MongoDB shell implementation of the data mining algorithms.
git clone
cd mongodb-datamining-shell
mongoimport --db mongodbdm --collection weatherData --type csv --headerline --file dataset/weatherData.csv
mongo mongodbdm --eval "var inputCollectionName = \"weatherData\", target = \"play\"" datamining/classification/oner.js
mongoimport --db mongodbdm --collection iris --type csv --headerline --file dataset/iris.csv
mongo mongodbdm --eval "var inputCollectionName = \"iris\", k = 3" datamining/clustering/kmeans.js
Follow this tutorial to compare the results to the Weka Data Mining Software.
Data mining or also called knowledge discovery is a set of activities aiming at analyzing large databases and extracting extra information meaningful for decision making or problem solving.
Classification is one of the most common knowledge discovery task that consists in creating a model that predicts a target class based on explanatory variables.
OneR is a simple yet accurate classification algorithm that produces a one level decision tree.
For a visual description of the algorithm see OneR pseudocode.
Its oner.js MongoDB implementation takes as input two parameters:
- inputCollectionName - the collection used as training dataset
- target - the target class of the collection
mongo yourdatabase --eval "var inputCollectionName = \"yourcollection\", target = \"yourtargetclass\"" datamining/classification/oner.js
Example of a collection and its target class play: weather data.
- the target class must be a categorical variable with values Yes and No
- the explanatory variables must be categorical variables, numerical variables should be discretized in a small number of distinct ranges before running the algorithm
Clustering is the task of identifying and segmenting the instances into a finite number (k) of categories (clusters) which are not predefined (unlike classification).
K-Means is the classic clustering technique that partitions the instances into k clusters whereas k is predefined.
For an high level description of the algorithm see K-Means pseudocode.
Its kmeans.js MongoDB implementation takes as input two parameters:
- inputCollectionName - the collection used as training dataset
- k - the number of predefined clusters
mongo mongodbdm --eval "var inputCollectionName = \"yourcollection\", k = numberofclusters" datamining/clustering/kmeans.js
Example of a collection: iris data.
- the variables must be all numerical
- If a field in the collection is called "class", this is excluded from the computation, instead it will be printed in the result with the assigned cluster
- Hartigan, J. A. (1975) Clustering Algorithms, Probability & Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Holte, R. C. (1993) Very simple classification rules perform well on most commonly used datasets, Machine Learning, 11, pp 63-91
- Selvaggio, V. (2011) Customer Churn prediction for an Automotive Dealership using computational Data Mining, MSc dissertation, City University London
- UCI Machine Learning Repository University of California, School of Information and Computer Science