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Senseye iOS SDK


The Senseye SDK allows participants to complete a series of ocular tasks using the front facing camera on their iOS device. A series of tasks comprises a completed session. The SDK records video of the participant performing the task and uploads the videos to secured Amazon S3 storage for analysis.

Installation and Permissions

To install the Senseye iOS SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Senseye iOS SDK Swift package dependency to your app. You can find it at File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency > enter ""
  2. Import the SDK in your hosting view: import senseye_ios_sdk
  3. Usage of the SDK requires both Bluetooth and Camera Permissions. The iOS Platform requires them to be added to your App's Info.plist file. Below is a screenshot of adding the permissions to a sample app: permissions updates for ReadME iOS SDK (1)


1. Initialize

Once the SDK is properly imported to your hosting view, you can initialize it with the following:

var senseyeSDK = SenseyeSDK()


var senseyeSDK = SenseyeSDK(userID: String, taskIDs [SenseyeSDK.TaskID])

The initialization takes the following optional parameters:

  • userId: String -> Used to map session recording to post-processed reports. If required by your app, pass in a value that is unique to each participant completing a test session.

  • taskIds: [SenseyeSDK.TaskId] -> A list of tasks you will want a participant to complete in each test session.

    The following tasks are supported:

    1. hrCalibration -> 3 minute baseline recording of the participant's Heart Rate using an external BerryMed Pulse Oximeter Device.
    2. firstCalibration -> A participant is instructed to follow a small dot that will be displayed at 10 different locations. Each dot is displayed for 2.5 sec, for a total task time of 25 sec.
    3. affectiveImageSets -> A participant is first shown a set of 8 images for 2.5 sec each. They are allowed to look anywhere within the images being displayed. Following the set of images, they are instructed to view a screen with cross fixation point. This process of the 8 Image Set and Alternating Black-White screen is repeated 25 times, for a total task time of 12.5 min.
    4. finalCalibration -> A repeat of the previous task in firstCalibration, if required an additional time.
    5. attentionBiasTest -> A participant is instructed to view a cross fixation point for 0.5 sec. The screen will then switch to display two vertically stacked images for 2 sec, after which a small dot will be shown for 0.5 sec. This process of the fixation point, two images, and small dot will repeat 26 times for a total of 1.3 min.
  • shouldCollectSurveyInfo: Bool -> The app is able to collect basic demographic info for any participant using the app. Currently we collect the following fields: Age, Gender, and Eye Color.

  • requiresAuth -> If we have provided you with unique account login for each participant set this field to true, otherwise omit this from the SDK intialization.

  • databaseLocation -> Use this field if we have provided you with a custom databaseLocation for storage, otherwise omit this from the SDK initialization.

  • shouldUseFirebaseLogging -> If you would like to use Firebase for custom logging and reporting from inside the SDK set this to true. Otherwise omit this from the SDK Initialization. See the bottom of the Logging instruction for proper set up of Firebase/Crashlytics.

2. Display Container

Following initilization of the SDK variable, display the UI container with the following block in your hosting view: senseyeSDK.senseyeTabView()

3. Run Tasks

Once the view is diplayed the SDK will complete all required tasks, upload test session recordings, and trigger post-processing. Following upload of recordings the user will see a "Complete Session" button at which point it will be safe to close the hosting view. See the screenshot below:

Complete Session screenshot


The below is a simple app that initializes the SDK and displayed the UI in a hosting Swift UI view. From the initialization constructor, we define a single Calibration task to be completed.

import SwiftUI
import senseye_ios_sdk

@available(iOS 15.0, *)
struct Senseye_DemoApp: App {

    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    var senseyeSDK: SenseyeSDK = SenseyeSDK(userId: "senseye_diagnostic", taskIds: [.firstCalibration])
    let initialBrightness = UIScreen.main.brightness
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            EntryView(senseyeSDK: senseyeSDK)
        .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newScene in
            if newScene == .active {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    UIScreen.main.brightness = 1.0
                    UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
            } else {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {                
                    UIScreen.main.brightness = initialBrightness
                    UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = false

The SDK instance is injected into the initialization of EntryView, which conforms to the View protocol, and its var body simply returns senseyeTabView().

import SwiftUI
import senseye_ios_sdk

@available(iOS 15.0, *)
struct EntryView: View {

    var senseyeSDK: SenseyeSDK
    init(senseyeSDK: SenseyeSDK) {
        self.senseyeSDK = senseyeSDK

    var body: some View {


  • iOS 15.0 or later
  • Xcode 13.0 or later
  • Fully supported devices for post-processing -> iPhone 11 Pro Max or later

Unit Tests

To run the tests, ensure you have an iOS Simulator selected as your build destination, tests won't compile on macOS. To select a build destination, type control + shift + 0 and select a device. Run all tests with command + U or press command 6 to open the test naviagtor and select which tests you would like to run.


The Log enum found under the SDK is a convenience logger. To emit a log message, use appropriate method of Log.

Before emitting a log, 1) enable logging and 2) set a log level within scope. Log categories are: debug, info, warn, and error.

  1. Log levels control which category of logs are emitted. There are two methods to define log levels: The dynamicLogLevel variable is changeable at runtime and set inline with code. The level definable at build time is in the GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS build setting. There you can add a DD_LOG_LEVEL defined to the desired log level. Both levels have a default of DDLogLevelAll.

If you would like to incorporate Firebase crashyltics logs for calls from the SDK, please add your GoogleService-Info file to the top level of the project, and set shouldUseFirebaseLogging = true in the SDK initialization constructor.

Below is a screenshot for adding the Firebase initialization file to a sample app: google-services-instruction-sdk