This is the description for the shadow DOM of the web component select-image.
The shadow DOM contains an image and two buttons. The buttons are grouped by an span element with the class imagecontrols.
<img alt="" />
<span id="imagecontrols" part="sit-select-image-toolbar">
<button id="selectImage" type="button"
<button id="clearImage" type="button" disabled="disabled"
The pseudo element ::part() can be used to design the shadow DOM. Since version 1.1 the alternative styling with custom properties isn't longer supported.
You can declare some elements in the shadow DOM as parts. With the pseudo element selector ::part() you can address such elements and style them.
The declared parts are…
The HTMLSpanElement acts as the container for the buttons.
The HTMLButtonElement to select a new image.
The HTMLButtonElement to reset the selected image.
There is an example for this on the demo page.