All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, markdownlint, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.10.3
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.10.1
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.7.1
- fixed issue #117 add deprecated commands back in to support upgrades from Senzing version 2.x
- fixed issue #112 where importFromFile did not trigger config updated flag
- Code has been refactored
- added support for ...
- behavior overrides
- comparison thresholds
- clone generic plans
- issues: #106, #98, #97,#95, #86, #76, #30
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.5.2
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.5.0
- Added A1 behaviors to templates
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.3.1
- In
, updated FROM instruction tosenzing/senzingapi-tools:3.3.0
- In
, bump fromsenzing/senzing-base:1.6.8
- Support for
- Alter the G2IniParams import, after it was removed from the SDK.
- Migrate Dockerfile from docker-g2configtool to this repository
- Support SenzingAPI 3.0.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 2.8.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 2.6.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 2.5.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 2.2.1
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 2.1.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 2.0.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.15.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.14.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.13.3
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.13.2
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.13.1
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.13.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.12.2
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.12.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.11.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.10.4
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.10.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.9.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.8.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.7.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.6.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.5.0
- Shipped with SenzingAPI 1.2.0