Orange  
`#ffeead` Yellow  
`#d1f1a9` Green  
`#99ffff` Aqua  
`#bbdaff` Blue  
`#ebbbff` Purple

### Tomorrow Night Bright
![Tomorrow Night Bright](https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme/raw/master/Images/Tomorrow-Night-Bright-Palette.png)

`#000000` Background  
`#2a2a2a` Current Line  
`#424242` Selection  
`#eaeaea` Foreground  
`#969896` Comment  
`#d54e53` Red  
`#e78c45` Orange  
`#e7c547` Yellow  
`#b9ca4a` Green  
`#70c0b1` Aqua  
`#7aa6da` Blue  
`#c397d8` Purple

## Language Support
The theme has been designed to be language independent and should look great with any language. However, if you find this isn't the case, just send me some sample code and I'll try to fix it!

## The Future?
I may be releasing other variations of this theme and will certainly be adding support for other more text editors/IDEs.