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Environment Variables

Web Server Related

Most of the options controlling the webserver are optional and are provided for an additional level of configuration that may be required for unusual or complex environments.

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PORT - The port that the webapp is running on. defaults to 8080, commonly configured as 8251
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME - the internally resolveable hostname of the webapp. default is to try to automagically figure this out from the $SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL value but sometimes there can be a need to explicitly define this value.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PROTOCOL - The protocol that the webapp is available on. 'http' or 'https'
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL - the fully qualified PUBLIC address of the webapp address ie: http://my.webapp.domain:8251.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_API_PATH - The base path that CLIENT api requests are made to. In most cases changing this is unecessary but is allowed to be overridden for flexibility. This points to the built-in reverse proxy address by default, and the proxy provides the tunnel to the api server. defaults to /api
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_AUTH_PATH - the resolveable base path to forward admin area authentication requests to(if enabled). defaults to http://senzing-webapp:8080
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_MODE - options are JWT, or NONE. Setting to NONE will disable authentication checks for /admin paths. defaults to JWT
  • SENZING_API_SERVER_URL - The address and port of the Senzing API Server or Senzing POC Server resolveable from the Web App's runtime environment. If running in a container formation with a shared docker network it is recommended to use the API Server Container name ie: http://senzing-poc-server:8250. This is one of the most commonly mis-configured variables, the address must be resolveable from the webapp container. defaults to http://localhost:8250.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_STREAM_CLIENT_URL - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_SSL_CERT_PATH - The path to the SSL certificate file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.cert. (See SSL documentation in
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_SSL_KEY_PATH - The path to the SSL Key file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.key. (See SSL documentation in
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_VIRTUAL_PATH - If the webapp server is beng load-balanced using virtual directories set this value to the base url path. ie: your webapp server is publically available at set this value to /er/webapp.

Proxy/Reverse-Proxy Options

By default all client api and status requests are made to a reverse-proxy that then forwards the request to the defined API Server or POC Server in the configuration. The only required variable is the SENZING_API_SERVER_URL variable. The value of which needs to be the INTERNALLY resolveable address of the api server(the proxy server needs to be able to resolve this value to complete requests)

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PROXY_LOGLEVEL - The verbosity level that the reverse proxy uses for console/log output. options are debug | warn | error
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_HOSTNAME - The hostname of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "localhost"
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_PORT - The port of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "8080"
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_AUTH_PATH - the resolveable base path to forward admin area authentication requests to(if enabled). defaults to http://senzing-webapp:8080
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_PATH - The concatenation of SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_HOSTNAME and SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_PORT variables. The ability to override for special cases is provided and should be set to the resolveable base url that auth requests can be forwarded to, most commonly the name of the webapp container and port 8251 ie http://senzing-webapp:8251.
  • SENZING_API_SERVER_URL - The address and port of the Senzing API Server or Senzing POC Server resolveable from the Web App's runtime environment. If running in a container formation with a shared docker network it is recommended to use the API Server Container name ie: http://senzing-poc-server:8250. This is one of the most commonly mis-configured variables, the address must be resolveable from the webapp container. defaults to http://localhost:8250.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL - the fully qualified PUBLIC address of the webapp address ie: http://my.webapp.domain:8251.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_INTERNAL_URL - is used for setting the config base path when the internally resolveable url is different from what the client url resolves to ie: when running the webapp behind a gateway service the public address ie "" may not be available from inside the formation context ie "http://this-is-a-private-address:8569"
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_JWTPATH_REWRITE - paths starting with "/auth/jwt/*" are rewritten as the value of this variable before being passed on to $SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_PATH/jwt. you almost always do not want to override this but you can if you like suffering.
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_ADMIN_JWTPATH_REWRITE - Any request starting with "/admin/auth/jwt/*" will be re-written using this regex before being forwarded to "$SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_PATH". defaults to "/jwt/admin"
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_WRITE_CONFIG_TO_FILE - Write runtime configuration in JSON format to persistent locations. Proxy configuration written to /proxy.conf.json. This is used for debugging. CAUTION "WILL BREAK IMMUTABILITY"

Admin Area Security

The /admin area features a built-in token authentication mechanism by default. It can be disabled when running the webapp container behind an authentication gateway like cognito(recommended). The built-in mechanism is a minimal level of security and not recommended for production environments.

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_MODE - options are JWT or NONE. Setting to NONE will disable authentication checks for /admin paths. defaults to JWT
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_SECRET - secret used ot generate JWT token. defaults to autogenerated.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_SEED - seed value used to generate JWT token. defaults to autogenerated.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_OPERATOR_AUTH_MODE - authentication mode for non-admin users. options are JWT, or NONE. CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_OPERATOR_AUTH_REDIRECT - where to redirect unauthenticated non-admin users. defaults to SENZING_WEB_SERVER_VIRTUAL_PATH +"/login". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED

SQS Streaming Support

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_STREAM_CLIENT_URL - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.
  • SENZING_STREAM_SERVER_PORT - The port that the server is listening for web socket connections on to support SQS loading. defaults to 8255

CSP related

Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. Configuring Content Security Policy involves adding the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header to a web page and giving it values to control what resources the user agent is allowed to load for that page. see

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_DEFAULT_SRC - default src placed in the default-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_CONNECT_SRC - string placed in the connect-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_SCRIPT_SRC - string placed in to the script-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_IMG_SRC - string placed in to the img-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_STYLE_SRC - string placed in to the style-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_FONT_SRC - string placed in to the font-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.

CORS related

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN - if set specifies the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to provide non-local/non-container asynchonous javascript requests to resources located on the running webapp server. (useful for developing locally but connecting to a running containers api reverse proxy)

Command Line Switches

Web Server Related

Most of the options controlling the webserver are optional and are provided for an additional level of configuration that may be required for unusual or complex environments.

  • protocol - The protocol that the webapp is available on. 'http' or 'https'
  • webServerPortNumber - The port that the webapp is running on. defaults to 8080, commonly configured as 8251
  • webServerHostName - the internally resolveable hostname of the webapp. default is to try to automagically figure this out from the $webServerUrl value but sometimes there can be a need to explicitly define this value.
  • webServerUrl - the fully qualified PUBLIC address of the webapp address ie: http://my.webapp.domain:8251.
  • webServerApiPath - The base path that CLIENT api requests are made to. In most cases changing this is unecessary but is allowed to be overridden for flexibility. This points to the built-in reverse proxy address by default, and the proxy provides the tunnel to the api server. Like M.C. Hammer dont touch this. defaults to /api
  • webServerAuthPath - the resolveable base path to forward admin area authentication requests to(if enabled). defaults to http://senzing-webapp:8080
  • webServerAuthMode - The same as $adminAuthMode
  • apiServerUrl - The address and port of the Senzing API Server or Senzing POC Server resolveable from the Web App's runtime environment. If running in a container formation with a shared docker network it is recommended to use the API Server Container name ie: http://senzing-poc-server:8250. This is one of the most commonly mis-configured variables, the address must be resolveable from the webapp container. defaults to http://localhost:8250.
  • virtualPath - If the webapp server is beng load-balanced using virtual directories set this value to the base url path. ie: your webapp server is publically available at set this value to /er/webapp.
  • streamClientUrl - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.
  • sslCertPath - The path to the SSL certificate file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.cert. (See SSL documentation in
  • sslKeyPath - The path to the SSL Key file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.key. (See SSL documentation in

Proxy/Reverse-Proxy Related

By default all client api and status requests are made to a reverse-proxy that then forwards the request to the defined API Server or POC Server in the configuration. The only required variable is the SENZING_API_SERVER_URL variable. The value of which needs to be the INTERNALLY resolveable address of the api server(the proxy server needs to be able to resolve this value to complete requests)

  • proxyLogLevel - The verbosity level that the reverse proxy uses for console/log output. options are debug | warn | error
  • adminAuthPath -
  • apiServerUrl - The address and port of the Senzing API Server or Senzing POC Server resolveable from the Web App's runtime environment. If running in a container formation with a shared docker network it is recommended to use the API Server Container name ie: http://senzing-poc-server:8250. This is one of the most commonly mis-configured variables, the address must be resolveable from the webapp container. defaults to http://localhost:8250.
  • webServerUrl - the fully qualified PUBLIC address of the webapp address ie: http://my.webapp.domain:8251.
  • webServerInternalUrl - is used for setting the config base path when the internally resolveable url is different from what the client url resolves to ie: when running the webapp behind a gateway service the public address ie "" may not be available from inside the formation context ie "http://this-is-a-private-address:8569"
  • proxyJWTPathRewrite - paths starting with "/auth/jwt/*" are rewritten as the value of this variable before being passed on to $adminAuthPath/jwt. you almost always do not want to override this.
  • proxyAdminJWTPathRewrite - Any request starting with "/admin/auth/jwt/*" will be re-written using this regex before being forwarded to "$adminAuthPath". defaults to "/jwt/admin"
  • writeProxyConfigToFile - Write runtime configuration in JSON format to persistent locations. Proxy configuration written to /proxy.conf.json. This is used for debugging. CAUTION "WILL BREAK IMMUTABILITY"

Admin Related

The /admin area features a built-in token authentication mechanism by default. It can be disabled when running the webapp container behind an authentication gateway like cognito(recommended). The built-in mechanism is a minimal level of security and not recommended for production environments.

  • adminAuthMode - options are JWT, or NONE. Setting to NONE will disable authentication checks for /admin paths. defaults to JWT
  • adminAuthStatusUrl - defaults to virtualPath +"/admin/auth/jwt/status"
  • adminAuthRedirectOnFailure - boolean whether or not to redirect unathenticated admin user on status check rejection.
  • adminAuthRedirectUrl - where to redirect unauthenticated admin users. defaults to virtualPath +"/admin/login"
  • operatorAuthMode - authentication mode for non-admin users. options are JWT,or NONE. CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • operatorAuthStatusUrl - defaults to $virtualPath +"/auth/jwt/status". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • operatorAuthRedirectUrl - where to redirect unauthenticated non-admin users. defaults to $virtualPath +"/login". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • authServerPortNumber - The port of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "8080"
  • authServerHostName - The hostname of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "localhost"
  • adminAuthSecret - secret used ot generate JWT token. defaults to autogenerated.
  • adminAuthToken - override the token pre-crypt randomly generated value.
  • operatorAuthSecret - secret value to use in token crypt for non-admin users.
  • operatorAuthStatusUrl - defaults to $virtualPath +"/auth/jwt/status". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • operatorAuthToken - override the token pre-crypt randomly generated value for non-admin users.

SQS Streaming Support

  • streamClientUrl - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.
  • streamServerPort - The port that the server is listening for web socket connections on to support SQS loading. defaults to 8255

CSP related

Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. Configuring Content Security Policy involves adding the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header to a web page and giving it values to control what resources the user agent is allowed to load for that page. see

  • webServerCspDefaultSrc - default src placed in the default-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy tag in the main SPA page.
  • webServerCspConnectSrc - string placed in the connect-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy tag in the main SPA page.
  • webServerCspScriptSrc - string placed in to the script-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • webServerCspImgSrc - string placed in to the img-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • webServerCspStyleSrc - string placed in to the style-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • webServerCspFontSrc - string placed in to the font-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.

CORS related

  • corsAllowedOrigin - if set specifies the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to provide non-local/non-container asynchonous javascript requests to resources located on the running webapp server. (useful for developing locally but connecting to a running containers api reverse proxy)
  • corsSuccessResponseCode - defaults to 200
  • corsFailureResponseCode - defaults to 401
  • streamServerPort - The port that the server is listening for web socket connections on to support SQS loading. defaults to 8255
  • streamClientUrl - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.

All Environment Variables

  • SENZING_API_SERVER_URL - The address and port of the Senzing API Server or Senzing POC Server resolveable from the Web App's runtime environment. If running in a container formation with a shared docker network it is recommended to use the API Server Container name ie: http://senzing-poc-server:8250. This is one of the most commonly mis-configured variables, the address must be resolveable from the webapp container. defaults to http://localhost:8250.
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_ADMIN_JWTPATH_REWRITE - Any request starting with "/admin/auth/jwt/*" will be re-written using this regex before being forwarded to "$SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_PATH". defaults to "/jwt/admin"
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_HOSTNAME - The hostname of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "localhost"
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_JWTPATH_REWRITE - paths starting with "/auth/jwt/*" are rewritten as the value of this variable before being passed on to $SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_PATH/jwt. you almost always do not want to override this but you can if you like suffering.
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_PORT - The port of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "8080"
  • SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_WRITE_CONFIG_TO_FILE - Write runtime configuration in JSON format to persistent locations. Proxy configuration written to /proxy.conf.json. This is used for debugging. CAUTION "WILL BREAK IMMUTABILITY"
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_API_PATH - The base path that CLIENT api requests are made to. In most cases changing this is unecessary but is allowed to be overridden for flexibility. This points to the built-in reverse proxy address by default, and the proxy provides the tunnel to the api server. defaults to /api
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_MODE - options are JWT, or NONE. Setting to NONE will disable authentication checks for /admin paths. defaults to JWT
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_PATH - The concatenation of SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_HOSTNAME and SENZING_AUTH_SERVER_PORT variables. The ability to override for special cases is provided and should be set to the resolveable base url that auth requests can be forwarded to, most commonly the name of the webapp container and port 8251 ie http://senzing-webapp:8251.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_AUTH_REDIRECT - where to redirect unauthenticated admin users. defaults to SENZING_WEB_SERVER_VIRTUAL_PATH +"/admin/login"
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_SECRET - secret used ot generate JWT token. defaults to autogenerated.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_ADMIN_SEED - seed value used to generate JWT token. defaults to autogenerated.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_AUTH_PATH - the resolveable base path to forward admin area authentication requests to(if enabled). defaults to http://senzing-webapp:8080
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN - if set specifies the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to provide non-local/non-container asynchonous javascript requests to resources located on the running webapp server. (useful for developing locally but connecting to a running containers api reverse proxy)
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_DEFAULT_SRC - default src placed in the default-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_CONNECT_SRC - string placed in the connect-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_FONT_SRC - string placed in to the font-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_IMG_SRC - string placed in to the img-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_SCRIPT_SRC - string placed in to the script-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_CSP_STYLE_SRC - string placed in to the style-src namespace in the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in the main SPA page.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME - the internally resolveable hostname of the webapp. default is to try to automagically figure this out from the $SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL value but sometimes there can be a need to explicitly define this value.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_INTERNAL_URL - is used for setting the config base path when the internally resolveable url is different from what the client url resolves to ie: when running the webapp behind a gateway service the public address ie "" may not be available from inside the formation context ie "http://this-is-a-private-address:8569"
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_OPERATOR_AUTH_MODE - authentication mode for non-admin users. options are JWT, or NONE. CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_OPERATOR_AUTH_REDIRECT - where to redirect unauthenticated non-admin users. defaults to SENZING_WEB_SERVER_VIRTUAL_PATH +"/login". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PORT - The port that the webapp is running on. defaults to 8080, commonly configured as 8251
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PROTOCOL - The protocol that the webapp is available on. 'http' or 'https'
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PROXY_LOGLEVEL - The verbosity level that the reverse proxy uses for console/log output. options are debug | warn | error
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_SSL_CERT_PATH - The path to the SSL certificate file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.cert. (See SSL documentation in
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_SSL_KEY_PATH - The path to the SSL Key file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.key. (See SSL documentation in
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_STREAM_CLIENT_URL - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL - the fully qualified PUBLIC address of the webapp address ie: http://my.webapp.domain:8251.
  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_VIRTUAL_PATH - If the webapp server is beng load-balanced using virtual directories set this value to the base url path. ie: your webapp server is publically available at set this value to /er/webapp.
  • SENZING_STREAM_SERVER_PORT - The port that the server is listening for web socket connections on to support SQS loading. defaults to 8255

All Command Line Switches

  • adminAuthMode - options are JWT or NONE. Setting to NONE will disable authentication checks for /admin paths. defaults to JWT
  • adminAuthPath - The concatenation of authServerHostName and authServerPortNumber variables. The ability to override for special cases is provided and should be set to the resolveable base url that auth requests can be forwarded to, most commonly the name of the webapp container and port 8251 ie http://senzing-webapp:8251.
  • adminAuthRedirectOnFailure - boolean whether or not to redirect unathenticated admin user on status check rejection.
  • adminAuthRedirectUrl - where to redirect unauthenticated admin users. defaults to virtualPath +"/admin/login"
  • adminAuthSecret - secret used ot generate JWT token. defaults to autogenerated.
  • adminAuthStatusUrl - defaults to virtualPath +"/admin/auth/jwt/status"
  • adminAuthToken - override the token pre-crypt randomly generated value.
  • apiServerUrl - The address and port of the Senzing API Server or Senzing POC Server resolveable from the Web App's runtime environment. If running in a container formation with a shared docker network it is recommended to use the API Server Container name ie: http://senzing-poc-server:8250. This is one of the most commonly mis-configured variables, the address must be resolveable from the webapp container. defaults to http://localhost:8250.
  • authServerHostName - The hostname of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "localhost"
  • authServerPortNumber - The port of the server to check for admin authentication(if configured). defaults to "8080"
  • corsAllowedOrigin - if set specifies the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to provide non-local/non-container asynchonous javascript requests to resources located on the running webapp server. (useful for developing locally but connecting to a running containers api reverse proxy)
  • corsFailureResponseCode - defaults to 401
  • corsSuccessResponseCode - defaults to 200
  • operatorAuthMode - authentication mode for non-admin users. options are JWT,or NONE. CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • operatorAuthRedirectUrl - where to redirect unauthenticated non-admin users. defaults to $virtualPath +"/login". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • operatorAuthSecret - secret value to use in token crypt for non-admin users.
  • operatorAuthStatusUrl - defaults to $virtualPath +"/auth/jwt/status". CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
  • operatorAuthToken - override the token pre-crypt randomly generated value for non-admin users.
  • protocol - The protocol that the webapp is available on. 'http' or 'https'
  • proxyAdminJWTPathRewrite - Any request starting with "/admin/auth/jwt/*" will be re-written using this regex before being forwarded to "$adminAuthPath". defaults to "/jwt/admin"
  • proxyJWTPathRewrite - paths starting with "/auth/jwt/*" are rewritten as the value of this variable before being passed on to $adminAuthPath/jwt. you almost always do not want to override this.
  • proxyLogLevel - The verbosity level that the reverse proxy uses for console/log output. options are debug | warn | error
  • sslCertPath - The path to the SSL certificate file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.cert. (See SSL documentation in
  • sslKeyPath - The path to the SSL Key file. defaults to /run/secrets/server.key. (See SSL documentation in
  • streamClientUrl - this is the CLIENT URL to open up Web Socket requests to and not the internally resolvable value. ie: ws://my.fully.qualified.domain:8255/app/ws. This will be automagically set from a number of other variables but sometimes it can be necessary to explicitly define this variable if not being set correctly.
  • streamServerPort - The port that the server is listening for web socket connections on to support SQS loading. defaults to 8255
  • webServerApiPath - The base path that CLIENT api requests are made to. In most cases changing this is unecessary but is allowed to be overridden for flexibility. This points to the built-in reverse proxy address by default, and the proxy provides the tunnel to the api server. defaults to /api
  • webServerAuthPath - the resolveable base path to forward admin area authentication requests to(if enabled). defaults to http://senzing-webapp:8080
  • webServerAuthMode - The same as $adminAuthMode
  • webServerHostName - the internally resolveable hostname of the webapp. default is to try to automagically figure this out from the $webServerUrl value but sometimes there can be a need to explicitly define this value.
  • webServerInternalUrl - is used for setting the config base path when the internally resolveable url is different from what the client url resolves to ie: when running the webapp behind a gateway service the public address ie "" may not be available from inside the formation context ie "http://this-is-a-private-address:8569"
  • webServerPortNumber - The port that the webapp is running on. defaults to 8080, commonly configured as 8251
  • webServerUrl - the fully qualified PUBLIC address of the webapp address ie: http://my.webapp.domain:8251.
  • writeProxyConfigToFile - Write runtime configuration in JSON format to persistent locations. Proxy configuration written to /proxy.conf.json. This is used for debugging. CAUTION "WILL BREAK IMMUTABILITY"
  • virtualPath - If the webapp server is beng load-balanced using virtual directories set this value to the base url path. ie: your webapp server is publically available at set this value to /er/webapp.